• in bur bonittr. in 1879. TERMS-4i.co a rear in Advance PAUL MOTTE & CO., Publishers. Established by SAMUEL MOTTER FRIDAY, FEBIMA_IZY 2, 1894-6 NO. 86. VOL. XI.7. EMMITSBURG, MD., WISHES. with them peach trees—ain't there I -SHOOTING 11')NKERS. IF I HAD KNOWN YOU. DIRECTORY fruit? if I had known you, oh, if Iliad known yon. you imagine any young WO- FOR FREDERICK COUNTY I asked a little child one day. "'And do In other days when youth and love were A child intent on joyous play, man in her senses would marry you and GREAT SPORT WHICH IS FOUND IN strong, toe Circuit Court. "My little one, pray tell to live here?' I cried. THE NORTHWEST. I would have raised a temple to enthrone you Your dearest wish; .. hat may it he?" James MeSherry On some fair pinnacle of cloudless song. Chief Judge--lion. The little one thought for awhile. "'Do I? Well, there's no imagination Associate Judges-1ton. John T. Vinson and What is Then answered with a wistful smile, about it. There's three women have If you had touched me then with your dear Hon. John A. Lynch. Countless Swarms Which Congregata Be- State's Attorney-Edw. S. Eichelberger. "The thing that 1 wish most of all married me and lived here. Two of 'em's laughter, tween the Red River 'alley ai,t the 311L- Clerk. of the Court-John L. Jordan. Is to be big, like you, toil tall." ildad and buried, and yonder stands As now its echo smites me in my grief, Orphan's Court. sissippl-Shootimr, Does Not Appear to I would have g:-en my soul to you, and after I asked a maiden sweet and fair, Vother. I couldn't hear from von. I con- old In my belief. Colliflower, John R. Mills. Lived in my love-grow Judges--Benard Of dreamy eyes suiA wavy hair, cluded you was playin Inc a Yankee Diminish Their Number. Harrison Miller. "'What would 3-011 wish, pray tell me true. If you had loved me, oh, you would have of Wills-Tames K. Waters. Register fate bring You?" trick; couldn't wait nohow. So I mar- Wild goose huntirg on the plaina of loved me. (Milers. That kindly should to County With timid mien and downcast eyva ried Miss Susan Barnes, and if you say Earth would have worshiped its, Its seers M. Gaither, the northwest is a sport which always County Commissioners-William .And blushes deep and gentle sighs, her senses, sublime, Franklin 0. house, James she ain't a young woman iti Melville Cromwell, Her answer came, "All else above, has great charm even for the experi- My Song had been a psalm, and saints had William Morrison. why, she'— Delauter, I'd wish some faithful heart to love." is a sport replete proved me sheriff-D. P. Zimmerman. 'Why, I'll show her—that's what I'll enced Nimrod. It -1. Wm. II iughman. Prophet and priest, your poet for all lime. Tax-Collector I asked a mother. tried and blest, with incident and a recreation which Surveyor-Edward Albaugh. do,' said Mrs. Graville No. 3, dropping -W.S. Blunt it, Roston Ludget. babe asleep upon her breast, in to be thor- School Commissioners -Samuel Dutrow, Her- With her milk paitand rolling up her sleeves must once be indulged man L.. Routzahn. David D. Thomas, E. R. Zim• "0 mother fond, so proud and fair, wild goose is as she came to the side of the cart. oughly appreciated. The The General Drift to Cities. fro Tann., Jas. W. Condon. Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants What is thy untwist secret prayer?" parte of Nbrth America, Xxaminer-E. L. Boblite. She raised her calm and peaceful eyes, "I begged Ben to drive the back to the known in all The tendency of the laboring population lent tn iteilsone 1)1,41 rlct. and CI:Helm:1. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Madonnalike, up to the skies. river, and here I am—waiting to take the but in no section of the country does in rural districts to migrate to the cities is Notary Public -C. T. Zacharias. "My dearest wish is this," said she. this bird appear in such numbers as in receiving forcible illustration in Gertaauy. Stokes, M. F harmless substitute first boat. I've played the fool, and I'm .inatices of the PeaCe-Hrnry other Narcotic substance. It is a "That God may spare my child to use." lying Itetween the Red Not only has the city of Berlin increased Fisher. punished. It crushed all the silly ro- that territory Sluff, I. St. Syrups, and Castor Oil. in population nearly 200 percent in no last ltegistrar-E. S. Taney. for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Again, I asked a woman old, of