'1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 945 Mr. COFFEE of Washington: Committee on MEMORIALS Claims. H. R . 5500. A bill for the relief of SENATE the estate of Charles L. Clark; with amend­ Under clause 3 of rule XXII, me­ m~=mt (Rept. No. 1725) . ReferrPd to the Com­ morials were presented and referred as TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1942 mittee of' the Whole House. follows: Mr. SAUTHOFF: Committee on Claims. (Legislative day ot Monday, February 2, . By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis­ 1942) . H. R. 5619. A bill for the relief of certain lature of the State of California, memorializ­ clerks in the post office at Detroit, Mich; ing the Preside;nt and the Congress of the without amendment (Rept. No. 1726). · Re­ United States rela_tive to the old-age security The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, ferred to the Committee of the Whole House. law; to the Committee on Ways and Means. on the expiration of the recess. Mr. JENNINGS: Committee on Claims. The Chaplain., the Very Reverend H. R. 5686. A bill for the. relief of Lewis J. Z!';Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the and Mary Black; with amendment (Rept. No. 1727). Referred to the Committee of the PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS following prayer: Whole House . Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private 0 Thou, who art the same yesterday, Mr. CHENOWETH: Committee on Claims. today, and forever, . who art· both our H. R. 5794. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Julia bills and resolutions were introduced and severally referred as follows: · present dwelling-place and the distant Johnson; with amendment (Rept. No. 1728). city of our . habitation, who tqinkest in Referred to the Committee of the Whole . By Mr. BRADLEY of Pennsylvania: House. H. R. 6518. A bill for the relief of Benjamin us, though ofttimes unsought, beautiful. Mr. KEOGH: Committee on Claims. H. R. Frankl1n; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. thoughts creating a divine surprise: We 5845. A bill for the relief, of Alvira Manfredi; By Mr. MANSFIELD: humbly ask that Thou wouldst now di-. with amendment (Rept. No. 1729). Referred H. R. 6519. A bill for the relief of Jesse M. rect our thinking out of unworthy medi­ to the Committee of the Whole Hon&e. Knowles; to the Committee on Claims. tation into the realm where h:gh and Mr. HARRIS of Arkansas: Committee on By Mr. McGREGOR: holy purpose dwells. Claims. H. R. 5977. A bill for the relief of · H. R. 6520. A bill for the relief of Jane A. If our thoughts prove barren and un-· Mr. and MrF F .. Wilder Temple; with amend­ Thornton; to the ·committee on Claims. ment (Rept. No. 1730). Referred to the Com;. fruitful, open Thou the windows of our· mittee of the Whole House. · mind for' the entry of 'those cleansing arid Mr. KLEIN: Committee on Claims. H. R. PETITIONS, ETC. reviving airs that shall touch them with' 6063. A bill for the r.elief of the Clark Cot\IltY · some kindling breath of holy aspfration.: J umber Co.; with amendment· (Rept. No. Under clause .1 of rule XXII, petitions . Graht that the words which we utter. 1731). · Referred to the . Coumittee of the and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk here, and elsewhere, may· be' words that' Whole House. · and referred as .follows: breathe the spirit of the Master and may. 2355. By' Mr: ENGEL: Resolution of the con£iriue to be heard so long as the spirit PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS United Council of Veterans' Organizations of gf the human race feels the need of com-. Muskegon County, Mich., by its adjutant, panionship along the upward way. In .- -U~der clause 3 . of rUle nn, public Earle J. Hewitt', protesting against the ~p­ our dear .Redeemer's Name, we ask it.: -bills and resolutions were introduced and pointment of bean Landis as.dfrector of - na~ Amen. ·· severally referred as ~allows: .tiona! civilian ·defense; also the -ce.uncil urges By Mr. H. CARL ANDERSEN: .. that someone be named in his place who is THE JOURNAL H. R. 6512. A bill to .provide protection- to known to be 100-percent American; -to the Committee on Military Mairs. On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by all persons in the active military or naval unanimous consent, the reading of the forces of the United States in the nature of :;!356. By Mr. FITZPATRICK: Memorial of the Legislature of the State of New York, re­ Journal or' the· proceedin-gs of the cal­ group · insurance by issuance of a policy of endar. day Monday, February 2, 1942, w-as National Service Life Insurance in the spectfully requesting the President of · the amount of $5,000, premiums to be paid by United States imd all