"Entertaining ... Insights into how the mind of a creative developer works." -Newsweek LINUS TORVALDS Creator of LINUX and DAVID DIAMOND Just for FUN or THE STORY OF AN ACCIDENTAL REVOLU TIONARY LINUS TORVALDS, CREATOR OF LINUX, AND DAVID DIAMOND HARPER "ls the Linux Revolution Over" beginning on page 186 is reprinted from ZD Net, August 26, 1999, with permission. Copyright© 1999, ZD Net Inc. All rights reserved. JUST FOR FUN. Copyright© 2001 by Linus Torvalds and David Diamond. Al{ rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information address HarperCollins Publishers Inc., JO East 53rd Street, New York, NY J0022. HarperCollins books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promo­ tional use. For information please write: Special Markets Department, Harper­ Collins Publishers Inc., JO East 53rd Street, NewYork, NY 10022. First HarperBusiness paperback edition published 2002 Designed by Fritz Metsch The Library of Congress has catalogued the hardcover edition as follows: Torvalds, Linus, 1969- just for fun : the story of an accidental revolutionary I Linus Torvalds and David Diamond. p. cm. ISBN 0-06-662072-4 (he) 1. Torvalds, Linus, 1969- 2. Computer programmers-Finland-Biography. 3. Linux. I. Diamond, David. II. Title. QA76.2.T67 T67 2001 005.1'092-dc21 (BJ 00-054199 ISBN 0-06-662073-2 (pbk.) 12 RRD 1211 To Tove and Patricia, Daniela, and Celeste. I always wanted to be surroundedby young women, and you made it so. To Tia and Kaley. Boy do I feel blessed. This wouldn 't qualify as acknowledgments without the dropping of some important names, so here goes: We acknowledge our editor, Adrian Zackheim, who caved in to our every demand; Erin Richnow, the HarperCollins assistant editor who was more on top of this project than we were; our agents, BillGlad stone of Wa ter­ side Productions and Kris Dahl of ICM, who couldn 't have been speedier in the fo rwarding of our checks to us; Sara To rvalds, who has the best backup memory on the Fennoscandia peninsula-and operates in three languages-andWi lliam and Ruth Diamond, who readthe original manuscript and kept repeating, "No, really, it's good. " My heart was in my throat when he was growing up: How on Earth was he going to meet any nice girls that way? -Anna Torvalds Introduction: Post-its from a Revolution During the euphoria of the finalyears of the twentieth century, a revolution was happening among allthe other revolutions. Seemingly overnight, the Linux operating system caught the world's attention. It had exploded fr om the small bedroom of its creator, Linus Torvalds, to attract a cultish fo llowing of near-militant geeks. Suddenly it was infiltrating the corporate powerhouses controlling the planet. From a party of one it now counted millions of users on every continent, including Antarctica, and even outer space, if you count NASA outposts. Not only was it the most common operating system running server computers dishing out allthe content on the Wo rld Wide We b, but its very development model-an intricate web of its own, encompassing hundreds of thousands of volunteer computer programmers-had grown to become the largest collaborative project in the history of the world. The open source philosophy behind it all was simple: Information, in this case the source code or basic instructions behind the operating system, should be free and fr eely shared fo r anyone interested in improving upon it. But those improvements should also be fr eely shared. The same concept had supported centuries of scientificdis cov­ ery. Now it was findinga home in the corporate sphere, and it was possi­ ble to imagine its potential as a fra mework fo r creating the best of anything: a legal strategy, an opera. Some fo lks caught a glimpse of the fu ture and didn't like what theysaw. Linus'sround , bespectacled countenance became a fa vored dart­ board target within Microsoft Corporation, which was now fa ced with its first honest-to-goodness competitive threat. But, more oft en, people wanted to learn more about the kid who-if he did not start it all-at least ix jump-started it and was, in effect, its leader. The trouble was, the more successful Linux and open source became, the less he wanted to talk about it. The accidental revolutionary started Linux because playing on a com­ puter was fun (and also because the alternatives weren't that attractive). So when someone tried to convince him to speak at a major event by telling him that his millions of followers just wanted to at least see him, in the flesh, Linus go�d-naturedly offered