University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 2-19-2007 Sandspur, Vol 113, No 18, February 19, 2007 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol 113, No 18, February 19, 2007" (2007). The Rollins Sandspur. 1829. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/1829 The andspuROLLINS COLLEGE • WINTER PARK, FLORIDr A "'ARTS & KOTEkTAlNMENT OPTNTONS SPORTS DISNEY MAGIC POPPED COLLARS SHOOTING HOOPS The new Pirates and Princesses event at Disney What do Rollins students think of their peers Rollins Basketball works hard to keep Rollins on brings treasures to the area. popping their collars? top. PAGE 14 PAGE 16 FHE STUDENT VOICE OF ROLLINS COLLEGE SINCE 1894 VOL. 113 ISSUE 17 www.thesandspur.org February 19, 2007 Evolutionary Biologist Jared Diamond Visits Rollins Rini Hutchinson the sandspur Renowned author and geog­ rapher, Jared Diamond, spoke to a packed audience in Knowles Memorial Chapel on a sunny af­ ternoon this past February 8th. His lecture marked the first of 10 presenters in this year's excit­ ing Rollins College Colloquy se­ ries. Many in the audience were familiar with his works, which include Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed; Guns, Germs and Steel; The Third Chim­ panzee and Why Is Sex Fun? Those unfamiliar with Di­ amond's writings were likely drawn to attendance by his amaz­ ing list of credentials which in­ clude a MacArthur Foundation "Genius" Grant, The Conserva­ tion Medals of the Zoological Society of San Diego, The Carr Medal/the Tyler Prize for Envi­ ronmental Achievement, Japan's International Cosmos Prize and the USA's National Medal of Sci­ ence. In the chapel Diamond's en­ thusiasm surged. His lecture, entitled Liberal Education and Social Responsibility in a Global Community, focused on the im­ COURTESY OF MCT CAMPUS portance of studying different FIRST OF THE COLLOQUY: The UCLA professor Jared Diamond, renowned author of several books about animal and human behav­ societies of both the past and ior, spoke in Rollins Knowles Memorial Chapel marking off the first of the Colloquy guests. present in order to create a viable cultural model for preserving our is known were built with the aid Diamond said one of his favorite Another suggested him to (or not), enemies, trade partners future. of logs made from trees that grew questions to ask his geography have said "Well, never fear. Tech­ and cultural institutions. Diamond's favorite infamous on the island until approximately students at UCLA is "What do nology will solve this dilemma." This last factor seems to be the example of a failed society was 1680 A.D. you think was said by the guy Diamond believes that five one which each of us individually that of Easter Island. As he ex­ According to Diamond, the who chopped down the island's major factors most impact the exhibits the most control over. It plained it, archaeologists recently complete felling of Easter Island's last tree?" One student thought success (or failure) of a given com­ may also be the one which, collec- deduced that the mammoth stat­ forests led to its human civilization's he would have said, "This is my munity. These include environ­ ues for which the treeless island demise. private property!" ' mental impacts, climate changes CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Rollins College Colloquy Welcomes Innovative Speakers ers from across curriculums have Events are free and to all faculty, Rollins's role in education in the istrator and teacher at the Uni­ been invited to partake in conver­ students, and staff all who are in­ 21st century." The groundswell of versity of Ghana's School of Mu­ Nicole Fluet sations about our changing world terested in attending, will be able interest is growing, and unlikely sic and Drama; Institute for the the sandspur and our role in it. There will be to. to occur again in the next couple Study of Human Systems panelist three keynote speeches, each one President Lewis Duncan is of years, students are encouraged (Zermatt, Switzerland)." followed by an invited speaker looking to continue the conversa­ to get excited about the event and The first panel will feature The Rollins College Collo­ panel, a breakout discussion tions held at the Colloquy by in­ attend everything they can. Carol Christ and E.O. Wilson. quy on Liberal Education and group, and a question and an­ viting some of the speakers back Maya Angelou, the opening Christ is currently the president Social Responsibility in a Global swer session three panel discus­ in future semesters. According to keynote speaker for the event, has of Smith College and, accord­ Community will take place from sions, three discussion sessions, Dr. Sinclair, "The Colloquy is an published 12 best-selling novels. ing to the Web page, "In various March 26-28 to