C: C t~ en < .J < t.> -D 0 a: 0- 0 N I- 0 en :i: Controversy Widens On Defection Question JERUSALEM - The depar­ lies confided to him that they ture from Israel in the last si, planned to leave · the country and months of I 5 families and two in­ that he took care of them. dividuals - 51 persons in a ll - Peled told the Knesset that over E ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEA ST MASS who had been living in the immi­ the past two years 627 families grant development town of Car­ from the Soviet Union had been miel, in Upper Ga lilee, raised a successfully absorbed in Carmiel . ~~~· ··-' LVII, N UMBER 23, F RIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1973 20f PER COl>Y 12 PAGES storm in the Knesset. Absorption and that it was not abnormal that Minister Nata n Peled said the rate 15 of them should have left. But I of defections was not above nor­ five motions were placed on the I Israel Dissociates Itself From m al and claimed that reports that agenda criticizing the government C hristi a n missionaries were ex­ for the way it handles new immi­ horting the immigrants to leave grants. Eliezcr Shostak of the 7 were grossly exaggerated. Free Center faction claimed that I Film 'Jesus Christ Superstar' I JERUSALEM - The lsrael1 their c1t1es. Jewish groups, including the An investigation in Carmiel re­ absorption centers did not provide I Government moved toc»y to Produced . a nd directed by National Jewis h C o mmunity ve aled that at least one missionary for immigrants' needs. Avraham dissociate itself from the film -~~rman Jewison, the ~,rector_ of Relations Advisory Council, an had suggested to the immigrants Katz of Gahal demanded an inde­ production of "Jesus C hrist Fiddler on the Roof, the film organization embraci ng 93 loca l that they " better go to Canada ... pendent investigation of the Car­ Superstar," the rock opera that was shot at m ore than JO locations human-relations groups in the Eight of the families in questi on miel defections and proposed sim­ has been denounced as anti- m Israel between August and United Stales. went to Greece from where they pler conversion processes for mix­ are believed to have fl own to Ca­ ed families (where one or more Semitic by major Jewish organiza- November of last_ year. Released In a statement issued last nada. The missionary was id enti­ members are non-Jews). lions in the United States. by Universal Pictures, 1l has month, the council charged that fied as a Jewish-born Carmelite Uri Avneri of the Haolam Haz­ A Government statement issued a lready been shown in several the film "e,aggerates some of the monk, Da niel Ruffeiscn (Brother eh facti on. which he has re-named recently said : "The fact that the United States and Canadia_n cities most ba neful anti-Jewish notions Da niel), who converted to C hri s­ the "Israeli Radical CAmp," film was shot on location in Israel and 1s scheduled to open m New traditiona lly associated with the tianity after World War I I and charged that mixed families in no way cons titutes a ny York next month. passion story." were agreement whatsoever to it on the _Assurances G1Yen made the headlines in the late brqught to Israel under false pre­ part of the Government of Israel. The_ Government statement on 1950s when he demanded to be tenses. Peled replied that onl y four "The creators and producers of the film was_ carefully phrased registered as Jewish by nationa lity of the 15 families wh o departed the film are a lone and exclusively after consu_ltat1on among.members a nd Christi a n by religion. were mixed. Rabbi Kalman Ka­ responsible for its contents... of the Cabinet, so.~_rces_s aid. Brother Daniel denied th at he ha na of the Poalei Agudat Israel Other Steps Taken H noted that m light ~f the was propagandizing the im mi­ accused the government of per­ The controversy over the film 's delicate subject. ~alter of Jesus grants. He said some of the fam i- mitting missionary activity. treatment of the Jewish role in the C hrist Superstar assurances had crucifixio n of Jesus has also been sought and rece1_ved fr om ig nited a debate within Israel over ~r. Jew1son that the film would Bill Would Allow Jewish Inmates whether the Governme~l should con_tam no passa~es to offend the attempt to censor the content or rellg1ou_s sens,1,b1llt1es of Jewish and One Hot Kosher Meal Per Day r.1 b . h I h Th d b other circles. 