'•.c n,;]or.it ..-' •'&•• ".. -io -' THUPSOAY kiAY?.n IU LOCALSUl'KCL- COM L «J3 NO. ?0 50CEi»'1S -. •' ; I, • » r "j i • • . ; " i i" i ,! • i < i ri• . 1. ', • i I ' 'i I •• " •I ' i '• id •! i i • 1 i. " " • •* • . r •:-J. ••••'• •-• . .', "• • .> "•' '_ ! '/•'•'•'. :• -•> , I'nuios by Llieiyl HU Nearly 1,000 students, staff members and guests at Kawameeh Middle School in Union displayed their patriot- 'BORN TO BE WILD' ism last week during 'Proud to Be an American Day.' Clockwise, from top, left: Patrick Tuohy, 27, a Union High Stunt rider Bubba Blackwell per- formed at Rahway's recent Hot School history teacher, who served two tours of duty in Iraq talks to World War II veteran Tom Mahoney, 88; para- Rods & Harleys Day festival. troopers from the U.S. Army Golden Knights land on the school athletic field; Kawameeh students Jailene Soto Page 4 and Cati Stadler wave American flags during the event. Our early deadlines for Memorial Bay The offices of this newspa- per will close May 31 in obser- By Cheryl Hehl vance of Memorial Day, Dead- Staff Writer lines for the issue of June 3 UNION — Before the chill are: wore off the early spring morning, • Legals: May 27, noon. a thousand flags waved in hands • Display ads:- May 28, held high against azure blue skies. noon. Young and old joined together lo - Classifieds: May 28, 3 stand tall and declare they were p.m. proud to be Americans. • Letters, news, church, They lined the field adjacent to entertainment, sports: May 28, Kawameeh Middle School IO-deep noon. or more, voices raised in song, a united front on ihis third annual Proud To Be An American Day. From the children, who knew Police Blotter.. 6 nothing of war, the old who fought Opinion Page 10 wars they can never forget, to Letters to the Editor 11 those who recently returned home County News 14 from one that rages on, all shared a Obituaries 19 common bond — their love of Arts & Leisure 22 America. Sports 26 The event was months in Ihe Classified 46 planning with students, teachers i if. See STUDENTS, Page 15 t-A OT-100-82 & find YOUR town to start PAGE 2 — THURSDAY, MAY 20, 2010 LOCALSOURCE.COM UNION COUNTY LOCALSOURCE Perfecting the park i i SUMMER CAMP i Frank Senkiw has begun work on his Eagle Project of revitalizing the Veterans Honor Roll and Memorial Park located on Stuyvesant Avenue in Union. Mayor Anthony Terrezza visited the park and congratulated the volunteers on a job well done. Back row: Frank Senkiw, Trevor Miranda, Mekhi Bryant, Mr. Daniels, Evan Everett, Mr. Everett and Mrs. Senkiw; front row: Harry Daniels, Mayor Terrezza, Christopher Miranda and Jason Rivera. f it} Ifipiifit 2|»rrif ,'. is-,.. c ummit FD Summit, NJ 07901 purchase high-tech equipment By Paul Greulich Thermal imaging cameras enable firefighters to 908,278-0552 >?** identify body heat in dark, smoky environments when f ;> Staff Writer [email protected] (•< >3 ,!? "•'"•' ">i!'-' ; SUMMIT — Local fire crews will be heading out time is of the essence. In years past, firemen had to on calls equipped with the latest technology thanks to search for victims by feeling their way blindly tlirough a grant from the Department of Homeland Security rooms, which in larger buildings could be dangerously SUMMER CAMP that will allow the department to purchase upgraded time-consuming. The newer cameras have higher- thermal imaging cameras. quality screens that allow for more positive identifica- The $26,650 grant was secured through 7th District tion of heat sources and are also lighter compared to Rep. Leonard Lance's office. The money will fund the department's three existing cameras, which date A Summer most of the purchase of new thermal imaging cameras, back to 1999. Lance also stressed the importance of an upgrade estimated to cost about $30,000 total. The securing the,gear. Zadie's Nurturing Den is known for academic excellence remainder of the money is coming from the depart- "The new cameras will also provide an additional in a caring, fun environment. Now, at our new location in ment's capital improvement budget. layer of safety to firefighters by allowing them to Fire Chief Joseph Houk, who only received word of know exactly where to go so they can quickly get in The Oranges, we are offering an exciting Summer the grant the week before the meeting was very and out," Lance said. Enrichment Program for children ages 4 to 8 years. pleased to receive the financial help. Houk said the department's research and develop- "It's a great opportunity to take something out of ment committee will soon decide which brand of cam- our capital budget," Houk said, "It'll save the taxpay- era to purchase. He hopes to have the new cameras Our curriculum includes: ers money." acquired within the next two months. Science, social studies, matfi, On May 14 Lance met with