INDEX ABERDEENSHIRE : ARGYLL (cont.): Auchterless, Cinerary Urn from, Inverinan Forest, flint scrapers donated . 266 from, donate purchased dan d 2659 26 , Druminnor, Castle Forbes . 148-166 Keil Cave, Kintyre, e IroAg n Ellon, stone lamp from, donated 266 cave occupation . 104-110 Huntly Castle . 151-3 Kilmartin, analogies of Kin- Aberlady . Loth.E , , Anglo-Saxon traw cairns ... 58 cross-shaft from, donated . 266 Kintraw, cairns, excavate . 54~5d 9 Aberlessic, equivalent of Belhaven, Skipness Castle, aquamanile E. Loth. 173 from .... 263-264 Agricultural equipment and liter- Arrowheads, flint, from Gullane, 8 26 ature . , donate . d E. Loth., donated . 265 purchased . 269 flint, from Leanaig Farm, Ross., Aitken, A., on Prehistoric Settle- donated . 265 ment in Durness . 21-53 flint, from Springwood, Rox., Alexander III, grant to Duncan donated . 265 Forbes . 148 Atomic Energy Authority, donation Alexander8 26 , W. , donatio y nb by . 266 Allan, Dr D. A., donation by . 267 Auchterless, Abdns., cinerarn ur y Alves, Moray, Kirkyard . 218-219 from, donated . 266 Amphora, Roman, from Lochlands, Awl f boneo , , from Keil Cave- Ar , Stgs. .... 261-262 gyll .... 109 Anderson8 26 , D. , donatio . y nb of bronze, from Springwood, Anglo-Saxon cross-shaft from Aber- Rox., donated . 265 6 26 . lady, donate. d Axe, bronze flanged, from Craig- ANGUS : dow6 , Ayrs.26 , donate. d Blackjack Castle, material from, Axehead, stone, from Burnfoot, 6 26 . donate . d 5 26 . Rox., donate. d Cardean, Roman pottery from, stone, from Rogart, Suthld., 6 26 . donate . d donated . 265 Hospitalfield House, Arbroath, AYRSHIRE : Bronze Age pottery from . 256-258 Craigdow, bronze axe from, Animal bone remains at Keil Cave6 , 26 . donate . d Argyll . 105 Fullarton, House, plaster decor- Animal husbandry, prehistoric- ex , ation from, purchased . 269 . 11-1 . 2 periment . n si Muirkirk, alleged 'hut-circles7 9 . ' Animal teet n cairni h , Kintraw, Shewalton Moor, flint medid san - Argyll . 57 eval pottery from, 267 donate . d Antler, implement , experiof s - mental 16 Ball, of quartzite, from Crichness, object , froof sm Keil Cave- Ar , E. Loth., donated . 265 gyll .... 109-110 of stone, from Loch Boisdale, S. Aquamanile, medieval, from Skip- 9 26 Uist . , purchase . d ness, Argyll . 263-264 Ballantyne8 26 , C. , donatio y nb Archaeology, Experimenta . 1-20l Balleyvourney, Ireland, cooking- Ard, wooden copy, Donneruplan d. 9 , i4 ,. 1. 2 . plac . e ARGYLL : Ballochyle Brooch, donated. 267 Glencorpisdale, brass brooch Balmaclellan, Kirkds., Celtic bell from, purchased . 269 from . 191, 194-195 Glen Seilisdeir, Mull, flint flake Balmerino, Fife, lead Papal bulla from, donated . 266 from, donated . 266 Gribun, Mull, Food Vessels from Barrow, Broughton Knowe, donated . 265 Peebless., excavate . 99-10 d. 3 280 INDEX 28l PAGE Battery, Dunbar . 188- Loth. E , . 9. Brooch (cont.): Battle-axe, stone, from Chirnside, silver, from Skaill Hoard, Ork- Berwickshire, donated . 266 ney, purchased . 269 Beads, of glass, from Biggar area, Bronze, objects of: Lan., donated . 266 Awl, from cist at Springwood, of glass, from Keil Gave, Argyll 110 Rox., donated . 265 of jet, from cairn, Kintraw- Ar , buckle, from cairn at Kintraw, • 57-58 • 9 5 , gyl• l 9 5 , 57 . Argyll Beakers, see under Pottery buckle, from Linlithgow Palace 128 Bedsteads, wooden, carved, from flanged axe, from Craigdow, Traquair House4 , Peebless26 . Ayrshire, donated . 