Dr Nitin Arvind Jarandikar Head and Associate Professor Dept. of English Radhanagari Mahavidyalaya, Radhanagari (Affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur) Personal Details Qualification: M.A. (SET), PGCTE, Ph.D. Email: [email protected] Date of Joining: 21/06/1997 Designation: Associate Professor Subject: English Nature of Post: Full Time Teaching Experience: 24 years Educational Qualifications Sl. Degree Subject Year of University No. Passing 1. Ph. D. English 2011 Shivaji University, Kolhapur 2. PGCTE English 2001 EFLU, Hyderabad 3. SET English 1998 Savitribai Phule Pune University 4. M. A. English 1995 Shivaji University, Kolhapur 5. B. A. English 1993 Shivaji University, Kolhapur Completed a Certificate Course in German Language with I class from Shivaji University, Kolhapur in 2005. Completed Maharashtra State Certificate Course in Information & Technology in December 2004 with 89% score. Participation in Refresher Courses/Orientation Programmes Sl. Course Venue Duration No. 1. Orientation UGC ASC, Goa University 19/1/2001 to 15/2/2001 Programme 2. Contact CIEFL, Hyderabad 25/06/2003 to 21 July, 2003 Programme 3. Global Skills Infosys Leadership Institute, 11/06/2007 to 23 June 2007 Enhancement Mysore Programme 4. Refresher UGC – ASC, University of 10/02/2011 to 02/03/2011 Course Hyderabad, Hyderabad 5. Faculty Godbole Chair, Shivaji 06/03/2018 to 12/03/2018 Development University, Kolhapur Programme Research Contribution Research Work: Sl. M.Phil./Ph.D. Title of the thesis Year University No. 1. Ph.D. “An Exploration of Kiran 2011 Shivaji University, Nagarkar‟s Fictional World” Kolhapur Research Papers Published: Sl. Title of the Paper Journal Vol. No./ Editor/ Page No. Publication ISSN Nos. Date 1. “A Postcolonial The International Issue No. ISSN 0976 34 – 41 Reading of Arun Journal of 11/April – 1608 Kolatkar‟s Sarpa Culture, 2015 Satra” Literature and Criticism 2. “Motif of violence in Cyber Literature Special 0972-0901 149-155 Issue Lord of Flies and Ravan and Eddie” 3. “De-glorification of Labyrinth 2/II, April 0976–0814 165-169 2011 homogenous world: Kiran Nagarkar‟s Ravan and Eddie” 4. “An attempt of Critical Paradigm 1,II, Dec. 2249-5665 11-18 reconciliation with 2011 God” 5. “A Postcolonial The International 11/April – 0976-1608 34-41 2015 Reading of Arun Journal of Kolatkar‟s Sarpa Satra Culture, Literature and Criticism 6. “Mohsin Hamid‟s The Labyrinth 5/II, April – 0976–0814 52-57 Reluctant 2014 Fundamentalist: A Critique of Grand Narrative of Globalization 7. George Orwell: Modern English 2008 ISBN 02-13 “Shooting An Literature 978-81- Elephant” Shivaji 8486-037- University, 5 Kolhapur (Distance Education) 8. George Orwell: “A Modern English 2008 ISBN 14-22 Hanging” Literature 978-81- Shivaji 8486-037- University, 5 Kolhapur (Distance Education) 9. Aldous Huxley: “J. C. Modern English 2008 ISBN 23-31 Bose” Literature 978-81- Shivaji 8486-037- University, 5 Kolhapur (Distance Education) 10. Aldous Huxley: “Work Modern English 2008 ISBN 32-41 and Leisure” Literature 978-81- Shivaji 8486-037- University, 5 Kolhapur (Distance Education) 11. “Use of myths and Folklore and 2012 ISBN 978- 53 – 71 legends in Kiran Transformative 81-7273- Nagarkar‟s Ravan and Reflections 702-3 Eddie and Cuckold” Reference Book 12. “बायतीम इंग्रजी कादंफयी” Khel Issue