help transform and three question and answer ongoing conversation on how we According to biographical infor­ forums, such as the American the Rollins College curriculum to sessions featuring well-known can best educate students." Presi­ mation the Colloquy Web page: Chemical Society, the Chautau­ meet the demands of our chang­ intellectuals from many different dent Duncan is thinking of intro­ "Angelou is fluent in English, qua Institute, and the Council ing society. Rollins President, academic fields. ducing an Institute for Scholars French, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, for the Advancement of Educa­ Lewis Duncan envisions this All speaker-involved events in Residence to continue to bring and West African Fanti, and the tion, Christ has addressed such event as an opportunity "that are open to the Rollins commu­ back scholars to the Rollins com­ list of her accomplishments is issues as women's careers, civil will prepare our student to lead nity only and are not open closed munity. The Institute is still in the varied and global: modern dance discourse, and the expectations meaningful, responsible, and to the public. Students can obtain process of being generated but he teacher in Rome and Tel Aviv; and demands of accountability in productive lives in the 21st cen­ must request tickets to desired hopes to begin as early as next coordinator for the Southern the academy." E.O. Wilson is one tury. Colloquy coordinator, Dr. events by speaking with through fall.. Christian Leadership Conference of the most respected scientists Gail Sinclair says, "The Colloquy faculty members. Students and The Colloquy is an extraordi­ (by request of Dr. Martin Luther due to his active research and his is just the beginning of an active are encouraged to seek tickets nary event, and Dr. Gail Sinclair, King, Jr.); associate editor of the book on the threat of biodiversity investigation of Rollins's role in from only one professor or from the event's coordinator, says, Arab Observer (Cairo, Egypt) and education in the 21st century." specific professors who may be "The Colloquy It is just the begin­ feature editor of African Review CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Important innovative think­ requiring attendance at events. ning of an active investigation of (Accra, Ghana); assistant admin­ NEWS 2 HOLT NEWS 5 ENTERTAINMENT 6 LIFE & TIMES 10 OPINIONS 13 SPORTS 15 THE SANDSPUR -FEB. 19,2007 NEWS VOL. 113 ISSUE 18 WORLD Award Winning Individuals Will Walk Rollins Campus NEWS C search, the first company to sell Ackerman is a Rollins alumnus, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 virtual-reality products. Chairman and CEO of BellSouth He and his VPL colleagues de­ Corporation, and "In 2005, Presi­ titled "The Diversity of Life." In veloped the first implementations dent George W. Bush named Ack­ addition, the New York Times of virtual reality applications in erman chairman of the National COURTESY OF CNN hales Wilson's Consilience: The surgical simulation, vehicle inte­ Security Telecommunications Unity of Knowledge as "An origi­ rior prototyping, virtual sets for Advisory Committee. He is also FRANCE: French police have nal work of synthesis ... to unify television production, and as­ immediate past chairman of the arrested 11 people over the last all the major branches of knowl­ sorted other areas." Pinker was national Council on Competitive­ 24 hours in an anti-terror opera­ edge—sociology, economics, the named one of the most influen­ ness and a member of the Home­ tion. arts and religion—under the ban­ tial people in the world today by land Security Advisory Council ner of science." Time Magazine for his famous and the President's Council of IRAQ: The United States insists The second panel features work in the field of psychology. Advisors on Science and Technol­ a radical Shiite cleric is in Iran Jaron Lanier and Steven Pinker. He has won awards for his work, ogy." according to the Colloquy despite denials from Muqtada Lanier expresses his views on so­ « site. Ride is well known for be­ al-Sadr's supporters. cial issues through his monthly most notably as "author of the ing a famous as an astronaut but column in Discover Magazine. 2002 New York Times bestseller has done many other wonderful According to the Colloquy infor­ and Pulitzer Prize finalist The BRAZIL: A leader of one of Rio's things accomplishments to her COURTESY OF MCT CAMPUS mation page: "In the early 1980s, Blank Slate: The Modern Denial premiere samba parade groups credit. According to the Collo­ SALMAN RUSHDIE: Author Jaron Lanier founded VPL Re- of Human Nature." according to was shot to death, just days be­ quy site, "In 2001, she founded and president of the PEN Amer­ the Web site.
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