t! 1 lr riiilii trlilliriilil lllii tiiltit iliiliiiiiiii i,lii l;iriJl ]litr il ilii li -J ,1 ,l "r. i:t 1 ,[:O][PAC"t' SD Lj 30 W(p tgi, : j'; T P R E F A C E This directory of the Jood-Using Industries in Benton9 Lanes Lin- coin and Linn. counties has been prepared upon the recjueit of the Woodland Corirnittee of the Upper Willamette Resource Conservation and Development Project0 The RCD Project is an overall program for accelerating resource development in the project area. Since the 1972 editions the industry has experienced. a number of changes some compani.es have terminated their operations while some new ones have coue on-streams and others have had. a naine change. The purpose of this puhlicatiou is to provide a condensed. coipila- tion of theindustriesas a he1ptorardsbetter utilizationand. mar- keting. It covers all priinar3r and secoiclary manufacturin within the RCD project area. This new edition includes forest consult- ants9 contract tree panters9 horse loggers and. various agencies avail&ole for services. Printing has been made iDosile :r Linn Cooperative Jcbension Service9 Lane Cooperative ictension Service and the Soil Conservation Service, b- C O T E T C PREFACE Contents Directory Guide Trends of' the Wood-UsL% Industry . i ooxiuras Industries inBentonCountye e..... e.a s... s 3 e County . Lincoln County e e s s o e s s e s e s Limi County . i iiíRD\O ODS Lrestin, Products . e . 20 Industries in J3enton9 Lane9 Lincoln L' Linn counties . 21 fiR Productiona,ndPrices .................. 22 Industries in Benton9 Lanes Lincoln Linn counties . 23 POLES PILIÎTG IndustriesandPrioes .................. 26 SIALL ROflIDWOOD PRODUCTS SrnallfloundwoodCornpanies ................ 27 i9( Prices . 2d POLP PAPI Industries in lenton, Lane, Lincoln ¿ Lirni counties . e 29 SPECIAL PRODUCTS Industries in Benton9 Lane, Lincoln ¿ Linu counties . 30 TECII'TICAL ASSISTJRCE ContractTreePlanterí . e . , . e 33 I lorse Loggers . e e 33 . ForesConsu1Gans . e . Agency: . o e Iips s s o a . 36 Soils Inerpreaions . a a e s a o e s e e s o 3d i97 Compiled and Edited by: E. Douglas Cruickshank, Utilization L Liarketing forester Oregon State Department of Forestry Assigned to assist the Upper Willamette Resource Conservation Soll ConservatIfl Servtce ievelopiaent Proj ect p UPPER w!LLA:TTE RC& 130'f Lincoln Street Eugene, Oregon 954 13th Avenuo W. 97tOi Eugene, Oregon 97402 DIRECTORY GUIDE A. The xrood--using industries are listed in alphabetical order. (The conifer industries are listed in alphabetIcal order.) B. Inö.ividu3l listing is by name, address, telephone nuriber, zip code and by key personnel. C. The species used are keyed by srmbols asusedIn the Forest Type Cl North egn, by the U.S. Forest Cerv- ice, as follows: Comnion_Naine Scientific Nane Conifers D Douglas fir Pado.t6uÛc re.flze4ü H Western hemlock T-a;c' heteiwp!iuLa. C Testern red cedar Thaj?. ')J7 WF White fir Ah- COktCOO) IC Incense cedar L.Uocd'tw dcwvtn4 P Ponderosa pine VLnLL4 pondQAo4a R Reduood Sejao&i. sJr)Q&vuJLen-6 SP Sugar pine PLri.u4 Lo:ittiaiui. SS Sitka spruce Pca S;tdi'fl4i-S PY Pacific yew Thrn'. ;')iLav.oJ?J:( Hardwoos PA Red alder Aw )tLL':&C BC Black cottonwood Popwu4 c!.oc'vqic M l3igleaf nia.ple ÁCVL wtc&ophytPw! 00 Oregon oale t2wLkc.u}, Gc't;w. OA Oregon ash FiaxLnu4 ea;t1 o-P..Lz D. Physical facilities are coded as follows. 1. Headsaw EL Bark bagger 15. Soaking tank 2. Resaw 9. Chipper lA. Rotary lathe 3, Planer 10. Chip bin 17. Veneer slicer 4. Debarker 11. Burner 1?.. Mechanical splitter 5. Bark hog 12. Forced air dryer 19. Bail siding 6. Bark haminernill 13. Dry kiln 20. Luirber packager 7., BarI: bin 1! Pressure treating chain her 21. Pl'vood presa(es) E. The size class code shows reported annual prOClUCtiOfl in board feet, .Scribner* rule, for 1975 as follows A 5 - C B 8 25 Hi2F C 25 - 50 BF D 50 100 4MBF E 100 - 200 MBF r Over 200 'F * Conversion of squaro feet of ply'ïood to boar3 feet is 1000 square feet of plyrooc1 (on 3/S basis) equals 440 board feet. ** illion Board Feet TRTDS Ii TLE iOOD-USLG I1DUSTRY The forest proth.