HoustonChronicleLife&Entertainment Houston Chronicle | Sunday, July 19,2015 |HoustonChronicle.com and Chron.com @HoustonChron Section G 777 ZEST ‘MotownIt’s allabout the music in’ Joan Marcus Krisha Marcano,fromleft,Allison Semmes and Trisha Jeffrey star in first national tour of “Motown, The Musical.” INSIDE TwoHoustonians star in the ensembletouring production By Joey Guerra Jr.Both grewuphere and have been What do these with the tour since it kickedofflast HSPVA grads Motown —the label, the music, year. the movement—made superstars “Every time we do this show, miss about out of Diana Ross, Smokey Robinson there’s something Ilearn about the Houston? and MichaelJackson. TwoHouston powerofMotown —the artists, Ashley Támar Davis: nativesare hoping “Motown: The the songwriters, from the secretar- Family, home cooking Musical”will put them on the map, ies to Mr.Gordy,”Davis says.“The and Houston’sartsscene. as well. common threadisthey hadadesire Jarvis Manning Broadway’s “Motown”extends to merge the gapbetween races and Jr.:Whataburger— theater’s recentspate of “juke- cultures.” and CreamBurgerfor box” musicals, showsbuilt Davis is bestknown by her strawberry shakes. on pop catalogs. In this case, stagename,Támar.She sang the unifying factor is not a THEATER the leadvocals with Prince particular singer or group, on his Grammy-nominated but arecord producer.With song “Beautiful, Loved Gordy tells book by BerryGordy, based and Blessed.” Shealso on his autobiography, the show collaborated with Tyler his story in chronicles Gordy’sfounding and Perryonseveral “Madea” operation of the Motown record stageplays. amemoir label, and includescovers of the Shewas in the group manyMotown hits, performed by an Girl’s Tyme with Beyoncé, Berry Gordywanted JARVIS Motowntobea ensemble cast. KellyRowland and LeToya MANNING JR. family, according to his Theshow, opening Tuesdayat Luckett, appearing with autobiography. the HobbyCenter,features Ashley them on “Star Search,” but left Page G12 Támar Davis and Jarvis Manning “Motown”continuesonG12 ASHLEY TÁMAR DAVIS GLORYDAYSOFPAUL BOESCH’S ‘HOUSTON WRESTLING’NOW ONLINE KEN HOFFMAN near the Galleria, unhitching the fans in the frontrow thatTideis Commentary small U-Haul thatheld all of my particularly effective at getting possessions and driving straight bloodstains out of clothes. to the Sam Houston Coliseum Unreleased and assumed for Houston Wrestling.The lostvideos from the glory main eventhad the Rock ’n’Roll years of legendarypromoter Express pretty boys facing the Paul Boeschand “Houston lowdown, nasty Sheepherders Wrestling”broadcasts are now in avicious Barbed Wire Texas available for the firsttime via Death Match. an online paynetworkcalled I’dnever seen amatch like NWAClassics.com. We’retalk- Wrestling fans finallywill thatinmylife.All four wres- ing 1,500 matches, screaming getthe chance to experience tlers were bleeding like“The interviews,some pretty weird what Ifelt in 1986 —the dayI Texas ChainsawMassacre.” The commercials and other material gottoHouston. sold-out crowd went berserk. I from the mid ’60s to 1986. Iremember pulling my Maz- hadalwaysreadabout Houston Boeschbrought in the biggest da station wagon into the Holi- Wrestling,and nowIwas in the stars of wrestling,and paid dayInn parking lot on Loop 610 balcony, resisting the urge to tell HoffmancontinuesonG12 Invest in yourself and open doors to abetter future! 2years here +2years anywhere =4-year degree for less Save thousands when you attend 2years at Lone Star College plus 2years at any university. Best of all,we’re close to home and offer flexible schedules. Get trained. Get hired. Ready to work now? Our students get hands-on training and skills that employers want in high- demand fields,including energy,manufacturing, healthcare and computer technology. Classes, training and your future start August 24. Register today. Open Doors LoneStar.edu/Now Created on Adobe Document Server 2.0 G2 | Sunday, July 19,2015 | Houston Chronicle | HoustonChronicle.com and chron.com xxx ZEST Arts Editor, [email protected] @RobertaMacInnis HoustonChronicleLife&Entertainment LIFE’S PASSAGES Gary Coronado photos /HoustonChronicle Lynn Lasher,founder of Somebody’sMother’s Chocolate Sauce,looksoverjarsather newfacility in Houston. Each jar of Somebody’sMother’s displays aquote aboutmothersoraquotefromafamous mother on its lid. SOMEBODY’SMOTHER’S celebrates 10th anniversary of chocolate-sauce launch By Amber Elliott hood grocerystore.He Mother’s. to eating it right out of the wasgiving out samples Hersmall operation jar with aspoon. Tenyears ago, Lynn of his homemade salsa. movedfrom the family’s “It’sfunnybecause any- Lasher wasrunning in Lasher askedhow he kitchen to arental space one whoknewmegrow- circles. managedtotranslate the with Henry’sDream ing up would saythatI At least, that’swhather idea from his headinto Distributors. Lasher re- wasamajor athlete and daughter told her. aproduct on the shelf. centlymovedintoher own wanted to be outside,”she “Itwas April of 2005 Based on his advice,she industrial-grade kitchen. says.