WESTCHESTER January 2020 -- Tevet-Shevat 5780, Volume 26, Issue 1 1994-2019 JewishWESTCHESTER COUNTY’S ONLY MONTHLY JEWISHLife NEWSPAPER Community Unites in Solidarity Against Anti-Semitism BY STEPHEN E. LIPKEN An estimated 800 citizens from White Plains and surround- ing communities poured into Tem- ple Israel Center, White Plains on Wednesday, January 8th, attend- ing the seminar “Anti-Semitism: What We Face and How We Fight It,” presented by UJA-Federation of New York and Westchester Jewish Council (WJC). Featured speakers were Hindy Poupko, Deputy Chief Planning Westchester County District Officer, UJA-Federation; West- Elliot Forchheimer, Lisa Roberts, WJC President Attorney Anthony A. Scarpino, chester County District Attorney Executive Director, Jr. Anthony A. Scarpino, Jr. and Mark Westchester Jewish Council Weitzman, Director of Government Affairs, Simon Wiesenthal Center. “Today’s program brings the other prejudices. There community together to learn more was never any State- about how we can combat anti- sponsored religion.” Semitism,” according to Scarpino referred to the “How do we fight UJA Westchester Regional weekend vandalism in Yorktown it? First, a working defi- Director Audrey Stein. in which houses of worship and nition of anti-Semitism “On Sunday, January 5th a menorah were desecrated. He must be established, ac- we were all part of the ‘No pointed to the Westchester Intel- cording to International Fear No Hate,’ mobilization ligence Center which has mapped Holocaust Remembrance of 25,000 people to stand Schools, Jewish Centers and works Alliance (IHRA). My in- up against recent acts closely with the Department of Jus- stitution, the Simon Wie- of anti-Semitism in New tice, FBI, New York State Police, senthal Center has called York. Homeland Security and WJC Secu- for an FBI Task Force. Millie Jasper, Director, Holocaust and Human Rights “We met in Foley rity Committee, conducting intelli- And anti-Semitism can- Education Center (HHREC); Steven Goldberg, HHREC Square, then marched gence and threat assessments. not be used as a political Co-Director, Education. across the Brooklyn Bridge “Are we in a period that re- tool. It is present on both to Cadman Plaza. We are sembles 1933 Germany,” Weitzman Right and Left. giving $4 million dollars asked. “Categorically, no. There is “Anti-Semitism should not am not for myself, who will be for over the next two years to no State-sponsored violence. Anti- define us a Jews. Judaism as we me?’ Fighting anti-Semitism be- help 2,000 organizations Semitism has existed since Colo- choose to live as Jews should do gins with us. We must fight and not Cindy Golub, UJA Regional Chair; Audrey Stein, Regional with security.” nial times, but has competed with that. As the Pirke Avot states, ‘If I be silent,” Weitzman stressed. Director, UJA Westchester. Let Compass Concierge & Kimberly Coming Soon Giarraputo cover your costs. 111 Lyncroft Road New Rochelle, NY 10804 Kimberly Giarraputo 6BD | 4.5 BA | 5,800SF | $1,795,000 Exclusive to our clients, Compass Concierge covers the upfront costs Licensed Real Estate Salesperson New Rochelle School District of vendor-provided services to M: 914.419.9196 O: 914.341.1561 Captivating colonial home situated improve your home’s value; once [email protected] kimgiarraputo.com on nearly half an are of manicured your home sells, we’ll collect the grounds in the hear of Paine Heights. cost of those services and nothing Kimberly Giarraputo is a licensed real estate salesperson affiliated with Compass. Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by equal housing opportunity more. laws. “NO HATE. NO FEAR.” March Crosses the Brooklyn Bridge On January 5, 2020, doz- York Board of Rabbis following and calling out anti-Semitism ens of elected officials from the violent, anti-Semitic at- and all forms of hate wher- the Greater New York region tacks in Monsey, Brooklyn, and ever we see it. The purpose of joined more than 25,000 New Jersey City. today’s march is to loudly and Yorkers at “No Hate. No Fear.”, “Today we do not simply publicly proclaim that an at- a solidarity march with New walk over a bridge, we begin tack on a visibly Orthodox Jew York’s Jewish community, building better bridges be- is an attack on every Jew, an at- across the Brooklyn Bridge. tween all denominations of tack on every New Yorker, and The march was organized by Jews, and between Jews and an attack on every person of UJA-Federation of New York non-Jews,” said Eric S. Gold- good will.” (UJA) and the Jewish Com- stein, CEO of UJA-Federation “The showing today of munity Relations Council of of New York. “Building bridges over 25,000 people represent- New York (JCRC-NY), as well as means putting aside our differ- ing the full spectrum of the ADL-NY, AJC-NY, and the New ences, religious and political, Jewish community of New Thirty Bucks Says You Can’t Beat Our Big Game Spread! FREE Munchies Elected officials march across the Brooklyn Bridge. (From right to left) Congressman