to participate in a dunk-tank instead. That would be more fun, he explained. And a way of raising money. They. declined. It wasn't their idea of how to run a revolution. Revolutionaries aren't born. Revolutions can't be planned. Revolu­ tions can't be managed. Revolutions happen .... -David Diamond x ]11stfo r F11n X-Authentication-Warning : penguin .transmeta .com : torvalds owned process doing-bs Date : Mon , 18 Oct 1999 14 :12:27 -0700 (PDT ) From : Linus Torvalds <torvalds@transmeta . com> To : David Diamond <ddiamond@well . com> Subj ect :Ho humm .. MIME -Version : 1.0 I hope this is still your email address. I noticed that I didn't have any contact information for you anywhere , probably because I've trashed your business card along wi th all the others , and because you 've actually contacted me by phone much more than by email . I've thought a lot over the weekend , and if you 're interested, I think I'm getting more and more inter­ ested . Let 's cut a deal : If you think we can make a fun book , and more importantly if you think we can have fun making it , let's go for it . You'd drag me (with family) camping and (without family) skydiving . Things that I wouldn' t ever do otherwise, just because I think I'm too busy . Give me an excuse to do the things I haven 't done during the last three years even though all the opportunities are there . So maybe I wouldn 't read a book about me when it 's done , bu t at least I'd have fun with it . Linus ... And sometimes, revolutionaries just get stuck with it. Linus Torvalds xi Contents Acknowledgments xv Prefa ce xvii BIRTH OF A NERD 1 BIRTH OF AN OPERATING SYSTEM 37 KING OF THE BALL 125 Intellectual Property 204 An End to Control 215 The Amusement Ride Ahead 220 Why Open Source Makes Sense 225 Fame and Fortune 235 The Meaning of Life II 242 Index 251 Acknowledgments The authors. wish to acknowledge the following establish­ ments for their role in creating this book-or at least making it fun. (None of these places have paid us any money. Which is a damn shame.) FM 107.7 the Bone. Classic Rock That Rocks; Zelda's Restaurant, Capitola; Kiva Retreat House, Santa Cruz; Hagashi West Restaurant, Palo Alto; Malibu Grand Prix, Redwood Shores; Bodega Bay Lodge, Bodega Bay; Saturn Cafe, Santa Cruz; Cafe Marmalade, Ross; Half Moon Bay Boardshop, Half Moon Bay; Santa Cruz Billiards, Santa Cruz; Cafe Reyes, Point Reyes Station; California Sushi and Grill, San Jose; Santa Clara Golf and Te nnis Club, Santa Clara; Ideal Bar and Grill, Santa Cruz; Silver Peso Bar ("Where Janis Played"), Larkspur; Rosie McCann's Irish Pub and Restaurant, Santa Cruz; Mayflower Inn, San Rafael; Grover Hot Springs State Park, Markleeville; Left Bank Restaurant, Larkspur; Potrero Brewing Company, San Francisco; The Rice Table, San Rafael; Ross Valley Swim and Te nnis Club, Kentfield; Fallen Leaf Lake Marina, Fallen Leaf Lake; Peer's Coffee and Te a, Greenbrae; Hawthorne Lane Restaurant, San Francisco; Indian Springs Resort, Calistoga; Samurai Sushi, Sausalito; Blowfish Sushi, San Francisco; Paramount's Great America, Santa Clara; Robata Grill Sushi, Mill Valley; Buckeye Roadhouse, Mill Valley; Barnes and Noble, San Jose; Sushi Ran, Sausalito; 23 Ross Common, Ross; KFOG-104.5 FM; Rutherford Grill, Rutherford; In-N-Out Burger, Santa Rosa; Seto Sushi, Sunnyvale. xv Preface: The Mea ning of Life I (Sex, War, Linux) SETTING : This book has its origins in a late-model black Ford Expe­ dition in the southbound lanes of Interstate 5, somewhere in Cali­ fornia's Central Valley. Linus and Tove Torvalds and their young daughters, Patricia and Daniela, are accompanied by an interloper as they travel 351 miles to Los Angeles, where they will visit the zoo and an IKEA outlet. DAVID: Now I've got a fundamentalque stion to think about, and it's sort of important. What do you want to get across in this book? LINUS: Well, I want to explain the meaning of life. TOVE: Linus, did you remember to fillthe gas tank? L: I have a theory about the meaning of life. We can, in the first chapter, explain to people what the meaning of life is. We get them hooked that way. Once they're hooked and pay forthe book, we can just fill up the rest with ran­ dom crap. D: Oh yes. That sounds like a plan. Someone told me that since the dawn of man there have been two lingering questions. One: "What is the meaning of life?" and Two: "What can I do with all this pocket change that accumu­ lates at the end of the day?" L: I have the answer to the first one.
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