AMi Market Watch contents • H1 new car registration performance • Sales per franchised outlet data and brand comparison for 2013 and historic • Sales per franchised outlet segmented into brand type (volume, i premium etc) Market Watch • Dealer group financial status report August 2013 on 2012 • AM100 spring 2013 analysis Welcome to the second issue of AMi Market Watch, a quarterly update of the major events in the car retail market, • New car launch activity this year providing insight and analysis, together with a look at the • Dealer group acquisition activity attitudes and confidence of dealers and manufacturers. • News summary The primary source of data is AM’s information portal AMi (www.am-online.com/ami) together with insight from the • New car pricing and finance offer SMMT and AM’s research and insight business Sewell’s. trends Price £250 i Market Watch Winners and losers New car in the June market Winners: Suzuki: volume growth registrations of 38.14% in June Renault: + 34.27% – Q2 2013 Ford: + 31.89% Vauxhall: + 16.57% Maserati: + 66.67% Volumes in Q2 rose 13% this year, posting the Aston Martin: + 61.67% strongest quarterly rise since Q3 2011. VW: + 14.43% UK new car registrations continued to rise across private, fleet and business sales types, although private demand has secured the most significant growth. Lotus: + 466.67% Registrations in June grew 13.4% securing a 16th successive month of growth and pushing half year volumes through the one million mark. Losers: The UK continues to buck new car market trends in some EU27 countries, with buyers returning to the market after a sustained hold-off from purchasing new vehicles, enticing finance deals and desire to switch Chrysler: down 32.26% to more fuel-efficient models driving market growth. Alfa Romeo: - 29.14% Private new car registrations grew 17.1% during the first half of 2013, 24.4% in Q2 and 21.3% in June. Strong private demand has supported volume growth in the supermini and mini segments, although MPVs Porsche: - 29.14% showed the largest growth in June, up by over a quarter. The Ford Fiesta remains the best-selling model in both the month and year-to-date. Mini: - 16.71% The growth in the supermini and mini segments has contributed to the rise in petrol-powered car Infiniti: - 57.14% registrations, although in June alternatively-fuelled cars recorded a 26.2% rise. Year-to-date top- Growth in jobs selling models supports buyer confidence 1 Ford Fiesta • UK employment levels and 2 Ford Focus housing market have supported buyer confidence. 3 Vauxhall Corsa • Attractive finance packages 4 Vauxhall Astra have encouraged motorists to buy new cars. 5 Volkswagen Golf Industry sources suggest 6 Nissan Qashqai consumers have been enabled 7 Volkswagen Polo to buy through low interest rates and manufacturer 8 BMW 3 Series support on finance packages. 9 Peugeot 208 Source: SMMT 10 BMW 1 Series www.am-online.com/ami 2 w w w . a m - o n l i New car registrations – Q2 2013 (cont) n e . c o m / a m #&?@A4#"4@BCA+BD+C&E+F"#A+@C+4G&+%C@4&H+I@C?HB!+J+KL+!"#$%& i M%C& L&"#J4BJH"4& !"#$%& '()* +,+!-./01+23-.0 '()' ,+!-./01+23-.0 ,+F3-NO0 '()* ,+!-./01+23-.0 '()' ,+!-./01+23-.0 ,+F3-NO0 !"#$%& '() *+*, '*) *+*- '.+/( 0'' *+*, ,*0 *+*, '0+') !12#345675 //- *+(' ,(8 *+)) 9(.+'/ (:080 *+(/ /:'-8 *+). 9)(+.0 !;%5<3=#$%>< .0 *+*- ,* *+*) ,'+,0 -)* *+*- /8( *+*- .+., !?@> '(:/'0 -+08 '*:.), -+00 ')+-/ 0):0,0 ,+)/ ,,:**- ,+(/ ''+0, A7<%17B '', *+*- '*- *+*, '*+/8 -., *+*- ,,) *+*, 9'*+'' A=C '/:(.* ,+,- '/:)*( 0+-- 9*+*8 ,-:('/ -+,* ,/:-'/ ,+'* '+*. 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