266 7 26 Begg, , . donatioMisJ. sE y nb knife, from Nydie Mains, Fife, Belhaven, harbour, E. Loth. 173-179 26 4 . purchase . d Bellie, Moray, Kirkyard . 219-220 ligula, Roman, from Keil Cave, Bells, church and other, of Kirk- . 10 . 9 . Argyll . cudbrigh.191-21 . t 0 penannular brooch, from Keil 8 26 . Bennet , donatio . T. , y nb . 105-10Cave . 7, Argyl . l Bertram, Miss G., donation by . 268 pin, from Kaimes Hill, Midloth., BERWICKSHIRE : 6 26 . donate . d Chirnside, stone battle-axe from, pin, from N. Eildon Hill, Rox., donated . 266 donated . 266 Biconica undele urnse , r Pottery pins, from Keil Cave, Argyl . l 109 Blackjack Castle, Angus, finds from, sheeting from Lochlands, Roman 6 26 . donate . d camp, Stgs. 262 Bogue, W., donation by . 268 Bronze Age, horns and lurer, experi- Bone, animal remains from Keil . 18-1ment . 9 s wit . h . Cave10 . 5, Argyl . l material from cairn at Kintraw, cremated human, from Brack- Argyll . 54-59 mont, Fife . 60-64 pottery from Brackmond an t from Broughton Knowe, Tentsmuir . 60-9 . 2, Fife . 10 . 1 Peebless . pottery from Hospitalfield House, from Kintraw7 5 , . Argyll Angus . 256-258 from Weird Law, Peebless. 96-9 pottery from small cairn, Dur- Bone, general object: sof ness, Suthld, . 28, 37 knife-handle ?, from Lower Doun- see also Barrow, Cairns, Crema- reay, Caithness, donated 266 tion Cemetery, Pottery fron pi m Kaimes Hill, Midloth., Broughton Knowe, Peebless., bar- 6 26 . donate . d ro. 99-10w excavate . 3 d pin from N. Eildon Hill, Rox., Buchan, Earl of, 1782 holograph 6 26 . donate . d letter by, purchased . 269 weaving-tablet, pins and combs Buckle, bronze, from cairn at Kin- from Keil Cave, Argyll traw, Argyll . 57-59 104-110, 266 from Linlithgow Palace . 128 Bone implements, experiments with 16-18 26 7 Buie . , A. ,. donatio y nb Booms t Dunbaa , r . harbou184-186r Building materials9 26 , donate. d 7 26 Boyd, . Mis , donatiosM. y nb Bull, lead Papal, from Balmerino, Brackmont Mill and Farm, Fife, Fife, donated . 266 prehistoric pottery . fro60-7m 5 Burials: Brass brooch from Glencorpisdale, at Brackmont . 60-6 . 4, Fife Argyll, purchased . 269 at Broughton Knowe, Peebless. 101 8 Bridges26 . M.D , ,. donatio y nb at Kintraw, Argyll . 57-59 Broadfoot, A., donation by . 268 at Weird Law, Peebless. 96-99 Brooch, Ballochyle, donated . 267 Burnfoot Farm, Rox., stone axehead brass, from Glencorpisdale- Ar , 5 26 from. , donate . d gyll, purchased . 269 Burns, G., donations by . 268 bronze penannular, from Keil 8 26 Burns . , J., . donatio y nb . 105-10Cave . 7, Argyl . l 7 26 . silver . , donate . d 7 26 Caddell. donatio, . F. , y nb 282 INDEX PAGE PAGE Cairns, in Durness, Suthld. 27-28, 36-42 Coins (cont.): at Kintraw, Argyll . 54~59 Dutch dollars from Liefde wreck, see also Chambered cairns Shetland9 26 , purchase . d. 7 Cairns26 , Mrs . , donatio . y nb Roman, denarius from Loch- CAITHNESS : lands, Stgs. 262-263 Lower Dounreay, bone knife- Roman, sestertius from Mussel- handle from, donated . 266 burgh, purchased . 269 Calvary cross slabs in Moray Kirk- Sovereigns, proof specimens, yards .... 211-213 donated . 267 Camp, Roman temporary, Loch- Westfriesland daaler from Lin- . 259-26lands . 