E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 150 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2004 No. 40 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, March 29, 2004, at 12:30 p.m. Senate FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2004 The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY around the world, America remains the called to order by the President pro LEADER most overweight country on the globe. tempore [Mr. STEVENS]. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Indeed, it is taking its toll in a way majority leader is recognized. that people are only now beginning to PRAYER realize. But thank goodness they are. f The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- In fact, earlier this year, the CDC, fered the following prayer: SCHEDULE Centers for Disease Control and Pre- Let us pray. Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, this morn- vention, released data showing that Sovereign Lord, You are our strong ing the Senate will be in a period of lack of physical activity and poor nu- shelter and hiding place. We praise You morning business to allow Senators to trition are the second leading causes of for Your love and Your wisdom. You make statements. No rollcall votes will death in the United States of America. are too wise to ever make a mistake, occur today. I do not anticipate a That is second only to smoking. In too loving to ever do anything unkind. lengthy session of the Senate today. As fact, if recent trends continue, obesity When we are unfaithful, eternal God, a reminder, we will begin the welfare can soon overtake smoking as the lead- You remain faithful. Our times are in reauthorization bill on Monday, and I ing cause of death in the United States. Your hands. will be laying out Monday’s schedule at Looking at the recent trends, it is very Thank You that though human the close of today’s business. But I likely that, indeed, will be the case. beings plan, You have the final word would also remind Members that any The good news about that, and I about what happens to our world. For- votes ordered on Monday will be de- would also say about smoking—al- give us when we lack the patience to layed to occur on Tuesday. though smoking is such a powerful ad- wait for the unfolding of Your powerful f diction, it has been shown to be such a providence. Help us to comprehend OBESITY challenge—but the good news about the clearly the road You desire us to trav- Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I will be obesity epidemic we are seeing is, el. back a little later this morning, but I through education and a change in life- Bless our Senators as they lean upon do want to take an opportunity, seeing style alone we can prevent this epi- Your wisdom. Give them the courage our distinguished President pro tem- demic from occurring. We can prevent to choose the harder right and accom- pore in the chair today, to comment on this killing. plish those things that will unite rath- an issue I know he feels strongly about The trend has been over the last 30 er than divide. Keep them from falling as well as I, and that is the issue of years. It is one of these problems that and prepare them to stand before You physical activity and nutrition and the has been around. We have always had with great joy. growing obesity epidemic in the United obesity for whole different reasons. But We pray this in Your powerful Name. States. for new reasons—lack of activity, poor Amen. It is an issue that has, thank good- nutrition, promotion of poor nutri- f ness, received increasing attention tion—we have had this trend of obesity over the last several weeks and skyrocketing over a 30-year period. I PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE months; that is, obesity, the epidemic am very hopeful that by doing our part The PRESIDENT pro tempore led the now in the United States, and its very in the Senate, as elected representa- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: direct impact on one’s overall health, tives, as leaders, through the hearing I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the whether it is quality of life or how long process, through education, through United States of America, and to the Repub- one lives. serving as direct examples, we can help lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Despite tremendous gains in public turn this tide and again reverse it over indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. health in this country and, indeed, the next several years. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S3199 . VerDate jul 14 2003 23:27 Mar 26, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26MR6.000 S26PT1 S3200 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 26, 2004 The CDC, the American College of I encourage my colleagues to do the Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I ask Sports Medicine, and the U.S. Surgeon same. It is really a matter of raising unanimous consent that the order for General have come together to rec- awareness and changing our lifestyles, the quorum call be rescinded. ommend that, for adults, 30 minutes of which will definitely improve health. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without moderate-intensity activity 5 or more I thank the CDC Foundation and the objection, it is so ordered. days a week will actually stabilize and America on the Move organization for f reverse the trends we have seen. It is supplying us with these devices. I POLITICIZATION OF THE clear that additional physical activity should also mention for those of my NOMINATION PROCESS will have even increased benefits on colleagues and others who are listening the part of the body that I specialized today who wish to find out more about Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, our on, the heart, but also chronic diseases the pedometers and the importance of Constitution has vested the Senate such as diabetes, probably some can- daily exercise, two Web sites. The one with the responsibility of advising and cers, clearly lung disease as well. I highly recommend is the CDC Web consenting on the President’s nomina- Again, if we can all concentrate on site. I will give my colleagues both tions. Throughout the full range of admin- that 30 minutes. those addresses. The Web site for istration appointments—from top Cabi- In terms of weight gain, it is not America on the Move is net officials, to Federal judges, to clear yet. We can’t accurately predict www.americaonthemove.org. The Web boards and commissions—the Senate’s and say this is how much exercise you site for the CDC is www.cdc.gov. role is to speak for the American peo- need to do to prevent weight gain or re- You don’t have to run. You can walk. ple and ensure the highest standards of verse weight gain because it is such an You can use a pedometer doing that, public service are maintained through- individual matter. But we all know and you can make great strides toward out our Government. physical activity plays a very promi- a healthier lifestyle. We have exercised this oversight au- nent role in reversing weight gain. It is A couple of key points: thority with extraordinary restraint. an important aspect of weight control. The 30-minute minimum does not Democrats have sought to participate It helps promote caloric balance. It have to be done at one time in terms of in the nomination process and work to- helps promote general well-being. In the official recommendations. You can gether with the administration and the fact, it also helps control appetite. do it in three 10-minute intervals over majority in a bipartisan fashion to con- I mention all this, and I am delighted the course of the day. You want to be firm public servants in the highest tra- you will see a lot of Senators and staff walking at a fast enough intensity ditions of our Nation. members wearing one of these little pe- where it will make a difference enough Regrettably, the administration has dometers. I happen to have one on now. to accelerate the heart rate modestly chosen to reject the course of biparti- I am a little embarrassed to open up for each of those 10-minute periods. sanship, even though Democrats have and read how many steps I have taken Finally, I will close with the best tried to accommodate the President’s today. As of 9:30 this morning I have part of all of this, which is that it is goal of filling judicial vacancies. The only taken 625 steps. That is too little never too late. No matter what age you Senate has confirmed a record 173 Fed- because by the end of the day I need to are, you can actually change your eral judges, rejecting only 3. have taken a recommended 8,000 or overall health status, your quality of These three judges were far outside 10,000 steps. life, and how long you live if you decide the mainstream and had troubling In fact, yesterday I only took about today to change your lifestyle. It will records of judicial activism in service 4,500 steps.
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