“Iplayedtennis, golf thatIwentjogging with started Somebody’sMoth- The2,400-square-foot and swam. ButIwas not my oldestdaughter in er’s Chocolate Sauce the facility has an unassum- known for my cooking.” Memorial Park,” Lasher following Monday, with ing storefrontnext to a Thejourney hasn’t been said. “Out of nowhere, $5,000.She sold the firsT Whataburgerinthe Lazy- all smooth sailing,and Reese looked up at me and jars of chocolate sauce brook/Timbergrove area. Lasher plans to commem- said, ‘Mom, you’re literally —named for her mother Today, her choco- orate the 10th-anniversary running in circles.’ whoprovided the original Lasher started her companywith$5,000 aftershe late sauce is stockedin milestone by completing “I wasasingle recipe —from the wasfiredfromamutual fund. Shebegan sellingher hundreds of specialty abook chronicling the mother,I’d been back of her car. sauce from thebackofher car.Now,she’s writinga food stores in 42 states. manymistakes shemade fired from my job, “WheneverI book commemoratingher journey. Lasher has fiveemploy- along the way. In spite of and Iwanted to SELF ran into some- ees and recentlyhired a setbacks,the entrepre- teach my chil- STARTER one Iknew, I national sales managerto neurial mom achieved dren to neverbe would give them of specialty foods. He took shewas able to come to markeTThe six all-natural, her goal of teaching her victims.” asample and ask one look at her packaging our stores for demos and gluten-free flavors: milk children howtosupport Lasher had for feedback. Iwas and ordered 20 cases. meet customers.” chocolate,white chocolate, themselves. been part of the firsT selling chocolate sauce “Wetry to support Afew months later, caramel, darkchocolate, “I’mmostproud thaT graduating class of Rice at hair salons and parking local companies as much Central Market came island and praline.Local twoofmythree children University’sJesse H. Jones lots,” shelaughs. “Every as we can,” says Silver- calling for Somebody’s catering guruRuth Meric already have their own GraduateSchool of Busi- night,Iwould report back man. “She came with the concocted the lasTThree. businesses, and the third ness. Butafter being fired to my children, ‘so-and- product, and it’s obviously Althoughher website probablywill, too,” she from amutual fund, she so’s grandmother bought acute,catchyname and What areyou lists several ways to use says.“That,and Istill geT couldn’t even secure ajob twojars!’” hadcute,catchysayings celebrating? the topping —overice akickout of watching folding ties at aluxury In November thatsame on the packaging.But it’s Letusknowabout your cream, as adip for fruiT someone trymysauce for boutique. year,she met with Scott ahigh-quality product, for milestones. Send story or in vodka martinis — the firsTTime.” That spring,she met Silverman, Rice Epicure- sure.Her being local was ideas forLife’sPassagesto Lasher confides thatmosT RayGarcia in aneighbor- an Markets’ vice presidenT anice storytotell —and [email protected]. of her customers confess [email protected] Season Sponsor ©Disney LIVE ON STAGE! She Deserves The Best! Save up to 65%! r. ,J Mingo ennett eB Alan ruc and yB riel ob sA Phot èa ov tian. Gr sica Sebas Jes as SEPTEMBER 10 –13 HOUSTON'S MOST TRUSTED JEWELER SINCE 1953 TUTS.COM713.558.TUTS 9521 WESTHEIMER 713-784-1000 •www.HoustonJewelry.com xxx Houston Chronicle | HoustonChronicle.com and chron.com | Sunday, July 19,2015 | G3 ZEST DISTINCTIVE DINING, ENTERTAINMENT &HOSPITALITY! FIREWORKS Hiram Butler Gallery Drew Bacon’s “Stutter and Spill 5,” acollage on paper,isamongworks on viewatHiram Butler Gallery. FRIDAY NIGHTS IN JULY9:30PM Come early foraGreat Ayoung artistmakes a View and LateNight splashwith his firstshow Specials from 9:30 to close! By MollyGlentzer ArtistDrewBacon in frontofhis video What are the chances “Stutter and Spill” thata26-year-old artist, even averytalented one,would be givenhis Hisfamilywasn’t pres- 215KIPP AVE, KEMAH, TX 77565 firstsolo show at the suring him, he said, “but 281-535-8100 venerable Hiram Butler Itry to treatmyworkthe KEMAHBOARDWALK.COM Gallery, whose stable of waythey treattheir work.” A-listartists includesthe Hisparents must have luminaries James Turrell always known he’d be and MichaelPetry? an artist. “Mydad would And howoften do yoU explain real estate stuff to sell out anyshow, Butler me when Iwas growing wasasked. “Never.” up.We’dlook at amap, That has been the and he’d say, ‘It’sjustlike amazing good fortune of apainting,’” Bacon
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