University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 5-29-1940 Sandspur, Vol. 45 No. 31, May 29, 1940 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 45 No. 31, May 29, 1940" (1940). The Rollins Sandspur. 589. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/589 Florida's Oldest College Support Newspaper Rollins Sandspur Eoiunsi§isanii0pur Advertisers VOLUME 45 (Z-107) (Weekly Student Newspaper) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29,1940 (Complete Campus Coverage) ODDS and ENDS Honors Day Assembly Opens commencement and Baccalaureate Speakers Eagerly Awaited Honors We had a very nice little philo- Commencement Exercises Are Given Today in Theatre iOphic thought on the end of an­ other school year all worked out for Senior-Faculty Picnic, Dance, the beginning of this column this Council Votes Band Three-in-One Honors Day Fin­ week; (something about the sen- and Play Are Included in Campus Sing Won Events Honoring Graduates ally Arrives; Independent 'know, and a lot of slightly Women Grab Laurels reminiscing) but after $500 For 1940-41; By Kappas and sitting here and watching one arti­ Commencement week for fifty- cle after another roll in with one Darling Gives Plan nine seniors will begin today with A long deferred and eagerly ;ion or another on that theme, the general Honors Day assembly Lambda Chi Alpha awaited Honors Day took place this given it up as a bad job. Tem- in the Annie Russell Theatre, pre­ afternoon in the Annie Russell New Budget Close to $10,000 ceding the annual faculty-senior pus has fugitted, as tempus always Gamma Phi's and Kappa Al­ Theatre. Combining the Spring ffill, and as far as we're concerned Mark as Many Departments picnic on the campus lakeshore. Honors Day and the usual Fall pha's Grab Second Honors; case of letting the dead past Map Expansion Ideas Festivities honoring the seniors Honors day, which was postponed bury its dead. Onward to Septem­ will continue with a student pro­ Judges Praise Songsters this year due to an overcrowded ber! duction of "What A Life" in the calendor, a great number of awards The final meeting of the Student Annie Russell Theatre on Thursday were presented. Council drew to a close Monday and Friday evenings, Class Day ex­ War horror and everything else We like the way the last calendar was pushed into the background Listed below and on the sports thrusts aside all thoughts of war night after a heated discussion ercises on the lakeshore Friday JOHN A. KINGSBURY last Friday night on the lakefront page of this edition will be found and world disruptions, as it slams and a tentative acceptance of a pro­ morning, a dance given by the Stu­ RABBI SAMUEL M. LAZARON posed Student Association budget dent Association at the Orlando as hordes of white-clad Rollins the majority of the awards made right on through the summer, an­ of $9,042 for next year and a con­ Country Club on Saturday night, girls and fright-clad Rollins men this afternoon. However, due to nouncing with an air of quiet fin- sideration of Dudley Darling's pro­ and the annual alumni-senioi gathered there for the annual cam­ the fact that some prizes had yet ility that there will be a faculty posal for a Cooperative Store on breakfast early Monday morning. Notice pus sing. to arrive from department heads meeting here at Rollins College on J. A. Kingsbury When the last note had been at press-time, and some of the campus. Seniors will attend a Commun­ Seniors who wish to September 26th, 1940. We assume flatted, the final tonsil strained and awards are to be presented on Class While the total estimates of the ion Service at eight o'clock Sun­ the Sandspur next year can save Mr. Hitler is NOT invited. Judges Honaas, Carter, and Rich Day, it is impossible to print abso­ budget are unchanged from last day morning in the Knowles Me­ 50e by ordering it now in ad­ Commencement gathered 'round a hastily erected lutely all the honors given. year due to the flexibility of the morial Chapel, and at 10:30 Rabbi vance from John Giantonioi, bus­ barricade to render the verdict, a Pi Kappa Delta Keys, Presented Before we come back here next general fund, many departments Morris Samuel Lazaron of Pikes- iness manager. The price for tense quiet pervaded the air, bro­ by Professor Pierce: Freeland Bab- fall, however, there'll be two Rol­ received increases. ville, Md., will deliver the Bacca­ a year's mail subscription will lins get-togethers. The first comes Day Speaker ken only by the dulcet tones of P. cock, Wesley Davis, Dwight John­ Five