-~~-~-------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, AprilS, 1995• Vol. XXVI No. 116 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Asian Intern program provides opportunities department of the International Criminal lations, including ethnic cleansing, rape, Americans ND director helps Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. torture, and forced castration. "This experience gives our graduates a Notre Dame has already sent two interns in sending law grads unique opportunity to apply and enhance to work with the tribunal in The Hague in celebrated their theoretical knowledge and to partici­ Netherlands. Rodney Dixon of South Africa to former Yugoslavia pate directly in the development of an and Rosette Muzigo of Uganda, graduates By MAURA McCAULEY innovative institution in international law of Notre Dame's master's program in inter­ NewsWritor By KELLY MOORE enforcement," said Father William Lewers, national human rights law, serve as aides News Writer professor of law and director of the center. in the legal services section of the tribunal The Asian American The tribunal was established in 1993 by prosecutor's office. Association (AAA) is currently Garth Meintjes, associate director of the the United Nations Security Council to "Both have been asked to research the sponsoring its second annual Notre Dame Center for Civil and Human investigate war crimes and human rights relationship between international human Asian Heritage Week. Rights, has designed an internship pro­ violations associated with the conflict in rights law and international criminal law," Made up of 70 active mem­ gram that gives lawyers with a degree in what was once Yugoslavia. Judge Richard said Meintjes. Interns are chosen by mern- bers, the AAA founded the International Human Rights Law an Goldstone heads the prosecution and has issued 21 indictments on a number of vio- heritage week to educate the opportunity to work in the prosecution see INTERNS/ page 4 Notre Dame and Saint Mary's campuses on the identity, her­ itage, and tradition of the Asian culture. "We felt that Asians as a Worker offers seventeen years to SMC whole were pretty invisible on campus, and we want to pro­ Williams finds mote a more positive image," said Trung Tu, co-president of a home at AAA. The group has scheduled several speakers and activi­ Post Office ties, emphasizing the educa­ By JESSICA ZIGMOND tion aspect. News Writer "We feel racism is due main­ ly to ignorance. To get rid of As technological advances ignorance is to educate," said continue to improve communi­ Tu. "Our heritage is unique, cation around the world, stu­ diverse and rich. We wanted dents become more enthused to share it with everybody." about electronic mail. Tradi­ "The main purpose is to cre­ tional letters by mail are be­ ate awareness that there are coming a rarity. Asian American issues that At Saint Mary's College, need to be addressed," said however, postal operator Oanh Vo, AAA co-president. Jayne Williams is one person As a prelude to Asian who remembers the impor­ Heritage Week, the AAA invit­ tance of "regular mail." ed Le Ly Hayslip, acclaimed Williams works hard to make author of the books used as sure that students receive all the basis for Oliver Stone's letters and packages on a movie "Heaven and Earth." daily basis. Hayslip described her own The Observer/Cynthia Exconde A South Bend native, Jayne Williams sorts the packages and mail to be distributed to Saint Mary's students. experiences in recounting the Williams graduated from effects of the Vietnam war on LaSalle High School in 1975 the Vietnamese people. cashier's position at Saint under a year before she began pared to the 32-cent stamp of and attended Ivy Tech for two Mary's in 1977. working full-time in the mail today. Perhaps the biggest Tu said that Hayslip's years. She then worked as a presentation was welcomed "I didn't get the job as the room. change Williams has noticed waitress at "Royal's," a diner cashier, but someone in per­ One of the smaller changes during her 17 -year career at because, in the past, the famous for their hamburgers, University has not offered sonnel remembered my name Williams remembers over the Saint Mary's is her schedule. on Lincolnway Avenue in and told me about the part­ years is that the price of a Originally, the post office was many Vietnamese programs. South Bend. Her training at According to Tu, the turnout time position in the mail United States stamp was only open to students from 8 a.m. Ivy Tech encouraged her to room," Williams explains. She 18 cents when she started her become interested in the worked at that position for just position as a mail clerk, corn- see WILLIAMS/ page 6 see ASIAN/ page 4 Sexual assault