TEN CENTS • CANADA-1~c . PROGRAMS FOR SEPT. 20-26 PARLAYINC loolblll pllyin, ability into I CarH t .. • •adlo annOU"I~r .nd ",owit lit•• , T."''''1 Har",•• , loon \0 be _" I. " Ha,,"on of Mi,hi'l"," pMH lor Ihil wHk', all ... ol., 10 ..' willi MI ry A nd ~ .. o.. r or (ompltlt dtUill .1 H"mo.·, urHr set Bill 51 ".', Ilory, "gt 7. !hlural .... "" port.. il ~ by Jut Alb i~ THIS WEEK: Recently Edgllr Bergen hes to S(lY (lbout Tommy. see p(lge 7. yielded 10 e nostelgic impulse lind vis­ Stern, who hes known young H(lrmon ited his old home town of Declltur, for some time, reports thot feme hasn't Michigen. With Bergen, of course, chenged him either. Which is very en­ went Cherlie McCerthy, Mortimer <:oureging in e dlly when Brllu Hilts Snerd end compony, ond by nightfoll 1lIld Big Hellds seem to be the rule. of the dote previously designoted 05 "Edgor Bergen Doy" this ordinerily NEXT W EEK; Throughout thl! iloilo" thriving villoge of ebout 1,600 populo­ ned week there's going to be (I m(ld tion wes e poded moss of holidoy scremble before countless r(ldio diels. humonity, with more then 10,000 per­ Ceuse of Ihllt sCfllmble wilt be redio's sons crowded into the Decotur Athletic semiennuel sheke.up brought about by Field . There, elfter e blind concer!. Ber· t he ending of d(lylight.seving time in gen recei ved e tremendous ovetion. rnany sections of the country, the reo the key to the city, end trotted out turn of old programs to the eirlenes McCllrthy ond Snerd to edd their ~ ,fter summer layoffs. the IIddition of thenh to his. Silid Bergen to essembled new fell commercials to schedules el­ newsmen eerlier in the dey: "Pleese ready full. Such fevorifes es Fibber don't misinterpret the reeson for this McGee and Molly, Fred Allen end AI trip. I'm not giving anythin~ or donal­ f'eerce will be back ne~t week to join ing IInything. I'm simply having a good those elreody returned at this writing. lime visiting old friends lind neigh. Jeck Benny. Helen Hayes, Burns end bors." Eye.witnesses report Bergen did ,\lIen are due to follow the week after. heve 0 good time, Old friends stote These next few weeks ere redio's busi. Bergen hllsn't chengecl 0 bit, For cst, offering some of the best enter. Movie-R(ldio Guide's cemeromen's re­ teinment of the yellr. That's where port, see pege 37 . Then thero's Mr. Movie·Redio Guida comes in . A stoff Tommy Hermon of Michigen, recently of experts hes long been et work listing. of Ho!lywood. where he mllde II movie, (:Iossifyi ng, cheding. gethering inside "Harmon of Michigon," still more re­ information on old programs. lost·min. cently of the ennUll1 foothllil g(lme be­ ute news about the new ones. Ned tween the college AII·Stllrs ond ~e week's issue. complete to the minute, professional footb(lll chempions et Sol­ replete with details on new times, pro­ dier Field in Chicago. Tommy didn't ~lr(lm chenges. foil plens for returning pley eny grellt leng th of time in the shows and inside informetion on new· g(lme, but while he did he bucked, comers is the result. To essure yourself weeved end fought his woy for con­ of me.imum entertainment. make it e sider(lble ground geins. For whet Bill point to get ned week's copy of Stern, the famous sports commentotor, Movie-Radio Guide.