Gregory Meeks; Governor Andrew (value over $30) with Cuomo, UJA CEO Eric Goldstein; Senator Chuck Schumer; Mayor Bill DeBlasio; US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand; JCRC your Big Game Season CEO Michael Miller; and New York State Attorney General Letitia James. Image courtesy of Jake Asner, UJA-Federation of New York. Favorites catering order for 12 or more. York, and many from the non- Yorkers of all backgrounds than Greenblatt, Gil Monrose, Jewish community, is a re- gathered in Brooklyn’s Cad- David Harris, Mehnaz Afridi, Four dozen hors d’oeuvres flection of the seriousness of man Plaza where a number of Janice Shorenstein, Frankie FREE for munching. Choose the plague of anti-Semitism community leaders and heads Miranda, Joe Potasnik, Bishop from frankfurters in jackets, affecting New York,” said Mi- of faith-based organizations Anthony DiMarzio, Blake Flay- chael Miller, executive vice including Cardinal Timothy ton, Matisyahu, Eric Ward, mini potato, spinach or kasha president and CEO of JCRC- Dolan spoke about the recent Chaskel Bennet, Rabbi Avra- knishes. Offer expires Sunday, NY. “We will continue to work attacks, the rise of anti-Semi- ham Gopin, Shulem, MaN- February 2, 2020. with our political leadership tism, and the need for people ishtana, Lawrence Aker, Rev. locally, statewide, and nation- of all faiths to fight injustice. Que English, Eli Cohen, Amy ally to address this scourge to Additional speakers and Bressman, Bari Weiss, and Isa- ensure the safety and security performers during the pro- iah Rothstein, as well as a video of the Jewish community and gram included Eric Goldstein, message from Rabbi David Nie- all communities in New York.” Michael Miller, Maccabeats, derman. Following the march, New Devorah Halberstam, Jona- continued on page 12 Briarcliff Congregation Rallies to Support Monsey Big Game Season Favorites Menu Community Two salad selections, pickle bowl & condiments included Briarcliff’s Congregation Sons of Israel members Giant Hero ........................................................... $14.99 pp braved the rain soaked night and rallied a huge crowd on Sunday, December 29, 2019, to light the final candle The Cold Cut Classic .................................. $14.99 pp for the 8th night of Chanukah to show support for the Over-Stuffed Sandwiches ................. $14.99 pp Jewish community in Monsey in the aftermath of the Grilled Chicken Breast Hero ................ $15.99 pp brutal stabbings that occurred there Saturday night. Assorted Wraps Platter ..................................... $14.99 pp Cantor Jeffrey Shiovitz presided over the rally and candle lighting and gave inspiring comments. “It is difficult DELIVERY ARRANGED ADD: Hot or BBQ Wings .........................................$8.99 lb to find the words to combat what we are feeling tonight in the aftermath of the attack that occurred in Monsey. In the face of unthinkable violence, growing anti-Semitism and RESTAURANT racism, it is understandable how we can turn to despair DELICATESSEN and hopelessness. And yet the antidote to these responses, Parties to the powerlessness so many of us feel right now, is to real- Welcome BAR•CATERERS ize that we do have power. Catering Hotline: 1-800-344-BENS “Our power, as individuals and as a synagogue, is in standing up for what is right, regardless of © 2020 Ronald M. Dragoon what is happening around us. We cannot tolerate. We must be strong and continue to attend services TV BensDeli.net • 914-468-BENS (2367) • We Are Kosher and programs and celebrate our thriving. As a synagogue, CSI is doing everything we can to make our 718 Central Park Avenue, Scarsdale, New York 10583 Available home here safe. On this last night of Chanukah we stand like the courageous Maccabees who faced tremendous adversity, yet did not let anyone stop them from celebrating their Judaism.” Westchester Jewish Life • January 2020 • Tevet-Shevat 5780 • Page 2 • www.westchesterjewishlife.com Area Legislators Condemn Rockland County Attack On December 29, 2019, “While we wait for all the facts nity share the pain of the Mon- with love and inclusion.” County Executive George Lat- to be investigated, we do not sey community following this After meeting with Rabbi imer stated that, “Westchester hesitate to categorically con- horrific act. The time for talk Rottenberg and his wife on County stands with the people of demn all acts of violence, ha- about anti-Semitic attacks is December 29, 2019, Governor Rockland County and condemns tred and bigotry wherever and over--this is a time for action.” Cuomo commented on the the horrific act of violence in whenever they occur. Governor Cuomo issued stabbing in Rockland County. Monsey. I have directed the “But we need to do more a joint statement with over “It is intolerant, it is ignorant, Westchester County Police Pa- than offer our condemnation 130 Faith Leaders and orga- but it is also illegal.
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