
Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, VA November, 18 2004 • C1 Northern Neck MARKETPLACE Worldwide Exposure! All classifieds in this section also appear weekly on the Rappahannock Record web REGULAR CLASSIFIED RATES: $6 for up to 25 words; $4 to repeat same ad second week and each successive week, or pages at www.rrecord.com. You can add a color photo linked to your classified for only $25 for up to 13 weeks. $40 for 13 weeks. $.24 per word for ads over 25 words. Personals, Card of Thanks, In Memorials and Work Wanted ads Classified deadline: 12 noon Tuesday. Display ad deadline: 5 p.m. Monday. Call 804-435-1701 or must be paid in advance. 10 percent discount for cash, non-refundable (no discounts on credit card sales). CUS- 1-800-435-1701. TOM CLASSIFIED RATES: $9.00 per column inch for Legals, Notices, Resolutions, Memorial and other custom classifieds. Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate 41.25A CRES: Nice 3BR trail er, 40x47 www.Mel rose Plan ta tion.com..(Sept-2- Shore Re al ty, Inc. 804-529-7020, ext. *** EAR LY DEAD LINE *** shed, oth er out build ings, wa ter depth 13t) 5..(Sept-2-13t) for for canoes. Se clud ed with lots of wil- CLASSIFIED ADS AWE SOME WATER FRONT Vic tor ian MY ERS LAND ING 2+ pri vate wood ed dlife $269,000. Rob bie Booth, Shore w/ad join ing cot tage. 2+Ac. Rap pa han- acr es. Deed ed ac cess to pier with in Re al ty 804-529-7020x5..(Oct-7-13t) THANKS GIV ING PA PER nock Riv er & ti dal pond. $465,000: shal low wa ter. Perf ect for small boats is 43 ACR ES of fine sandy-loam soils House $295,000; cottage $170,000. and kay aks. Immacu late home: large, FRI DAY - Nov. 19 - 4 p.m. w/30 acr es cro pland, 13 acr es, woods Cather ine Bennett, Real tor/Brok er, bright kitch en, liv ing room, hall and bor der ing a fresh wa ter stream, and Mel rose Plan tation Real Es tate, bed room with beau ti ful hard wood (X) 1400’ fron tage on Rt. 604, Re gi na 800-711-4620. www.Mel rose Plan ta- floors. Sep a rate stor age/shop. Rd. Sas sa fras Farm off ers a great tion.com..(Sept-2-13t) $118,500.00 Lawl er Real Es tate Re al- GLEBE HAR BOR site for horses, vi ne yard, pick-your- BEACH COVE Vil las, Wind mill Pt. tors, White Stone, VA 804-435-1000 Per fect Ri vah Liv ing own farm, or ex treme ly pri vate rare find: up stairs/ end unit con do. or 1-800-962-1923 www.lawlerreal Open floor plan, 3 bed room, 2 bath res i dence. $224,000. Call Bruce & Beach front, like new, 2BR, 2BA Beau- estate.com..(Jan-29-tf) Great Room with fire place, Deck, Jill An der son 804-436-4022 w/Jim ti ful ly fur nished plus, all ap plianc es. NA TURE-LOVERS DE LIGHT: Screened Porch, Pier with boat lift & Pat Cart er Real Es tate or vis it $375,000. 804-436-0171 or 804-784- Wood ed acreage in won der ful wa ter- $385,000 www.an der son bay.com/sas sa fras 0070..(X) front com mun i ty, canoe/kay ak dep- (Nov-18-13t)pho to-on-line BUILD ING LOT: Sharps, Rich mond thwa ter, priva cy and wil dlife. Call Joe CHE SA PEAKE HAR BOR 64AC WA TER FRONT, $425,000. Co. 1.3AC w/perk. Quiet com mun i ty, Emer son, Mid dle Bay Re al ty, (O)804- New con struc tion on To wles Creek 28AC farm land, $135,000. 36AC minutes to wa ter and boat ramp. 436-1150, (Cell)410-610-9890, less than a minute to the Bay wa terfront farm $292,500. Call for $17,500. Call Hel en Fri den stine, (H)804-580-2053..(Oct-7-13t) One floor liv ing, 3 bed room, 2 bath more par cel list ings. Cather ine Ben- 804-529-6900 Dai ley Re al ty, NEW CON STRUC TION in popu lar Din ing Room, Fam i ly Room, nett, Mel rose Plan ta tion Real Es tate. www.dai leyre.com or dai leyre@riv- wa terfront com mun i ty, 3BR, 2BA. Break fast Area, Deck, Pier www.Mel rose Plan ta tion.com 804-435- net.net..(Sept-23-13t) Choice of floor ing through-out. with bulk head 0321..