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E -03 1 . E -02 1 . E - 01 ADC concentration (UM ) FIG . 1B MDA - MB -231 clone 16 • anti -Her2 - LC - S159C - 21 o anti -Her2 -LC -S159C - 45 + anti- Her2 -LC -S159C - 11 A anti -Her2 - LC - S159C - 18 + anti -Her2 - LC - S159C - 17 Normalizedviability o anti- Her2 - LC - S159C -22 - o - anti -Her2 - LC - S159C - 4 anti - Her2 - LC - S159C - 32 Hoo- oo * anti- Her2 -LC -S159C -23 LETU + anti- Her2- LC - S159C - 13 * B S anti- Her2 -16 1. E - 07 1 . 6 - 06 1. 6 -05 1 . 5 -04 1. E -03 1. E -02 1 . 5 -01 ADC concentration (uM ) U . S . Patent Apr . 10 , 2018 Sheet 2 of 7 US 9 , 938 ,323 B2 FIG . 1C HCC1954 anti -Her2 -LC - S159C - 21 o anti - Her2 -LC - S159C - 45 Tab*XD + anti -Her2 -LC - S159C - 11 A anti -Her2 -LC - S159C - 18 anti- Her2 - LC - S159C - 17 o anti- Her2 - LC - S159C - 4 o anti -Her2 -LC - S159C - 22 Normalizedviability 0 - anti- Her2 - LC - S159C -32 * anti - Her2 - LC - S159C - 23 + anti -Her2 -LC - S159C - 13 anti - Her2 - 16 1 . E - 07 1 . E -06 1 . E - 05 1. E - 04 1 . E - 03 1 . E -02 1 . E -01 ADC concentration (uM ) FIG. Jim T - 1 - * * * anti- Her2 - LC - S159C - 21 anti- Her2 - LC - S159C - 45 + anti -Her2 -LC - S159C - 11 De A anti- Her2 - LC -S159C - 18 Home anti- Her2 - LC - S159C - 17 - - - anti- Her2 - LC - S159C - 4 o anti- Her2 - LC - S159C - 22 Normalizedviability 0 - anti- Her2 -LC - S159C - 32 * anti- Her2 - LC -S159C - 23 + anti- Her2 - LC - S159C - 13 - - - anti- Her2 - 16 1 . E -07 1 . E - 06 1 . 6 -05 1 . E -04 1 . E -03 1 . E -02 1 . E -01 ADC concentration (UM ) atent Apr . 10 , 2018 Sheet 3 of 7 US 9 , 938 ,323 B2 FIG . 2A Jim T - 1 1 . 2 anti- HER2 -HC -E388 -DS -ppan - CoA - 1 -40 -LEFIASKLA -N389 2 _ anti- HER2 - HC - E388 -DS -ppan - COA - 1 -39 - LEFIASKLA -N389 Normalizedviability J A anti -HER2 -HC -E388 - DS - ppan -CoA - 1 -41 -LEFIASKLA - N389 anti- HER2 -HC - E388 - DS -ppan - CoA - 1- 9 -40 -LEFIASKLA -N389 0 . 2 0 - anti- HER2 -HC -E388 -DS -ppan -CoA -1 - 9 -39 - LEFIASKLA -N389 A anti- HER2 -HC - E388 -DS -ppan - CoA - 1- 9 -41 -LEFIASKLA -N389 0 . 0 + 1. E -07 1. E - 06 1. E - 05 1 . 5 -04 1 . E -03 1 . E - 02 1 . E -01 ADC concentration (UM ) FIG . 