Volume 160 Number 11 The Temple of Loving - Kindness July-August 2019 Messenger Sivan-Tammuz-Av 5779 Temple Hesed, 1 Knox Road, Scranton, PA 18505 Annual Meeting renews Rabbi’s Contract for 1 year Rabbi Daniel Swartz has agreed to a Steve Seitchik and Esther Adelman will one-year contract so the Temple can remain co-presidents for the upcoming make plans for the building and howdecide to year. handlehow to handleits deficit. its deficit. A portion of the building fund will be used to clear The other officers are: The congregation will also sell off an 1st Vice President, Cheryl Friedman; this year’s deficit. unused portions of its cemetery to the 2nd Vice President, Larry Milliken; Special points of interest: DunmoreThe congregation Cemetery will Association also sell off and an use Treasurer, Jeffrey Leventhal; Secretary, • Yiddish classes aunused portion portion of the ofbuilding its cemetery fund to to clear the Jennifer Novak; Assistant Secretary, thisDunmore year’s Cemetery deficit. Association with the Joan Davis. money going to the Cemetery Fund to • Davidow memorial The deficit comes with the loss of the Board members: Start Date Expiration pay for perpetual care. NativityMiguel school which rented the of Term • Walls Chanting Circle lowerThe deficit level comesclassrooms. from theHeinerfeld loss of theReal EstateNativityMiguel has been school hired which to find rented a tenant the Natalie Gelb 9/1/17—8/31/20 • Back-to-School backpacks Paula Kane 9/1/17—8/31/20 forlower the level now classrooms.-vacant space. Hinerfeld Com- mercial Real Estate has been hired to Carol Leventhal 9/1/18—8/31/20 Mark Davis will head the long-range Judith Golden 9/1/18—8/31/21 find a tenant for the now-vacant space. planning committee which is charged Donna Kostiak 9/1/18—8/31/21 withMark coming Davis will up headwith plans the long for -therange future Loren Selznick 9/1/18—8/31/21 operationplanning committee of our congregation. which is charged *Kenneth Ganz 9/1/19—8/31/22 with coming up with plans for the future *Robert Hersh 9/1/19—8/31/22 By the time rabbi’s contract comes up operation of our congregation. *Josh Levine 9/1/19--8/31/22 next June, we will be in a much better *Elected at June 19, 2019 meeting. Inside this issue: positionBy the time to make rabbi’s a longercontract-term comes offer. up next June, we will be in a much better Honorary Life Board Member: Steve Seichik and Esther Adelman will position to make a longer-term offer. remain co-presidents for the upcoming Jane Oppenheim year. Rabbinical Reflections 3 Co-President’s column 4 Oppenheim Speaker, Date Announced Calendar 6-7 Save the date now for our Survive our with a focus on how politics upcoming Oppenheim Insti- Hyper-Partisan and law intersect. tute, featuring Sylvan Sobel, Times?” Yahrzeits 8 who grew up in Temple How will all this impact eve- Hesed and went on to a dis- Using his expe- rything from abortion to vot- tinguished career at the Fed- rience with the ing rights? eral Judicial Center. Sylvan Sobel Supreme Court and the Feder- Come join us for this very Congregation Information Back On Friday November 8th at al Judiciary as a whole, he’ll important discussion – and Page 7:30 p.m., Sylvan will exam- help us understand the bring your friends! ine: “Can the Supreme Court changing roles of the court, Page 2 Messenger ROSEANN SMITH ALPERIN EN- Deborah Orgill DOWMENT FUND Donations to Back to School Backpack Project In Memory of Bernie, Gert and Temple In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Joan Carl Diener Alperin Patti Diener Lough The Temple Hesed Social Action Committee is gearing up for its annual back to Hesed Jim and Patty Alperin school backpack project for 2019. Lackawanna County children in need, identified by lo- cal social service agencies, are provided with newTORAH clothing RESTORATION and FUND a backpack filled with BUILDING FUND supplies for the first day of school. Please consider supporting this very worthwhile pro- ject. In Memory of Marcia Friedman In Memory of Laurence Davidow Esther B.th Adelman You can be matchedFred with Steinberg a child (grades K to 6 ) to provide all or some of the need- ed items, or you can make a cash donation and we will purchase the items for you. Full sponsorship for a child is $100, but any monetaryIn Honor donation of the Yahrzeit will of be greatly appreciated. In Honor of the Yahrzeit of Harry Grace Pawlan Ackerson Please contact Temple Hesed at 570-344Esther-7201 B. Adelmanif you wish to sponsor a child, and provide an email addressFrank where Milani we can send you the child’s information. Or you can email Larry Milliken directly at [email protected] and let me know how many