hundred dollar was granted laureate sermon. be $2.50, under this arrange­ ]uickly, June 15th, to be precise. Q. Wetherell, who was still singing ston, Betty Hall, Robert Stonerock. to the band for their trips next President Hamilton Holt will ment. that Saturday, Rollinsites will after the rest of the Beanery Boys Presentation of Spra^gue Ora­ year. Last year this organization confer fifty-four Bachelor of Arts Baccalaureate Sermon Will Be lescend like an avenging host or quit. torical Contest Awards: First Prize, received no help from the Student degrees, four Bachelor of Science Delivered By Rabbi Lazar­ he New York World's Pair. Regis, Well, to come to the point the $15.00, Dorothy Bryn. Second Prize, Association Fund and was forced to degrees, and one Bachelor of Music ration will begin at 4 P. M. in tht on, of Maryland Kappas had displaced the Thetas ?10.00, Wesley-Davis. collect money by benefits and cam at Commencement Exercises Mon i'lorida Building and a dinner wil for the girls' sing crown, and the paigns throughout the town to fin day morning, June 3, in th Men of Science Announcement of Elections to Pi rved at 6:30 in the Spanish Lambda Chis, by the narrowest of ance the transportation and meals Knowles Memorial Chapel. Joh: Seventeen States Are Kappa Lambda: Ely Haimowitz, )ining Room. If you're planning margins had won their second sing to Miami, Tampa, and Stetson. Adams Kingsbury, New York so Professor Charmbury. 0 be there, make reservations with Represented by Grads championship in as many years. American Red Cross Senior Life The Drama Department request­ cial welfare leader, will deliver the Refiite Rollins Mancy Cushman, President of th principal address. Closely pressing the leaders were Saving Awards: Barbara Holmes, New York Alumni club, room 2915, ed eight hundred dollars, an in^ John Adams Kingsbury, the not­ Candidates for degrees are as fol­ the Gamma Phis and the K.A.'s, John Nicholson, Jesse Leslie, Frank crease of a hundred dollars ovei ed social welfare leader and former East 42nd Street, N. Y. C, lows: who won approval with their "No­ Manuel, Kenneth Scudder, Donald this year. This eight hundred dol­ administrative consultant in the Play-BoyStigma jefore June 10th. Bachelor of Arts: Lillian A. body Loves a Clothing Store Dum­ Hayford, Richard Cerra, Cecil Butt, lars provides for free tickets for all Works Progress Administration and Conn, Emily G. Graves, M. Eliza­ my." Joan Kellogg-Smith, Eva CoIe| college students for six major pro­ the National Youth Administration, The second assemblage will be beth Haggerty, Mary E. March- It was the largest sing turnout Hester Sturgis. ductions next year instead of the will deliver the Commencement ad­ Rae and Dandliker Are Eag­ e annual Woodstock Reuni man, Virginia M. Staples, Winter in years, with almost every organ­ Choir Keys: John Albert, Betty usual five. dress on Monday morning, June 3. erly Sought-After By Many held at Dr. Holt's summer home Park; Frances A. Perrottet, Orlan- ization entering songsters. The Pi Berdahl, Norine Parr, Erika Hey­ The Speech Department also re­ Mr. Kingsbury's daughter, Vir­ Great Graduate Schools on August 17th. A full day's fes­ ddo; Daphne Z. Banks, Eustis; Phis and the Lambda Chis had the der, Carolyn Naught, Marian Russ, ceived an increase of one hundred ginia, is a member of the graduat­ tivities is planned, as usual, and ev- (Continued on Page 3, Col. 4) largest groups entered. The judg­ Daphne Takach, Lois Terry, Lois dollars over this year to cover tht ing class of approximately sixty ing was done on the basis of origin­ [ryone and his uncle is invited. By Boyd France Weidner, Hazel Yarbrough, Peggy expenses of entertaining a debat­ seniors. ality, tonal quality, arrangement Mary Whiteley, Lillian Conn, Helen ing team from a foreign nation. Key Society Elects The Baccalaureate sermon on Are > a playboy school ? Are and enunciation. Darling, Janet Harrington, Frances Miss Effie Jane Buell and Mrs, The Publications Union received we mere idle drifters who don't Sunday, June 2, will be delivered The winning songsters will de­ Perrottet, Jean Tumer, Richard Margaret Coe ignored the taboos of an increase of forty-eight dollars Buckwalter, Locke, know what we want in life, and by Rabbi Morris Samuel Lazaron, light WDBO listeners' ears with a Rodda, Rankin Shrewsbury, Presly ;he select "Virginia Circle" last over last year, for although the aren't taking any chances of get­ Northen Officers of Pikesville, Md.
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