University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln US Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Department of Defense 1977 MISSOURI RIVER, SOUTH DAKOTA, NEBRASKA, NORTH DAKOTA, MONTANA Review Report for Water Resources Development, Volume 1 of 3 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/usarmyceomaha Part of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Commons "MISSOURI RIVER, SOUTH DAKOTA, NEBRASKA, NORTH DAKOTA, MONTANA Review Report for Water Resources Development, Volume 1 of 3" (1977). US Army Corps of Engineers. 91. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/usarmyceomaha/91 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the U.S. Department of Defense at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in US Army Corps of Engineers by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. MISSOURI RIVER SOUTH OAKOTA,NEBRAsKA,NORTH OAKOTA,MONTANA REVIEW REPORT FOR WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT "'-'• • WATER RESOURCE ENVIRONMENT , HYoRO·ELECTRIC POWER VOLUME 1 OF 3 AUGUST 1977 MISSOURI RIVER, SOUTH DAKOTA, NEBRASKA, NORTH DAKOTA, MONTANA Review Report for Water Resources Development A STUDY c'O REVIEW PERTINENT REPORTS ON THE MISSOURI RIVER AND TO DETERMINE THE ADVISABILITY OF PROVIDING ADDITIONAL ~1EAS· URES FOR FLOOD CONTROL. BANK STABILIZATION. NAVIGATION. HYDRO· POWER GENERATION. RECREATION. FISH AND WILDLIFE PROPAGATION AI'ID OTHER PURPOSES BETWEEN THREE FORKS. MONTANA A.."<'D SIOUX CITY. IOWA. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS MISSOURI RIVER DIVISION AUGUST 1977 ...... --.---.---.-----~--.. Syllabus This atudy investigated a wide range of water resource probl... and opportunities related to the Missouri River and the six main stem d.... along an area extending over 1.500 miles from Sioux City. Iowa to Three lorks. Montana. Subjects of the study were: the feasibility of installing additional hydro-power generating units both at the main stem dams and adjacent to the river; resolution of bank erosion. waterlogging. and residual flood problema; opportunities for recre­ ation. fish and wildlife enhancement; operating plans of the main stem system considering future water use; and potential for extend­ ing naVigation upstream from Sioux City. Iowa. Several elements were dropped during the course of the study. Water sllocation and marketing was an initial objective; however. b.,in states indicated such studies to be untimely. This report. therefore. does not make any recommendations dealing with priorities of water use. Surface inundation and waterlogging along a 10-.11e reach upatream from the mouth of the Niobrara River during periods of high release from lort Randall have been judicially determined to require lederal compensation of the landowners. A separate re­ port will deal with thia problem. In response to the waterlogging problem at Buford-Trenton. North Dakota. the Corps has developed a drainage plan to be accomplished under existing authority. Ex­ tension of navigation past the main stem dams or only aa far as Yankton. South Dakota. i8 clearly infeasible even under the moat favorable aasumptions. Potential hydro-power addition. at the Oabe and lort Randall damait •• and a pumped-storage facility at Garrison have been deferred for future evaluation. The .elected plan includes elements for bank stabilization and recreation accsss. additional hydro-power capacity. restoration of trophy fishing at Lakes Oahe and Francis C""e, and National Wild and Scenic Rive~ designation of the GAvins Point-Ponca State Psrk reach. Plan cnwponents were nelectrrl fr::l'1l a.n array of alternat1."veft as.essed in terms of national ~conomic development, environmental qualley, and Racial and reF-ionRt effects. ~qnk atabilization con­ sists of desi~n and con~t~u~eion of soft nr~tect1on works emplo,ing river management techniques designed to preserve the existing environ­ .... nt while at tbe s ..... ti_ preserving high bank lands. Missouri River sites authorized by river reach belo~ Garrison, Fort Randall, and Gavins Point Dam3 in Section 32. rL 93-251, in addition to five locations belnw Fort Peck n"", ;md nne loc!'lti<"tl. bel"'" Oahe D8IIl are in­ cluded 1n the selected plan. The Fed~ral conntruction coat will be $15,307,000 and the non-Feder3l coat ~ill tntal $878,000, Construction of five river access sites in conjunctinn vith bank protection will cost $355,000. The selected hydro-pow~r addl:ions r.onsiRt of a 185 mw expansion at Fort Peck with a reregulation d~ at an investment coat of $84,253,000; a 272 mw exp~ns1on at Garrison Dam with a reregu­ lation da.. at an invelltment c".t (If $90,748,000; anrl a 1180 _ pumped­ storage plant !'ldjacent to LAke Francis rosse aC ~n invest~nC coat of $274,553,000. For the three hydro-power additions, annual benefits total 568,893,000 and annual coats equal $45,622,000 resulting in a 1.5 benefit-coat ratio. The plan selected for restoration of a northern pike fishery at Lak~s O~he and Francis Case consists of construction of reArin~ pandA and an enhanced lakeshore forage baAe at 12 sites at a coat of $4,270,000. IID~rov~ments in fishing