chil- dren youCall the want Temple office toat (570)344 sponsor-7201 RABBI’S and DISCRETIONARY if you have FUND gender or grade preferences. Checks should to donate or for more Information. be made out to Temple Hesed, with “Back to School” designated in the memo line, and The minimum donation that can be should beacknowledged sent byto mail andTemple in the In Memory Hesed of Laurenceby July Davidow 31. Donations of backpacks and school supplies Messenger is $10. Name Your Price! can be droppedMajor credit or debit cards off accepted. at TempleNatalie Gelb Hesed or the JCC reception area during normal business th hours through August 16 . Make An Offer Your contribution Inwill Honor help of the ensure Yahrzeit of that Elsie children start the school year with the confi- dence and tools they needSchneider to succeed. Thank you in advanceFor Any for your Item participation. in the “It takes a community to raiseMr. and a Mrs. child.” Irwin Schneider Gift Shop! MARK HAHN MEMORIAL MUSIC Temple Hesed, Social ActionFUND Committee, 1 Knox Rd., Scranton,Don PA ’18505t Delay! All good wishes for a speedy Don’t Be Shy! BBQ AND *SHABBATrecovery to Lenny Feinman UNDER If other events/ Audrey Harrell Dealers Welcome! THE STARS* TOGETHER July 19 activities are sched- RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Shopuled Tuesday this Summer, thru we BBQ AT 6, SERVICEIn Honor of the Yahrzeit AT of Nel-7 p.m. Fridaywill During announce Office them lie H. Wooden Sherman F. Wooden in ourHours weekly email. Weather? Rain schmain, We’ll just go indoors. In Loving Memory of my beloved Aunt Grace Pawlan Volume 160 Number 11 Page 3 Rabbinical Reflections Rabbinical reflections: What’s the Ikar and What’s the Tafel? By Rabbi There’s a principle in Ha- And it’s never really all transformative alternative Daniel J. lakhah (Jewish legal rea- one or the other. vision of a society that Swartz, soning) that in its literal puts people above profits, form can seem obsessive- Here are three ikar-tafel that brings in light instead Spiritual ly detail-oriented – but questions that I’ve been of blood-stained soot. I Leader, when looked at metaphor- asking this year and that I continue to share the sto- Temple think we as a congrega- ically, it’s key to under- ry of that design with Hesed, standing Temple Hesed’s tion need to keep ad- countless children and dressing. First, which is past, present and future. adults – ranging from the the ikar, our building or shared commitment to The principle is called Ikar interfaith Thanksgiving what goes on inside? Ob- the same Jewish values? (the principle) v’Tafel (and service that we host for viously, for its long-term Or do we seek out and the secondary). It’s used, Scranton Area Ministeri- health, a congregation welcome people from a for example, when you are um to a number of Chris- needs both. And some- variety of backgrounds, eating a type of food that tian confirmation classes times, erecting or renovat- people who will have seri- is a mixture of different that we have interacted ing a building can bring a ous disagreements with types, like pizza or apple with this year. congregation together each other even on “core” pie – you’re supposed to issues? Again, neither figure out the ikar, the and become its own kind The ultimate goal of any of programming. But of our social action pro- one is all wrong or right. “main” part of the food so I’d like to highlight, how- you can say the “right” there are times when a grams, however, is Tikkun congregation can cling to Olam, the repair of the ever, that Temple Hesed blessing. Probably not a plays a special role in the question that’s keeping a building at a high cost world outside of our build- to its all-over wellbeing. ing. So if keeping our broader community of our you up at night. Which is the case for us building meant giving up region precisely because But on bigger questions of currently at Temple the backpack program or we have tried to be as priorities, asking, “what’s Hesed? I think one could our High Holy Day food inclusive as possible, play- the ikar and what’s the make a persuasive argu- drive – both of which ing a leadership role in a tafel” can be really help- ment either way. If, say, have significant impacts wide variety of interfaith ful. It gets us away from we look through the lens on dozens of families in programs. Each month, black and white thinking, of social action, on the our region – to me, that our interfaith chanting that one choice is some- building side of the equa- would indicate upside circle brings together how all-good and the oth- tion we would recognize down priorities.
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