Highweek Garage, Ringslade Road, Highweek, Newton Abbot, TQ12 1QF Price Guide Offers in Excess of £700,000 The Site Contents Highweek Garage, Ringslade Road, Highweek, About the plot > Newton Abbot, TQ12 1QF 3 Planning > CIL > Method of Sale > 4 Viewing > 5 Photos of site > 6 Site location plan > Proposed Site Plan > Go to Google maps > 7 8 Decision notice > Want to know more? If you have any questions or would like to know more about this plot get in touch with Will Smith at Complete Land & New Homes. Click here to see all of the relating documents to this site 01626 832 063 [email protected] complete. Land & New Homes 2 THE PLOT PLANNING Outline planning application for the construction of 9 An existing Garage site with 2 residential units, one of which needs to be detached dwellings, with all matters reserved except for demolished. The site extends to 0.75 of an acre and is located in a highly access. The planning was passed by Teignbridge District sought after village on the edge of the market town of Newton Abbot. Council under planning reference 19/01602/OUT The site has recently received an outline planning permission for demolition The site would also have potential to keep the existing of existing residential and commercial Buildings to create 9 houses. commercial buildings as a rental investment, one of which is a fully functioning garage workshop. Buildings could The existing buildings comprise of a Showroom and Offices at the front of be used for a number of different purposes subject to the site with MOT bay and Parts storage areas behind. There is a further normal planning consents, if this was the case you would detached commercial building which is currently used as a repair Workshop have two residential buildings requiring demolition that with Valeting bay, Smart repair bay and oil storage areas. The approximate would be re-developed or sold on as building plots. dimensions are detailed below. Showroom / Reception area 20.852 Metres x 8.015 Metres Middle Office 3.091 Metres x 2.954 Metres Back Office 2.492 Metres x 3.482 Metres Section 106 Parts Storage Area 3.220 Metres x 7.280 Metres With the current planning the site does not attract any Lower Parts Storage Area 3.787 Metres x 7.146 Metres affordable housing and there is currently no 106 liability. MOT Bay 9.868 Metres x 5.628 Metres Main Workshop 23.940 Metres x 12.314 Metres Valeting Bay 12.179 Metres x 7.085 Metres Smart Repair Bay 12.179 Metres x 11.019 Metres CIL Oil Bay 4.085 Metres x 6.027 Metres The site does attract CIL but CIL Credit will placed upon the existing commercial and residential buildings which will Manager Office / Tea Room / Staff Toilets 5.430 Metres x 8.850 Metres significantly reduce the liability. All purchasers should satisfy themselves to the level of CIL payable prior to purchase. From an investment point of view the total potential rental income of the areas detailed above if let individually would be circa £37,000 PA and would have a variety of uses. Planning Click the button to view the Application Planning Application in full. complete. Land & New Homes 3 Method of Sale The site featured in these particulars is for sale by private treaty. All proposals for the purchase on the land shall be submitted to Will Smith at Complete Land and New Homes. 01626 832 063 | [email protected] Viewing This site is viewable by appointment only. Please get in touch with Will Smith at Complete Land and New Homes to book your appointment or if you have any questions about the site. 01626 832 063 | [email protected] complete. Land & New Homes 4 5 Site location plan NOTES Application boundary Ringslade Close Ringslade Road N REV NOTES DATE Highweek Garage, Highweek B Location Plan RW/DCC 171005 L 01 01 1:1250 @ A3 Aug 2019 Pitt Hill Road Hems House, 84 Longbrook Street, Exeter, Devon, EX4 6AP T: 01392 368866 W: www.cliftonemerydesign.co.uk M: [email protected] not to scale Planning CONTRACTORS MUST CHECK ALL DIMENSIONS ON SITE. ONLY FIGURED DIMENSIONS ARE TO BE WORKED FROM. C THIS DRAWING IS COPYRIGHT. complete. Land & New Homes 6 Proposed Key Site Plan Site boundary Ringslade Close 1 Vehicular acccess from Ringslade Road 2 Internal access road 6 3 Proposed footpath to Village Centre 5 Plot 4 Enhanced boundary to Ringslade Road 5 14 9 5 Regraded site to provide relationship to houses on Ringslade Close Plot 4 Plot 6 6 4 12 6 Regraded site providing opportunities to connect to 12 existing drainage nextwork 8 10 Plot Plot 3 11 7 7 Bespoke 3b dwelling fronting Ringslade Road - with 2 Ringslade Road Ringslade garden & terrace above car port 13 12 8 Detached 4b dwellings fronting Ringslade Road Plot 8 8 Plot 2 9 2b 1.5 storey dwelling with on-plot parking Plot Detached 3b dwellings stepping with the slope 9 10 1 11 Rear deck with access to private gardens - views to wider countryside 12 Private terrace above car port 13 Car parking on plot with single car port 14 Emergency vehicle turning area 3 7 Plot 1 Allotments Highweek