No. --- 85 – 94 29, June (An article on 2014 Indian English novel) 13. “Mohsin Hamid‟s The Labyrinth Vol. 5/No.2, ISSN 52 – 57 Reluctant April 2014 0976-0814 Fundamentalist: A Critique of the Grand Narrative of Globalization”* 14. “Motif of Violence in Cyber Literature November ISSN 149 – Lord of the Flies and 2013 0972-0901 155 Ravan and Eddied” 15. “वाचकां楍मा जगातीर ककयण Murali Issue No. ISSN 2250 17 – 19 51, January – 1649 नगयकय” 2013 (An article on Kiran Nagarkar) 16. “Use of Myths and Foklore and 2013 ISBN 978- 53 – 71 Legends in Kiran Transformative 81-7273- Nagarkar‟s Ravan Reflections 702-3 and Eddie and Cuckold 17. ‘गॉ蕍स लर絍र सोल्जय’: योरय Aksharnama 22 October Online 2016 कोस्टय राइप स्टोयी ----- (An article on Kiran Nagarkar‟s novel God’s Little Soldier) 18. ‘ट्रु कंट्री’: अस्स्भता शोधाची Aksharnama 25 December Online 2016 संघषष कहाणी ----- (An article on the Australian novel True Country) 19. ‘चामनाभन’: फेऩत्ता श्रीरंकन Aksharnama 22 January Online 2017 किके टऩटू ची अपरातून ----- कहाणी (An article on Sri Lankan novel Chinaman) Aksharnama 20 February 20. ‘ह्मुभन अॅक्ट絍स’: अभानवी Online 2017 ----- िौमाषची करून कहाणी (An article on Korean novel Human Acts) 21. ‘द पॅ ट इमस’:ष चीन楍मा Aksharnama 24 March Online 2017 ----- आबासी उꅍभादाभागचे गडद वास्तव (An article on Chinese novel Fat Years) 22. ‘दद इꅍ्हेस्टीगेशन’: कववतेवय Aksharnama 21 May Online 2017 प्रेभ कयणाऱ्मा दोन ----- अवलरमांची वेधक कहाणी (An article on Korean novel The Investigation) 23. ‘भॅन टामगय’: भाणसातल्मा Aksharnama 30 June Online 2017 दहंस्र श्वाऩदाची शोका配भ ----- कहाणी (An article on Indonesian novel Man Tiger) 24. Re-reading of Mahavir August 11 -16 Popular Fiction Research Vision 2017, Vol.1. ----- No.1 Aksharnama 01 September 25. ‘भुझिक ऑप दी घोस्絍स’: Online 2017 कंफोडडमन िांती楍मा ----- अऩेऺाबंगाच कथन (An article on Cambodian novel Music of the Ghosts) 26. ऩंडडत नेहरं楍मा उणीवेची Aksharnama 23 November Online 2017 ----- जाणीव* (Translated article originally written by Avijit Pathak and published in The Indian Express, 14 Nov. 2017) 27. डडस्जटर िांतीनंतयची Prabodhan Jan. 2018, 2278 – 24 – 28 Prakashan Jyoti आ्हाने Vol. 362, 7615 (Challenges after Year 29 digital revolution) 28. ‘कॉरभ ऑप थॉट’: Parivartanacha 01 to 2250 – 60 – 61 Watasaru वतषभानाचे बान सजग 15June 3145 2018 कयणाये ऩुस्तक Vol. 3, (Book review) Year 18 29. My Father’s Shoes/भा畍मा Padmagandha and 2018 ----- 154-171 PEN Congress वडडरांचे फटू (Translated story) 30. The Course/दद कोसष Padmagandha and 2018 ----- 208-215 PEN Congress (Translated article) 31. The Post Memory Uttam Anuvad 2018 ----- 10-29 (Special Diwali Imagination/उत्तय-स्भतृ ी Edition) कल्ऩनाशक्टती (Translated article) 32. The Informer / खफये Uttam Anuvad 2019 ----- 120-123 (Translated article) (Special Diwali Edition) 33. ककयण नगयकय: संवेदनेचं Samaj Prabodhan Vol. 230, 0973-2845 82-86 Patrika April 2020 धायधाय ऩातं 34. रयंगाण: आददभ बानाची Pratishthan Vol. 3/4 ----- 59-63 January2020 कादंफयी Research Papers Presented: Sl. Title of the Paper Theme of the Venue Date Level No. Conference 1. “Feminist Reading Genre Fiction D. R. Mane 18/19 National of Popular Fiction” by British and College, Kagal Jan. 2013 Marathi Women Novelists 2. “Representation of Portrayal of Arts and 20/21 National Family in Kiran Mother in Commerce Sept. Nagarkar‟s Fiction” Indian College, 2013 English Nagthane