?‘ ETHE TUFTS DAILY1Vol XVII, Number 9 Where you read it first Wednesday, September 21,1988 Student Group Renews Push for Divestment by CHRIS BALL ford said that Tufts’ holdings in However, Sullivan renounced companies doing business in the principles in 1987, sajjing An ad hoc group of students South Africa vary, depending that they were no longer effec- plans to ask other students to on how much stock Tufts has tive in promoting social justice. withhold any gifts they might purchased. Jacobson said at last Sun- give to the University after they “[At certain times], we may day’s Senate meeting that Tufts graduate until the Board of have [holdings in] as many as has about $12 million invested Trustees divests all of Tufts three or four [companies], and in companies doing business in holdings in companies doing [at other times,] we may have as South Africa. business in South Africa, ac- few as none,” said Gifford, who Gifford said that he did not cording to member Billy Jacob- defines “doing business in South know the exact amount Tufts son. Africa” as having a physical has in such companies but he In an interview Monday night, plant present. added, “$12 million seems too four of the students organizing Gifford said that Tufts only high to me.” He added that the Senior Billy Jacobson the grow said that thev-, believe invests in companies with Sulli- exact figures are known by thatstudents are still interested van Principles rating of I, the Treasurer C. Russell De Burlo Tufts Student in pressuring the University to highest rating. The Sullivan Jr. divest, despitepast failures with Principles were developed by Gifford said that there is still other approaches. Rev. Leon Sullivan in order to some disagreement over what Injured in Fall Jacobson, who is vice presi- set up rules by which compa- constitues doing business in by CHRIS BALL dent of the Tufts Community nies could continue to operate South Africa. He used the IBM compression fracture of her 12th Union Senate, said that pup thorasic vertabrae. the in South Africa while still work- see DIVEST, Page 15 plans to have students sign peti- On September 9, a student ing- toward sccial justice. According to a report filed tions pledging not to donate any was injured in a fall after the with the Tufts Police, the stu- railing she was sitting on broke dent fell from the bottom railing money to the school until it divests. Senator Kerry during a party at 10 Winthrop of the first-floor back porch at “We’ve tried Street. 10Winthrop Street at around 11 in the past to get the University to divest on The Saftey Office is currently p.m. The report was filed with CharaesRevuU A. blicans moral grounds,” said Jacobson, Washington -- Sen. John E Under the agreements, the investigating the cause of the September 14 (AP) Tufts Police on a junior, adding that now the Kerry, the Deomcratic chair of United States would receive accident, according to Loss by victim’s father. The house the students were going to ‘‘hit’em &e ssaate namtics subcom- information such as bank docu- Control Specialist Jack Deasy is University-owned. of the Saftey Office. Deasy also where it hurts.’’ mittee, yesterday accused Re- ments, criminal records, and According to the report and publicans of holding up inter- depositions directly from those said that the Department of eyewitnesses, the student was The students said that they six plan to set up booths outside the national treaties designed to help nations, making it easier for Physical Plant is inspecting sitting on the wooden railing, dining halls and in the Campus US investigatorsprosecutedrug investigators to follow mon- wooden structures throughout which was zbout six feet above Center on October 3, 4 and 5. traffkkers. eylaundering paper trails. the campus for security, follow- the ground, when it broke. When they have enough signa- “You don’t fight a war on DeMoss said Helms is wor- ing the accident. “She just sat down on it and The student was transported tures ready, the students plan to drugs by depriving the soldiers ried that nations such as the it snapped,” said senior Lewis Bahamas, which has had polit- from Lawrence Memorial Hos- go to the Trustees’ November of the weapons they need to Pearlson, a house resident. cal figures linked to drug traf- pital to Massachusetts General meeting and present the peti- fight the war. There’s a lot of Pearlson added that the student ficking, cannot be trusted with Hospital on September 12 and tion. rhetoricandnotalotofaction,” “fell on her back with the wood information provided by the has been resting there since. In a telephone interview said Kerry, chair of the Senate beneath her. ” United States. She declined to According to hospital officials, yesterday evening, Chair of the Foreign Relations subcommit- she was diagnosed as having a see FALL, page 12 Board of Trustees Nelson Gif- tee on terroism, narcotics, and