PU1LIC il",;·-;.'H> O' .L';E L0l1(lo11, En;' II C,l,);r\L ")F'I...;-;;: Am-.~~c'1: ,f St::1tc; 1. 117"), 1'- i\")riL, rli' ...'1,11. Lor d Dnr-rrou Lb ::0 j n"I' '. ':!'Cc') 1J). kilJ l mcn t i.on of Col.• 1;lC1.c'·\n I.:; pr oj c r l: '11 r-ti z;' L; n r erj i ncn t nmon; SC'Jti'3h irnrd,~r'l.,t·, in llo r t h C'1.r~fO.n"l "I_~' L775, 3 rh~'t 4hit(lh',ll.. Dnr t mout h to (Jt~" (c oy), r i c f l~-t;tr.r rer;ardinr. Lo y-i i i o t IC01.i.n; ill t h : IIJ"1("~ o t l Lcmo n t c ;!' 80· tel. (-3 ). 177S, '(~hY, Boston. G" ~c to Dar t moubl, l-j_,," ;c 1.1 ont 0.1 Co]. J'i "1C 1oan '::;1H' 0 j C ct. 80, I 3. I- :L 1775, 12 June, Boston. GLlCC to Dnr t raou Ll; , 31'i':!f "("ire ic o to Hnc10an. ~ O· 11-. \ - i ') . 1775, 2l~ July. Boo t on . GLlGC to Dar bmou tn . Gov o r-nor r: r t i.n and loyalist feel inG in North carol,i~O. Is: I - =:L ,- NNI ln t i () . 1775, "lG Hay, Bcr-u . l r n to GaGe (ropy). Situ,'3tion in Nor t h Ca r o'l i ria [e ncl.os od Vii I:h n')o,'r J. /1' 4 ?1O, ",. 1- 7· 1774, 2J~ July, Bon t on . Gile;e to Dnr-bmou Lh . GI"J1"r<:l .si t u-it i on 'Id th brief refrance to Col. Haclroan' O. I 7, , - if 8 8. 1'775, 15 Sept., Hhi t eha l.l . Dnr t mout.h to G"1:o (lr' "t). Gov. Hartin's situC\tion in ilo r t h Cll]~Oli11.'1~ .(<E. 1-5 Q. 1'175. 02 Oct •• \~li tell"lL Dnrtmo" t h to ~ (d" , l't ). Loy eli l c in north Carolina. 80. I Cf, I- 14 10. 1 77C), l3 Nov., '/11; I.eh.:>.ll. Dartmou~h to in North Caro1in't. 11. 1775,20 Sept., Boston. G'tg0 to D'1rtmouth. Mcntion~ Col. tbcln::tn's project nnu its difficnltie , :l., /. r - g·O 7 1775, ( Dec., :lhitC'ha11. Germn.in to Cli ,t<·"1 (rlr"lrt). Instrnc- tiom:; for Clinton's ac tion in the S('n~l (:) , ;t;2. I - 'S 13. 1/75, 6 Dec., ~liteha11. Germ~in to Cornwal1i~ (~~~ft). The .::;outhern e;:pedition. 80. ~3. ,- 5" " • • run IC ~ -:C '': J 0" 'rCF; LOn-'OIl, En 1 ,'ul ";JLO 'L\L O~"ICE: i\mcric'l: • of Sttlte; 1 • 177), .:;.Fe b , , 'lhi_tC"llrll, Oorrmin 1.;1-, HO"le (lr Lt ) ........ icf r o Lr cnc c to Clinton'" cou ch or-n '=.Icd) 1- g .J 8 O. :L4. 17'lS, 1 ~ J"n., ....o c t on , Iowo to D -{;m()1IL ""Ie 1"''' to C'l.'in t on t n ():':lwditlon 'l.nd hi[;ltl:J.mlr>l's in North ,w,liqa. gO.~S:1-8 ;J. 1775, 11 Nov , , L'hil ...del;lhi~. In~cl.l.iF.e)lce '~Ir)rt; inrth Carolina 111 ';ation op o a e d to inClcpc ~10', :Z(;. I-:L 4. 1771), ;~ J.-Ul., Boston. llowc to Dar t mout 1. Clilll 1L ~'1cl Horth C::trolin •• s 0, ~ 7 1-3 rnd] "A Narative of the Pr o c e ed.i ng s of" o Y ')1 LOYrJ.li,·· s in Horth Carol inn ;!' gO. :28. l - I 0 G. 1776, 20 Nat'., Cape Fear River. Gov. r';nrt n to Cl.lnton. Si t ua ti on and events .in the colony. 8 O. :)_r. J - cD 7· 177(" 20 D(>('., Borst on , "Report on the sht" of 1"'- Royal Regi r nt of HiBhlC1nc1Enip;rant.s. gO. 3D, I _3 8. [nd., c. April1776J Prob.bly intclligcn ' ~c~ort rro~ Philadelphia, do nc r LON; the ac ti v ities (If bh o nhip "Fanny," John CunninF;ham captain, ilnd 01 -, by JOG~Fh He ve n of Horth Carolina. <60.31,1-:2 9· 1776 21 M~r., Cape Fear River. [Capt. Campbell] to [GRn. Gage] (incomplete). Their activities i 1 I'lorth r;1.rolinCl.. ZO,3~. 1- 4 10. 1776, 1? Ib.y, Ha.l LI'rix , Ro t ur n of t ho ROY'l1 ROGll'lr nt of 1{j.c-h1 d E l':·~i"sh·ltQI and representation to the Ki"le from iQhn Smhl 1re Sco-n,j "troops n Amenca. 'iJ (!), :33. 1-...5 11. 11'16, 3 U:::./, Cape Fea r River. Clinton to - lnin. ~";)ort 011 progreso of the sou thorn expedi tion. Z D, 34-, ,- ro 1776, 16 May, Cnmp at Cape Fear. Cornwall 5 to [?Jerm:J.in]. The southern expedition. gO. 3.5: J -:2. , PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE London, England C05/96 COLONIAL OFFICE. America. Correspondence, Orignial-Secretary of State: Military Dispatches, 1778. J. 3 Dec. 1778. Whitehall (draft). Germain to Clinton. General dispatch; brief refrence to loyalists in the "Carolinas." gO. 3 G:> • I - .8 PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE • London, England I C05/97 COLONIAL OFFICE. America. Correspondence, Original-Secretary of State: Military Dispatohes, 1778-1779. Germain to Clinton. /. 23 Jan. 1779, Whitehall (draft). /General despatch; brief reference to Col. Campbell's expedition against "Georgia & Carolina." Z O . .3 7. I - , 0 16 Jan. 1779, Savanah (c~py). Col. Campbell to Clinton. Dispatch; describes battle of Savanah with reference to "Carolina" regiments of Thompson and Eu,e;.ee. 