3 , Stgs . lithgow . 126 Campbell, of Kilberry, Miss M., Coles, J. M., on Experimental Ar- donation by . 268 chaeolog . y 1-20. Pis. I-II Candow, R. D. M., et al. on Further Combs f boneo , , from Keil Cave, Discoverie Brackmont sa d tan Argyll . 105-109 Tentsmuir . , Fif60-92eV L P , Communion tokens7 26 , donate . d Caprovine Foot-Print Romaa n si n Cooking, prehistoric, experiments . 11-12 . RydeL . TileM r y b , Costume, articles donated . 268 258-259, PI. XXII Coug8 h26 trie, T. , donatio y nb Cardean, Angus, Roman material Covesea ware, see under Pottery 6 26 from. , donate . d Cowan, W. G., donation by . 268 Castle Forbes, Abdns. 148-166 Craig, W., donation by . 268 Castle, Huntly . 151-15, Abdns . 3 . Craig-Brown, Gen. E., donatioy nb Skipness, Argyll, aquamanile7 26 . executor . s from .... 263-264 Craig-Brown, Miss, donation by . 267 Cave, Keil, Kintyre, Irooccue nAg - Craigdow, Ayrs., bronze axe from, pation .... 104-110 donated . 266 Cawdor area, Nairns., Beakers from 255-256 Cregeen, E., donation by . 268 Celtic bell from Balmaclellan, Cremation cemetery, Weird Law, . 191Kirkds., . I94-I,9 5 Peebless., excavation . 93—99 Chambered cairns, in Durness, Cremations, at Brackmont, Fife . 60-64 . -27 Suthld. 7 3 . t Broughtoa n Knowe, Peebless. 101 Chert, objects of: 7 5 at Kintraw . , Argyl. l from cremation cemetery, Weird at Weird Law, Peebless . 96-9.9 Law, Peebless. • 96 Crerar, R., et al., on Further Dis- from Crichness, E. Loth., don- coveries at Brackmont and ated .... 265 Tentsmuir, Fife 60-92V L P , Chirnside, Berwicks., stone Battle- Crook, Mrs M., donation by . 267 6 ax26 e from . , donate . d Cross-shaft, Anglo-Saxon, from Church Bells of the Stewartry of Aberlady, donated . 266 Kirkcudbright Eelesy b , . F , Crossraguel penny, from Linlithgow C., and Clouston, R. W. M. 122, 125-126 191-210 Pis. XIX-XXI Cruft, Miss C., donation by . 268 Cinerary urns, see under Pottery Cultivation, prehistoric, experi- Cist in Kintraw cairns, Argyll . 56-59 ments in ... 7-1i Clan badge tartansd san booS M ,k Curling-stone8 26 . , donate . d of, purchased . 269 Custom House, Dunbar . 187-188 Clay, objects of: pipes from Linlithgow . 126—128 Dally, Dr W., donation by . 266 wig-curler from Linlithgow . 128 Dark Age, pottery in Scotland . 140—141 Clothing, articles donated . 268 harbour at Aberlessic . 173 CloustonChurce th . M. n W o , h . R , David, G.n Prehistorio , c Settle- Bell Kirkcudbrighf so t . men21-5 Durnesn i t . 3 s 191-210, Pis. XIX-XXI Davidson, A., donations by . 268 Coins: Davidson8 26 E.. G , . donatio y nb Charle I bawbeesI , purchase . d 269 Denmark, Historisk-Arkaeologisk Crossraguel penny from Linlith- Forsegscenter at Lejre 5, 9, II, 13 . 122, . 125-12go . 6w Dipple, Moray, . 220-22Kirkyar . 1d INDEX 283 PAGE Dirk, eighteenth-century, donated . 267 Eeles, the late F. C., on Church Disc, of stone, from Keil Cave, Ar- Bells of Kirkcudbright gyll . 109 191-210, Pis. XIX-XXI Discs, of shale and stone, from N. Eildon Hill, N., Rox., finds from, Eildon Hill, Rox., donated . 266 donated . 266 7 26 . donatio, R. Doak . K y n. b ,J 5 26 Elliot . , J., . donatio y nb 6 26 . Dodds , donatioW. , y nb Elliot, J. W., donation by . 265 Domestic furniture, donated . 267 Ellon, Abdns., stone lamp from, Douglas, A.
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