i , A'.' 4VBBAOB BAILT w A m orl- ••;• ------- . ------- d f -------- •— ' \ -J ( ' 1 for Ihs Biairtk «f 5 , 2 7 0 of tte AvdM BareaB VOL. Ln., NO. IIL l i . ) SOlJTEi BIANGHSailSR, eONK., WEDNS^^ 8, ItSS# MINOR JUDGESHIPS HE MEE1S wrra^ ARE STILUN DOUBT General AssemUy h Anothor POUNDBOOSTS Brief Sesomi— Goveinor Hcnber d|bite .if Cross Confers W iA Demo­ PADEREWSKIAS lings PrapiMi I t e crat leader On ProUem. N E W ^E N T Inio ^ tfaiiegtrAU.&;foSt (Dy Associated Press) > Capt J. A . Mciiliami, the only One British plane set a world’s Hartford, Feb. 8.— (A P)— With If Strained Reladons With aidator to span the N o ^ Atlantic fiying record, another cracKed up4n the status oi the minor judgeships alone from east to west, was last re­ Be Less Ib a 10 Geiii an attempt to heat a lesser marK, still in doubt, the General Assembly ported rtstilig at V&to Casperoa, Germany Become More and.a third was still apparently in met for a brief session today after the running today for another rec­ Spanish prison colony on the west d OrigU tewaM/ie': •** • . ' Governor Cross had conferred with Critical Famons ord. coast of A ^ c a , on his . projected Sena.« Democratic leaders' on the The two-year-old marK for a flight from near LOndop. to Natal, gressknil Leaiers patronage problem and other legis­ straight line, non-stop hop, set Brazil. He wais plaijiuiig tQ. maKe * lative matters. WHI Be RecaDei the Americtms, RusselL Boardman the oceim jump from Thlea, Sttoi^ipd. After the conferrace in the gov­ and John. Plando, in a Ne^ YorK- He reached AHUa dsneroa late yes­ Sireggly Offesc Ftepito. ernor's office, Kenneth Wynne, Istanbul fiig^t, fall Bfi the British terday. officers, .0 . R. Gayfbrd and G. E. Victor Smith, young South A fri- executive secretary said the gover­ Warsaw, Poland, Feb. 8.— (A P )— Nicholetts, neared the end, of a 6,- cim, failed in his attmxqst to beat nor had again a d ^ e d a conunlttee London, Feb. ,8— (A P ) P a y m i b t of Senate Dem.xn’ats agadnst acting Should the strained i^ations with 198 mfle two-day Marathon from Mrs. Amy Johnson MdHson's record on the judgeship appointments be­ Germany become more critical as a Cranweil. Engiand, to Cape Tow.i, of four days, six hours,* 54minutes, of £100,000,000, currefiUy about fore a showdown is obtained in the result of Adolf Hitler's spQvities as South Africa. Ritemati|na] regula- for the ESngland-South. Africa .flight $339,000,000 to a lump einn to the * General Assembly on the District German chimcellor in the next few ttons required that-their exceed the by stages, when his pjlaua Cracked United States as full and final set- Court bill. Americans' marK pf 5,012. by 9ZJA Uement ot Great Britato'e war debt months, it was considered today miles. (OoBitnned m Page Four) The capitol corridors were crowd­ was proposed to the House of Coni’! ed with persons who planned to at­ that Ignaz Jan PaderewsKi, famous tend the hearings before the judi­ pianist and statesnum, has a good mona today by fieoffwy Mandef, • ciary committee on the judgeships. chance of being favored as Poland's Liberal. A bill proposing to reduce the sal­ next president. A representative of NeVUle Ctem- aries of all state employes was also The election will be in June. M ar- berlain; chancellor Af tte exchequer, DUTCH CRUISER IS aald in the chancellor’a. abeence thgt scheduled for a hearing before this shal Joseph PUsudsld, the Republic's committee. constitutional dictator, was gen­ Mr. Chamberiato wai' aware . of The House concurred with the erally expected to favor the recall various suggeathms ot that hatura but that he. would'exprees no opto~ Senate in confirming the reappoint­ of F^erew sKi if Hitler's actions The new chancellor, Adolf Hitler, meets with his cabinet as diowii ih this first picture to reach the Unit­ RUNNING LOOSE Di OElAN ment of Edwy. Lb Taylo of New cause trouble. (PaderewsKi is now in ion upon them pentttng the debts ed States of the Nazi leader «-«Miiming power. Standing (left to right) are Finance Minister Gount Von negotiations at Washington next Haven as a .Public Utilities comnts- Providence, R. I.). KrosigK; Interior Minister, Dr. Wilhelm PYicK; Reichswehr Deader, Lieut. Gen, von Blomberg; Econioniy' and sioner for a six year term. Both A few days ago the KraKow news­ month.' Food Minister, Dr. Alfred Hugenbeig. Seated, Captain Goerisg,minister of Air Transport; Chancellor Hitler Great Britain’s debts to Ainwica Houses also rejected several bills, paper Gnos Narodu, said Paderew­ and Vice Chancellor F teuiz von Papen. , MiuKter ef Defeow Ordert BARRY IS OUSTED now' stands at Etyproaditetely $4,- including measures to abolish the sKi was the only man who has the personal tax and the $1 pmialty for 499d20;000. The