NORTHCAROLINA,THEKEY From Purple to Blue SWING STATE IN AMERICA THERECAP THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION In native of Western North Carolina, ran and US CONGRESS Going into the election, 2012, the2012 Obama for America campaign won, in a contested Democratic primary Democrats held seven of the thirteen con- pulled some of its resources out of North election to be the Party’s nominee. While he gressional districts in North Carolina. By Carolina with just weeks to go in the race, came up short in the general election, Dal- the time the dust settled, redistricting, re- doing so with the knowledge that the Presi- ton’s campaign addressed important issues tirements, and a lack of cohesion cost dent could still win the Electoral College such as transportation, job creation, and Democrats three of these seats, leaving without winning North Carolina. However, investment in our communities that pro- the delegation at four. If Democrats are to even with this diminished effort, at the top vides a strong foundation for the North retake the U.S. House of Representatives, of the ticket, the President came within 2% Carolina Democratic Party to build upon. we’ll need to field strong, competitive can- of winning North Carolina: 48.4% to 50.4%, didates who are able to galvanize support. which strongly indicates that presidential COUNCIL OF STATE In the nine Council elections are trending purple to blue in of State elections, (Lieutenant Governor, At- STATE LEGISLATURE 2012 saw a decline North Carolina. torney General, Secretary of State, State Au- in the Democratic caucuses for both the ditor, Treasurer, State superintendent of State House of Representatives and the State Public Schools, Commissioner of Agricul- Senate. Although Democrats won a majority ture, Commissioner of Insurance, Commis- of the total votes, we fell further behind be- sioner of Labor) Democrats won six of cause of the recent redistricting. these offices. In the contested races where Democrats were victorious, our candidates STRAIGHT PARTY VOTERS One of the received an average of over 300,000 more true bright spots of this last election was GOVERNOR After the incumbent Demo- votes than their Republican counterparts. the number of straight party voters that cast cratic Governor Bev Perdue announced in Meanwhile, the Lieutenant Governor’s race Democratic ballots. 56% of straight party early 2012 that she would not seek re-elec- was narrowly lost by less than 6700 votes: voters voted for Democrats. Simply put, tion, Lieutenant Governor Walter Dalton, a a dead heat. our base is strong! THESTORY US SENATE In 2008, Kay Hagan defeated congressional losses. The Republicans now split between districts while three of incumbent2014 US Senator Elizabeth Dole 53% redrew the district boundaries and con- our congressional districts are “packed”. to 44% — the widest margin for a Senate densed Democrats into tightly gerry- man- race in North Carolina in 30 years and the dered districts, while spreading registered STATE LEGISLATURE While the Demo- largest margin of defeat for an incumbent unaffiliated and independent-minded Re- cratic numbers in the State House and State Senator in the 2008 cycle. While some publicans throughout districts now repre- Senate declined in 2012, Democrats are ac- might credit this victory to the surge in the sented by Republicans. In their power grab, tually in a better strategic position to win presidential vote, it’s important to remem- Republicans have spread themselves thin back many of these targeted districts. De- ber that in 2008, the President won North and these districts are now ripe for the mocrats lost most of the tightly contested Carolina by a mere .4% of the vote and that picking. In a non-presidential election year, races in the 2012 election. And while we was with just a 1% increase in the total especially one in which national politics fielded many qualified candidates, too number of ballots cast. Kay Hagan is well may be less of a priority, it will be impera- many were painted with the broad brush positioned to return to the US Senate and tive to motivate our voters to the polls. Ex- of the presidential election. With the 2014 maintain an important Democratic majority treme Republican overreach in the General cycle, we have an opportunity to define in that chamber. Assembly and the US Congress will provide what it means to be a North Carolina De- the motivation for our base. If we are suc- mocrat, make strong headway in our state US CONGRESS After the 2010 loss of both cessful, we can make up ground on the Re- legislature, and lay the ground work for the State House and State Senate, Republi- publicans and take back the seats we’ve even more Democratic gains in 2016 and cans controlled North Carolina’s redistrict- lost. However, this won’t be easy, as many 2018. ing process, paving the way for 2012’s of the