Houk, Mayor Jordan Lance praised the city for pursuing the highly com- language arts, handwriting, Glatt and Councilmen Mike Vernotico and Thomas petitive grants, and said he is proud the federal gov- DEM and craft activities Getzendanner at the city fire headquarters to formally ernment recognized the need for this money. He added EAST ORANGE present the grant as well as look over the department's that he will work to help New Jersey communities existing equipment and facilities. receive a fairer share of federal money. "Summit's firefighters are hard-working and dedi- "There are sending states and receiving states and cated to keeping our community safe," Glatt said. New Jersey is a sending state," Lance said. "Congressman Lance understands the important roles The department, which is made up of 32 career fire- our first responders play in our community and we fighters and 15 volunteer firefighters responded to appreciate his support." 2,000 calls last-year. , SUMMER CAMP Public invited to hunt for ghosi "Bruce Tango of Linden, who has appeared on SyFy been numerous reports of paranormal activity. We invite you to join us this summer for 8 weeks of fun & inspiration!! Channel's show Ghost Hunters, will join with other mem- The event will begin with check-in from 6 to 7 p.m. at bers of the cast at a live paranormal investigation of the the Holiday Inn Select in Clinton. There will then be a JUNE 28ih tlirough AUGUST 20th Summer Fun Day Camp - Ages 2-6 "haunted" Red Mill in Clinton, Hunterdon County on question and answer session beginning at 7 p.m. where Academic Enrichment Math-Reading-Writing May 29 and 30. Tickets are still available for the May 30 the haunted history of the Red Mill will be explained. An Daily Activities Include: Arts & Crafts, Cooking. Science^ Computers; Swimming, Movies. Trips, Picnics and much morel! investigation, which is. open to the public. episode of Ghost Hunters, filmed at the location will then Youth Enrichment Camp - Agos 8-13 Featured guests include Tango as well as Ghost take place, followed by an auction to benefit the Tourette Readlng-Writfog-Math-Builtiing leadership skills Sports, Photography, Tennis and much more!!! Hunters cast member Kris Williams arid Dustin Sari of SyhdromFoundation. : . .•- ' For More Information Please Gall: §118-245-4788 Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters International, also on At 9 p.m., participants will break into groups and SyFy. Tango is a retired police officer from Union Coun- . begin the investigation, which will continue until approx- ty who often investigated with his son, Dave,: a regular • imately 1:15 a.m. The groups will then assemble and dis- SUMMER CAMP & DAY CARE GUIDE Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters Academy: oast memberV : cuss their experiences and have refreshments. For infor- CALLCLASSIFIEDS (908) 686-7850 Participants will have an opportunity to meet mem-, mation or tickets, go to, www.idealeventmanage.com and bers of The Atlantic Paranormal Societyand jointhemas click, on the events tab or call the Red Mill at 908-735- they investigate the historic building, where there have 4101,'ext. 100. : ' ! 7' ••'• UNION COUNTY LOCALSOURCE LOCALSOURCE.COM THURSDAY, MAY 20, 2010 — PAGE By Cheryl Hehl against one another in the contested primary paign for mayor. Cosby-Hurling has been stances," Bunk said in a statement. He also Staff Writer race for the 5th Ward council seat, which after the 5th Ward seat since 2006, moving noted that Davis' discussion with Cosby- LINDEN — With just a few weeks to go apparently led to the councilman offering his over to the Democrats for Change party this Hurling was "completely based on inaccu- before the June 8 primary, the hotly contest- challenger a "deal." . year. rate information and without my knowledge ed race in Linden has reached a boiling point. In what appeared to be an attempt to con- According to Cosby-Hurling, Davis said or authorization." Whether Democrats for Change candi- vince Cosby-Hurling into stepping down he needed to keep his seat for two more years Davis initially said the offer was not a dates will be any match against the main- prior to the primary, Davis allegedly told his if he was to move into the mayor's seat when bribe, but later apologized publically for the stream regular Democrat organization will be challenger that if she dropped out of the race Bunk resigned so he could collect a second incident, claiming he had too much to drink up to voters. That is, if they can wade against him, he would see that: she was public pension. This is assuming, of course, at the event. Bunk retired as a police officer through the political accusations that have appointed to a council seat in two years.
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