0049285 AN ECONOMICANALYSIS OF PIPINGPLOVER RECOVERY ACTIVITIES ONTHE ATLANTIC COAST INDUSTRIALECONOMICS, INCORPORATED 206TMASSACHUSETTSAVENUE CAMBRIDGE,MASSACHUSETTS 0049286 AN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF PIPING PLOVER RECOVERY ACTIVITIES ON THE ATLANTIC COAST Preparedfor: Divisionof Economics U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service Departmentof the Interior Preparedby: RobertE. Unsworthand Robert W. Paterson IndustrialEconomics, Incorporated 2067Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge,MA 02140 and DouglasA. Rae 36 GageStreet Needham,Massachusetts April 1998 0049287 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ES-1 INTRODUCTION..... ......CHAPTER1 OVERVIEW OF BEACH MANAGEMENT AND THE PIPING PLOVER.....CHAPTER2 EFFECTTVENESSOF PROTECTTVEMEASURES....... BEACHMANAGEMENT UNDER THE ENDANGEREDSPECIES ACT......... ....................2-2 ANALYTIC METHODS AND SOURCESOF DATA .....CHAPTER3 ECONOMICIMPACT AND WELFAREANALYSIS............... ...........3.1 METHODOLOGY ..........3-2 Overviewof Input/OutputModeling............ .............3-2 Overof theIMPLAN Model....... .............3-4 AnalyticalConsiderations........... .............3-4 DATA SOURCES ...........3-5 APPENDIX3-A: MarineRecreational Fishing Survey Statistics (MMSS) Data PLUM ISLAND CASE STUDY ......CHAPTER4 DESCRIPTIONOF THE SITE ...,.....4-3 RefugeAttributes,IJsers, and Capacity.............. .......4-3 PLOVERMANAGEMENTOBJECTIVESANDRESTzuCTIONS........ ...............4-5 ANALYSISOF RECREATIONAL VISITS..... ....,...............4-6 TheCity of Newburyport............. ..........:...................4-7 Visitsto theParker River Refuge ............4-7 RefugeVisitation Model....... .................4-11 0049288 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) ECONOMTCTMPACT OF BEACH CLOSURES............... .................4-13 Developingthe Regional Economic Model... ..........4-13 IMPLAN AnalysisResults ..4-15 WELFAREANALYSIS OF BEACH CLOSURES............... ,....,..,......4.17 Estimationof Fishing/BeachDays and Surplus Value per Day ..................4-I7 Estimateof TotalEconomic Surplus Loss.......... .....4-19 ANALYSIS OF SURFFISHING PERMIT SALES ...........4-20 Trendsin SurfFishing Permit Sales......... ...............4-20 PermitSales Mode1.............. ..................4-21 SI.IMMARYOF ECONOMICIMPACTS OF PIPINGPLOVER MANAGEMENT...... .,......4-22 APPENDX 4-A: RegressionEstimates of Visitationto the ParkerRiver Refuge APPENDX 4-B: RegressionEstimates of Surf FishingPermit Issuances as the ParkerRiver Refuee MARTHA'S VINEYARD CASE STUDY ........CHAPTER5 DESCRIPTIONOF THE SITES............... ..........5_l NortonPoint Beach....... .........5-3 WasquePoint, Leland and Cape Poge Beaches.............. .............5-3 MANAGEMENTOBIECTTVES............ ............s_4 DukesCounty...... ...................5-4 TheTrustees of Reservations........ ...........5-5 PLOVERMANAGEMENT RESTRICTIONS ...5-5 NortonPoint Beach....... .........5-6 LelandBeach .......5-6 CapePoge Wildlife Retuge ...5-7 0049289 Impactson Dukes County...... ................5-16 Impactson the Town of Edgartown .......5-18 Impactson TheTrustees of Reservations........... .....5-21 Impactson Beach Users........ .................5-22 BeachTrips to WasquePoint and Cape Poge ..........5-23 Impactson Vineyard Businesses .............. ...............5-25 SUMMARY OF ECONOMICIMPACTS OF PIPINGPLOVER MANAGEMENT...... ........5.26 APPENDIX 5-A: RegressionEstimates of MarineRecreational Fishing Trips in DukesCounty ASSATEAGUEISLAI\D CASE STUDY.... .....CHAPTER6 DESCRIPTIONOF THE SITES ............... AssateagueIsland National Seashore, Maryland Unit.......... .......6-3 ChincoteagueNational Wildlife Refuge/Assateague Island National Seashore, VirginiaUnit.......... ................6-4 PLOVERMANAGEMENTOBJECTIVESANDRESTRICTIONS........ ...............6-6 U.S.National Park Service ....6-6 ANALYSIS OF RECREATIONALVISITS..... ....................6-8 AssateagueIsland National Seashore, Maryland Unit.......... .......6-8 Visitsto AssateagueNational Seashore, Maryland Unit.......... ...................6-11 ChincoteagueNational Wildlife Refuge/AssateagueIsland National Seashore, VirginiaUnit.......... ..............6-12 visitsto chincoteagueNWR andAssateague NS virginiaunit.......... ......6-15 llt 0049290 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Visitationat SubstituteSites ..................6-17 SeashoreVisitation Model....... ..............6-18 ECONOMICIMPACT OF BEACHRESTRICTIONS .....,6-21 AssateagueIsland National Seashore, Maryland Unit.......... ,....6-21 ChincoteagueNWR/Assateague Island National Seashore, Virginia Unit.......... ..........6-21 VisitorExpenditures ...............r.. j.........r.... ...............6-22 Lossin AnnualVisitor-Days............... ..6-23 RegionalEconomic Impacts: IMPLAN AnalysisResults .........6-24 WELFAREANALYSIS OF PLOVERRESTRICTIONS ..6-25 SurplusValue per Trip.... .....6-25 Estimationof TripsLost.......... ..............6-26 Estimateof TotalEconomic Surplus Loss.......... .....6-27 SUMMARY OF ECONOMICIMPACTS AND WELFAREEFFECTS. ..............6.28 APPENDX 6-.