Garage, Newton Abbott D Illustrative Layout DC / RJ 171005 L 02 02 1:500 @ A3 Aug 2019 3 Whitehill Road Hems House, 84 Longbrook Street, Exeter, Devon EX4 6AP T: 01392 368866 W: www.cliftonemerydesign.co.uk M: [email protected] Drawing Status PLANNING N complete. Land & New Homes 7 I ESPONDECE PLEASE UOTE IN ORRESPNDECE PLEASE UOTE APPLICATION REF O: 1901602OUT APPLICATION REF O: 1901602OUT Ground nvestigation eort by Terrafirma sout dated ebruary 2019 eport o. 627/GIR) TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT, 1990 Ecological mpact Assessment (Bats and Birds by reen Ecology dated August 2019 TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE) (Report o. 0750-EcA-MW) (ENGLAND) ORDER 2015 GRANT OF OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION eceivedCarriage on Return t November 2019: Drainage Strategy by DA Associates dated ovember 2019 Reort ef.1210 ssue 3 Applicant: Mrs S alvert and Mrs A Agent: Mr Darren Summerfield oberts eceived on 27t November 2019: Highweek arage LM Planning Ltd Dwg o. 18063-SK03 evision A – Site Access and erbed ootway ingslade oad 5 arnfield rescent Designers esonse by Miles White Transort dated ovember 2019 Highweek Exeter ewton Abbot Devon . Prior to commencement, including demolition, details of a compensatory bat roost Devon EX1 1T sall be submitted to and aroved in writing by te local lanning autority. The details TQ12 1QF sall sow: A roost buildingsace suitable in sie, layout and access points for lesser orseshoe Location: EWT ABBOT - Highweek arage, ingslade oad bats Proposal: Demolition of existing residential and commercial buildings utline That the roost is located adjacent to suitable bat flightat landscape features on or planning application for te construction of 9 detached dwellings, wit close to the application site; all matters reserved except for access Tat te bat access oints open adacent to, but not obstructed by, teses landscae features Teignbridge District ouncil ereby grants outline lanning ermission to carry out te That lighting levels at and around bat access points and landscape features are no development described in te alication validated on 13 August 2019 subect to te greater tan 0.lux. following conditions: The roost sall be delivered in strict accordance wit the approved details, before the 1. Approval of te details of scale, layout, landscaping and appearance of the garage sowroom building, whic contains the existing bat roost, is demolised. The building(s), (hereinafter called “the reserved matters”) sall be obtained from te Local roost sall be maintained thereafter. Planning Autority in writing before any develoment is commenced. EAS: The details are reuired at an early stage in te interests of ecology. EAS: To enable full and roper consideration of te roposed development. 6. o develoment including demolition shall commence until a remediation strategy 2. Application for approval of reserved matters shall be made to te Local Planning to deal wit the risks associated wit contamination of te site in respect of the Autority before the expiration of three years from the date of tis permission. development ereby ermitted, as been submitted to, and aroved in writing by, the local lanning autority. Tis strategy will include te following components: EAS: n accordance wit Section 92 of te Town and ountry Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 1 of te Planning and ompulsory Purcase Act 2004. 1 A reliminary risk assessment whic has identified: all revious uses 3. Te development sall be begun before te exiry of two years from te date of potential contaminants associated wit those uses final approval of the reserved matters. a conceptual model of te site indicating sources, patways and receptors potentially unacceptable risks arising from contamination at the site EAS: n accordance wit Section 92 of te Town and ountry Planning Act 1990 as 1. A site investigation scheme, based on 1 to provide information for a detailed amended by Section 1 of the Comulsory Purchase Act 2004. assessment of te risk to all receptors tat may be affected, including those off-site. 2. The results of te site investigation and the detailed risk assessment referred to in 4. The development ereby ermitted shall be carried out in accordance wit te (2) and, based on tese, an otions apraisal and remediation strategy giving full alication form and te following aroved plans: details of the remediation measures required and ow tey are to be undertaken. 3. A verification lan roviding details of te data that will be collected in order to t eceived on 13 August 2019: demonstrate tat te works set out in the remediation strategy in 3 are complete Dwg o.1100 L 01 01 – Location Plan and identifying any requirements for longer-term monitoring of pollutant linkages, Phase 1 ontaminated Land Desk Study eport by Terrafirma (south) dated ebruary maintenance and arrangements for contingency action.
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