2B A375 anti- HER2 - HC -E388 - DS -ppan -CoA - 1 -40 - LEFIASKLA -N389 + anti- HER2 - HC - E388 -DS -ppan - CoA - 1 - 39- LEFIASKLA -N389 Normalizedviability + anti- HER2 -HC - E388 -DS -ppan - CoA - 1 -41 -LEFIASKLA -N389 anti- HER2 - HC - E388 -DS -ppan - CoA - i- 9 - 40 -LEFIASKLA -N389 0 - anti- HER2 - HC - E388 -DS -ppan - CoA -1 - 9 -39 -LEFIASKLA -N389 A - anti- HER2 - HC -E388 -DS - ppan -CoA -i - 9 -41 - LEFIASKLA -N389 0 . 0 + 1 . E -07 1 . E - 06 1 . E - 05 1 . E - 04 1 . E -03 1 . E -02 1 . E -01 ADC concentration (UM ) atent Apr . 10 , 2018 Sheet 4 of 7 US 9 , 938 ,323 B2 FIG . 2C NCI- H526 anti -HER2 - HC - E388 -DS - ppan - COA - 1 -40 -LEFIASKLA -N389 + - anti- HER2- HC - E388 -DS -ppan - CoA - 1 - 39 -LEFIASKLA - N389 + anti -HER2 -HC - E388 -DS -ppan - CoA - 1 -41 -LEFIASKLA -N389 anti- HER2 -HC - E388 - DS - ppan -CoA - i- 9 - 40 -LEFIASKLA -N389 ñ anti- HER2 -HC -E388 - DS -ppan - CoA -i - 9 - 39 - LEFIASKLA -N389 ñ A - anti- HER2 -HC -E388 - DS -ppan -CoA - 1- 9 - 41 -LEFIASKLA -N389 ü Normalizedviability ö å 0 . 0 1 . E - 07 1. E - 06 1. E -05 1 . 5 - 04 1. E -03 1 . E - 02 1. 5 -01 ADC concentration (UM ) FIG . 2D HCC1954 anti- HER2 -HC - E388 -DS -ppan -CoA - 1 - 40 LEFIASKLA -N389 Ötodo - anti -HER2 -HC - E388 -DS - ppan - CoA - 1 - 39 LEFIASKLA -N389 - anti-HER2 - HC -E388 -DS - ppan - CoA - 1- 41 LEFIASKLA -N389 - anti- HER2 -HC - E388 - DS -ppan - CoA - 1 - 9 - 39 Normalizedviability LEFIASKLA -N389 SA anti- HER2 - HC -E388 - DS - ppan -CoA -i - 9 -41 TTTTTT LEFIASKLA -N389 0 . 0 + 1 . E -07 1. 5 -06 1 . E -05 1 .E - 04 1 . 5 -03 1. E -02 1 .E -01 ADC concentration (UM ) U .S . Pateatent Apr . 10 , 2018 Sheet 5 of 7 US 9 , 938 ,323 B2 FIG . 2E NCI- N87 anti- HER2 -HC -E388 -DS -ppan -CoA - 1 -40 LEFIASKLA -N389 anti- HER2 -HC -E388 - DS -ppan - CoA - 1 - 39 LEFIASKLA -N389 anti -HER2 - HC - E388 -DS -ppan -CoA - 1 -41 LEFIASKLA -N389 o anti- HER2 -HC - E388 - DS -ppan - CoA -i - 9 - 39 Normalizedviability LEFIASKLA -N389 1. E -07 1. 6 - 06 1. 6 - 05 1. 5 - 04 1. E -03 1. E -02 1. - 01 ADC concentration (uM ) FIG . 2F SK -BR - 3 - anti- HER2 -HC - E388 -DS -ppan -CoA - 1 - 40 LEFIASKLA -N389 anti- HER2 -HC - E388 -DS - ppan -CoA - 1 - 39 LEFIASKLA -N389 + anti- HER2 - HC - E388 -DS -ppan - COA - 1 - 41 LEFIASKLA -N389 anti- HER2 -HC -E388 -DS -ppan - CoA - i- 9 - 39 Normalizedviability II LEFIASKLA -N389 ASES 1. E - 07 1. 5 - 06 1 . 6 -05 1. -04 1. 5 -03 1 . -02 1. -01 ADC concentration (MM ) atent Apr . 10 , 2018 Sheet 6 of 7 US 9 , 938 ,323 B2 FIG .
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