SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS 1312 INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF THE SPECTROSCOPE (188 7- I 900, BOTH inclusive) [CONTINUATION OF THE PREVIOUS INDEX BY THE SAME AUTHOR PUBLISHED IN I888] BY ALFRED TUCKERMAN WASHINGTON CITY PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 1902 Zbe Iknicljeibocftec press, IIAcw J^orfe PREFACE. In this volume I have continued my Index to the Literature of the Spectroscope, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections No. 658 (published in 1888), to the end of the year 1900, after which date the International Committee for Indexing Scientific Literature begins the continuation of the work of cataloguing Spectroscopy. I have been obliged to leave Astronomical Spectroscopy incomplete, for want of space. In other respects I hope this second volume will be con- sidered an improvement on the first. Alfred Tuckerman. New York, Feb. 3, 1902 INDEX TO THE LITERATURE OF THE SPECTROSCOPE. 1887 TO 1900 (both inclusive). By Alfred Tuckerman. PART I.—AUTHOR-INDEX. Abati, G. Sul potere rifrangente e dispersive del silicio. Gazz. chim. 27 (1897), 437-455; Beibl. (1898) 397. Abbe, C. Observations of twilight and zodiacal light. Nature 38 (1889), 519-521; Beibl. (1890) 38. On the height of the aurora. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. (1898); Nature 58 (1898) 603; Beibl. (1899) 178. Abbot, Ch. G., and F. E. Fowle. Longitudinal deviation in prisms. Beibl. Amer. J. Sci. (4) 2 (1896) 255-257; (1897) 407. Abetti. Osservazioni dei satelliti di Giove. Astron. Nachr. 141 (1896) 134-135- Abney, W. deW., and E. Festing. Intensity of radiation through turbid media. Proc. Roy. Soc. 40 (1886) 378-380; Jahresb. (1886) 288. • . Colour photometry. Phil. Trans. 177 (1886) 423-456; 179 (1888) 547-570; 183 (1892) 521-566; Beibl. (1888) 340; (1889) 679. The solar spectrum A 7150 to X loooo. Phil. Trans. 177 (1886) 459-469; Beibl. (1888) 351, -. Transmission of sunlight through the earth's atmosphere. Phil. Trans. 179 II (1887) 251-283; 184 (1893) 1-42; Beibl. (1888) 350; (1895) 242. Measurement of the luminosity and intensity of light reflected from coloured surfaces. Phil. Mag. (5) 27 (1889) 62-69. 2 LITERATURE OF THE SPECTROSCOPE. Abney, W. deW., and T. E. Thorpe. Determination of the photo- metric intensity of the coronal Hght. Proc. Roy. Soc. 46 (1889) 354- and G. S. Edwards. Effect of the spectrum on the haloid salts of silver. Proc. Roy. Soc. 47 (1890) 249; Jahresb. (1890) 407. Numerical registration of colours. Proc. Roy. Soc. 49 (1891) 227-233; 50 (1891) 369-372; Beibl. (1891) 512. Limit of visibility of the various rays. Proc. Roy. Soc. 49 (1891) 509-521; Beibl. (1892) 741. , Sensitiveness of the eye to light and colour. Nature 47 (1893) 538-542; Beibl. (1893) 57i- Measurement of colour produced by contrast. Proc. Roy. Soc. 56 (1894) 221-229; Beibl. (1895) 179. Photographs of flames. Chem. News 70 (1894) 10. Note on photographing sources of light with monochro- matic rays. Proc. Roy. Soc. 60 (1896) 13-15; Beibl. (1897) 981. and T. E. Thorpe. Determination of the photometric in- tensity of the coronal light. Phil. Trans. 