-The Editors. CONTENTS Movies Radio Marlene Oletrieh Savel Baby, 'Thl, Week In R, dl. ..13 La nd , In Ho.pIUI ..... Classical MII"c (. dep.rtment) .21 'Today In Rldlo ( new.) ..•.•.•. 22 Movle.Radlo Guld~ Reports On: Short Waves ( a deputment) .34-35 Th~ Ten Richest Women In Movie.Ra dlo Guide'. Theatre of Movies .•....•.............. 2 Ihe Air Pre,ent,; "Young Dr, Killer Gable Geta H I, Mll n. 4 Malone" ( Part III) .......... 36 Shirley T emple Gaea Blick to Ed gar Bergen'a Gila H omecom. Work •.•.•..•.•.•.......... 5 in" ..•.....•.•. 37 Patricia Morllon: Reveal. Her MOvie·Radio Gllide VI,III: Cities Wonder Diet..... 6 Service Concert . ..... .... 38 Fred Warln ,,: Hi, Outtlde Inter· Tommy H armon: The Grid e.l.. ...•.•.•......... 40 King', 'n.,de Story........ 7 Bandstand Notes (a dep.rtmenl) 41 Reeommended: The Femin ine Femi nine Forum; VOllng Girl.' Touch! . ........ 8 Approach to Beauty. .•.•. 42 T oday In Hollywood (newa) .•.• 9 Program!> Movle.R.dlo Guide Crltlca' Re · Week of September 20.26 .. port (revlewa) .............. '2 , .. 14_2' an d 24·34 Vol, 10, No. 50 S eptember 20·26, '941 '''''~''''''~Q 10,"",,: r ..1 ,,-~, Y."'''''",\I, .", C"'CC'''T'~~ onlC": ..... ,.,..•• ~"'TO"' )I,,".. "",b ;" .. ",.,""" , .... ,. ( '~'"".~ ""DOli .... ""'"" lu'W"; 00 ...... ~,..,t_ ,..oo"",,~~ '''~o''' "' 1M" "' ... " ......., ... """",,, .:.-.... I'M",.. " IHI>' '''>Od ; Don ~ -.. ~"."r>': 111"', <\\ "",.,, ...... I·N.. ' .... : ...... " ... U,n .•:."' ..... "": ch.. , ... ,. It_,, ''''''. ~ ..... w ..". Y."lY<,"". ""'TONY" .""" <' .., .... It,." .. (I........ " .....""~ U."I.... "h"'" Lo<i ..... In"".. l' .,,,,""., Art" •• >I,,, ... 0 "'..... " ... 1<1 , :~.I"" "p'''''- :\1M" """n "'",,' LT'.... ..". " •• I.""d U. ~ _ " .,_ (1m",). ,'"1,,.. x, Xu""'" If. w ..k of R.. ' ....... lI-,.. ,,<I. I'."U...... _I, b, T,I... k.I'uh'''''''''.' '"' ..... _~""h 11 ....1 S""1. ,,"I ..· ''''0''''. '· ..... 'h.n' •. •~'''''''., ."~ "' ........ ""'..,"""", 11, J." ...... ", , .... ~, (""<>.~ , IIU ...... y..,,,, .. , .. ..-d-,I....... ,,, .. ,ho 1'0., .., ..... Chit..... 1I"""b. " """'.. , II. "'• • " ..... ' " .. ,'" or )Io.. h J , L'a_ .'"' ....' ..d b, I'"," ,,""'" ' .........n' ........ "., ...... d •. ". _".,....... 11,,_ (· ..."1.'" 1111 h,1'" ••",. 1... "II",n.. ,. I .....\11 "."" ,... ~ t...,JI.. ' .... """"M"O" """" ,' ... _ .., .. n'.~ b, ....""' ... If· .<I>J' ...........,_ r... '''.'•. T.o <'On" ,or. """, I" (h , tn""" '''''-', " .... .,..... ,~~ •• >'b ,. 'ho ... s. ,"d _ .... ,.,... ........ n"I........ 1'.., A .."I .. ~ 1'",,,1 '-01 ... : 'I< _ .... 11.": _ ,......... : .... "'''. ' f,n : ._ ,...". , .... , """..... IOtl ......t •• In I ....' .. ....... ", .. : ... _,h'. 11.>0: _ ....t ....... II.... lor ....,,' _, ........"'''' .. _r,",,'" "' .. _ ",,"" t. _. or ~. o.t~· R'b "\ (It·,n .. , ,,,,• ...,....,. 01 •• b'... U.... ·• "... 1" .... ",.. r........... fo, ........ _ ... 110 .... t ••1 .. ""~ old "'" ..... ""_... , " 'n" •• t ..... oil ....,.._"'.... ond .... pJ.",,, Lo ........". t ....~...-I." ... ,IO.I>o 1Iu~0<rlJ><"'" :0""'''_. ,11 ",_.h ' ... n. '-hlo-o ... ''''''''',. ".'.T ... 'x r ... '. ../UI' MoVIE·RADIo GUIDE MARLENE DIETRICH Saves Lands Hospital IFMARLENE DIETRICH had not used her wits with from the film, publi.