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Ll 1 1 U Ol Cl O O C O O O O O O O O 3 o O r on OXO WOWN O % US 6,369,052 B1 1 2 COMBINATION OF HUPERZINE AND binding to N-methyl-D-aspartate (“NMDA') receptors, NCOTINC COMPOUNDS ASA which play a crucial role in glutamate-induced neurodegen NEUROPROTECTIVE AGENT eration (Mattson, 1988, Brain Res. 13:174; Choi et al., 1989, J. Neurosci. Res. 23:116; Hartley & Choi, 1989, J. Phar 5 macol. Exp. Ther. 250:752; Meldrum & Garthwaire, 1990, This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 11:379). For example, symptoms of Application No. 60/223,605, filed Aug. 7, 2000, hereby neuronal damage caused by organophosphate (“OP”) toxic incorporated herein by reference in its entirety and U.S. ity (i.e. tremors, seizures or convulsions) have been partially Provisional Application No. 60/241,670, filed Oct. 18, 2000, attributed to the release of large quantities of glutamate hereby incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. during OP intoxication. The released glutamate causes acti This invention was made in part under Department of vation of NMDA receptors and increases Ca' influx that in Army Grant No. DAMD 17-99-2-9907. turn causes persistent elevation in Ca" concentrations, 1. FIELD OF THE INVENTION eventually resulting in neuronal death (Ved et al., 1997, The present invention relates to compositions comprising Neuroreport 8:963; Choi, 1994, Ann. NY Acad. Sci. huperzine compounds and nicotinic compounds and to 15 747:162). Nicotine protects cultured cortical neurons against methods of using huperzine compounds and nicotinic com NMDA receptor-mediated, glutamate-induced cell death pounds in combination to provide a neuroprotective effect. (Marin et al., 1994, Neuropharmacology and Neurotoxicol ogy 5:1977; Kaneko et al., 1997, Brain Research 765:135.
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