KET PRESS RUN VBB WEATHER FoRMMt nr O. 8. Weather OoreaW AVERAGE DAfLV CIRCULATION N eff H aven for the month of November, 1028 Snow and- colder today. Sunday 5,237 fair and warmer. member of the Aodit Burenn of Clrcnlntlonn ' irseo’ (P. p. So. Manchester, Conn.) PRICE THREE CENl'S VOL. XLIIL, NO. 47. (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1928. RAKZBERRIES FOR BINGHAM URGES ' FRENCH PARLLA5IENT HUSBAND WHO John and Florence Paris, Dec. 8.— The best of grammar isn’t used in the best FIVE D O aO R S QUICK AID FOR of circles and Paul Lombard, MARRIED TWO, humorist and lover of good French, is urging French par­ ents to keep their offspring PORTO RICANS from attendinfc sessions of N0W_W0RRIED AT THE KING’S Parliament. He claims that group of political leaders mix their metaphors. He ha^ cited Draws Telling Picture of some of the verbal blunders of Oddest Love Triangle Puz­ Early Bulletin Says Mon> this law-making body. Here they are: V zles Everyone Involved; 'V''- V Desperate Plight of Hero­ “ You wish to regulate death. arch’s Temperature Re* Try it. You will s. o what she i \ % ic Islanders as He Pro­ will do to you.” Wife Helps Him in Second Relatives In Will mains Above Normal; “ We will not compress young b”ains as soon as they begin to poses Relief. walk.” Courtship. ft? New York, Dec. 8— Believlng^in which Merrill declared he be- Doctors Consult as U “ I thank you, Mr. Minister, I>f/ that hardship and poverty are the lieved a small Income was an aid to you have heard me with a greatest incentives for success, Wil­ the ambition, independence, useful­ Change of Methods is The Congressional Record cover­ friendly eye.” Sayville, N. Y., Dec. 8.— A ' liam Bradford Merrill, former gen­ ness and contentment of a woman. “ You bind their arms so The widow, Mrs. Josephine ing the proceedings of Wednesday strange love triangle involving an eral manager of the Hearst publi­ tightly they no longer know on “ understanding” wife, the love­ cations, who died Nov. 26 left the Houck Merrill is the chief benefic­ Treating Abscess on of this week carries a highly inter­ which foot to dance.” sick husband, Herbert J. Leigh- bulk of his estate valued at. close iary under the terms of the docu­ ment, She will receive a life in­ esting verbatim report of a report “ I have consulted him. He Manuell, a church organist and ro­ \ to $1,000,000, to women relativ s made to the Senate by Senator has answered me affirmatively: and only relatively small bequests come from a trust fund of not more King’s Right Lung Dis­ mantic music teacher, and “ the than $260,000 and not less than Hiram Bingham of Connecticut on ‘No’.” to men members of his family, it other girl” in as queer and blga- was revealed today. $250,000. At her death the fund will his recent visit to Porto Rico and mously twisted an affair as the ‘Hardship, poverty and want are be' divided among friends and rela-(^ closed by X-Ray Pictures. his investigations of the effects of most imaginative fiction writer the best incentives and best foun­ fives. A daughter, Mrs. Dorothy might conceive, was today agitating dations for success, i want the lit­ Davis, is left a life-estate trust fund the September hurricane. the public, the press, the police and BOLIVIANS GRET tle money that I possess to help and of not more than $110,000 and not London, Dec. 8.— Following a Granted unanimous consent Sena­ the principals themselves. less than $100,000. Two nephews not hinder the usefulness and- self- morning bulletin in which it wai tor Bingham spoke a follows: Ethel Leigh-Manuell, the wife, reliance of 'those that receive it,” were left bequests of $10,000 each. stood out as the most extraordinary stated that King George’s tempera­ “ Mr. President, on the 13th of HOOVER AND PARTY Merrill said in his will, which has They are Laurenc . Millet and Dr. September there occurred the worst character in the love drama, for been filed for probate here. J. A. P. Millet, both of Stockbridge, ture is still above normal, five doc­ she is playing the inexplicably The will also contained a 'clause * Mass. tors gathered in consultation thia hurricane in the entire history of strange role of a wife who “ under­ the West Indies. It is very difficult standing” her husband, complac­ afternoon in Buckingham Palace ta to talk about this hurricane with­ review the whole illness. out dealing in superlatives, and Republic Has No Coast Line ently arranged the wedding of her husband and father of her three when one starts dealing in super­ DRUG SMUGGLING SUES