Administration of George W. Bush, 2001 / May 4 703 term limits. [Laughter] Coach, a word of cau- number one fan—and members of the con- tion—[laughter]—winning this trophy is sup- gressional delegation who are here, as well. posed to be a struggle, not a hobby. [Laugh- Thank you all for coming. ter] And the truth is, if you spend any more It’s good to see my old fellow owner, ‘‘the time in Washington, the folks back in Colo- Boss.’’ [Laughter] What a record you’ve had. rado Springs are going to start saying you’re A man who demands excellence and often- out of touch. [Laughter] times gets it. [Laughter] But thank you for I love Coach DeBerry’s motto: Faith, fam- coming, George. I know the real boss of the ily, and Falcons. This is a man who has his Yankees is here, too, Arthur Richman. priorities straight. And they must be, because [Laughter] How are you, Arthur? Good to he’s not just recruiting football talent; he’s see you. I told you one of these days we recruiting character. He’s not just recruiting would get to the White House. Just don’t to win football games; he’s recruiting to win take any silverware, Arthur. [Laughter] our Nation’s wars, if we have one. It’s good to see Randy and Brian Cashman. These seniors know that conference titles, Thank you all for coming. I am—I under- bowl victories, and trophies are not nearly stand something about baseball. It not only as important as the solemn oath they will take takes great players to win a championship, in just a few weeks as newest officers in the it takes a great manager, too. And I know world’s finest Air Force. Today we honor the all sports fans are impressed by the class of history that you’ve made on the playing field. Joe Torre. What a heck of a man he is. And But we look forward to even more of the Don Zimmer, you’re not so bad, either. history you will make serving our Nation. [Laughter] Coach DeBerry, if the past is prologue, I But one of the things everybody forgets suspect you, too, will have a bright future. about Joe is that he was a pretty darn good And you’ve got an opener next season with player himself. Thirty years ago, he led the another team that recently visited the White National League with a .363 batting average, House, the mighty Oklahoma Sooners. And 137 RBIs, and it’s sure good to welcome you my hope is that you try to soften them up back here, Joe. [Laughter] a bit before they play the Texas teams. And there are fellow Texans on this team, [Laughter] and around here that counts for something. But it’s my honor to congratulate you, and [Laughter] So it’s good to see ‘‘the Rocket,’’ congratulations in advance for the service a friend of my family’s Roger Clemens, Andy you will render to our fabulous Nation. Pettitte, and Chuck Knoblauch. God bless. I—something about the Yankees. It’s one of the greatest names in sport. It’s a tradition NOTE: The President spoke at 9:35 a.m. at the and a powerful tradition. I mean, you put South Portico at the White House. In his remarks, on a uniform, it’s just not work clothes; it’s he referred to Fisher DeBerry, football coach, U.S. Air Force Academy. The transcript released the uniform that Ruth wore or Gehrig wore, by the Office of the Press Secretary also included and you all have kept up that tradition. And the remarks of Coach DeBerry. for that, you need to be congratulated. It’s interesting that we’re hosting the great Yanks here in the Rose Garden, and then Remarks Honoring the 2000 World this Sunday there’s a little different celebra- Series Champion New York Yankees tion taking place. It’s a baseball celebration. May 4, 2001 But on the other side of the driveway down there, we’ve set up a tee-ball park. And it’s Thank you. Please sit down. Well, it’s my a chance for moms and dads to bring tee- honor to welcome the mighty Yanks to the ball teams to celebrate the great sport of Rose Garden, a team that broke my heart baseball right here on the hallowed grounds many a time, as the owner of the Texas Rang- of the White House. Yankee Stadium is hal- ers. [Laughter] lowed grounds, so is the White House. I’m so glad you all are here, and I appre- What’s going to be interesting about that ciate the mayor being here—the Yankees’ day is there is going to be some little kid 704 May 4 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2001 trying to adjust his batting gloves just like ing the fantastic dancers and the mariachis. Jeter does, or somebody trying to look like It’s such beautiful music, and the White Mariano Rivera or somebody trying to emu- House is blessed by your presence. late the swing of Tino Martinez. That’s what’s Some in my administration are here that going to happen. I must introduce. Hector Barreto, he’s going And as a reminder to those who are on to make fine leader of the Small Business the field that a lot of kids look at you, they Administration; Eduardo Aguirre, who is really do. And there’s a lot of parents pulling going to be a senior official at the Export- for the Yanks to be champs not only on the Import Bank—Eduardo. Rosario Marin is field but off the field. And there’s no ques- here; she is going to be the Treasurer of the tion in my mind that these Yanks will rise United States. We could go on all day long, to both occasions. but there’s one other fellow I want to intro- Welcome to the White House. duce. He’s a friend of Mexico. He’s a great United States Senator. The Senator from the NOTE: The President spoke at 10:32 a.m. in the State of New Mexico, Pete Domenici. Is Ed Rose Garden at the White House. In his remarks, he referred to Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani of New Pastor here? I don’t see Ed. York City; George Steinbrenner III, principal Today we remember a proud moment for owner, Arthur Richman, senior adviser, Randy Le- the people of Mexico, when Mexican soldiers vine, president, Brian Cashman, senior vice presi- won the Battle of Puebla. When the news dent and general manager, Joe Torre, manager, of that victory reached this house, it was rec- Don Zimmer, assistant manager, Roger Clemens, ognized and recorded by Abraham Lincoln. Andy Pettitte, and Mariano Rivera, pitchers, Then, and for many years afterwards, the Chuck Knoblauch, outfielder, Derek Jeter, short- United States and Mexico lived two very dif- stop, and Tino Martinez, first baseman, New York ferent histories, often divided by Yankees. misperceptions and mistrust. It’s changed. The United States and Mexico now share Remarks at a Cinco de Mayo ties of history, familia, values, commerce, Celebration and culture. We are more united in friend- May 4, 2001 ship and common purpose than ever before. Just yesterday I had yet another visit with Thank you all. We welcome you to this my friend El Presidente Vicente Fox. This Cinco de Mayo celebration, even though it’s is the third time my friend and I have had on the quatro de Mayo. [Laughter] But it’s a chance to dialog about the incredibly im- such an important holiday, we decided to portant relationship between the United start early. States and Mexico. And I hope people take I really appreciate El Embajador de Mex- note that in a few months he’ll come back ico, Juan Jose Bremer. Thank you for your as the honored guest of the first state dinner kind words, thank you for your leadership, I will have as President of the United States. and welcome. We have worked together as Governors; we I appreciate so very much Thalia for being will work together as Presidents. And we’ll here. I am thankful that she did not ask me always work in the spirit of mutual respect. to dance. [Laughter] But I loved her voice Cinco de Mayo is a day for special pride and loved her music. Pablo Montero. Thank and remembrance for people on—it’s a re- you very much, Pablo, for coming. We will minder of the pride—of the proud heritage treasure that beautiful gift you gave to Laura, of many Americans and the warm and grow- via me. [Laughter] ing friendship between two great nations. It’s It is a pleasure to see my friend Don a day worth celebrating. Francisco. I had the honor of interviewing I want to thank you all for coming. Laura with Don Francisco before. He’s a good man. and I welcome you, so pleased so many folks And finally por fin, mi amigo Emilio Estefan. came. Emilio, thank you very much for coming. Again, I want to thank the fantastic artists He’s lucky we didn’t let him in without Glo- who are here. Mi Casa Blanca es su Casa ria. [Laughter] I know you join me in thank- Blanca. Adios..
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