payment propoaafi sympathy of the entire nation. by Mr. Mander, therefore, would «f- non-pasrment of this levy. Crew To Sunender-At \ l ^ e Prot. Ignaz HoscicKi, who is ’fect final settlement on a baste House Democrats 'during a cau­ ' BYSENATEVOTE now the president, is on most cor­ something less than ten per ceoA •►'.a cus decided to oppose any plan for dial, rcdations with Marghn.1 Pilsud- BUZZARDS SWEff Once— Other W a i ^ i ^ approximtaety the sesfla <m whteii reducing the salary of the governor. ski, political circles believe he will ROOSEVELT TO INVITE the Lausanne conference settled tte They also expressed opposition to a decline to. r w . again because of a proposal that members of the tu­ German repeuations. desire to return to his scientific W Fafl To Catch Motinears. Sergeant-at-Anns Xm c s f o r Mander raised tte questosM M berculosis commission serve with­ career. out pay. GOVERNORS TO PAIHEY the lump sum debt-pitymebt whfla DisliKes a, Dfaftatw the chancellmr and the other "B% • sitKm For Baitiig At One of the points. against Pad­ Batavia, Java, Feb. 8.—(AP) — Five" ministers were doestod wIBi IN THE UBGI8 LATUHB erewsKi's return is tfte marshall's Hartford, Feb. 8— (AP) — The Army, Navy ^ and axtotion vaaitft Sir Donald Undsay, British ambas- position as virtual ffictator. Pad­ Weitter. Ihn Pre& K East- House tbdi^ confirmed the reap­ - Bribery hH apoM . sadbr to the United States, to tte erewsKi is considered, too much an Preadot-Eiect Adu All of GKANTIC M ER G ® . were acting , today to tod to the at­ pointment of Edwy Lb Taylor as a piflbe mtoister’s room to tbe. House individual to serve merely as the tempt to vecepture the Dutch of Conmumb.. If'iras„tbeir thirA memtxMT of the Putdic Utilities com- en Sei^rd WH Fed marshal's creature but in view of eruiaer'De^^Etetoo PrflHncien/ atto lo a f , sesfite vStooe . the am tei- ndsslon. Nation’s State Elecothes ' Washington, Feb. .8—(A p t Davis the musician's popularify in Anglo- TaylOr whose ^ipolntment was runttoog. .txito to. Indian «)oeah sadoi; arrived from Waehtogton. II, todity wte on w outside NSer n»dv. tte iwoposal as. a confirmed by the Senate yesterday Saxon countries, IfanbiBl .vHth a wxaOtr^. arew of native miglit be mov«d;4p spipior U s rate of of­ of |te Commons oia was.^JiH0Sd to\tbe oomminrion ;>hi 8«mato|tofainff‘> toher^^ M ^ to Wltb ai'#roipW^ fice as' HBf^rGovetnof Ide Gterge. ‘ v~- imexpired teem of toe late C. <£ in both the Upper df^hLo^i^' Hoott On Ih rch S.” faD AtzMt iOim*fllxidanl T te flian Eho jteteg ElwelL of Parlihment,AwhiClt join tog( .Afithorltiea were boMbfl that the ago served tbe 'Stotote as a page R O ilA ^ ACHMlnPE P L A N planes intybt brtog t p runaway VI] lite Hotue reported an unfkyor-, la a N a tlo ^ ' Aissenfiriy to elect a Winter rode th f full, crest of Ite wit)te‘.R Wte artide AtMuiatog . Washingtod, Feb; 8. r-(AP)-*- able report from the cities and president byria, simple majority vote. crew to terms stoce tbe cruiser some'hitoUtors iff cdigreas of bribe Ctoaiiniaa Borah of the Senate fcj New YorK, Feb. 8— (AP) —Presi power today, udth' bUio^id^,: ;sub- candee no anti-aircrEfft guns. borough committee on the bill taKtog. Be;v^^ paid for it . Wga. ‘rdaliona ooMStofftee zero temperatures tranapoi;tation (A disiMLtob froin tbe Hague, Hol­ which would divide Preston into two dent-elect Roosevelt’s invitation tc JButm his taUpeaee' aga|i^ g . _ tie-ups, EEQd suffering ' -and ' even land, said the of defense For ^fiire* ted a nstt -hours taal SUV cash sewement - of ^Hte -Euro­ votlhg districts. It was exidaih the 48 governors to meet him Miurcb CalifeniiallKyDidte.’ night ,tbe Sentee. engaged to a diw> death to a wide sefetion;^ tibe.Nw- demanded that toe cruiser pean WEur debts or.aiiy Oflher a ^ that the bill had been withdrawn in 6 at the White House In .a coEUer- surrender immediately and uncondi- pute ovisr B a n d s'c a te and then re-' tloD. ^ tlement that enfliracea .no,- trade committee. The House rejected the ence extraordinary, was seen by his tlcmaily and ordered all Dutch tooved him frtob hto.jM^OOO a year bUl. New YorK, Feb. 8.— (AP)—W)ille EYona. the tor -northwest ' to the (xmeoesfons for this cquptiy. • supporters today as a move to nuip naval forces to tbe East todies tv office by a ypto'of 53'to 17. Commenting. on diiqtoAUua fiKun An unfavorable report was also a program in Which the govern­ a strong belief prevails 1n.i Wall Great LaKes regUnuC ’w hei^tba.icy blast Eqjparently vraa h e a il^ ea;q[^--, brtog the crew into subjection.) A t the heitet of tbh debate; Sena­ abroad that the B r lt li pwtild received on the House bill which mental units would miurch in siep .
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