HORSE BUYER It was understood that the meth­ children to 19-year-old Martha Van ods of treatment might be slightlj latives it is very difficult to persu­ Wyen, She even witnessed the mar­ ade his audience that he is not exag­ So Officials Board the revised as the result of study of tha riage. X-ray photographs of the ^ight sida gerating. All Very Simple IS ON INCREASE IN DEAL ON RACERS “ On the map behind be there is Maryland. of the King’s chest, taken late yes­ It was all so simple. Her amour- Florence frumbull and John Coolidge are making marriage plans. terday. an indication of that part of the ously-incllned husband “ fell out” island of Porto Rico wh'ch was The pretty daughter of Connecticut’s governor and the son of the na­ The physicians present at the of love with her and “ fell in” love consultation were Lord Dawson of devastated as it had never been with Miss Van Wyen. So Mrs. tion’s chief executive are pictured together here. Lower left is a close- devasted before. It will be seen by Aboard U. S. S. Maryland, off up of Florence, showing her unbobbed, wavy locks, as she appeared in a Impossible to Curb It, Says Burnside Man Charges S. Penn, Sir Stanley Hewitt, Sir E, Leigh-Manuell thought it perfectly Farquhar Buzzar.d, Sir Humphrey a glance at the map that a very Chile, (Via Arlington, "Va., Radio 0. K. for hubby to take unto him­ college pageant. large part of the productive area, Rolleston and Dr. H. Graham Hodg­ Station) Dec. 8.— The Chilean self the younger wife, albeit neg­ Doran; International Co- D. Pearl With Padding son, who directed the taking of the practically all of the area in which lecting, however, to rid himself of coffee grows, every bit of the area cruiser Chacapuco joined the X-ray pictures. Maryland early today to escort Wifey Number One. It was intimated that anothei in which the tobacco grows, a small Thus he finds himsqlf today in Prices of 4 $3,000. part of the area in which the tobac­ President-elect Hoover down the operation Fails. bulletin would not be issued until the plight of having two wives— Nothing High Hatty 8:30 tonight. - * co grows, a small part of the area coast to Antofagasta and Santiago. very embarrassing Indeed, what in which citrous fruits are grown, The president-elect brought the with the authorities making it hard Just what race horses M. J. Ken- TEMPERATURE UP and a small part of the area in on all concerned and threatening to Washington, Dec. 8.— Efforts to which sugar is grown, were hit by respects and good wishes of the curb the smuggling of narcotic yon of Burnside, commissioned London, Dec. 8i— Although King* send him to jail for bigamy, and About John*s Fiancee George had a good sleep during thd the center of this hurricane. United States to a SouthyAmerican perhaps Miss Van Wyen, as well. Stephen D. Pearl of Manchester to “ The last serious hurricane be­ drugs into the United States this night, his temperature was still republic, whose soil he will not Mrs. Leigh-Manuell feels “ terri­ year have been futile. Prohibition buy for him In the spring of 1926, above normal today owing to the fore this occurred in 1899. At that bly sorry” that her poor, misunder­ time the excessive winds lasted for touch on his visit of amity— Bo­ <?>rudd#', clear and guiltless of make­ Comissioner J. M. Doran declared in what they cost and how much dif­ lung infection, according to a med­ livia. Bolivia has no sea coast. stood husband, has got himself ’ n By ANNE WHELAN. ical bulletin posted at Buckingham about three hours. This year the a jam. She not only did her bit in up. Her unbobbed hair is -marcell­ his annual report today. ference, If there was any, between hurricane’s excessive winds lasted A delegation of 80 persons rep­ Palace at 11:30 o’clock. helping him marry the girl of his Plainville, Gonn., Dec. 8.— She is. ed in broad waves from a high fore­ Large supplies are coming into what Mr. Pearl said.they cost and for nearly 12 hours. The most seri­ resenting Bolivia and 45 others head and done in a knob at the The bulletin follows: were to board the Maryland at dreams but she supplied $5,000 bail the daughter of the wealthy govern­ the country through illegitimate received from Mr. Kenyon, is all to “ The King had sonae hours ol ous part of the damage was due to after he had been arrested. More­ or of Connecticut. She is engaged nape. of the neck. While she dress- the fatigue of materials during the 10:30 o’clock (Chilean time) to channels, according to Doran.
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