1 ms . emg s O ere. e _ e ate Mr. Jewison, the statement said, NEW YORK Legislati on is the msel ves in federal prisons. also involves_ the question of had pledged that " he wou ld not e, pected to be introduced int o They are unable to obtain kosher whether art1 st1c freedom should be associate him self with the Congress this session wh ich will food and are therefore required to compromised f?r . the sake of production of a filin in which there enable Jewish inmates in federa l subsist largely on fruits and protecting Israel _s image abroad. are anti-Semitic nuances. " · prison to ha ve at least one hot veg etables . ·· In_ _the opinion of mdus_try In li ght of this, the statement kosher meal daily on request. the Lewin. a former offi cial of the specialists, the future . of foreign concluded, "it would be very National Jewish Commission on Justi ce and State Departments. film-making '" Israel r,des o n the distressing and most disappointing Law a nd Public Affairs (COLPA). sa id that despite repe<l)ed attempts outcome of _the debate. F_o re,gn if the film should include, after 11 11 , repol ted this week . ~ to resolve the the matter with film_ product1on_s brought in $4- passages of a nature to offend the j Tentative legislati on for that Bureau of Prison offici a ls, there million m foreign cu rrency here Jewish people ... IN NEW POSITION: Robbi Joseph purpose, drafted to provide one had been a steadfast refusa l by :ast y_ear and are expected to bring Originally conceived as a rock Greenfield, assistant principal of special meal daily to meet the those officials to provide specia l 1v; times that much by 1976. opera, " Jesus Christ Superstar" the Providence Hebrew Day School religious dietary requirements or food to inmates with dietary he statement was one of depicts the last seven days of since 1970, left Providence on Au ­ inmates of all faiths. was prepared needs, a need, he said whi ch was several steps the Government has Jesus's life. T he furor over the gust I to accept _the position of by Nathan Lewin of Washington. not confined to Jews. principal of the Akiba Academy in taken recently to separate itself film has been caused by its a COLPA vice-president. Lewin A COLPA source said it was Dallas, Texas. Akiba Academy, a from the controversy surrounding characteri zations of the Jewish worked in consultation with Rabbi estimated that the law wo uld st day school which was founded in "Jesus Christ Super ar. " The hig h priests and their role in the 1961, has an enrollment of 230 Henry Siegman, executive vice­ benefit some 200 inmates of Foreign Ministry also has ordered condemnation of Jesus. students from primary grades president of the Synagog Council federal prisons but that these Israeli consular officia ls in New Exaggeration Cited through grade 8. of America, and Rabbi Herzel included Moslems as well as Jews. York and Los Angeles not to Mr. Jewison's treatment has Rabbi Greenfield is a graduate Kranz of Silver Spring, Md., a The source said no figures were attend the openings of the fi lm in been denounced by a number of of the Rabbinical College of constituent of Sen. C ha rles available on the number or Jewish Telshe, Cleveland, Ohio, and re­ Mathias , Jr . Maryl a nd inmates. Trial Begins For Arab Guerrillas ceived his ordination from Ner Is­ Republican . Sen. Mathias is IG NO RE BQ:YCOTT rael Rabbinical College in Balti­ studying the proposal for any Madrid - A Spani sh company more, Maryland, in 1969. He also changes he considers necessary for is ig noring the Arab boycott and Captured In Last Year's Raid holds a master's degree in ec• its introduction in Congress. going ahead with the construction nomics from the University of L YODA, Israel - Rejecting ar­ against the security of Israel. Lewin said the proposed of two ta,ge hotels in Israel, it was Rhode Island . legislation was developed to meet guments that international law was Neally Groomed Prisoners Rabbi and Mrs. Greenfield and reported here. One of the hotels being violated, an Israeli military The wooden dock where the i heir doughier, .Esther, will live al the needs of "the growing number will be in Jerusalem and the other tribunal ruled last week that it was neatly groomed prisoners sat in 6214 Prestoncrest Street, Dallas. of Jews who unfortunately find in Tel Aviv competent to try 10 Arab guerrilla two rows was guarded by border suspects captured last September poli cemen wearing green berets during a n Is raeli raid into and carrying submachine guns, Lebanon. rifles and revolvers. The prisoners The prisoners, who had not set wore slacks and sport shirts; rela­ foot inside Israel before being tives in Arab robes were seated in brought here by the Israeli sol­ court.
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