IliPWsif'i^'^^ilJj^'^liii^'ii^ JOHN F. BARRY JR. KNO^MUTOK Mav 1981 rown IN\TRaN IMlTnON Touchdown In America's space senting, asking on Brown's beha spectaculars there have been The Brown Fund goal this year i so many memorable moments $3.5 milhon in unrestricted fxmo that new words, or nuances of words, That's higher than we've ever go have been assembled to describe before, and to get there we ask aj them all. All those "hft-offs," "ren- you who have not yet signalled dezvous," "jettisons," "re-entrys," "A-Okay" to the University to do "splashdowns." And now, on the flat now. And please, be as generous sands of the Mojave Desert, a you can. "touchdown, " one as far routed as If you've already joined our sp any that John Anderson's own grid- program, our thanks. For a Uni^ nauts may have sought and found. sity is a space program of sorts Well, here at the Brown Fund, Expensive to rim, with a payout we had our own closely watched lift- always in the future. But what a off last September and we await our future! Help us conquer the pro own eventful "touchdown" on June lems of "inner space" so that we 30. That's when our own "piggy- may continue to send the best-pi back" to the big Campaign for pared graduates in the country o Brown, the annual Brown Fund into the wider space where their campaign for 1980-81 ends. And the knowledge and talents and skills dollars you have sent into this space so desperately needed. called Brown will enable the b; University to make the most of its The Brown Fund unique place in the world of higher If we don't, who will? education. It's been a busy mission. Thou- sands of you have ventured into the vast space of our fifty states — and beyond — phoning, writing, pre- Blown Alumni Monthly May 1981, Vol. 81, No. 8 iter In this issue iberf M. Rhodes imaging Editor 18 Federal Funds at Brown ine Hinman Diffily 73 A close look at where Brown's federal money comes from and it •fective June 15) where goes once it gets here . before David Stockman and company dam the flow. tisociate Editor ;in F. Barry, '50 (on leave) Jr. 24 The New Holy Trinity in American Politics itorial Associate Who? Politicians, journalists, pollsters, and political observers. What? The ie Talen 76 second annual Providence lounml- BulletinlBrown University public affairs conference. Why? To ntributing Writers consider: "Who Really Dominates American Politics?" Sander Vanocur comments on the uneasy relationship between mass F. Butera 79 media and politics. i;b Feinstein '81 page 24 :ern 29 Beatty, Blistein, and the Bard i\ Backman '83 Set designer John Lee Beatty '70 and English professor Elmer Blistein '42 toil and trouble at a Minneapolis sign Consultant Continuing College to breathe new life into Macbeth and the world of the omas Mann theatre. ard of Editors 32 "Regulation in the Face of Uncertainty" As millions of airman women attempted to grapple with the deeply personal implications of toxic shock syndrome, Nancy L. Buc ne- E. DuBois '50 '65 and the FDA moved to alleviate concern and — perhaps — save lives. ce Chairman '55 in J. Monaghan rr\ Beckham '66 ' riiolia D. Dean '69 iiii Hinman Diffily '73 pmge 29 nte G. lonata '59 nald B. Smith '42 vllis Van Horn Tillinghast '51 /abeth Weed '73 Ph.D. in A. Worsley '56 Ivisory Board to I? Board of Editors irlBarus'41 'arthmore, Pa. iristine S. Bowman '72 hnston, HI. Jnes Geehan '45 '.'SOU, Ariz. Iren Leggett '72 Uhmgton, D.C. page 32 I'.rleah Hammond Strominger '47 ' Louis, Mo. Iger Vaughan '59 <.'ord, Md. luglas L. Turner '54 ifalo, N.Y. ^ Terence Walsh '65 ^inta, Ga. 2 CARRYING THE MAIL 'Disgusted and pleased' The privileged kids wouldn't need to go b cause by virtue of their status they need n Editor: I am a 1979 Black American grad- more advantages. Second, it could open il uate of Brown who has, with disgust and doors to everyone regardless of financial pleasure, read of the current debate on cam- status and ensure they could attend, neve pus having to do with increases in the cost of having to worry about money. Or third. attending Brown and whether or not to Brown and all schools like it could mainta maintain current levels of financial aid to high costs, and little or no financial aid bi allow everyone accepted to attend. 