knowledge, prevention urged Editor's Note: During Sexual psychic healing involved with victim needs, from medical, le­ group that meets on campus. Assault Awareness Week, The overcoming sexual assault. gal or counseling concerns," "Our on-campus group is fa­ Observer will examine various Both the University Counsel­ SEXUAL AS. SAULT] Giovannone says. "Our job is to cilitated by two women who are aspects of sexual assault on ing Center and Sex Offense help the victim talk if they students at Notre Dame and college campuses. This is sec­ Services (S.O.S.) provide on-call ON CAMPUS want, if they want someone to Saint Mary's," Eslinger said. ond in a four part series individual counselors and sup­ stay with them. We don't ask "The group is strictly confiden­ addressing the problems and port groups for sexual assault PART 2 OF 4 questions and we don't stay if tial and no information from issues of rape and sexual victims. L they don't want us to." the group will leave it without assault on campus. In the hours immediately fol­ made, the victim has the option For those people seeking the students permission." lowing an attack, both groups of retaining the University long-term support after an as­ The confidentiality of victims By MEGAN McGRATH agree the most important thing counselor for help, or having an sault, again both organizations is a huge issue with both orga­ News Writer for a victim to do is seek medi­ S.O.S. advocate meet them at provide many options depend­ nizations, given the serious and cal attention. St. Joseph's. ing upon what the student feels sensitive nature of the crime. One of the goals of Sexual As­ "If someone calls the counsel­ S.O.S. advocates come from they need. Sister Maureen Minihane, the sault Awareness Week is to in­ ing center's emergency number all walks of life: ND/SMC stu­ "We can set the person up rectoress of Siegfried Hall and crease students' knowledge there is a counselor available to dents, University staiT, and resi­ with an individual counselor or an S.O.S. advocate for three­ about all facets of the crime, talk through the person's dents of the South Bend com­ a group, depending on what and-a-half years, has given the from prevention to dealing with options," says Dr. Rita Donley, munity. They go through 33 they want," Donley said. issue of privacy much thought the aftermath of an assault. assistant director of the Center. hours of initial training, as well Similar resources are pro­ because of her role as an advo­ "Some people are willing to go as on-going in-services and vided by S.O.S. However, ac­ cate and administrator. • see Sex/Power page 3 to the hospital and some are newsletters to update in­ cording to Eslinger, "We want "Based on the experiences I not. What is important is for us formation as it comes up. students to know there is an have witnessed, I am impressed For members of the Notre to respect that decision. We On call for six hours during a off-campus option here for with the way such issues have Dame and Saint Mary's com­ just lay out the options. shift, advocates take calls from them." been handled by the munity who have been victim­ "When one is the victim of a the S.O.S. hot-line, as well as S.O.S. has individual coun­ University," Minihane said. ized, there are several safe, sexual crime, their control has traveling to St. Joe's when an selors and social workers who "However, I think there is a confidential resources to which been taken away," Donley con­ emergency arises. only deal with sexual assault, general feeling in the commu­ students may turn. tinues. "We want to help the Katherine Giovannone is a ju­ and some who specialize fur­ nity that these charges are not Two organizations in particu­ person regain their sense of nior at Notre Dame who has ther into just childhood sexual handled in a caring, confiden­ lar oiTer counseling and aid for control." served as an advocate this year. abuse. There is a rape support tial way." victims immediately after an Once the decision to seek "When we go to the hospital group available at the Madison attack, and for the long-term medical attention has been we try to provide what ever the Center and an S.O.S. sponsored see ASSAULT/ page 6 page2 The Observer • INSIDE Wednesday, April 5, 1995 • INSIDE CoLUMN • WORlD AT A GLANCE Woman faces down Corpus Christi gunman Today ND, CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas Wendy P. Gilmore, 41; and Richard With her baby crying in the back­ OKLA. \.·~ Tomlinson, 34. Tomlinson was a top tomorrow ground, the daughter of a couple shot executive of the company, Gilmore a to death by a former employee faced •.•.,,i"·"w- .-"'-...____ ----=.c"1'-'v'/v:·;:;;_£~~: secretary and Harrison a salesman.
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