(Sept-9-13t) $133,500. Call Wan da Bu kos ki, Long $525,000 BUILD ING LOTS, pond front/ac cess. 76 ACRE WA TER FRONT Farm: $10,000 to $17,000. Lib er ty Hill and Foster Real Es tate toll free 8-10’MLW, 4600’ wa ter fron tage on 888-815-5866 or cell Scott G. Guay ABR, SHS e-PRO bet ween Rt. 3, Kil mar nock & Lan- Cock rell’s Creek. Re stric tions pre clude caster Court house. Cather ine Ben- 804-366-2896..(Nov-18-3t) Call 804-453-4309 sub di vi sion. Call Tom Kim mitt, own- LONG & FOSTER RE AL TORS nett, Mel rose Plan ta tion Real Es tate, NEW LISTINGS: Poto mac Riv er, small er/agent, Mid dle Bay Re al ty, 1-800- www.mel ro se plan ta tion.com 804-435- lot, small grand fathered foot print, huge www.nnkhomes.com 529-5122 or 804-453-9081 or vis it (Nov-11-4t) 0321..(Aug-26-13t) view. Call Tom Kim mitt, Middle Bay www.north ern neckre ales tate.com Re al ty, 804-453-9081..(Nov-11-tf) 3BR, 2BA, Fam i ly room, of fice, den, (Nov-11-tf) BY OWN ER: 3.1 acr es w/360’ shore- liv ing room. Pool, ten nis, boat ing line on Green vale Creek, $284,500. RE DUCED FOR Quick Sale: 2BR, AT TEN TION OWNERS: Call li censed Brok ers protect ed. Call 757-422-6404 2BA, Wil liams burg style town house ac cess. Overlook ing farm land. Ter ri fic Real Es tate Brok er to pro vide cus tom, in vestment. $150,000. Cather ine Ben- or www.deb o u card.com..(Nov-11-tf) w/ga rage in beau ti ful Hill’s Quar ter free, Com peti tive Mar ket ing Anal y sis, golf course commun i ty. $219,000. Call nett, Mel rose Plan ta tion Real Es tate. home/land, in land/wa ter front, his tor- CART ERS CREEK: Rent w/op tion to www.mel ro se plan tation.com 804-435- buy, 4BR, 3BA, 4000sq.± w/pier, for ap point ment. 804-435-8830..(Aug- ic/new. Cather ine Ben nett, Mel rose 26-13t) 0321..(Aug-26-13t) Plan tation Real Es tate, 800-711-4620. 5’ MLW, large pool, on Tides Lodge golf course. $4000 month long term. RE DUCED FOR Quick Sale: Avail- 804-422-0001..(Sept-23-13t) able now, new 4BR Wil liams burg style CHOOSE FROM 2 build ing lots in town house in beau ti ful Hills Quar ter pre ferred Lee Dale Shores Access. Golf Course Com mun i ty. In cludes Great Wi co mi co Riv er & Barrett Creek. 3BA, fire place $219,000. For ap point- SELECT PROPERTIES OF VIRGINIA 3BR perks. $47,500/$49,500. Kane & ment. 804-435-8830..(Aug-26-13t) Asso ciates, Inc. 800-715-1290..(Sept- RT. 360: GREAT fix er-up per w/tons of Congratulates 2-13t) po ten tial. 4BR, 1BA, 1 half bath. Nice COR OT TO MAN-BY-THE-BAY. Lot wood floors. $61,400. Rob bie Booth, 121, Quar ter-acre, not buid able with- Shore Re al ty, Inc. 804-529-7020, ext. Peggy Cathey out ad ja cent lots but ow ner ship gives 5..(Sept-2-13t) ac cess to pool, ten nis, dock, oth er SELL ING?? Let me fo cus on your Sales Leader for October amen i ties. Make off er. 804-438- prop er ty. Call Joe Emer son, agent, e-mail: [email protected] 9072..(Sept-30-8t) Mid dle Bay Re al ty to get your prop erty www.pleasantlife.com DYM ERS CREEK: Beau ti ful 2.4 acre mov ing. (O)804-436-1150, (Cell)410- wa ter front point w/view to the bay. 610-9890, (H)804-580-2053..(Oct-7- Irvington, Virginia 3BR home 400 ft. rip-rapped wa ter 13t) 804-438-5339 front. By own er. For ap point ment TAYLORS CREEK AC CESS 804-436-3923. $1,200,000..(Nov- Beau ti ful wa ter ac cess home. Noth- 4-4t) ing to do but move in. Fire place INVEST MENT PROPER TY 3.089AC en joyed from liv ing room and kitch en, on heav i ly trav eled high way at Wico- screened porch, ga rage with work- mi co Church on Remo Road (Rt. shop, stor age shed. Close to hospital 609). Easy ac cess to Crane’s Creek and town amen i ties, $179,500. RICHARD RAU and Che sa peake Bay with in 3 miles. HACKS NECK ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW 2 perk sites. Can be re zoned to res i den tial $59,500. Call 804-580- 5 wa ter ac cess lots with pub lic beach PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 2310..(Nov-4-4t) close by.
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