{: RegressionResults: Town of ChincoteagueRoom Tar Revenues APPENDIX 6-8: RegressionResults: Assateague NS, MarylandUnit Total Visits APPENDIX 6-C: RegressionResults: Assateague NS, MarylandUnit OversandVehicle Visits APPENDIX6-D: RegressionResults: Chincoteague NWR/Assateague NS, VirginiaUnit Total Visits APPENDIX 6-E: RegressionResults: Chincoteague NWR/Assateague NS, Virginia Unit OversandVehicle Visits EDWIN B. FORSYTHE NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE, HOLGATE UNIT CASE STUDY.... .................CHAPTER7 DESCRIPTIONOF THE SITE .........7-I SeashoreAttributes ................7-3 Users ....................7-4 Capacity ...............7-4 lv 0049291 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) PLOVERMANAGEMENT OBJECTTVES AND RESTRICTIONS........ ...............7-4 ANALYSISOF RECREATIONAL VISITS .......7-5 LongBeachIsland and Environs.............. .................7-s Visitsto HolgateUnit, Edwin B. ForsytheNWR... .....:................7-6 ECONOMICIMPACT OF BEACH RESTRICTIONS ........7-8 OverallEconomic Activity ....7-g EconomicImpacts of ClosingHolgate ....7-8 Impactson theTownship of LongBeach ..................7-9 Impactson Lodging ...............7-9 Impactson FishingSupply Businesses ..7-10 SUMMARY OF ECONOMICIMPACTS OF PIPINGPLOVER MANAGEMENT...... ........7-II SANDY NECK BEACH CASE STUDY.... .......CHAPTER8 DESCRIPTIONOF THE SITE .........8-3 BeachAttributes, tlsers, and Capacity............... ........g-4 Administrationof theResource ...............g-4 Summaryof UserFees and Permits..... ....8-5 PLOVERMANAGEMENTOBJECTTVESANDRESTRICTIONS........ ...............8-6 ANALYSISOF ORVPERMIT SALES AND VISITATION ................8-7 ECONOMTCTMPACT OF BEACH CLOSURES............... ...................8_7 Implicationsof LostRevenue to theTown of Bamstable.............. ...............9-g Impactson the Local Economy.. ..............8-8 WELFAREEFFECTS OF BEACH CLOSURES............... ....................8_9 SUMMARY OF ECONOMICIMPACTS OF PIPINGPLOVER MANAGEMENT................8.9 0049292 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Piping plovers are small, migratory shorebirds that nest on beaches. The Atlantic population nestson barrier beachesfrom North Carolina to Newfoundlandand is cunently listed as threatenedunder the EndangeredSpecies Act (ESA). Managementplans to protect plovers during breedingperiods in spring and summerinclude closureof beachesor sectionsof beach to off-road vehicles (ORVs) and in some casesto pedestrians. Closure of beacheshas generatedcontroversy and protestsfrom beach'usersin somelocales. The purposeof this study is to determinethe extent to which beachclosures have impactedthe economiesof theselocales. Beach closures or restrictions may cause swimmers, sunbathers,anglers and others to reducethe number of trips they take to an area. Understandingthe relationshipbetween closwes or restrictions and resulting changes in recreational behavior is fundamental to this study. Where adequatedata are available,this analysis employs various modeling techniquesto quantify these relationships. Where data are unavailable,the analysisrelies on interviews and other qualitative data. Quantification of economic impacts then links changesin visitation to changesin direct spending on food, lodging, transportationand other sectors. It then uses IMPLAN (a regional economic model) to model the structureand linkages in the local economy at the county level to quantify how changes in these sectors affect the overall production of goods and services. IMPLAN quantifies the impact of changes in direct spending on overall economic activity, employrnentand tax collections. In addition, where the data support a quantitative link between beachclosures or restrictionsand beachaccess, the analysisquantifies changes in economicwelfare by drawing upon the existing body of economicliterature to value theselosses. This report consistsof five casestudies of local areaswhere beachmanagers have initiated closuresand other managementactions to protectpiping plovers. The criteria for selectingareas for the casestudies include availability of data on visitation, diversity of management,and geography. The beach areas studied range from AssateagueIsland in Maryland/Virginia to parker River National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Massachusettsand include areas in four states. The predominanceof sites in Massachusettsis largely due to the availability of non-federal sites with adequatedata from more years of active plover management. The case studies include areas ES-I 0049293 managedby the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service(FWS), the NationalPark Service(NPS), local governments,and
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