Fiction 3. “Advent of Language, Shivaji 12/13 International Technology and Literature University, Dec. 2013 Dynamics of Novel and Kolhapur Form” Technology 4. “Prospero‟s Relevance of Mahavir 05 Feb. National Dilemma: The Shakespeare College, 2016 Inevitable and in the Present Kolhapur Perennial Fate of an Times Artist” 5. “Globalization, Literature Mahavir 27, 28 International Culture and and Culture College, Jan. 2017 Translation” in the Kolhapur Perspective of Globalization 6. “सभीऺेचे कामष” सभीऺा लसदधांत Chhatrapati 29, 30 National Shivaji College, Nov. 2017 (Function of आझण ्मवहाय Satara Criticism) 7. Towards Advanced and Shri Venkatesh 16 Feb. International exponential Growth Innovative Mahavidyalaya, 2019 in Machine Practices in Ichalkaranji Translation …Humanities, Languages and their Role in Achieving the Exponential Growth Details of Invited Lectures/RPs/Experts: Sl. Details Topic Venue Date No. 1. Chief ”English Day Arts and Commerce 06 Nov. 2009 Guest/College Function” College, Phondaghat Level Workshop 2. RP/University “Understanding Krantisinh Nana Patil 17 Jan. 2010 level workshop Drama” College, Walwe 3. RP/College “English College of Education, 05 Oct. 2010 Level Workshop Communication Vita Skills” 4. RP/Orientation “Word Stress Jawahar Navoday 03 to 12 May 2011 Course in and Intonation” Vidyalaya, Kagal Content enrichment 5. RP/University “Approaches to Shahu College, 10 Aug. 2012 level workshop Literature” Kolhapur 6. RP/ College “Opportunities Shri Vijaysinha Yadav 13 Feb. 2013 level workshop in English” Arts and Science College, Peth Vadgaon 7. Subject Expert Selection Sadashirao Mandlik 03/09/2013 Committee of College, Murgud Teacher Fellowship under FDP XI plan of UGC, New Delhi 8. RP / Inter- University Sadashirao Mandlik 17/02/2014 College Question College, Murgud workshop Papers of Compulsory English (B.A. Part II) 9. Chief guest for Kale Vidya Mandir 13/09/2014 सजृ नशीरता आझण the workshop Junior College Arts on creative जीवन and Commerce, Kale writing 10. RP/University “Listening Bhogawati 17 Feb. 2016 level workshop Enhancement Mahavidyalaya for Fluency in English” 11. RP/College “Career Bhogawati 16/09/2017 level workshop opportunities in Mahavidyalaya English Language and Literature” Contribution to Corporate Life Sl. Committee Designation No. 1. Internal Quality Assurance Coordinator Cell 2. All India Survey of Higher Nodal Officer Education 3. MIS Nodal Officer 4. UGC Planning Board Member 5. College Website Member Development Committee 6. Library Advisory Committee Member 7. „Akshargandh‟ (Wall Paper Member Committee) Course Coordinator Sl. Course Details Period No. 1. A Certificate Course in 2011 – 12 Spoken English (COC) 2. Basic English Course 2012 – 13 Workshop Convener Sl. Theme of the Workshop Date No. 1. New Methodology of NAAC 16 November Evaluation 2018 2. New Methodology of NAAC 16 March 2018 Evaluation Membership in University Bodies/Professional Associations Member, Shivaji University Teachers‟ Association Member, Shivaji University English Teachers‟ Association Estimable Achievements Contributor to the Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi‟s Encyclopedia on Indian Writers in English. Contributor to Marathi Wangmay Vishwkosh dedicated to Indian English Writers.
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