S8598 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 10, 2013 mourn with heavy hearts the loss of As President Obama said, Mandela fits were not receiving the payments to Nelson Mandela, a man who devoted ‘‘took history in his hands, and bent which they were entitled during the his life to promoting human rights, the arc of the moral universe toward month of their spouse’s passing. These freedom, and harmony. justice.’’ And so on this International payments not only help with funeral Humanity has lost one of its greatest Human Rights Day, we pay tribute to costs, but provide some time to make leaders with the passing of Madiba, or the great Madiba, the father of a free other financial arrangements. Her dis- ‘‘father,’’ as he was lovingly called. My and peaceful South Africa, a legendary covery of this oversight and subsequent prayers go out to his family and all the African, and a shining example for fu- actions resulted in approximately people of South Africa. He was a per- ture generations of change-makers who 200,000 surviving spouses receiving sonal hero of mine, and of those who have inherited a better world because more than $124 million in benefits, al- work to uphold human rights around of his great deeds. lowing them to focus on moving for- the world. He led his nation not only in f ward after the death of a loved one. overcoming the divisions of racism, but Mary Ellen has also been heavily in- TRIBUTE TO MARY ELLEN in reconciling and healing. Throughout volved in working toward elimination MCCARTHY his life Nelson Mandela never stopped of the claims backlog, a challenge that fighting for the oppressed, speaking ∑ Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, when has plagued the Department for dec- out for the voiceless, and given hope to people think of government, some of ades and caused far too many veterans the hopeless. One of the greatest lead- the first words that may come to mind unnecessary hardship. Before she came ers may have left this world but the are politics and bureaucracy, two to Capitol Hill, she spent two decades lessons he taught us about human dig- things that tend to stifle progress. working as a nurse and then a lawyer, nity, sacrifice, perseverance, and per- Today, however, I have the great pleas- helping low-income and elderly individ- haps the most powerful lesson of all— ure of honoring someone who has spent uals obtain government benefits. This forgiveness—will live on forever. her many years on the Hill overcoming experience gave her a unique insight In 1964, Nelson Mandela was con- these barriers. She has implemented into the challenges of claims proc- victed of treason and sentenced to life changes and fixed problems to improve essing and she has been able to offer a in prison for his part in the fight for the lives of veterans and their families number of solutions that may other- racial equality in apartheid South Afri- in a very real way. Now, as she moves wise have been overlooked. These are just a few examples of the ca. At his trial Mandela said: into retirement, she leaves behind an example to which we should all aspire. very real contributions Mary Ellen has I have fought against white domination, made to the veterans community and I have fought against black domination. Mary Ellen McCarthy has spent the I have cherished the ideal of a democratic last 7 years of her distinguished career throughout her career. To those who and free society in which all persons live to- serving as the lead investigator for the have had the pleasure of working with gether in harmony and with equal opportuni- Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs her, Mary Ellen has been an inspira- ties. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and the decade before that as staff di- tion—working tirelessly to provide as- and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal rector for two subcommittees of the sistance to those who have served this for which I am prepared to die. House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. great Nation—a true veterans’ advo- Thankfully Mandela did not die dur- In that time, she has visited nearly cate. ing his years of imprisonment, and in- every Department of Veterans Affairs As she enters into her much deserved stead after enduring the unthinkable regional office and reviewed thousands retirement, she can rest easy knowing with grace and dignity, he emerged to of benefits claims. She has not only her efforts will continue benefiting vet- lead a country to self determination, identified gaps in services to veterans erans and their families for generations reconciliation, and forgiveness. and their families, but also problems to come, which is, as she is known to In 1990, when Nelson Mandela was fi- within VA. Most importantly, Mary say, not bad for an old lady. Mary Ellen, thank you for your years nally released after 10,000 days of im- Ellen never rested with the identifica- of advocacy on behalf of our Nation’s prisonment, his spirit was stronger tion of a problem. Instead, she found veterans. I wish you only the best in than ever. Ten thousand days in prison solutions to meet the needs of veterans retirement.∑ were not enough to break his spirit and and their families and worked relent- his devotion to the freedom of all peo- lessly to ensure they were put into f ple. In his autobiography, Mandela place as quickly as possible. TRIBUTE TO SIMEON BOOKER wrote ‘‘. to be free is not merely to Among her many achievements, Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, today cast off one’s chains, but to live in a Mary Ellen will be forever recognized I wish to honor Simeon Booker as he way that respects and enhances the for her extraordinary work in ensuring receives an honorary doctor of letters freedom of others.’’ Vietnam era veterans and their fami- from Youngstown State University on And that he did. His democratic lies receive the benefits to which they December 15, 2013. Mr. Booker has de- ideals were unwavering. He led by ex- are entitled. She has worked tirelessly voted his life’s work to chronicling the ample, living a relatively modest life, to identify the many veterans whose history of the civil rights movement in refusing to reside in the presidential exposure to dangerous toxins was pre- America. mansion, and serving only one term as viously overlooked. Her efforts have As an African-American college stu- South Africa’s first black President. helped veterans with service on the in- dent in the 1940s and 1950s, Mr. Booker Mandela’s influence on the continent, land waterways of Vietnam, along the experienced discrimination firsthand and indeed around the world, does not DMZ in Korea, and on the perimeters at what was then Youngstown College. end with his passing. His story and of Air Force Bases in Thailand. Her Refusing to accept the indignities he moral courage has changed countless work has led to vindication and assist- found there, he transferred to Virginia lives forever. As he once said, ‘‘the true ance to those suffering from health Union University where he continued test of our devotion to freedom is just problems related to Agent Orange ex- to champion the rights of Black stu- beginning.’’ State and Federal law- posure. Her efforts did not stop with dents. makers across the United States the veterans themselves, however. She Early in his career, he was hired by looked to Mandela as an inspiration also brought attention to the children his hometown newspaper, the Youngs- when crafting laws that mandated di- who are born with spina bifida, as a re- town Vindicator, where he would write vestment from South Africa’s cruel sult of their parents’ exposure to Agent local columns focused on the city’s Af- Apartheid regime. I had the privilege Orange. rican-American population and sum- of serving as speaker of the Maryland So much of Mary Ellen’s work has fo- maries for the local Black baseball House of Delegates when we passed cused on those most in need—elderly leagues. He went on to work for the such legislation. Years later, our Na- and low-income veterans and surviving Cleveland Call and Post and was of- tion is still striving to follow in family members. For example, one of fered the esteemed Nieman Fellowship Mandela’s footsteps and fully realize Mary Ellen’s investigations revealed at Harvard University in the 1950s. his dream of peace and equality for all the surviving spouses of veterans who Mr. Booker became the first Black of mankind. had been receiving VA disability bene- reporter for the Washington Post in VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:45 Dec 11, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10DE6.012 S10DEPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with SENATE December 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8599 1952, and also wrote for Jet and Ebony her work is reflected in her great ef- University where she earned a bachelor magazines. Mr. Booker was witness to forts over the last several months. of arts in political science. She has the rise of the great civil rights leaders I want to thank Abbie for the dedica- demonstrated a strong work ethic, of that time—Martin Luther King, Jr., tion she has shown while working for which has made her an invaluable asset the Kennedy brothers, Whitney Young, me and my staff. It was a pleasure to to our office. The quality of her work is and many others.
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