provide specifics about his international communications. amendments. But the Massachusetts Demo- Kerry said he too is skeptical Housing Future Unclear crat refused to identify Republi- about the Bahamas and other cans he belives have held up the nations, but said the treaties are by SCOTT DAMELIN classes, in the recent past the become available. mutual legal assistance treaties, needed to see if they have University has been able to Darcey said that the first saying only that “they know changed and are willing to co- The availability of on-cam- provide housing to all seniors important figure necessary to who they arc.’’ operate. pus housing for the current soghe applying to live on the campus. predict future housing availa- Deborah DeMoss, a Repub- “I don’t think this nation can more class during their senior Darcey said that because the bility is the number of students lican aide on the SenateForeign be critical of the governments year at Tufts cannot be predicted current sophomore class is so in the next two freshman classes. Relations Committee, called of other countries... for their lack yet, according to Director of large, overcrowded housing “If the next two classes fall Kerry’s charge “absolutely of cooperation when we turn Housing John Darcey. Although would continue to be a problem in the 1150 to 1200range for the false” and “a fantasy.” around and refuse to cooper- Tufts only guarantees housing unless future classes have fewer total amount of students, such She said Sen. Jesse Helms of ate,” he said at a Capitol new as in this year, we should be able North Carolina, the top com- conference. to accommodate the freshmen, mittee Republican, has concerns “Since they’ve signed the sophomores and seniors in about the pacts and plans to treaty and ratified it, and we are campus housing,” Darcey said. offer amendments, but she said the ones who have made much “The second important fig- that he had been prepared to about their unwillingness to ure to study is the percentage of discuss the proposals all along. cooperate, it would be absolutely students who wish to live on DeMoss said only Kerry and see DRUGS, Page 13 campus,” Darcey said. Helms have shown interest in According to Darcey, the the treaties, and she blamed the Housing Office assumes that delay in action on a general lack approximately 98 percent of of interest by other senators on entering freshmen and 90-95 both sides of the aisle. percent of sophomores will live A committee vote on ratifi- on campus. They also assume cation of the six treaties is sched- that approximately 50 percent uled for Thursday. ofthe senior class will choose to The treaties are with the live on campus instead of in Bahamas, Mexico, the Cayman private housing. Islands,Thailand,Belgium,and Director of Housing Jobn Darcey see HOUSING, Page 10 Canada. THE TUFTS DAILY Wednesday, September 21,1988 Page two, -- - I The Tufts Daily LETTERS All letters to the editor must be typed and double-spaced. They may be sent on a group’s behalf. hut the name and ohone number of at least one member of that group must be included. All letters must be submitted before 4 p.m. to be considered for the next day’s issue. I. ~ I ’ The Leuas section is meant to be a forum for discussion of campus issues or the Daily’s coverage of events. Julie Beglin Opinions expXs.sed in letters do not necessarily represent the opinions of the editorial board or any of its membcrs. ’ 1 The executive board reserves the right to edit all submitted letters. Publication of letters is subject to the discrelion Of ’ the exccuuve board. I! Editor-in-Chief L Kelley AIessi ............................. Executive Editor Bill Labovitz................................ Associate Fxlitor Nicole Pierce..................... Production Manager Different Preferences Beth Geller......................... Production Manager To the Editor: the whole article. Calling every you’redifferent,we’re allOK.” Chris Ball............................................ News Editor This letter is in response to “Deadhead” a ‘60’s burnout? We all have to learn and respect Debbie Ball ........................ Assistant News Editor the article written about Max Jerry Garcia is a warbly tenor? and try to understand the differ- Scott Damelin.................... Assistant News Editor Creek in the September 19 issue The audience falls asleep? Not ences and individualitiesamong Lauren Keefe................... Assistant News Editor of “The Daily.” I think that the to mention, the remark about people. Thisarticlepresents one Amy Vellucci................................ Features Editor article was out of place and did the diesel engine on stage. I highly opinionated view from Laura Kaufman ...................:......... Features Editor not thoroughly represent the band think that the author has greatly one member of our society.
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