<:hes them with a McMahon, "Here, I'll take the baby myself before the speed of lightn1nt: last week, a baby mltht have picture of Marlene and David a few you kill him," when (1) the colored maid cornel In been seriously injured. While carrying seven-month_ hou.rs later In the Cedars of and allys, "The police have come," (2) whereupon old David James in a ~e fOl' "The Lady Is Will­ prove the incident was no "",p'''' '" Mia Dietrich, turning to run out of the room, tripped inl," Marlene sllp~ and leU over a toy aulo. As In ~The t.d, Is on a toy auto and fell. This action, uncalled for in !She fell, Marlene's fint thought was of the child, glamorous actrus. the scene, was one of those unforeseen accidents. whom she cradled to hel' breast as she fell, Iwlvel­ However, (3) MarieI}(' did not lose her head. She in" herteU into a pos1tion whic:h cushioned the hOIlll;! she namelt II. thre... her body torwo.rd to MV", the baby and landed infant. Result for Marlene: A fraelured. ankle. doorstepdoctor, Who and rurnJI !~:f:J~~~;~~f~;;~~~~ on her back. A propman (4) and the baby'. real A record of the unusual event was preserved as when she roes ~".• , _""""' father (5) rushed in and picked up Marlene and the the cameras ground on the scene. Movu:-RADIO GUlDl: and secretary want to tell baby. Marlene's ankle was broken, her shoulder &e<:UTed these pIctures by printing them directly In scene below Mlss Dietrich has Ju~lp " wrenched. Baby James was frightened but unharmedl / / JOAN CRAWFORD BEnE DAVIS GRETA GARBO MYRNA lOV , IRENE DUNNE GINGER ROGERS CLAUDETTE COL!!Ei(T LORETTA YOU;~G So with our "We have II war to with $270,000; Glnaer Rogers, nearly win-" program gaining acceleration. $208,000; Luretta Young, about $181,000; our tax-collection agencies are going Deanna DUI'bin, all even $174,000; Bette "aU out" in efforts to keep the Govern­ Davis, over $143,000; and Myrna Loy, ment's sinking fund from disappearing. slightly ov('r $140,000. Hollywood and the movie industry, These nlaries all sound like a prelly synonymous with six-figured pay­ fair load of country bucks, but even checks, is the garden spot tor the en­ then Uncle Sam's arm was reaching larged appetite of the income-tax giant. deeply into the actresses' coffers.. Now, And no line is dravo'fl on sex. A with a neW' income-tax scale about to beautiful. talented actress when stopped become a law, digging is going to be by a traffic officer might let loose deeper. ot her "charm" and wind up with A ss um~: the new tax contemplated a pair ot ducats to the policemen'. becomes a law and assuming ~e sala­ ball instead of a date in court. But ried persarl in each CnllC Is married, when the income-tax bugaboo hovers the followln.a: are tax totals on high­ about, the beauty, the talent and the bracket tIj:~s as computed by the celluloid wiles of the actreSll only give Joint Committee of Internal Revenue her the willies! She think.! her ship of the Congress. (These figures are has come in, and it has, only the Gov­ only approximate, but they prescnt a ernment holds first, second and 'third clear plclul'e of what Hollywood's ten mortgages on il richest women arc up against under Hollywood's ten richest women, all this new taLX set_up.) of whom can describe Henry Morgen­ Tax on II $)00,000 Income, Joint re­ NORMA SHEARE't thau, Jr.
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