Monday, 21st September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Theatre (Room 1) Mon. PLENARY SESSION 9.00/R1 Welcoming addresses 9.30 C. ARNOLD BIUCCHI, President of the International Numismatic Congress, Harvard University 9.40 P. NAVARRA, Rector of the University of Messina 9.45 M. BOLOGNARI, Director of the DiCAM (Dipartimento di Civilità Antiche e Moderne) of the University of Messina 9.50 G. VOLPE, President of the Consiglio Superiore dei Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici 10.00 L. TRAVAINI, University of Milan: Lectio Inauguralis “Mints as Volcanoes: Fire and Technology” 10.15 M. CACCAMO CALTABIANO, President of the XV International Numismatic Congress, University of Messina: Opening of the Sessions 10.30 Coffee Break Mon./ Section One: GENERAL Session 1: History of Numismatics 1 R1 Chairperson: Caltabiano, Maria 11.00 de Callataÿ, François Fontes Inediti Numismaticae Antiquae (FINA): A new international collaborative project to publish numismatic correspondences exchanged prior 1800 11.30 Woytek, Bernhard Joseph Eckhel (1737-1798) and his numismatic network: FINA Vienna 12.00 Discussion 12.20 Bateson, Donal Dr. Hunter and the Prince of Torremuzza’s Sicilian Coins 12.40 Williams, Daniela Joseph Eckhel and the coinages of Magna Graecia and Sicily: the correspondence with Michele Vargas Macciucca and the prince of Torremuzza 1.00 Final Discussion 1.10 Lunch Break Mon./ Section One: GENERAL Session 2: History of Numismatics 2 R1 Chairperson: Bateson, Donal 3.00 Lombardi, Luca Memmo Cagiati e l'opera "Le monete del Reame delle Due Sicilie" 3.20 Krasnobaeva, Julia Some new documents and periodization of history of Brenner-Demidov Collection 3.40 Frey-Kupper, Suzanne; Historia Numorum, Sicily and Adjacent Islands Rutter, N. Keith; Morcom, John 4.00 Hoge, Robert The Dispersion and Denouement of the Archer Milton Huntington Collection 4.20 Final Discussion 4.30 Tea Break Mon./ Section One: GENERAL Session 3: Coins and archaeological contexts 1 R1 Chairperson: Horsnæs, Helle W. 5.00 Marchesi, Enrico; Rinvenimenti numismatici basso-medievali nel contesto archeologico di Monte Lucio Baldi, Elena (Re) 5.20 Pardini, Giacomo; Tra Repubblica e Impero. Stratigrafie, contesti e moneta a Roma: materiali editi e Ferrandes, Antonio F. nuove acquisizioni 5.40 Conejo Delgado, Noé Villae Romanas y Vía de la Plata: Aproximación a la economía rural romana de la parte occidental de la Península Ibérica a través del registro monetario 6.20 Final Discussion 6.30 End of the Sessions Monday, 21st September 2015 PALAZZO CORVAJA (Room 2) Mon./ Section Four: ANTIQUITY, OTHER Session 1: Celtic 1 R2 Chairperson: Ziegaus, Bernward 11.00 Corsi, Jacopo; Barello, Federico; New data for a compositional and metrological study of the Cisalpine Gaul’s Re, Alessandro; Lo Giudice, coinage Alessandro 11.20 Hiriart, Eneko Pour une classification raisonnée des monnaies à la croix 11.40 Geiser, Anne Courants monétaires celtes entre Alpes et Jura 12.00 Gruel, Katherine; Existe-t-il un système monétaire armoricain basé sur le billon à la fin de Nieto-Pelletier, Silvia l’indépendance gauloise? 