The Rockland Gazette. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON bY VOSE & PORTER. Having in Type.an^ 2 I O Main Street. to which we are constantly m ating 'adtlttlonb; w e are prepared t« execute witli promptness and. good style every variety qC Printing including T E It M 8 : Town Reports, C?aialoghc8, BJ - Laws If paid strictly in advance—per annum, $2.00. Posters, Shop B ills, Hand RH1»> Pro­ If payment is delayed 6 months, 2.25. If not paid till the close of the year, 2.50. grammes, Circulars, BilL. Beads, «jr*Xcw subscriber are expected to make the first Letter Heads, Law and Corpor­ payment in udvauce. ation Blanks, Receipts* Bills : No paper will bo discontinued until ALI of Lading, Business, Ad­ r e a r g e s are paid, unless at the option of the publish dress and Wedding Cards, Tags, t the office and L abels, V O L U M E 31. ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1876. N O . 44. &<•., J. R. rOKTKB. PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZINO will receive prompt attention... ‘‘ Sometimes the neighbors condoled with anything. What had I better do? go with it that she paid him fifty thousand dol­ are equally asclieap. W ithin five years Jackson’s Catarrh Snuff $avm, fedcuggam r. rules: First, it is very important to fiav»rt her, but Mrs. Arnold would say, “ Matthew thro u g h college? ” lars for it, now she wants him to live Eng­ tlie attention of foreign buyers lias been AND TROCHE POWDER, never made a thing I couldn’t use. There land, buf I don’t know, ’said Martin with good pastures, with plenty of good running Kate laughed at the tone drawn to this fact, and the export trade, A DELIGHTFUL AND PLEASANT REMEDY IN is the chill'll now, I use it to pul, meal in, “ Going to college isn’t so easy, James, laudable candor, “ weather he will or not.” water, in order to get good milk, without Catarrh. Hvatlarhr. Itatl Rrealli, Hoaraeneait, T H E S E E D . and it’s just the nicest thing you over see hut you can help your mother and fix the Kate smiled at the conclusion, but was small at first, is beginning to assume a B r ie f a rticles suggeHtions, and results of expel which no one need try to make fine butter Asthma. Bronchitis, Couch". DeafncM, Ac., position of importance. Our news, elating to Fan 1, Garden or Household laanngt 'or cheese. The next in order is, the milk­ And ull Disorder" rcuulliug from COLDS In for tiiat. Tlie olil clock I could’t get along fences; and James, will you promise me “ curus ” enough to ask Air. Gary the next T. e farmer planted a seed, without. 1 keep my blankets in it, and tile one thing? ” she saw him : book and manilla papers are now selling re invited from our readers interested in such m:i ing should he done in the neatest possible HEAD, TIIKOAT ami VOCAL ORGANS. A little, dry, black seed; other woolens. Never a mouse gets at “ Anything, Kate,’’lie answered. “ What is this I hear about James Arn- freely in South America, and Spain. manner. The milk room should be con­ Thin ltNiw.lv doc" not " D ry u p ” a Catarrh h And oil'he went to other work, LOOSENS it i free the head of all oflcnaivc mall, them. You have no idea what it is to “ Pshaw!’’she exclaimed. “ I have al­ nold’s going to Europe? ” Germany, and oilier European States. KURAL TOPICS. structed so as to have the proper tempera­ quickly removing Bad Breath and Headache; alia; For tlie fanner was never, known to shirk, ture at all times. The milk should l>e aid soot lies the burning lieat in Catarrh; is have a husband so handy to make things. ways noticed that people so ready to prom­ Mr. Gray laughed heartily. And eared for what he had need. Bank note aud board papers are going skimmed at the proper time for butter; the m ild and agreeable in its effects that it positively But tlie time came when Mallicw ise seldom perform.” “ So you have heard that little romance I W ritten for the iazette by T . B. M in e to Japan, Russia, Italy and Austria. churning also should he dore at the proper CURES WITHOUT SNEEZING! The night came in with its dew, went tlie way of all the earth, ami Mrs. “ Try me, Kate: what is it? ” He has not gone to Europe.” N . J ., for m any ye irs Editor of the Ih u I‘late papers for engravings are going time ami at the proper temperature, and Asa Troche Powder, is pleasant to the taste, ai The cool and silent dew; Arnold still lived in tlie