'l5 O. 3 9. I - If 3. 1 April 1779, Whitehall (copy). Letter; Corps of loyal Highland Emigrants [partially raised among North Carolina Loyalists] to be placed on the regular establishment as , the 84th Foot. 80. 3'1, J - J., 4. 6 Mar. 1779, Savanah. Gen. Prevost to Clinton. Dispatoh; describes Battle of Briar Creek, refers to North Carolina provincial forces operating with British regulars and to possibility of further advance and easy conquest of North Carolina. 80. 4-0, ,- 4- May 1779, Whitehall (draft). Germain to Clinton. General dispatch; reters to favourable conditions in the South and that, ft ••• Caro1ina no longer makes Remittances tor the Congress to France, or the West Indian Islands ••••,. gO.4f,I-8 I PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE London, England ~ C05/98 COLONIAL OFFICE. America. Correspondence, Original-Secretary of State: Military Dispatches, 1779. 1. 1779, 27 Sept., lihitehall (draft). Germain to Clinton. General dispatch; remarks on success of Gen. Prevost in the South and the likelihood of North Carolina followin$ suit. BO.~.2. I - ~O 2. 1779, 14 Feb., Ebenezer (copy). Gen. Prevost to Clinton. General dispatch; feels cheif purpose of southern expedition is to encourage uprising of the "back inhabitants" of South and North Carolina. 80, -4-..3 . I - (0 3. 1779, 1 Mar., Ebenezer (copy), Gen. Prevost to Clinton. General dispatch; discussion of problems of back country loyalists, refers to a body of about 600 loyalists "from both Carolinas" and the formation of a small corps of North ~~lina loyalists. s >. .1-7 4.1779, 15 Mar., Eb~nezer (copy), Prevost to Clinton. G~neral dispatch; refers to ordering Creek indians to travel to him on the south side of the Savanah river to prevent them "falling indiscriminately on the back of Carolina where we have many friends." ~ 0. 4.s: 1-4 5. 1779, 21 May, James Island (copy), Prevost to Clinton. Dispatch discribing invasion of South Carolina, brief reference to men to the North and South Carolina Regiments (loyalist) operating with the British force. 8'0.4', \- '10 6.1779, 7 Aug., Savanah (copy), Sir James Wright to Clinton. Descr~bes dangerous military situation and refers to expected rebel reinforcements from Virginia and North Carolina. ~ 0.4'1, , - .3 1. 1779, 14 July, Savanah (extract), Prevost to Clinton. Describes military operations in South Carolina, brief reference to North and South Carolina loyalist trooP · .4- 8. J - C, S O 8. 1779, 30 July, Savannh (extract) t Prevost to Clinton. Description of military situation in the south, reference to the rebels raising troops in North Carolina. 8o.4C=t, 1- ~ 9. 1779, 27 Oct., Savanah (extraot), unsigned. Describes Franco- American assault on Savanah, refers to "two Carolina galleys" with the French fleet; describes main French assault on the redoubt held by the "Carolina Royalists" and mentions, "Col Hamiliton at the head of the North C8rolin~." , - 80 . .=,u. 7 10. 1779 Oct 22. SevBnnah (extrect), unsigned. Description of battle at Savannah. • ~ 0, 5" I , I - 1. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE London, England C05/99 COLONIAL OFFICE. America. Correspondence, Original-Secretary of State: Military Di~patches, 1779-1780. 1. 1780, 19 ,Tan.,\rIl1itehall(draft), Germain to Clinton. GenoraL dispatch; brief reference to the effect of the failure of the Franco-American attack on Charleston on the "minds of the Carolinians." go, 5"~. (- 8 2. 1779, 15 Dec., New York, Clinton to Germain. Brief dispatch, the force ready for operations in Carolina is held up pending the discovery of the location o~ the~xench fleet. so.ss. 1-3 3. 1780, 21 April, Whitehall (draft) ,Germain to Clinton. Dispatch refers to the proposal of Mr. George Leon~d for a plan employing loyalists against the rebels [not enclosed], among the Board of Directors is Josiah Martin, Gov~ of North Carolina. SO. ~4, \-s 4. 1780, 21 April, Maj. Gen. Lincoln (Continental Army). Proposed articles of surrender for Charleston garrison, Article .3 refers to presence of North Carolina militia.
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