PRESIDENT LAUDED FDR HIS ECONOMIC VIEWS Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1937— Permission to Reproduce, Excepting 288 WILL GET on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M, Saturday Following Issue FOLLOWS PLAN COTTON MILL WORKERS ADVOCATED IN NOT ECONOMIC SLAVES DIPLOMAS FROM W e were privileged latt week, on a trip to South Carolina, to go DENVER CATIKXIC through a large cotton mill, and to see, at first hand, the workings HIGH SCHOOLS ENCYCLICALS of one of America’s gigantic in­ dustries. So much had we heard of horrible working conditions in textile mills, of child labor, that Candidates for Graduation Will Participate Catholic Conference on Industrial Problems we had the feeling as we started the, tour of inspection we were In Joint Program at Civic Declared Most Successful Ever about to see sweat-shop slavery in REGISTER Held Here its lowest form. Instead, we ac­ Auditorium June 6 The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have tually witnessed a thriving indus­ Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, and Seven Smaller Services. try that is endeavoring to give its At the fifth annual joint commencement exercises in "I thank God the principles of social justice and Chris­ employes decent working condi­ the City auditorium June 6 at 3 p. m., 288 Denver Catholic VOL. XXXII. No. 41. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1937. $2 PER YEAR tian charity set forth in the great encyclicals of Pope Leo tions. high school graduates will receive their diplomas. This XIII and Pius XI are receiving recognition today in the pro­ With heart strings attuned to gram of President Roosevelt.” These words \Vere spoken ' sympathy and pity, we steeled our­ number does not include St. Mary’s academy, with 11 grad­ selves at the start of the tour, uates, and Pancratia hall, with three. He Went Up 10 Miles by the Rl. Rev. Msgr. William F. O’Ryan at the closing ses­ feeling that, no matter how much St. Mary’s will hold its commencement June 1 at 10:30 sion of the Catholic Conference on Industrial Problems. we would loathe seeing kiddies a. m. in the domestic chapel. Bishop Urban J. Vehr will Sick Poor Nuns’ The conference, the eighth to be held in Denver, ac­ who should be in school literally cording to many was one of the best ever held here. The sweating their little bodies away be the speaker and a banquet will follow the services. Pan­ in manual labor, there would be cratia’s services will be at 9 a. m. June 1 in the Christ the session addressed by the Rt. Rev. Dr. John A. Ryan on nothing we could do about it. W e King chapel. The Rev. G. Lane, O.P., of St. Dominic’s par­ Superior to Leave “ Two Ways of Fighting Communism” was said to have saw cotton in bales go through the ish, Denver, will be the speaker had the largest audience ever as­ process of development into cloth, and the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Richard sembled in the Knights of Colum­ and, as we went through depart­ Brady, chaplain at Loretto bus hall. Monsignor O’Ryan de­ ment after department, we looked Heights, will confer the diplomas. clared that Communism could not in vain for the dliild workers. Denver on June succeed without social injustices. Pope Pius Will Catholic Youth The various high schools will hold I Many of the employes were ac­ services in their parish churches. “ If men had sufficiency and secur­ tually youngsters, but there was ity in this life they would ask for Regis high will have separate The departure of Sister Immac­ none working in that mill under graduation services, in addition to nothing more.” 16 years of age— and this in spite ulate, superior of the Dominican Is State Winner joining in the general commence­ Sisters of the Sick Poor in Den­ “ Today in the middle of the Broadcast on His of the fact that, until just a few ment, June 4 at 8:15 p. m. in the decadence that began in the 16th weeks ago. South Carolina law ver, Wednesday, June 2, for the Regis gym. motherhouse of the order in New century 60 per cent of the people would permit mill operators to in the United States have lost God. At the joint ceremony June 6 York city will be deeply regretted hire 14-year-oId children. This was the valedictory will be given by They have no principle of morality a matter of pure business with the by sick poor throughout the city. SOtk B irth day Of Essay Contest tq guide them,” he continued. “ The Thomas E. Conboy of Holy Family operators. They found, so we were In her six years as superior in high school. Diplomas will be Denver, Sister Immaculate has di­ expediency of laws has been con­ told, that child labor was not profit­ sidered rather than the principles. National and state winners in conferred by Bishop Vehr, who rected a handful of nuns in work able. will give an address. The grad­ I am thankful today for a Presi­ New York.