186 (1896) part I; Astrophys. J. 4 (1896) 375. Sensitiveness of the retina to light and colours. Proc. Roy. Soc. 61 (1897) 330; Beibl. (1898) 409. Ueber die Zerlegung des Spektrums des elektrischen Lichtes in Leuchtkraftmengen von drei Farben. Jahrb. f. Photogr. (1899) 338-350- Acroyd, \V. Law of colour in relation to chemical constitution. Chem. News 65 (1892) 202-203, 205; Beibl. (1892) 534. On the origin of colour. Chem. News 67 (1893) 27-28, 64, 111-112, 147; Beibl. (1893) 445; (1894) 756. Adeney, W. E., and /. Carson. The great Rowland spectrometer in the Roy. University of Ireland. Phil. Mag. (5) 46 (1898) 223-227. Agafonoff, V. Sur 1' absorption du spectre ultraviolet par les corps cristallises. C.-R. 123 (1896) 490-492; Chem. News 74 (1896) 204; Beibl. (1897) 227. Comparison de I'absorption, par les milieux cristallises, des rayons lumineux et des rayons Rontgen. C.-R. 124 (1897) 855-^57; 125 (1897) 87-90; Beibl. (1898) 781. Aitken, R. G. Variations in the spectrum of the Orion Nebula. Astro- phys. J. 6 (1897) 365. Almy, J. E. Accidental refraction in liquids. Phil. Mag. (5) 44 (1897'! 499-503; Beibl. (1898) 156. PART I. —AUTHOR-INDEX. 3 AWiaiisse, M., und G. Krucss. Beziehungen zwischen Zusammen- setzung und Absorptionsspectrum organischer Verbindungen. Ber. cliem. Ges. 22 (1889) 2065-2070; Beibl. (1889) 945. Amhronn, H. Das optische Verhalten markhaltiger und markloser Nervenfasern. Ber. sachs. Ges. d. Wiss. (1890) 419-429. Uber den Glanz der Sapphirinen. Beibl. (1890) 990. Optische Eigenschaften sehr enger Spalten. Ann. Phys. n. F. 48 (1893) 717. Ames, y. 5. The Concave Grating in theory and practice. Phil. Mag. (5) 27 (1889) 369-384; Beibl. (1889) 673. Relations between the lines of various spectra, with spe- cial reference to those of cadmium and zinc, and a redetermi- nation of their wave-lengths. Phil. Mag. (5) 30 (1890) 33-48; Jahresb. (1890) 397.—See Grunwald, Jahresb. (1887) 344; Bois- baudran, Jahresb. (1869) 174; Balmer, Jahresb. (1885) 319. '. Spectra of some gases, hydrogen and nitrogen. Phil. — Mag. (5) 30 (1890) 48-58; Beibl. (1890) 1099. Probable spectrum of sulphur. Astron. and Astrophys. 12 (1893) 50-51; Beibl. (1893) 827. — . Rontgen's X Rays. Astrophys. J. 3 (1896) 294-295. and W. J. HitinpJireys. Note on the effect of pressure upon the series in the spectrum of an element. Johns Hopkins Univ. Cir. 16 (1897); Phil. Mag. 44 (1897) 119-122; Beibl. (1897) 974- — and R. F. EarJiart. Some notes on the Zeeman effect. Johns Hopkins Univ. Cir. 17 (1898); Beibl. (1898) 892. Prismatic and Diffraction Spectra. New York, 1898, 68 pp., Harper & Bros.; Astrophys. J. 9 (1899) 277-278, rev. Amslcr, J. S. Zur Erklarung des Alpengliihens. Ztsch. phys. chem. Unterr. 8 (1895) 6, 319-320. Anderson, A. Maximum deviation of a ray of light by a prism. Cambridge Proc. 9 (1896) 195-198. Anderson, T. D. New variable star in Delphinus. Astron. Nachr. 139 (189s) 27-29. New variable in Hercules. Astron. Nachr. 141 (1896) 104. New variables in Andromeda; in Pegasus; in Hercules. Astron. Nachr. 139 (1895) 118-119. See Copeland, ibid. 115-117. New yariable in Lyra. Astron. Nachr. 139 (1896) 269. New variables in Andromeda and Hercules. Astron. Nachr. 141 (1896) 419; 142 (1897) 159. 4 LITERATURE OF THE SPECTROSCOPE. Anderson, W. Observations of the Leonids. Mon. Not. 57 (1S96) 68-69. Anding, E. Die Seeliger 'sche Theorie des Saturnringes und der Be- leuchtung der grossen Planeten tiberhaupt. Astron. Nachr. 