oppor­ tunity will yield $1,080,000 in snnual ben~fits; and with annual costa totaling $363,000, the ratio of benefits to costa i~ 3.0. An additional element of the selected plan conAista of de~ignat1on of about 60 ail~!! of the: MisAouri River fro~ G.... '"::-i.nlll Point: DaJIl to P011c:.a State Park under PL 90-542 as a co~onent at the Wild and Sc~nic River System. A reconnaiaaance study has f" ..nc that thi .. "lver reach possesses the features that make it el1gibl.! for such d""igTI"tion. Acquisition of recreation ea.e~nt9, river f~a4ure stabilizat1nn, and a small amount of fee pnrc.."lase for riv'!r aceeSR fac11it:1..t!1 result!' in a first cost of $7,412,000 and an annual cost of $661,000. Annual beaefits of $3,306,000 yield a benefit-cost ratio of 5.0. Total investment cost for the selected plan 18 $477,776,000. This investigation has proceeded to the ·point of e.tsblishing the econa.ic fs ..ibility of improv... nt; however, further in.. sti­ gation i. nece.sary to resolve certain re.a1n1ag.eKYiron..ntal i.suas. It is therefore recoeaended that the selected plan be authorized for Phas. I design ..morandum stage of advanced engineering and design, at an estimated cost of $2,500,000. MISSOURI RIVER SOUTH DAKOTA, NEBRASKA, NORTH DAKOTA, MONTANA REVIEW REPORT FOR WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Item ~ The Study and Report 1 Purpose and Authority 1 Scope of Study 2 Study Participants and Coordination 2 The Report 3 Prior Studies and Reports 4 Resources and Economy of the Study Area 6 Environmental Setting and Natural Resources 6 Man and His Works 10 Problems and Opportunities 19 Water Use 19 Status of Existing Plans and Improvements 26 Flood Problems 28 Navigation 28 Water Logging 29 Bank Erosion 29 Hydro-Power 31 Recreation, Fish and Wildlife 32 Improvements Desired 32 Formulating a Plan 33 Factors Affecting Formulation and Evaluation 33 Possible Solutions 36 Alternatives Considered Further 44 Selecting a Plan 50 The Selected Plan 60 Bank Stabilization 60 Hydro-Power 70 On-Site Rearing Ponds Designation Under National Wild and Scenic Rivers Act 81 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) Item Page Economics of Selected Plan 85 Methodolgy 86 Costs 86 Benefits 92 Justification 94 Summary 95 Division of Plan Responsibilities 96 Federal Responsibilities 96 Non-Federal Responsibilities 97 Cost Allocation 99 Cost Apportionment 99 Review of the Report 100 Views of Federal Interests 100 Views of Non-Federal Interests 103 Summary 104 Plan Implementation 105 Statement of Findings 106 Recommendations 109 ii LIST OF TABLES Title Page LAND USE AND AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES 11 LABOR FORCE, EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT-1970. 12 EMPLOYMENT BY MAJOR EMPLOYMENT GROUPS-1970 13 PROJECTIONS OF POPULATION, EMPLOYMENT AND EARNINGS FOR STATE PORTIONS OF WATER RESOURCES SUBAREAS 13 I PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF PROJECTED EARNINGS BY INDUSTRIAL GROUPS IN 2020 14 EROSION OF VALLEY BOTTOM LANDS SINCE DAM CLOSURE 30 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS FOR EXTENDING THE NA VIGATION PROJECT 44·45 SUMMARY COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE PLANS-FT. PECK 53 SUMMARY COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE PLANS-GARRISON 55 SUMMARY COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE PLANS- GREGORY COUNTY 57 SUMMARY COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE PLANS- RESTORATION OF TROPHY FISHING 58 . SUMMARY COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE PLANS- DESIGNATION UNDER PL 90·542 60a EXISTI:"<G AND PROPOSED BANK PROTECTION SITES BELOW MISSOURI RIVER DAMS 62·63 MISSOURI RIVER BANK PROTECTION ESTIMATE OF CONSTRUCTION COSTS 70 ON·SITE FISH REARING PONDS A..""D FORAGE BASE DEVELOPMENT 79 HYDRO· POWER FIRST COST SUMMARY 87 HYDRO·POWER INVESTMENT AND ANNUAL COST SUMMARY 88 REARING PONDS FIRST COST SUMMARY 89 REARING PONDS ANNUAL COST SUMMARY 89 Ul LIST OF TABLES (Cant'1ft. Title Page REACH DESIGNATION PL 90-542 FIRST COST SUMMARY 91 REACH DESIGNATION PL 90-542 ANNUAL COST SUMMARY 91 BENEFIT SUMMARY 93 JUSTIFICATION 94 ECONOMIC SUMMARY 95 I NON-FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS 98 COST APPORTIONMENT 99 LIST OF FIGURES TItle ~ GROWTH OF STREAMFLOW DEPLETIONS AT SIOUX CITY 20 AD HOC COMMITTEE PROJECTIONS OF AVERAGE ANNUAL DEPLETIONS MISSOURI RIVER AT SIOUX CITY 22 LIST OF PLATES No. TItle 1 General Map 2 General Plan iv MISSOURI RIVER SOUTH DAKOTA, NEBRASKA, NORTH DAKOTA, MONTANA, REVIEW REPORT FOR WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT , The Study and Report This section traces the numerous expressions of Congressional interest in the upper Missouri River and their consolidation into a single report. Administrative details concerning coordination with other entities, public participation and a bibliography of prior studies are also provided. Purpose and Authority The purpose of this study is to investigate a wide range of water resource problems and opportunities all having in common some link with the Missouri River.
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