r~sponsible Federal dispensed with, arid the Journal was ap...,_ the Government during active war service, officials to give careful consideration to the proved. manifold qualifications which make the city and for other purposes; to the Committee on MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Ways and Means. and State of New York a desirable place for the relocation of Federal Government agen­ A message from the House . of Repre­ 13y Mr. SMITH of Ohio: cies removed from Washington, D. C., and to . H. R. 6513. A bill to amend further the sentatives, by Mr. Swanson, one of its make such selection 'wherever appropriate clerks, announced that the House had· Civil Service Retirement Act of May 29, 1930; and possible; to the Committee on Public to the Committee on the Civil Service. Buildings and Grounds. passed without amendment the following _ By Mr. VINSON of Georgia: · 2357. By Mr. LUTHER A. JOHNSON: Pe'ti­ bills of the Senate: H. R. 6514. A bill'to provide for the inspec­ tion of Mrs. A. C. Schandies and 15 other S. 294. An act· to authorize an appropriation tio.n of books, records, and other writings of .citizens of Rosebud, Tex., opposing the manu­ for payment to the Middle Rio Grande Con-· contractors in certain cases; to the Commit.:: facture and sale of alcoholic beverages dur­ servancy District of construction costs as-. tee on Naval Affairs. ing the period of the war; to the Committee sessed ·against certain lands within such dis­ By Mr. O'CONNOR: on the Judiciary . trict acquired by the United · States for the .H. R. 6515. A bill providing for t.):le suspen­ 2358. By Mr. KEOGH: Petition of the Mid­ benefit of certain. Indians in the State of sion of annual assessment work on minmg town Civic League of Brooklyn, N. Y., con­ New M:;xico; claims held by location in the United States; cerning universal fingerprinting; to the S. 828. An act to increase 'the period for to the Committee on Mines and Mining. Committee on the Judiciary. which· leases may be made of public lands· By Mr. FORAND: 2359. By Mrs. NORTON: Petition of the granted to the State of Idaho for educational' H. R. 6516. A bill to extend the provisions Legislature of the State of New Jersey, me­ purposes by the act of July 3, 1890; of the District of Columbia Rent Act to pri­ morializing the Congress of the United States S.1045. An act to increase the earnings of vate garages and spaces in public garages; to to ·refuse to enact any_ legislation whi.ch the United States Government Life Insurance the Committee on the District of Columbia. would destroy th.e rights of the State of New fund and the National Service Life Insurance By Mr. RANKIN of Mississippi: Jersey in its administration of the State un­ fund by expediting the inve.stment of the H. R. 6517. A bill to provide for iil vestiga­ -employment compensation system; to the moneys thereof, and for other purpos~s; tions by the Bureau of Mines to determine Committee on Ways and Means. S. 1412. An a-ct to amend the act of June the availability of certain low-grade bauxite 2360. By Mr., ROLPH: Resolu1;ion of the 11, 1940 (Public, No. 590, 76th Cong., 3d sess.) ,· for production of alumina; to the Committee Board of Supervisors-of the City and County providing for the relizf of Indians who have. ·on .Mines and Mining. .of San Francisco-, memor;tlizing Cong:res~ to paid taxes on allotted land; . By Mr. BLOOM: immediately insure complete protection for S. 1889. ~An act authorizing the Adminis- J H. J. Res. 276. Joint resolution to' author­ the- Pacific coast, Resolution. No. 2383 (series trator of Veterans' Affairs to grant an ease­ ize the President ·of the United States to of 1939); to the Committee · on Military ment for highway purposes to the county of. render financial aid to China, and for other Affairs. Macon, Ala., in a strip of land located at purposes; to the Committee on Foreign Af­ 2361. By the SPEAKER: P~tition of the Veterans' Administration facility, Tuskegee. fai~·s. commander in chief, United Spanish war Ala.; By Mr. COX: Veterans, petitioning consideration. of their S. 2012. An act ·authorizing the Adminis­ H. Res. 426. Resolution. authorizing an in­ resolution with . reference to additional ap­ trator of Veterans' Affairs to grant an ease-: vestigation of the organization, personnel, propriations for Spanish-American War vet­ ment in certain lands of the Veterans' Ad­ and activities of the Federal Communications erans, their widows, or dependents; to the ministration facility, Togus, Maine, to the· Commission; to the Committee on Rules. Committee on Pensions. State of Maine for road-widening purposes; LXXXVIII-60 946 CONGRESSIONAL-RECORD-SENATE FEBRUARY 3 S. 2080. An act authorizing the Adminis­ Mr. AUSTIN.
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