WHATIS... ?the Parity Phenomenon? John Friedlander and Henryk Iwaniec Sometimes it almost seems as though there is a Brun got the idea of replacing the Möbius func- ghost in the House of Prime Numbers. tion by another arithmetic function (the sieve When you enter the front door of the house you weights) having somewhat similar properties but come first to the Elementary Room. This is the supported only on a finite set of integers so that oldest part of a structure which has been assem- he could truncate the sum at will and get a man- bled piecemeal over a period of many centuries. ageable error. It was too much to hope (indeed not In the Elementary Room lots of people just sit possible) to do this in such a way that one could get around counting prime numbers, and one of their an identity for the number of primes, as one did favourite ways to do so is with sieve methods. This with the Möbius function, but it turned out that circle of ideas dates from the inclusion-exclusion there were lots of ways to choose the sequence principle of Eratosthenes. Perhaps it is revered of sieve weights so that one got an upper bound simply because it is about as old as the house (or, choosing differently, a lower bound) for the itself but, whatever the reason, people have been number of survivors of the sifting process. ignoring their failure to make things work as During the next few decades the main empha- hoped and continue to push forward their efforts. sis in sieve theory was on the search for optimal Only with Brun, a little less than one hundred weights, those that would make the upper bound years ago, did one begin to have some movement as small as possible and others that would make toward success. the lower bound as large as possible. Because Recall that the sieve of Eratosthenes is ap- these weights are somewhat complicated, it is not plied by starting with your favourite sequence easy to see at once whether or not a specific lower of integers, then casting out the multiples of bound might turn out to be negative, in which case each small prime, noting that some integers have the bound is even worse than trivial. The upper been cast out more than once and then using bound weights do much better, at least in some inclusion-exclusion to rectify the count so that sense. In practice, even an upper bound very far each unwanted number is cast out exactly once. from the truth will at least give a result of the right One can describe the result of this both precisely order of magnitude. After the introduction of the and rather succinctly by using the Möbius func- Selberg sieve one could begin in some important tion. However, the result is worthless for purposes problems to approach the optimal sieve weights. of estimation because it expresses the number of There is a second aspect to the sieve problem. primes in the sequence as a sum having a huge Just as in the original inclusion-exclusion proce- number of terms not so easy to add, and such dure, the new sieve weights reduce the problem that even an excellent approximation to the size of counting primes to the problem of counting of each individual term is not enough to give a multiples of various integers d, those composed useful approximation to the sum. of the small primes. As one might expect, the John Friedlander is University Professor of Mathemat- larger you can take d, say all d < D, and still get ics at the University of Toronto. His email address is useful estimates for the number of its multiples, [email protected]. the more successful will be the sieving procedure. Henryk Iwaniec is State of New Jersey Professor of Mathe- The best one can do in this regard depends on matics at Rutgers University. His email address is the sequence of integers with which you began, [email protected]. and this largest value of D is called the level of August 2009 Notices of the AMS 817 distribution of the sequence. There is a natural are hidden in the location of the zeros of these limitation to how large the level can be. To take a functions. One tries to find regions of the complex simple example, suppose you consider a segment plane where there are no such zeros, and an al- of 409 consecutive integers and ask how many most universal principle that guides the argument multiples of 666 it contains. The answer is either is that these guys are anti-social: the possible zero or one and depends on which segment of existence of two of them in close proximity is integers you started with. But the sieve wants to not so hard to disprove. The difficult case, which assume that the number of multiples is 409/666. happens for real zeros of real character Dirichlet Once one is armed with optimal sieve weights L-functions, occurs when a badly placed zero has and given a sequence with optimal level of distri- no obvious companion nearby to help rule out bution, one naturally asks: its existence. It can be shown without too much 1) How large is the upper bound one obtains effort that a slight improvement of the constant for the number of primes? two in the sieve upper bound would disprove the 2) Do we get a positive lower bound for the possible existence of any such “exceptional” zeros. number of primes? We know by the above counterexamples that this The answers are: is too much to hope for. But what about other 1) Just twice what one expects (from heuristic arguments? The Riemann Hypothesis would more arguments based on randomness assumptions). than suffice. How about something we can actually 2) No, but we miss by the narrowest of margins. prove? To see that these two answers cannot be im- There are many ways to try to attack this prob- proved one may consider the counterexamples lem and all of them seem doomed to fail, an provided, in the first case, by the sequence of amazing number of them by the most narrow of positive integers having an odd number of prime margins. Spilling into the Algebraic Room, we look factors and, in the second case, by those with an at the “exceptional” characters whose L-functions even number of prime factors. could conceivably possess such a bad zero. We These observations are due to Selberg (around nearly find “Selberg counterexamples” in this set- 1949), who named the phenomenon the “principle ting as well. Why does the ring of algebraicintegers of parity” (the name came quite a bit later; see Vol. in the field Q(√ 163) have unique factorization? − II, page 204 of his Collected Papers). It has also Why does the corresponding character (Legendre become known under the names “parity phenome- symbol) look so darn much like the Möbius func- non” and “parity problem”. Some twenty-five years tion? Why does the polynomial x2 x 41 take − + afterward Bombieri [1] went much further along prime values for 0 x 40? Do these things ever ≤ ≤ these lines. He showed that, given a “linear” sieve happen again? No? Well, do they almost happen? problem with optimal level of distribution, one Why can one just exactly prove, for a family of could say that the contribution to the sequence, seemingly irrelevant L-functions, that at least 50 in a certain normalized sense, coming from the percent of their central values are positive, when integers with r prime factors was the same for almost all might be expected to, and when proving each odd r and was the same for each even r, and it for 51 percent would suffice to banish the bad of course, though these two non-negative num- guys? Could there be such zeros, such characters? bers could be quite different, they total twice the Sometimes it almost seems as though there is a amount that was the expectation for each. ghost in the House of Prime Numbers. Perhaps that So, in retrospect, one sees now the upper bound will be ruled out some day. There are suggestions and the lower bound are equally unsuccessful. The of a youngster who might do this, one who will fact that the lower bound just misses barely crush- come from the Automorphic Room of the house. es the hope of getting prime numbers directly from In the meanwhile, happy-go-lucky prime counters the sieve. But the fact that we only just miss im- remain temporarily free, see [2], to base some fan- proving the factor two in the upper bound is tastic theorems on either of the two assumptions equally tantalizing and is related to a much larger (that exceptional characters exist or don’t exist), story. whichever one their superstitions dictate. There is only time to touch the beginnings of that story, and for this we need to move next Further Reading into the Analytic Room. The people who live in [1] E. Bombieri, The asymptotic sieve, Mem. Acad. Naz. the Analytic Room also like to count prime num- dei XL 1/2 (1975/76), 243–269. bers but they try to do this using properties of [2] J. Friedlander and H. Iwaniec, The illusory sieve, generating functions defined by Euler products Int. J. Number Theory 1 (2005), 459–494. and called L-functions. Since Euler is only three [3] H. Iwaniec, Conversations on the exceptional char- acter, Analytic Number Theory, Cetraro, Italy, 2002 (A.
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