— Pope Pius XI will the third contest in creative writ­ that reveals amazing figures. broadcast greetings and Papal Cotton mill workers are not go­ uates are as follows: dent who recognizes the dignity ing held by International Business These few sisters, who devote benediction on the occasion of his ing to amass fortunes from their CATHEDRAL HIGH SCHOOL of man and his worth as a human wages, but they are, on the other Machines corporation, open to their lives to the care of the un­ being.” 80th anniversary Monday, May 31, junior and senior students of pub­ Henri Abromite, Florian Barth, fortunate sick poor, in the last hand, fairly well off, when one Marvene Baudendistle, Harry The Very Rev. Msgr. John R. over a network of the National lic, private, and parochial high six years have rendered 45,969 Broadcasting company, it is an­ considers their income from the Baumgard, Edward Bible, Roswell Mulroy, speaking on “ A New So­ schools throughout the United hours of service, have made 17,- nounced here. His Holiness will viewpoint of their plane of life. Brennan, Jean Byford, Rita Camp­ cial Order,” declared the new so­ They are paid by piece work and, States and its territories, were an­ 555 visits, and have expended al­ speak from his study in Castel- bell, Dale Carroll, Margaret Car­ cial order was on the way because (Turn to Page i — Cotyj^nn 1) nounced Wednesday. The winner most $20,000 in material aid. gandolfo, and his message will be for Colorado was Joseph Connell, per, Marie C. de Baca, Rosemary Before coming to Denver, Sis­ “ the plain people and the honest, straight-forward people have or­ shortwaved to NBC by RCA com­ St. Joseph’s high school, Denver. Close, James Costello, Margaret ter Immaculate served seven years munications and Italoradio. The Betty McCarthy, Holy Family Davis, John Eby, Charles Ed­ as superior at Columbus, 0., and at dered it and will insist on it.” “ The Reddin Officiates N_^w Deal,” he said, “ has been the broadcast will be heard from 12:30 high school, Denver, received hon­ monds, La Verne Ekstrom, Pa-* the convent at 342 E. 69th St. in to 1:30 p. m.. Eastern daylight orable mention. tricia Farley, Dick Foley, Gerald New York. She has been untir­ pioneer movement for the new At Cuban Ceremony social order.” Monsignor Mulroy saving time, over the NBC-Blue Galligan, Albarose Gamel, Jean ing in her work, and a great loss network. Awards will be made to the Grindinger, Joseph Guiry, Betty will be occasioned by her leaving declared, “ The New Deal has For Fourth Degree schools attended by the national Heeren, Thomas Higgins, Billy (Turn to Page — Colum n S) made a great contribution and has The occasion also will nfark the and state winners, and bronze wall Hilbert, Sammy Horner, Jack turned the tide of economic think­ renovation of the Pontifical Acad­ plaques will be presented to per­ Hyland, James Kerr, Kathryn ing among all groups and societies emy of Sciences in Rome, which John H. Reddin of Denver, su­ petuate the students’ achieve­ in the face of terrific obstacles.” preme master of the Fourth De­ Kobler, Regina, Kobler, Irene Officers Announced will receive the Pope’s blessing in ments. “ As long as there are rows upon gree, Knights of Columbus, will Koser, Robert Lester, Rita Link, the course of the broadcast. Hymns The contests, this year’s on the Rose Marie Lucy, Frank Mannix, rows and streets upon streets of in honor of the Pope’s birthday arrive home this Friday-from Ha­ For Pontifical Mass dingy tumbled-down houses, the vana, Cuba, where he officiated at subject “ Today’s. Need for Francis McCabe, Betty Nan Mc- will be sung by the choir of the (Turn to Page 2 — C olum n S) North American college at Rome. the introduction of the Fourth De­ Thoughtful Effort,” are the con­ (T um to Page U — Colum n U) On Memorial Day gree, the “patriotic degree,” May ception of Thomas J. Watson, who originated them to direct the at­ 20, Cuban Independence d^.* The The following are the officers ceremony was field just 35 years tention of youth to the value of First Communion creative thinking and to empha­ Looking like a man from Mart, Colonel Pszzi of the Italian air for the Pontifical Mass at Mt. Oli­ after the United States surren­ force it aided out of hit high-altitude flying tuit at the Rome airport vet cemetery Monday, May 31, at Conference Guided dered p^ossession of the island.
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