1 am dis- renounce their doctrine of "Ivy Leaguism gusted because I can hear, laced throughout putting themselves on equal footing with the controversy, the undertones of privileged "Joe Average State University." Those an Here is how you can pre- people who think it is their birthright to have the only options, because it is with sheer serve your assets for your access to the best of opportunities to succeed polyunsaturated racist elitist gall that anyc in this country. I am pleased because it gives would even discuss maintaining the high children or grandchildren. me an excellent opening with which to get quality of an institution that claims to ope With a charitable lead trust some things dealing with the financial and doors previously closed, at the expense oi funded with securities, racial off my chest. those, who through no fault of their own, I have an imaginary book that 1 keep on can't afford the price. Or, put another way closely-held stock, the shelf of my apartment entitled. Those Harlem's Einstein can't go, then Scarsdali income-producing real Crazy Enjoyable Years at Brown 1975-79. My shouldn't either. estate, or a partnership guess is that one of the main reasons I've Finally, I'd like to link this subject to chosen this title is because my family could another that was constantly debated whil interest, you can make a afford the cost of my attending (and 1 under- was at Brown. That has to do with the be gift to at a family members stand Brown is cleverly trying to admit more that minorities are insular. All while I at- reduced tax cost. Not only and more Blacks like this). I didn't have to tended (and 1 suspect still) minorities wei will you save taxes but worry about making enough money over the criticized for associating with each other summer to complete my financial package, more than whites, or not being full meml your heirs will receive a getting a job that might interfere with my of the university community. It was a pec bigger inheritance. If you studies, or trying to find a way to repay loans liarity of "those people" just like the one basketball have a substantial estate once I graduated. Had 1 any of this to worry their excellence at dancing and about, I'm sure my memoirs on Brown Well, let me inform you that I've found a and want to learn more would have a slightly different heading. It is tain species of the human animal down h about how this tax plan- also for this reason that 1 feel those who have in Nashville that looks like and sounds IL ning idea could work for attended and are still attending Brown under White Americans, yet displays a similar i similar circumstances have no right to pass sularism. They attend the same predomi- you and your family, call or judgment on the future of those who require nantly Black medical school as I do, they write us today. financial help. 1 am refering specifically to the 10-12 percent of the class, they sit togethe comments of one David Gold in the February the lecture hall, they eat together, they d For more information issue. You're forgetting, Dave ole boy, that come to class meetings, and they probab ijia you and I and anyone else so lucky didn't won't contribute as alumni. Yet no one is contact: earn that luck, we were born into it. tracizing and forcing them to do all of thi Bequests and Trusts Program Given the above argument, and in line My hypothesis is that they are indeed m« Brown University Box 1893 with the current feelings of America's sud- bers of that same genus that made up (that majority, Caucasian. I'ms Providence, RI 029 1 denly "moral majority" being, down Brown's genus together and c 401 863-2374 with "reverse discrimination" and up with that if we the majority got "true" equal opportunity), it appears Mr. cided that they were expendable and Gordon E. Cadwgan '36 Gold's views and those of other elitists are couldn't get their M.D. degrees because t '41 Ruth Harris Wolf hypocritical. Supposedly the Ivy League didn't spread themselves like salt among Co-Chairmen opens the doors to the best of opportunities pepper, they'd raise hell. And what's mc for its graduates. If this is true, and Brown I'd raise hell right along with them. University is debating whether or not to HUEYL. PEARSON, JF provide adequate financial aid to those who Nashville, Tcnn. need it, the school has but three just options. First, it could open its doors only to those Tougaloo whose families are not privileged. The money for this would come via contributions Editor: When 1 received my copy of The Campaign for Brown by the privileged, who could afford it be- BAM, the obits and class notes get my at cause their kids wouldn't be at such schools.
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