me. How I'm to pay my river valley and the Missouri river. P. Nunemaker. hard and cold, mance out of a -at a rate of progress Constabies-W . is thirty years' use by To WilOna the world seemed There the geese swain) in countless quarter century School Trustees-0 A. Horner, S. N. McNair, It is Pleasant. Its guarantee "Pray tell me,0 thou blest in years, passage, I don't know. I'll offer to do as that of lamdou—but numbers and become corpulent on the four times as rapid John W. Reigle. of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays What are thy hopes, what are thy fears?" chambermaid's work. almost all the great towns in Cur:ea:1y ee- Town Offies•rse Millione No. 1 hard which have been With,folded hands and head bent low "But this Miss Amelia Jones was not grains of LIDA a similttr tendency to att.:went Gear G. Blair. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, made,in accents slow, fiargess-William feverishness. She answer forced to do. 'Ole Sandy Crravillso came shaken from the stalk by the reaper and population at the expeuee of the country_ Cummissfoners--Ctias. F. Rowe, Oscar D. Fra- "For me remains but one request- Thoe. tielwieks, Peter Castoria are lying in the stubble everywhere. many parts there are not enough labels I ey. (thee C. firetze.r. .T. cures DiarrInca and Wind Conc. relieves it Is that God may give me rest." to the front. He proved to be not such In A. Elder. killed J. Harting, Jas. -Emile Piekbardt in Boston Globe. a bad lot after all. He rude up presently Large numbers of the birds are era to perform the necessary agricultural Constable-II E. ilarin. teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. The country is, in fact, becom- Tax-Collector--lolie F. Hopp. On a bony mustang and promptly gave by resident hunters mid for eastern operations. ittrentoa. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach markets, but no apparent diminutiou is ing deserted, and in some cases land is a,)- t the little 'Yankee schoolmarm' enough proaching its "prairie value." In the king- Ev. Lutheran Clinrch. healthy and natural sleep. Case MATRIMONIAL. noticeable in the size and number of Services and bowels giving money to pay her passage back, with an doms of Saxony and Bavaria at this mo- 'Pastor -Rev. Charles Reinewahl. the flocks to be seen when the shooting every Suitlav entrain and evening at 10 o'clock toria 1.4 the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Friend. additional sum to cover the expense of ment there are said to be many small farm- p. in Wednesday season begins each year. R. st. and 7AO ieebeett A forlorn figure she was. She was sit- her coining. He had drawn on his cot- houses, each with a large plot of garden lectnres at 7:30 o'clock. Sunday School at An hour's lively sport with the hon- a. m. ting on her trunk at a landing on the ton crop. He looked east down and land, advertised for sale at prices which o'clock on the wheatlidds of North Da- ttelniatted Cloirch of the Incarnation. Castoria. Castoria. banks of Red river, waiting for the down sheepish. He explained to his friends in kers elsewhere would barely suffice to pay the Ser lees every of amused kota means but one thing to the inex- ordinary conveyancing fees. One little Pastor -Rev. A. M. Sehaffner. "Cast/iris is an excellent medicine for chil- is so well adapted to that boat. About her was a group this wise: iki 3 "'el, wit and every °Met "Castoria clii..iren property of this sort, for instance, is offered bun-lay morniagat have repeatedly toid toe of its but sympathetic bystanders, and she "'I was a fool—et doggone fool, but 1 perienced hunter, and that is something Itiiptility evening. St 7 o'clock. Sunday School dren. Miithera I recomment it aS superior Lowly prescription to any purchaser for the ridiculous stun Of a. in. Midweek It revs at 7 good effect upon their children." was telling them her story. meant it all honest. I put a kind of rose for his pains, especially if he happens at It99 o'clotsk known to nose $20 and another for less than FA. house o'cidck, is) tical class 0.i Saturday at te.- Da. G. C. CiMiCs3D, TI. A. Anenee, M. D., it in good faith," she said. to get itt a well concealed stand direct- "I answered color over things in that advertisement. and land included—all freehold. It is pret- nooi. at 1 ocirea. Lowell, Rasa. lit So. Oxford ft., Brooklyn, N.
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