s Ca/ rttia State Library 5acrenentc 9, Ctlift rnia FO 1 Vet Forms Due Cal Vet Vouchers Today is the deadline for %et- Thirty (al yetis hint- not turn- ers** to sign monthly attend- ed in October attendance vouch- ance forms, accoriliiik to Korean "INC Vets Office. Failure to file On According to Miss Edith time will result in delay of sub- (rases, cashier, Friday N 1411 the sistence checks. deadline. Any souctsers submit- ted after this date will result in late subsistence checks. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE VOL 46 41110 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1958 NO. 26 Pope John XXIII Now Heads Catholic World SOAKING UP KNOWLEDGE Send- Home Followers Hear Blessing 'Daily' Sale Bestowed by New Leader Compiled from United Press International - Toda Thousands gathered in St. Peters Square, Rome, yesterday to ' Ends hear Angelo Cardinal Roncalli declared 262nd pope o the Roman Voters Will Shrink Today is the last day for the Catholic Church and its half billion followers. sale of Spartan Daily send-home Cries of "vava il pape" were roared by the crowd as the 76- umber o editions. Anyone who hasn't pick- year-old successor to Pope Pius XII appeared to deliver his first pon- ed up a copy yet rsay do so in tifical blessing to the people of Rome and the world. In Queen Contest the Library arch until 3:30, ac- Coronation of the new Pope, who has chosen the title of John ' The field of 30 Homecoming cording to Editor J. P. vanEttin- XXIII, probably will take place Queen candidates will he nar- ger. Nov. 9, Vatican sources predicted. rowed to 10 hy tomorrow's stu- The send -home Daily has met A "darichorse" candidate, the dent body soling. with considerable student response. election of Pope John XXIII may Polls will be located in the vanEttinger said, an. the special and by the south mailing envelopes "hive gone over have been a compromise, accord- Inner Quad door of the Speech and Drama very well." Ile said yesterday that ing to Father John Duryea, mod- Building. Boothe will be open the extra five cents for the en- erator of the WS Newman Club. from it:30 a.m. until 330 p.m. velopes includes postage, but only Because of the Pope's age, his "Since the queen is to repre- to points in the United States and reign may not be long, Father sent the entire student body, we its possessions. hope that a large number of He was gratified by the fact Duryea pointed out. It should, students vote in this election." . that copies are being sent to places however, give him time to bring Joyce koulion, queen committee Come what may, Senior Dave Davidson continues to Study. The sueh as Iran, the Philippines and the College of Cardinals back to chairman. commented. site is B25. where a broken line caused the foundation and floor Ireland. "I'm very happy to see to sink. According to Vick C. Janeen, chief engineer, the broken its authorized strength of 70 mem- Each balloter may vote for 10 the wide appeal our paper has cre- water line, which caused some classes to be transferred tempor- KOED Features bers from its present low of 53. women, according to Miss Row- arily to Morris Dailey Auditorium, is expected to be completed ated" vanEttinger sad, "and I'm son. today. The other line breakage was below the walkway between impressed with our 'worldwide' MANY APPOINTMENTS Pietures of the 30 candidates the Women's Gym and the Home Economics Building. 'Classic Corner' circulation." In commenting on the election will be displayed :it each poll- Spartafoto by Dave Batchelor Today's KOED programing Price of the special Daily is ten to4 of the new spiritual leader of the ing place. gets under way at 12:30 with 15 cents, with the special envelopes Catholic world, Father Ihiryea *- minutes of news and sports, to five cents extra. CARDINAL RONCALLI be followed by a half-hour show Members of the SJS chapter of ... now Pope John XXIII prophesied Pope John XXIII will Book Talk Reviews "wed Weekly "classic Corner." Sigma Delta Chi, men's profes- make many appointments to se- Modern Postpones variations on old U.S. clas- sional journalistic fraternity, are condary executive positions. Seidenberg 'Inquiry' Today sic themes will be featured. Mo- manning the stand. The papers dern favorites like -Stranger in sold during the day also are being ,ASB Church executives will he giv- Paradise.," and "I'm Always onsiders science, psychology, sociology, an- mailed out the same evening, van- en increased power, he predicted, to Russ Whence Man' Reply Chasing will lie Ettinger said. book talk scheduled to thropology, philosophy and his- thus relleqing the Pope of manly Today's played, along with the classic By United Press International tory," according to a review in At- ef Pope be presented in rooms A and B pieces from which Favors work. The n John they were Card of the Cafeteria at 12:30 p.m. by lantic Monthly. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. The taken. Alex Zanini will emcee Student Council is expected to XXIII was used Merl than 500 Dr. John J. Meryman, assistant The review noted that Seiden- United States put off replying to the show, which is directed by Sales Engineer discuss further today the proposal years ago. professor of psychology, will open berg categorizes future man as a Russia's "categorical" rejection of Doug Coleman. to give honorary ASB cards to Seiden- "depersonalized automan" in a However, John the Westet n offer to suspend nu- for discussion Roderick the previous or- other college ASB officers and to berg's "Post -Historic Man: An In- "flawless encompassing world To Discuss Radio clear weapons tests for a year be. Religious Council members. XXIII is regarded by most Cath- quiry." which attempts to trace ganization." ginning Friday. ASB Pres. Dick Robinson said olic historians as an anti -Pope In the historical development of The hook, according to Dr. Dusel Launches At SJS Tonight the idea is a good one, for some an era when a wide split occurred man's collectivism. Meryman, interprets history and Religious Council members and between Church factions. LANDS SAFELY Book talks are a weekly event tory and the historical progress Milton Seymour, sales engineer ASB officers of other schools have LOS ANGELES--A DC-6 pas- sponsored by the library sub- of man in terms of organization, for Lenkurt Electric Co., will be The son of a North Italian brought an estimated 'Yes on 3' Day had difficulty getting into SJS ac- senger plane committee, headed by Dr. Ezek- looking at the future status of guest speaker at the sharecropper, the new Pope served Honolulu to Institute of tivities. 98 persons safely from iel Bogosian, professor of Eng- social man as related to the Dr. William J. Dusel, SJS vice for 27 years as a successful Vati- after one Radio Engineers meeting tonight If these persons were to carry Los Angeles yesterday lish. trend toward social organization. president. yesterday expressed con- can diplomat, but was known al- 300 miles at 8 in S164. with them these cards they would engine was feathered Students and faculty are invited Next week, Elmo A. Robinson, fidence that Proposition 3 will be ways as a bishop at heart. not be inconvenienced by having to from shore. to attend the talks and bring their former head of the Philosophy De- endorsed "by all Californians who Topic for the meeting will be identify themselevs at these func- Pope John XXIII VMS ordained lunch. partment, will review "Philosophy appreciate the potential dangers "Carrier and Microwave Radio tions, Robinson contends. a priest in the Rome Church of IKE SPEAKS FRIDAY Seidenberg, an architect, dis- of American Education" by Dr. as well as the countless benefits Equipment for Transmission of The matter was discussed last Santa Maria in Monte Santo NEW YORK President Eisen- knowledge of John T. Wahlquist, SJS president. resulting from accelerated growth Telephone and Telegraph Cir- plays "an impressive week with the Social Activities Aug. lo, 114111, and celebrated hower has agreed to make a na- of our population." cuits." Council, Athletic Advisory Board his first Ma... in St. Peter's Ba- tional TV Republican campaign Dr. Dusers statement launch- Seymour is a senior member of and the Board of Control. silica. speech Friday night from Balti- ed today as "Yes on 3" day, as the I.R.E. and previously instruct- Today's council meeting will be- more in a windup appeal to voters. Fiom the balcony of that same officially designated by Student ed electrical engineering at the gin at 2:30 p.m. in the Student No time for the speech has been Increases Council. The council endorsed historic edifice he carried out his set. Salary a University of Nevada. Civil Union. resolution hacking Prop. 3 in first public act yesterday after it was announced by Nicola Cardinal earlier action. RECORD C.S. DEBT Canon that "we new Pope" "Passage of this proposition VEEP, STUDENTS AGREE haves WASHINGTON - - Federal debt - in the traditional Latin words would mean $15 million worth of hit the highest peak in history, 14 Papem." Prop. Proposed by "Habemus new buildings erected on the SJS the Treasury announced yesterday. campus, In order for SJS to handle 23 the total gross public Editor's Note: This is the sixth contend that officers know the 'NON-POLITICAL' On Oct. Its large student load, passage of $28e,1451,429,075.13. in a series of articles dealing salary of the office when they are The pontiff is considered a "non- debt touched Prop.
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