Casa de Macau no Canada (Toronto) Newsletter Vol. 9 September 7, 2006 4168 Finch Avenue East, P.H. #39 Scarborough, Ont. CANADA M1S 5H6 Tel: 416-299-6947 www.casademacau.ca Board of Executives rom the Executive F President and Editor Monica Alves 905-887-9408 [email protected] st In certain respects it is hard to 1 Lusofonia Games 1st Vice-President and Editor imagine that we are facing the last We would like to inform members Gloria Soares Anok 416-284-9095 quarter of our term. Members will that an invitation has been received [email protected] recall that our proposed suggestion from COJOL (Comissão Organi- to amend the Constitution under zadora dos 1.os Jogos da Lusofonia) 2nd Vice-President Resolution G, Article 4, Section 2 inviting Monica, as President, to Marie-Cecile Remedios 416-383-0327 (b) was passed at our last Annual attend the inaugural edition of the [email protected] General Meeting, held on Septem- Lusofonia Games. This promises to Treasurer ber 17, 2005. To paraphrase the be an exciting sporting event of the Barbara J. Baptista 416-283-7937 amendment it means that hereafter Association of the Portuguese [email protected] all subsequent Annual General Speaking National Olympic Com- Meetings held for the purpose of mittees (ACOLOP) held in Macau Secretary elections shall be conducted in from Saturday, October 7 to Sun- Helena Barradas 905-201-7155 January, or at the latest February, in day, October 15, 2006. Brought [email protected] order to coincide with the Fiscal together by the Olympic ideal and the common Portuguese language Clubhouse Manager Year End of the Casa. We are Isabel Gomes da Silva 416-228-1207 therefore asking members to con- and history, twelve National Olym- sider coming forward to serve Casa pic Committees from four conti- in the upcoming election. Formal nents will gather and compete. notices will be mailed to members Table of Contents in due time. The Annual General Although yet to be decided by From the Executive ...................... 1,2 Meeting will be held the third CCM (Conselho das Comunidades Casa Social Events ...................... 2,3 weekend in January 2007. Macaenses em Macau) it is our edu- Upcoming Events ........................ 3,4 cated guess and the assumption of a From our members ....................... 4,5 It is not too early to seriously think number of other Casa Presidents, Across the Wires ...........................5-7 in what capacity you would like to that a Preliminary Meeting to dis- serve. The vacancies to be filled: cuss the 2007 Encontro will be scheduled to coincide with the time the Executive; Clubhouse Manager; Editor of the newsletter or on the the Presidents will be in Macau. Social Committee. Going on this premise, the Execu- tive has decided that Casa will not Although the two-year term is only be represented by Monica but winding down, don’t for a minute Gloria as well. If the Preliminary think that things will be petering Meeting does take place as we ex- out. Have a look in the following pect it will, we hope to be able also pages of the newsletter to see what to contribute our suggestions as to The Executive wish all members we are planning for the Social Cal- the planning of the Encontro. Stay very Happy Thanksgiving endar. tuned for any updates and news. October 9, 2006 Cookbooks In August, Abet Ozorio celebrated Line Dance – Naomi Baltazar has We have received a number of re- being 85 years young. Also in Au- resumed class on Tuesday, Septem- quests from members to purchase gust, Maldred Airosa traveled to ber 5 at 7:30 pm. She encourages the Macanese Cookbook launched Brazil with daughters Mica Airosa both the ‘regulars’ as well as any at the last Encontro. To date we and Susana da Costa to celebrate ‘uninitiated’ members to come out have not been able to get a response her 86th Birthday with her sons and have fun. Looking at the popu- from the numerous e-mails to Alex and Fernando. larity of the reality television shows Macau requesting of them availabil- At the other end of the age spec- such as “You Think You Can ity and price. Monica will look into trum, we would like to congratulate Dance” and “Dancing with the the matter when in Macau and Christopher and Joanne Barradas Stars”, there obviously is resur- hopefully arrange to purchase cop- for the new addition to the family, gence in the interest in dance. Why ies of the cookbook. If any member Julian, who will be baptized in Sep- not throw away any inhibitions and is interested in placing an order, and tember. This makes him our young- join your fellow members in an has not as yet contacted Monica, est Associate Member. hour and a half of fun and a good kindly