12.20 Koczwara, Paulina Finds of the cisalpine drachms and other Celtic coins in the Central and South Italy 12.40 Final Discussion 1.00 Lunch Break Mon./ Section One: GENERAL Session 4: Coins and archaeological contexts 2 R2 Chairperson: Dahmen, Karsten 3.00 Schinzel, Christian Coin Finds in the Swiss Canton of Solothurn and Roman Hoards 3.20 Ackermann, Rahel C. The Swiss Inventory of Coin Finds 3.40 Van der Kam, Erik Private notes in the Netherlands 4.00 Gusar, Karla; Šudur, Jure Numismatic finds from archaeological site Pakoštane – Crkvina, Croatia 4.20 Final Discussion 4.30 Tea Break Mon./ Section One: GENERAL Session 5: Coins and archaeological contexts 3 R2 Chairperson: Perassi, Claudia 5.00 Pellé, Richard; I piccoli bronzi tardivi di Massalia: un uso estremo o delle coniazioni recenti; Frangin, Elsa; Chapon, Philippe l’esempio di due lotti trovati in scavo 5.20 Geneviève, Vincent; Une production inédite de monnaies coulées de Nîmes datée des années 70/90-110 Sarah, Guillaume ap. J.-C. sur le site de Barzan (Charente-Maritime, France) 5.40 Burrell, Barbara Coins from a Well at Caesarea Maritima and the Currency of Fifth Century Palaestina 6.00 Stiti, Kemal; Pellé, Richard Il deposito monetario dello scavo archeologico della Place des Martyrs ad Alger 6.20 Final Discussion 6.30 End of the Sessions Monday, 21st September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Green (Room 3) Mon./ Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK Session 1: Archaic 1 & Other (Thrace & Greece) R3 Chairperson: Nollé, Johannes 11.00 Picard, Olivier Les monnayages de Thasos: émissions monétaires et politique 11.20 Weisser, Bernhard Die archaischen Münzen in Thrakien. Strukturen und Ikonographie 11.40 Bubelis, William A Survey of Eion’s Archaic Civic Coinage 12.00 Gerothanasis, Dimitrios The Early Coinage of Kapsa Reconsidered 12.20 Raccuia, Carmela Dal “bue” alla civetta: riverberi di un percorso politico e culturale 12.40 Final Discussion 1.00 Lunch Break Mon./ Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK Session 2: Archaic 2 & Other (Greece & Asia Minor) R3 Chairperson: Picard, Olivier 3.00 Marchand, Sylvain Electrum Coinage of the Ionian Revolt: The Complete Series of Abydos 3.20 Coupar, Sally-Anne The Early Coinage of Corinth 3.40 Kroll, John Striking and restriking on folded flans: evidence from Athens, Elis, Thebes, and Aegina 4.20 Final Discussion 4.30 Tea Break Mon./ Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK Session 3: Classical 1 & Other (Greece & Asia Minor) R3 Chairperson: de Callataÿ, François 5.00 Cantilena, Renata Una moneta d'oro di Lampsaco a Poseidonia 5.20 Prokopov, Ilya; New Hoards with Small Denomination Coins of the Island of Thasos (6th-5th Grigorova-Gencheva, Valentina century B.C.): Context, Interpretation and Dating 5.40 Chillè, Maria La moneta dei mercenari nell'Anabasi di Senofonte 6.00 Hoff, Corinna Lycian Tiarate Heads Reconsidered 6.20 Final Discussion 6.30 End of the Sessions Monday, 21st September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Orange (Room 4) Mon./ Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK Session 4: Hellenistic 1 & Other R4 Chairperson: Meadows, Andrew 11.00 Stefanaki, Vassiliki; Analyse du système monétaire crétois de l’époque hellénistique: le cas des Carrier, Caroline monnaies de bronze 11.20 Vilcu, Aurel Sur les statères en or de type Alexandre le Grand frappés à Callatis 11.40 Die Münzprägung und Geschichte von Phliasia (Peloponnesus) bis zum Ende der Traeger, Burkhard hellenistischen Zeitepoche 12.00 Bessa Puccini, Daniela Monetary liturgy at Cyrene in the IV cent. BC 12.20 Wolf Daniel The Bronze Coinage reform of Ptolemy II Philadelphus 12.40 Final Discussion 1.00 Lunch Break Mon./ Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK Session 5: Classical 2 (Greece & East) R4 Chairperson: Markou, Evangeline 3.00 Flament, Christophe Le Corpus monétaire argien: les monnaies du IVe s. av. J.