Letters to the Editors Signifi cant improvement of axillary artery stenosis in a ▼ 67-year-old woman with giant ▼ cell arteritis ▼ Sirs, We describe a 67-year-old woman with giant cell arteritis (GCA) presented with a month’s history of intermittent claudica- tion of the upper limbs and newly appeared Raynaud’s phenomenon. The patient did not complain of headaches, shoulder or pel- vic pain, nor did she have jaw claudication or visual impairment. Her past medical history was unremarkable. ▼ The physical examination revealed absence ▼ of radial and brachial pulses bilaterally. ▼ Temporal arteries appeared normal on ex- amination. Blood pressure was unrecordable in the upper limbs. The laboratory evalua- tion showed high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) (70 mm/h) and C-reactive pro- tein (CRP) (80 mg/dl), as well as hypochro- mic and microcytic anemia (Hemoglobin 8.8 gr/dl). The rest of the laboratory tests were within normal limits. The color Dop- Fig. 1. Doppler ultrasound studies showed right axillary artery stenosis (A) and left axillary artery stenosis (B). After pler ultrasound study revealed a signifi cant a year of treatment a signifi cant degree of improvement were noted of both axillary arteries (C and D respectively). degree of bilateral axillary artery stenosis with excessively thickened endothelium Color Doppler ultrasonography demon- enables a good clinical response and avoid- Fig. 1A and B). The angiography of the aor- strates a characteristic picture in GCA show- ance of large-artery complications. tic arch and its branches also showed exten- ing a hypoechoic mural thickening in the sive smooth appearance of stenoses of the acute phase of the disease due to edema of C.G. PAPADOPOULOS1, MD axillary arteries bilaterally. The biopsy of the vessel wall with subtotal or total occlu- P.V. VOULGARI1, MD A. ZIOGA2, MD the left temporal artery revealed histologi- sion of the involved vessel. In the chronic 1 cal lesions suggesting GCA. stage or after treatment, the mural thicken- G.A. MILTIADOUS , MD, P. NICOLOPOULOS3, MD, Treatment with prednisolone 60 mg/day and ing becomes hyperechoic due to fi brosis. M.S. ELISAF1, MD, Prof. methotrexate (MTX) 10 mg/week was start- Thus, Doppler ultrasonography permits ac- A.A. DROSOS1, MD, FACR, Prof. ed Four weeks later, the ESR and CRP had curate assessment of the involved vessels at Departments of 1Internal Medicine, 2Pathology fallen to normal values (ESR 3 mm/h, CRP specifi c sites (4). and 3Radiology, Medical School, University of 1 mg/dl). and hemoglobin also returned to Angiography, computed tomography, and Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece. normal values, so the dose of prednisolone magnetic resonance angiography delineate Address correspondence and reprint requests to: was tapered. One year later, her symptoms characteristic patterns in large-vessel GCA Alexandros A. Drosos, MD, FACR, Department improved impressively, the blood pressure (5). of Internal Medicine, Medical School, was recordable in both limbs and the color High-dose of corticosteroids is the treatment University of Ioannina, 45110 Ioannina, Greece. Doppler ultrasound studies showed a sig- of choice for large-vessel GCA (2). Early E-mail: [email protected] nifi cant improvement of the axillary artery diagnosis and treatment enables a good Competing interests: none declared. stenosis (Fig. 1C and D). At this time the response avoiding vascular complications. dose of prednisolone was 10 mg every other However, angioplastic revascularization is References day plus 10 mg MTX/week. required in cases with arterial occlusion not 1. 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