make your intensions known workout to boot. If interested, ASAP. Although the eventual price Visitors phone Naomi at 647-300-9102. has yet to be determined, based on Arnaldo Sousa, his wife and son, Yoga – Evening Yoga classes con- the last shipment, the cost should be visited from Macau to help cele- st ducted by Farida Samad on Monday in the $30 range. brate his mother’s Mercedes’ 91 evenings at 7 pm have continued birthday. through the summer and into the Library Pedro Antonio da Roza, nephew of fall. If members are interested in Just a reminder to members, our Li- ‘Ron’ and ‘Buddy’ da Roza from joining this class, kindly phone brary and its books are available to Montreal was visiting from Hong Marie Helena Yen at 416-291-8689. all members. Should you like to Kong. Ron brought his nephew to borrow a book, kindly contact the August Thursday Social where NEW Daytime Yoga classes – David Tavares at 416-282-7738 and they were able to spend an after- Farida has kindly offered to hold a he will co-ordinate a time that will noon chin wagging with members. weekly daytime Yoga class on Fri- be mutually convenient to meet at days at 10 am. Cost of the lessons the Casa. Speaking of books, we We are delighted to see our mem- is the same as the evening classes, recently received a complementary bers bring their out-of-town visitors $50 for ten lessons. Classes will book titled “The Transitions” rela t- to our events. Casa is a perfect op- commence if we have the numbers ing to the Macanese Diaspora and portunity offered to a visitor to and those expressing interest will be written by Filipe Nery. Mr. Nery meet, and get reacquainted with old informed of the arrangements. has informed us that if anyone friends . Kindly phone Marie Helena Yen at would like to purchase their own 416-291-8689. copy, they can contact the publisher Welcome back directly at: Author House, 1663 Casa is happy to extend a “welcome Dia de Macau Liberty Drive, Suite 200, Bloom- home” greeting to past President To paraphrase a Chinese Prov- in gton, IN 47403-5161 USA or by Leo Barros, and wife Jan, who have erb…’To forget one’s heritage is to e - mail – BK OR- returned to Toronto after a seven- be a brook without a source, a tree [email protected] year absence during which time Leo without a root’… and so it is that was working in New Jersey. Look- Dia de Macau celebrations have al- Congratulations ing forward to seeing you both ways held a special place in the So- We would like to acknowledge again at our events. cial Calendar of our Casa. Over the some of Casa’s senior members years, these annual commemora- who celebrated significant mile- Casa - Social Events tions become more important and stones this last quarter. poignant for the aging Macanese In July, Mercedes Sousa celebrated Regular Events Community as evidenced by the her 91st birthday. Surrounded by As sure as autumn follows summer, strong attendance of 125 members her Casa ‘family’ at the July Thurs- the Regular Events held at the Casa and friends. day Social, Monica presented her will be starting up once again. with a bouquet of flowers and the Tai Chi – Monica has resumed This year, the feast of São João good wishes of all members for a classes on Mondays and Wednes- Baptista, the patron Saint of Macau, very Happy Birthday. days from 10 am – 11 am. fell on a Saturday so it presented (Photos available on the website) Casa the opportunity to celebrate 2 Dia de Macau on the actual day, Virginia Sanchez placed a bouquet view of the horses. After enjoying June 24th. As per usual, our cele- of flowers at the foot of the altar. the wonderful spread at the buffet, brations included a Mass followed it was down to business. Judging by dinner. Following Mass, everyone congre- from the excited shouts of encour- gated in the dining room where agement coming from various quar- We decided on an alternate venue there was a welcome speech given ters of the group, there were some to hold the event. This year, the by Monica in which Dr. Fernando close winners and yes, unfortu- Sisters of St. Joseph’s graciously Gonçalves was officially introduced nately some close losers with sev- granted us permission, not only to to the members. Dr. Gonçalves re- eral photo finishes. You could say, use their beautiful Convent Chapel sponded with his speech of thanks third time lucky for jockey Eurico but also their dining facilities. at being invited to share in our Rosa da Silva, brother-in-law of (Note: Our beloved late Pope John event and he was particularly happy member Ana Tang and husband of Paul II stayed at this Convent for to see the Portuguese fla g.
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