121 (1888) 1-16. Ueber die Lichtvertheilung auf einer unvollstandig beleuch- teten Planetenscheide. Astron. Nachr. 129 (1892) 377-388. Einfluss der Sternvertheilung auf die Bestimmung des Son- nenapex nach der Bessel' schen Methode. Astron. Nachr. 140 (1896) 1-17. Andrews, L. Some characteristics of the solutions of sulpho-cyanide of iron. Proc. Iowa Acad. I. (1894) part 4; Chem. News 70 (1894) 165-166. Angstrom, K. Sur une nouvelle methode de faire des mesures abso- lues de la chaleur rayonnante. Jahresb. (1888) 320; Nova Acta Upsal. 8 (1887) 1-17. Durchstrahlung von Warme verschiedener Wellenlange durch trlibe Medien. Ann. Phys. n. F. 36 (1889) 715-725. Nyare studier ofvor det ultrarode spektrum. Svensk. Kemisk Tidskrift (1889) 98-108; Beibl. (1893) 332; Defverd. Vet. Akad. Forh. 46 (1889) 539-557; 47 (1890) 331-352- . Beobachtung uber die Strahlung der Sonne. Bih. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl. 15 (1889) No. 10, 19 pp. L'intensite de la radiation des gaz sous I'infiuence de la decharge ^lectrique. Vet. Akad. Forh. 48 (1891) 373-379. Bolometrische Untersuchungen liber die Starke der Strah- lung verdlinnter Gase unter dem Einflusse der elektrischen Entla- dung. Verh. d. Ges. d. Wiss. Upsala 9. April 1892; Ann. Phys. n. F. 48 (1893)493. och Palmer. Le spectre infra-rouge du chlore et de 1' acide chlorhydrique. Stockholm Akad. Forh. 50 (1893) 389-396. Bolometrische Arbeiten von Fr. Paschen. Ann. Phys. n. F. 52 (1894) 509. Bolometrische Untersuchungen. Nov. Act. Upsala, 1895. Einfache Methode zur photographischen Darstellung des in- fraroten Spektrums. Nova Acta Upsala (1895) 4 pp.; Beibl. (1896) 196. Absorptionsvermogen einer beriissten Flache. Stockholm Akad. Forh. 55 (1898) 283-295; Beibl. (1899) 97-98. Anonymous. Height of the Aurora. Nature 60 (1899) 130-133. Argon, the newly discovered gaseous constituent of the at- mosphere. Chem. News 70 (1894) 296. PART I. AUTHOR-INDEX. 5 Anioiiiadi, E. M. Aurorae of September 1894. Jour. But. A. 5 (1894) 106-107. Nouvelles observations sur Jupiter. Bull. Soc. astron. de France 2 (1896) 28-30. Saturneeni895. Bull. Soc. astron. France 1 (1896)271-273. The Hour-Glass Sea on Mars. Knowledge 20 (1897) 169. Antrick, 0. Das optische Verhalten des Cocains. Ber. chem. Ges. (1887)310. Archenhold, F. S. Ein ausgedehnter Nebel bei $ Persie. Beibl. (1893) 129. Arcimis, A. The Great Madrid Meteor. Nature 53 (1896) 395. Arendt, Th. Die Schwankungen im Wasserdampfgehalte der At- mosphare auf Grund spektroskopischer Untersuchungen. Ann. Phys. n. F. 58 (1896) 171-204. Armstrong, H. E. Origin of colour. Chem. News 65 (1892) 284; 66 (1892) 143, 155, 288, 297-300, 311-314; 67 (1893) 143-145- 255; Beibl. (1893) 206; (1894)756. Arno, R. Transparenz des Ebonits. Atti Accad. Torino (1892-1893) 414-416; Beibl. (1894) 455. La radiazione di Rontgen con tubi di Hittorf ad hidrogens rarefatto. Atti Accad. Torino 31 (1895-1896) 418-421. Arrhenms, Sv. Ueber den Einfiuss der Sonnenstrahlung auf die elek- trischen Erscheinungen in der Erdatmosphare. Meteorol. Zetsch. (1888) 297-304. Ueber den Einfiuss der Kohlensaure in der Luft auf die Temperatur des Erdbodens. Beibl. (1896) 979; Verb, deutsch. Naturf. (1895); Phil. Mag. (5) 41 (1896) 237-276. Einfiuss des atmospharischen Kohlensauregehaltes auf die Temperatur der Erdoberflache.
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