ìcts industries, witlifew exceptions, liad a bleakyear in i97. The general economy, however, seems to be slowly overcom- ing the deep recession of the past year, and a note of optimism is apparent This does not mean an immediate retux2a to a rate of two million new housing units per year, but at least a gradual improve- ment. Accordinc to "Random Lengths", Tovember 21, 1975: 'Privately owned housing starts in October (197) reached their high- est level in 16 months. Actual starts were reported at 12L!.,LOO, the most since July 197Lwhen there were 126,000 units started. The sea- sonally adjusted annual rate was calculated at i,L6,000 units, the hihest since June 197L." nother article in "±ancIon Lengths"1estimates new iiousing starts for both 1976 and 1971 at i .Li, million units. wo lactors that influence this thinkin are: "the backlo Of housing under construction is relativelr small and inroads have leen made into the high inventory of unsold housing." "1Tr starts have begun to cliEfo compared to the scme months last year. " The Lue-rican Pljiïood Association3 reports that plyrood production continued to shift away from the Western manufacturing region in i 97L. The South increasedits share of total United States production. This trend lias been constant since southern yellow pine plywood was intro- duced into the market place in 196L. In 197L, the West's share of total production was 62 and the South's share had increased to over 32. Inland production accounted for the other 6. iJ October 31, 197, page 1. .. 2/ Random Lengths, October 2!, 197,, page 1. ;J ae al Producti on and Dis tribw ion Patt ruso_the Sof twood PiidIndus, IJconomics Report, L-19. - -1- SAIThILLS - i 97f., 1ll Size Classes lull Size Classes Annual County A B C Production D E F Total (iiiiion Board Feet--Scribner) Benton 7 2 9 A 5to 8ï'fiF B 3 to 25 XIBP Lane 6 13 11 9 1 Li.0 C 25 to 50 'P D 50 to 100 1iL3F Lincoln 3 1 14 E 100 to 200 F Over 200 Linn 14 6 14 114 13 PLY1OOD IILLS - 1975 Proth.ction County Veneer Layup 30th Veneer Veneer Layup Both Veneer only only and. Layup only only and Layup Benton 1 3 -- 75 2140 -- Lane 16 7 8 9314 12O0 1,000 Lincoln i -- 1 25 -- 1140 Linn 3 14 7 315 1470 635 CO N I FE R S - BEÏITON COUNT1 FIRI'i _CIES FACILITIES PRODUCTLER1cES SIISS Alsea Lumber Company D9 C9 H 1, 29 L lumber, chips, B Route 3, Box 70 , 7, 9, hogged fuel Alsea, Oregon 9732L 10 Raymond Hendrix, Plant anager Phone: 11.86-L1.175 BLES Studs, Inc. D 1, 3, , studs, chips B Reservoir Road 7, 9, 10, Philomath, Oregon 97370 19 (ITail:) p.o. Box 1009 Albany, Oregon 97321 Charles Bernert, General nager Phone: 77-1 033 Boise Cascade Corporation D 5, 7, 9, plyiood, hogged C Camp Adair Plant 10, 12, fuel, chips, Route 1, Box 1693 19, 21 custom veneer Iionmouth, Oregon 97361 dxying Bud. Dearing, Plant Supt. Phone: 7L5-581 "S" Corporation D 12, 19 exterior plywood C Benton Division Airport Road P.O. Box 1087 Corvallis, Oregon 97330 Fred Darby, Plant ï.nager Phone: 73-)463 Lan2 Products Company D 3, 9, 10, battery separators, E Fiber Products Division 15, 19 hardboard, gineor- 1120 S,L. Crystal Lake Dr. ing and Technology P.O. Box E Corvallis, Oregon 97330 Dr. Pe Zenezak, Exec. Vice-.Pres.& Gen. r5r. Phone: 753-1211 Robin Lumber Company D 19 2, !., rough and swfaced C P.O. Box 709 9, 10 lumber, chips, Philoinath, Oregon 97370 sawdust, shavings, Gaxy Robin, bark Sec./Treas. Phone: 929-3205 (Robin Planing Hill) D 3, 10, 19, (size included with sawmill) 20 -3- BENTON COUNTY PIW1SPS FACILITIES cTS/SS SQ Hoskins Lumber Company D, H 1, 2, 11., green lumber, chips, B Route 1, Box 1911 5, 7, 9 sawdust, hog fuel Philomath, Oregon 97370 10, 19 Ace L Liim Ijoser, owners Phone: 929-3961 Hull-Oaks Lumber Company D, H, C 1, 29 3 rough L surfaced B Route i 11.9 5, 7, lumber, chips, long Ifonroe, Oregon 97)456 9, 19 timbers, bark,saw- Ralph Hull, owner dust, shavings Phone 11.2)4-3112 Leading Plywood Corporation D 12, 19, exterior ulywood C Reservoir Road 21 P.O. Box L Hiilomath, Oregon 97370 Harvey Crawford, Supt. Phone: 929-31)43 Uàry's River i r Lumber Co. C 9 _) J9 (formerly ITika Lumber Co.) 9, lO Philomath, Oregon 97370 19 rough green lumber, (i.il:) )4515 i.D. Elliot Cir. chips, hogged fuel, Corvallis, Oregon 97330 sawdust Bob Avery, Pres. Phone: 929-5376 ïd-Hillamette Lumber CODe H, C, D 3, 19 custom planing, C P.O. Box 706 shavings, chips Philomath, Oregon 97370 Horinan Sapp, Pre s. Phone: 929-33)47 Hi].ler, I.P. Lumber,Inc. D, H, C 1, 29 3, green surfaced. B Route i )4, 9, 19 lumber, long timbers, IIonroe, Oregon 97)456 industrial clears, Clark Lauer, chips, bark, shavings General I'nager Phone: )42)4-3111.l Horth Side Lumber Company D 1, 2, 3, rough surfaced C r P.O. Box 311 ¿49 _), ¡9 lumber, chips, shav- Philomath, Oregon 97370 9, 10, 19 ings, hogged fuel Dorvel ¿ Lima Bevens, Owners Phone: 929-3161 Publishers Paper Co.
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