quinas A C s o a l Thomas Aquinas College Newsletter m l e o g h e T Commencement 2018 C 1 al 7 if 19 Volume 46, Issue 2 ornia - “The Lord Has Great Plans in Mind for You” Graduates Look Forward, and Back, at Commencement 2018 ou were not made for comfort,” His Excellency then delivered his Com- “Ysays Pope Emeritus Benedict mencement Address, telling the graduates XVI, in the words that members of the that living and sharing the Faith neces- Thomas Aquinas College Class of 2018 sarily entails being “politically incorrect,” chose for their class quotation. “You were and thus requires courage on the part of made for greatness.” the believer. “A part of your mission is to Having withstood not only the worst make the voice of reason heard in our cul- wildfire in California’s recorded history, ture,” he said. “You have been equipped but also the ensuing rains, threatened with an outstanding education. That is a mudslides, and two campus evacuations, gift you have received that you must also this year’s graduates know well the futil- share with others. You must shine the light ity of seeking comfort in a fallen world. of reason on the darkness of our world.” And having studied the most important works of the Western tradition, they like- … and a Charge wise have gained an insight into precisely After his address, His Excellency the sort of greatness to which the Pope blessed the diplomas before Assistant Emeritus refers. Dean for Student Affairs Christopher Both were on display at the College’s Decaen called the graduates, one at a May 12 Commencement exercises: Light visiting clergy. As the seniors, followed tion ceremony. For their Class Speaker, time, to the dais. Upon being fitted with rain and an unseasonable cold belied by members of the faculty and Board of the seniors elected Suzanne Urbancic of the academic hood, they received their expectations of comfort, while the quiet Governors — all dressed in academic Chardon, Ohio, who also spoke of God’s diplomas and, before returning to their confidence and outward joy of 86 gradu- regalia — processed into the Chapel, the plans for this year’s graduates, encourag- seats, triumphantly flipped the tassels on ates evinced the promised greatness for Thomas Aquinas College Choir sang, in ing her classmates to remember their alma their mortarboards from the right side which they were made. “The Lord has Latin, of the Holy Spirit: Come down, O mater’s founding mission. “It is in union to the left. great plans in mind for you,” said this Love Divine, seek Thou this soul of mine! with Christ, the Truth Himself, that this In keeping with a 44-year tradition, year’s Commencement Speaker, the Most In his homily, Bishop Morlino education finds its real fruition,” she said. Dr. McLean concluded the program by Rev. Robert C. Morlino, Bishop of Madi- addressed the need for Christians to “With that end ever before our minds, delivering the College’s Charge to the son, Wisconsin, echoing Benedict XVI seek and speak the truth boldly. “When and filled with gratitude for the past and Graduates. “You are charged this day,” and the Prophet Jeremiah. “With the tre- I look around our country — and hon- hope for the future, let us today begin that he began, “with maintaining, defending, mendous gifts that you have — spiritually, estly, when I look around the Church path which God has in store for each one and protecting your Catholic heritage, academically — you will soar toward the — I am not comforted by what I see,” His of our lives.” its faith, its hope, its charity, and all its heavens, where Jesus is seated at the right Excellency admitted, urging graduates to As part of the Commencement cer- learning and culture.” In humility and hand of God.” remain hopeful nonetheless. “The Holy emony, the College honored Bishop gratitude, the members responded by Spirit is going to show forth in the Church Morlino for his faithful service to the singing Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, A Calling … the greatness of His power,” he added. “You Church, presenting him with the Saint sed nomini Tuo da gloriam — “Not to us, The College’s 44th Commencement are part of the solution.” (See page 10.) Thomas Aquinas Medallion, the Col- O Lord, not to us, but to Your name exercises began that morning at the Bac- Following the Mass, the seniors, fac- lege’s highest honor. (See story, below.) give glory.” calaureate Mass of the Holy Spirit, with ulty, governors, and clergy processed Bishop Morlino serving as the princi- past the gold and white pennants that Commencement 2018 pal celebrant and homilist, joined at the lined St. Joseph’s Square and onto the Video, audio, photo slideshows & more: thomasaquinas.edu/commencement2018 