major core Democratic areas are 220 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, NC 27603 Mayor Randolph “Randy” Voller, Chair (919) 821-2777 OFFICE (919) 821-4778 FAX Robert Dempsey, Executive Director www.ncdp.org From Purple to Blue NORTH CAROLINA, THE KEY SWING STATE IN AMERICA THEPOTENTIAL To reach our goals, the NCDP is establishing THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION North Car- olina is a2016 top target for both Republicans and De- * mocrats in the race for 270 electoral votes and Democrats will to be well-positioned to deliver NC BLUE UNIVERSITY “The Old North State” for whichever candidate win our party’s nomination. Remember, a presi- Blue U - ASSESS 100 AUXILIARYPROGRAMS dential candidate can lose all battleground states, Working with county parties, the NCDP Voter ID Initiative such as Ohio and Florida, win NC and Colorado, will assess challenges and opportunities and win the presidency. Consequently, NC is a crit- In collaboration with the NC African- that are unique to each county. This ical key to taking the White House. Thus turning American Caucus—which will take the NC blue will not only deny the Republicans a pres- analysis will provide an overview of lead—and other groups, the NCDP will idential victory in 2016, but ensure that Democ- each county’s basic infrastructure, rats will control the presidency for the forseeable provide resources, training and guid- fundraising opportunities and capacity, future. ance to combat voter suppression that communication options, field GOVERNOR There has only been one two-term will result from pending Voter ID leg- operations, and election day activities. Republican governor in the history of North Car- islation. This workshop will include olina. If we are to get North Carolina back on Blue U - ADDRESS 101 track, we will need to focus our efforts on sup- methodologies to assist in Voter Identi- porting a gubernatorial candidate with the ability Using assesment results, the NCDP will fication, Voter Education, and Field to fight back against the mediocrity currently in pro- vide training workshops to coun- Plan Implementation. the governor’s mansion and elect a true, ties to address specific areas of greatest visionary leader for our state. Absentee Voting Initiative need to them. These areas may include, Working with the Senior Democrats of COUNCIL OF STATE In order to re-elect our but are not limited to “Field Plan Strate- Council of State, and potentially pick up addi- North Carolina—which will take the gies,” “Basic Communications,” tional members, we need to build a network of lead—and other groups, the NCDP will supportive voters who understand the value of “Fundraising Tactics,” and “Election give guidance on how to perform out- having strong Democratic leadership at every level Day 101”. of government. reach to senior communities and give Blue U - ENGAGE 102 US SENATE North Carolina once again has an guidance on how to acquire, complete opportunity to send a Democrat to the US Senate Any candidate or potential candidate and submit absentee ballots. as we will seek to retire Senator Richard Burr and not involved in a primary against an- Democrats Abroad make even further gains in this chamber. other Democrat will be eligible for this Joining forces with Democrats Abroad, CONGRESS As national Democrats look to re- training opportunity. The curriculum the NCDP will teach participants how to gain a majority in the United States House of Rep- will include the basics of creating a resentatives, North Carolina Democrats will look locate registered North Carolinians who campaign plan, strategies for successful to rebuild our delegation’s majority. live abroad, provide options for reach- fundraising, media training, communi- STATE LEGISLATURE Building off our suc- ing out to them and engaging them in cations, and field operations. cesses in 2014, we will aim to make even further the political process while advances in the State House and State Senate in order to regain a Democratic majority in the overseas. chambers. * Working in conjunction with the district chairs, the tax check off committee, and auxiliary groups. We believe in the fundamental right to free and fair access to the ballot box. We believe in defending our working families and helping the unemployed of our state. We believe that investment in education is the key to our children’s future. We believe in clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, and protecting our state’s natural resources. 220 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, NC 27603 Mayor Randolph “Randy” Voller, Chair (919) 821-2777 OFFICE (919) 821-4778 FAX Robert Dempsey, Executive Director www.ncdp.org Paid for by the North Carolina Democratic Party. (www.ncdp.org) Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes..
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