-C. 3.20 Gitler, Haim; Tal, Oren A Preliminary Report on the Nablus 1968 Hoard of the 4th century BC 3.40 Corfù, Nicolas Assur The Tetartemorion – The smallest pre-hellenistic silver coin 4.00 Monnaies des fouilles du Departement des Antiquités de Chypre à Kourion; les Destrooper, Anne monnaies datant de la fin des cités-royaumes 4.20 Final Discussion 4.30 Tea Break Mon./ Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK Session 6: Iconography & Iconology 1 R4 Chairperson: Găzdac Alföldy, Ágnes 5.00 Russo, Natalia Una lettura non tradizionale del ruolo del Sileno: i documenti monetali 5.20 Sisalli, Barbara Incontri di ninfe con centauri e satiri: “riti sociali” sulle monete tracomacedoni 5.40 Kousoulas, Dimitrios Unbearded Hercules on the coins of the Sicilian cities in the late 5th c. BC: some thoughts on the origins of the iconographical type and its spreading in the sculpture 6.00 Moreno Pulido, Elena Influencias sículo púnicas en la amonedación del Fretum Gaditanum 6.20 Final Discussion 6.30 End of the Sessions Monday, 21st September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Auditorium (Room 5) Mon./ Section Three: ANTIQUITY, Session 1: Republic 1 R5 ROMAN Chairperson: Chaves Tristán, Francisca 11.00 McCabe, Andrew The Roman Struck Bronze Coinage in South East Italy during the Second Punic War 11.20 Martins Magalhães, Marici Le Monete Romane Repubblicane del Museo Storico Nazionale - Rio de Janeiro 11.40 Barbato, Marta The assemblage of Roman Republican coins from the 20th cent. excavations of the Sacred area of Largo Argentina (Rome): revision and new data in the light of a recent research 12.00 Bransbourg, Gilles The Currency Rates of the Roman Republic 12.20 Ripollès, Pere Pau; The unofficial Roman Republican asses struck in Spain Gozalbes, Manuel 12.40 Final Discussion 1.00 Lunch Break Mon./ Section Three: ANTIQUITY, Session 2: Republic 2 R5 ROMAN Chairperson: Morelli, Anna Lina 3.00 Martin, Katharina Strangers in Rome? ›Foreign‹ deities and the numismatic evidence 3.20 D’Angelo, Giulia; Un lingotto con il segno del “ramo secco” dalla Pinacoteca Civica di Ascoli Piceno Martin Esquivel, Alberto 3.40 Stelluti, Napoleone Monete della zecca di Aesernia, Venafrum, Bovianum e Aquilonia, revisioni e aggiornamenti 4.00 Šemrov, Andrej The pseudo-monetary means found in the territory of Slovenia 4.20 Final Discussion 4.30 Coffee Break Mon./ Section Three: ANTIQUITY, Session 3: Republic 3 (Civil Wars) R5 ROMAN Chairperson: Woytek, Bernhard 5.00 Katz, Rebecca Muttonis Mutunus: Q. Titius and the Case of the Obverse Head (RRC 341/1) 5.20 Hollstein, Wilhelm Zum Prägeort des Sicinius/Coponius-Denars (RRC 444) 5.40 Laignoux, Raphaëlle Se distinguer en disant la même chose? Les discours monétaires rivaux mais similaires des prétendants au pouvoir à la fin de la République romaine (44-30 av. J.-C.) 6.00 Assenmaker, Pierre Il significato del titolo 'imperator' nelle legende monetarie d’età repubblicana: valore istituzionale e auto rappresentativo 6.20 Final Discussion 6.30 End of the Sessions Monday, 21st September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Blue (Room 6) Mon./ Section Three: ANTIQUITY, Session 4: Iconography & Iconology 1 R6 ROMAN Chairperson: Găzdac, Cristian 11.00 Staffieri, Giovanni Maria I ritratti senza corona sui bronzi imperiali alessandrini 11.20 Ziegert, Martin Aus alt mach neu.
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