altar by the College’s four chaplains and academic quadrangle for the gradua- The Saint Thomas Aquinas Medallion College Awards Bishop Morlino its Highest Honor o preach the saving truth of Jesus awarded him with its highest honor: the 2003 the Holy Father named him Bishop “TChrist has always required cour- Saint Thomas Aquinas Medallion. of Madison. Since 2005 he has also served age,” the Most Rev. Robert C. Morlino said The Medallion, established by the as chairman of the Board of Directors of at Thomas Aquinas College’s 2018 Bacca- College’s Board of Governors in 1975, the National Catholic Bioethics Center. laureate Mass. “If you speak the truth, you exists to recognize and honor those who In a resolution awarding His Excel- might not be safe. Those who speak truth have demonstrated, through their lives lency the Saint Thomas Aquinas Medal- to a culture where everyone is looking to and work, an extraordinary dedication lion, the chairman of the College’s Board be offended will be persecuted.” to God and His church. Past recipients of Governors, Scott Turicchi, noted the His Excellency speaks from experi- include St. Teresa of Calcutta; Servant Bishop’s “exemplary loyalty and devotion ence. Having served for the last 15 years of God Rev. John Hardon, S.J.; and John to the Holy Father and the Magisterium as Bishop of Madison, Wisconsin, he Cardinal O’Connor, the late Archbishop of the Church,” as well as his “promotion knows all too well the faux outrage and of New York. and defense of the sacred liturgy.” orchestrated controversy that can follow A native of Northeastern Pennsylvania “At his core, Bishop Morlino is an even the simplest, most pastorally worded and a graduate of the Jesuit-run Scranton School of Theology in Cambridge, Mas- apostle of the Truth that God makes defense of Catholic doctrine. Yet through Preparatory High School, Bishop Mor- sachusetts, and a doctorate in moral known to us through both reason and it all, he remains not only steadfast in the lino was ordained to the priesthood for theology from the Gregorian University revelation,” said Dr. McLean. “His special truth, but also ever-patient and charitable. the Maryland Province of the Society of in Rome. concerns are the humanity of the unborn “Bishop Morlino has been courageous Jesus on June 1, 1974. He holds a bach- In 1981 His Excellency became a child, the dignity of human life at all its in proclaiming the truth both in season elor’s degree in philosophy from Fordham priest of the Diocese of Kalamazoo, stages, and the nature of marriage as a and out,” said Thomas Aquinas Col- University, a master’s degree in philoso- Michigan, where he served for 12 years lifelong bond between one man and one lege President Michael F. McLean. Thus, phy from the University of Notre Dame, a before Pope St. John Paull II named him woman. … These are messages the world at Commencement 2018, the College master of divinity degree from the Weston Bishop of Helena, Montana, in 1999. In sorely needs to hear.” “Go Forth Filled with Courage and with Hope” Dr. McLean’s Remarks to the Class of 2018 at the President’s Dinner n a 1981 address Pope St. John Paul II observed: dinal Sarah: “Silence is more important than any other I“We find ourselves in a world in which the temp- human work. For it expresses God. The true revolution tation towards atheism and skepticism is becoming comes from silence; it leads us toward God and others constantly stronger; in which there is taking root a so as to place ourselves humbly and generously at their grievous moral uncertainty with the falling apart of the service.” He continues, “The silence of listening is a form family and the degeneration of morals; in which a dan- of attention, a gift of self to the other, and a mark of moral gerous conflict of ideas and movements dominates.” generosity.” As he could do so well, in a few eloquent words John In another of his addresses, this time to the Extraor- Paul II captured something fundamental about our times dinary Synod of Bishops in 1985, St. John Paul II said: — the atheism, the skepticism, the moral degeneracy, the clamor of godless claims and ideologies, aided and “Heralds of the Gospel are needed, who are experts abetted by media and technology. This describes much in humanity, who know the depths of the heart of of our world, the world you are about to enter, the world man in today’s world, who share his joys and hopes, his concern and his sadness, and who at the same in which you will work out your salvation in fear and Thomas Aquinas College President Michael F. McLean and time are contemplatives, people in love with God.
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