little house, and “ It is this. Leave off inventing (very “ Then it is all untrue,” said Kate. and one o f the nv never nauseates; when swallowed, instantly gives The dawn came anil the day, continued to do so up to tlie present, which scornfully) until—” “ Not all,” he replied. “ He has invent­ to England, as well as many of the or­ aud fruit growers never churned too long. And after the th e Throat a n d Vocal Organs a L’d States.] And the farmer worked away brings us to the time when James Henry “ What? ” lie broke iu eagerly. ed a machine—just what, I cannot say, I dinary variclcs, and a sale of ledger butter conies from the churn, it should be Delicious Sensation of Coolness feComfort bought his jackknife. handled just as little as possible—just suffi­ At labors not a few. Ilis ready compliance irritated her. know so little about such things; hut it is and fine writing papers is just spring­ SHOEING HORSES. It i» the best'.I'oirr Tunic in the world! Tlie first few weeks after his new acqui­ “ Until you have learned to spell Kate. I patented and highly spoken of. In fact, I cient to remove the butter-milk, work ing up, which has an extremely satis­ A writer on shoeing horses, makes the Try I t! Safe, Reliable, and only 35 Cent Home from bis work one day, sition, the only result was great piles of suppose that enough to expect of you. suposc our friend is on his road to fortune. in the salt, &c.” factory outlook. following remarks on overreaching: “ I Sold by Druggists, or mailed free, address One glowing summer day; shavings, and his mother said she never But I must go. Mother will wonder at my i He deserves success, for he has perscveie 1 These rules combine, however, hut a COOPER, WILSON & CO., Prop’s, Phil believe there arc few blacksmiths that know Ilis children showed him a perfeet flower, liad so easy a time keeping fires. Ere long absence,” and still wearing the scornfulj under difficulties that would have diseour- The change in tlie trade now going on small portion of the minutia of butter- W. W. Whipple A Co., Portland, Me.; < how to shoe horses that overreach, and some* It had burst its bloom that very hour, however his devotion to his knife precluded look. she turned and was walking away. aged almost any other. Only to think, is exhibited by the figures, showing tlie making. After the butter is made, a great C. Goodwin A Co., Weeks & Porter, Rust that do not seem willing to learn. Others Bros., 4c Bird, Boston, W holesale Agents. How, I cannot say. « employment, and Mrs. Arnold mentally “ Please, Kate, take the box, do; ” he said twenty he could scarcely read or spell, and exports and imports of paper for tlie deal depends tin the kind of vessels it is pat think again that there is no better remedy 9ino24 wished he was not so handy, lie was the so earnestly and gently that Kate took it at twenty-five he is a graduate of college years ending June 30 since 1868, when in. Oak tubs and iirkins are best; and But I know if this smallest seed than making the shoes shorter, ami placing veriest dunce that ever vexed a teacher; and said impulsively: and a successful inventor.” there must he perfect cleanliness and purity In the soil o f love be cast, tlie export trade was revived. They the forward one on the toe, and the hinder but as he gratuitously furnished the “ You have the best disposition I ever “Js it possible?” cried Kate. in everything pertaining to it. Both day and night will do their part, arc as follows: one on the heel of the horse. They need scholars with tops, water wheels, and knew of, James. But then, ” she added “ Certainly. No one has been informed And the sower who works with a trusting to understand that there is a better way, DISEASED POULTRY. pointers, he was in high favor with them. sneeringly, “ You havn’t any pride.” except his mother and myself, for I suspect­ and horse owners should make note of it. H aifa century of experience in breeding Impervious alike to coaxing and ridicule, “ No, ” he said, “ I suppose not.” ed he wished to astonish some one bv his I W rit’/: I Urnt’g! W ill find the fiowe I last. The following rule I think is a very good poultry extensively convinces me that it lie seemed perfectly content to lie forever Then, with a rare witchery of m anner,, success.” jpaper- | paper.) T«tal.
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