BBC MASTER 128K Micro incl. Acorn's: View, Viewsheet, ADFS, Acorn's New range of BBC Micro (IBM/Epson compat ibles) BASIC Editor & TERMU LA TOR £39E based on RISC Technology BBC MASTER with Turbo Board Model305 Kaga KP815Printer £269 (carr £7) Basic System Kaga KP915 Pri nter £350 (carr £7) £493 e £1f1 RS2321nterface e with Green Monitor U¥1 £49 512K Processor Add on Board RS232 Interface with 2K Buffer £69 e with Colour Monitor £f'l9 RS2321nterface w ith 16K Buffer £89 "inc. Mouse and GEM package" £195 Model 310 BBC AIV (Domesday) System £3479 e BasiC'System £ 8 7S' e with Green Monitor £'I ;l,s" • e with Colour Monitor £1 SPECIAL OFFER RX & FX PRINTER INTERFACES Epson interfaces fit inside the printer to allow FREE ••• £65 worth of Software VARIOUS PRINTERS connection using techniques other than Gemini's OFFICE MATE llt OFFICE MASTER Centronics. psclcsges on Oisc consisting & ACCESSORIES RS232 £27 RS232 + 2K Buffer £55 of: Database, Spreadsheet, Beebplot FX80/85 Tractor Feed £35 IEEE 488 £65 RS232 & 8K Buffer £75 graphics. Accounts pec/cs: Ceshbook, e Fins/ Accounts, Msilist, Easy/edger, e Hi-80 Refils, set of 4 Pens £7 Invoice & Statements, Stock Control e EPSON Paper Roll Holder £17 and Wsffotd'l unique VIEW PRINTER e EPSON LX86 Printer £189 DRIVER ROM - sn HSBntisl tool for all uSBrs of the Mnter's built-in VIEW e EPSON LX80/86 Tractor Feed £20 PRINTER LEADS IIIIOrdprOCflaOI'; with svery Master e EPSON LX80/86 Sheet Feeder £49 purchn«J from us. Centronics lead to connect BBC micro to e EPSON L0800 Printer £429 EPSON, KAGA, SEIKOSHA, NEC, STAR, JUKI, e EPSON LX800 Printer £210 BROTHER, SHINWA etc. printers. e EPSON FXBOO Printer £315 EPSON FX1000 Printer £439 Standard length (4feet long) £6 ADD-ONs 8r. ACCESSORIES e Extra lon9 (6 feet long) £8 Turbo 65C1 02 Add-on Module £99 e EPSON EXSOO Printer £405 Compacts Special Centronics Lead £9 BBC MASTER ET e Colour option for EX800/1 000 £55 RS232 Cable P.O.A. (Econet Terminal) £315 e EX Colour Ribbon £18 IBM Parallel 1 metre Cable £12 Econet Module for the Master £43 EPSON L0800 Printer £439 Twin ROM Cartridge for Master £8 e Quad ROM Cartridge for Master £12 e L0800 Tractor Feed Attachment £39 Universal Processor Adaptor £75 e FX/LX800 Single Sheet Feed £139 Reference Manual I (NoVAT)£14 e FX/L01000 Single Sheet Feed £149 Reference Manual II (NoVAT)£14 PRINTER RIBBONS & Advance Ref. Manual (NoVAT)£19 e HR15 Brother RS232 Daisy Wheel £275 64K Upgrade Kit forB+ £32 e HR20 Brother Daisy Wheel VARIOUS DUST COVERS Acorn 1770 DFS Kit complete £42 Printer £349 ECONET Upgrade Kit for BBC £42 (Securicor carriage charge on printers £7) ALL ECONET UPGRADES Available Type Ribbons Dust Covers Z80 Acorn 2nd Processor package £325 BBCMicro £3.50 ARIES' Professional IEEE Interface £238 PRINTER SHARERS BBC M aster - £4.00 Acorn IEEE Interface Complete £265 Brother HR15/HR20 £3.00 £5.00 Acorn Teletext Adaptor £95 (Ideal for School environment) FX100 £7.00 Connect 3 BBC Micros to 1 Printer £60 FX80-M X80-FX85 £4.50 £4.95 Connect 6 BBC Micros to 1 Printer £99 RXBO £4.50 £4.50 BBC MASTER COMPACT LXBO £4.00 £4.50 LQ2500 All Master Compact Microcomputers are PRINTER CHANGER £9.00 Connects 3 Printers to 1 Micro £65 Centronics GLP £4.00 £3.75 supplied complete with an integral 3'h" Disc KAGAKP810 Drive and various educational and professional (Cables extra, specify type required when £5.25 £4.75 bundled softwares. ordering) Panasonic KX1080/81 £4.50 £4.75 System 1 Standard Package £349 System 1A System 1 + TV Modulator £363 System 2 System 1 + Green Hires· Monitor 65C1 02 2nd PROCESSOR Our attractive Dust Covers are manufactured £399 from translucent PVC. The seams are stitched System 3 System 1 + Medium Res Colour This amazing package consists of the Acorn Monitor £549 and edges are taped to prevent splitting due to 65C102 'Turbo' Board, the Watford Co-Pro continuous use. Adaptor and Acorn 1.2 DNFS ROM. The 'Turbo' RS232 Kit for BBC Compact £26 board. running at 4MHz with 64k of additional Additional 31/2'' Drive for BBC RAM will increase the speed by between 50 and 200% depending on the application running, Compact £9S and allow a BASIC program of upto 44k in any (Securicor carriage £7) screen mode. Simply by pluggin9 in the Co-Pro Listing Paper (Perforated) and the DNFS ROM w ith its spec1al Tube host 1,000 Sheets 9 V>" x 11" Fanfold Paper £7 code and you massively increase the power of The 80186 Co-Processor any Model B. 2,000 Sheets 9W x 11" Fanfold Paper £12 £139 1,000 Sheets 15" x 11" Fanfold Paper £9 This package consists of the Master 512 board, 1000 Sheets true A4 Fanfold Paper £11 Watford Co-Pro Adaptor, Acorn 1770 Disc •' Upgrade and Acorn ADFS. The Master 512 2000 Sheets true A4 Fanfold Paper £21 board using the 80186 ·16 bit Processor at Teleprinter Roll (Econo paper) £4 10MHz and running Digital Research DOS Plus, SPECIAL OFFER gives a high degree of IBM compatibility at an I, Carriage on 1,000 Sheets £1.50 extremely reasonable price. Included in the EPROMs for BBC's Sideways ROMs. 512k package is a mouse and the amazing Di!;Jital Research GEM suite of software; GEM 2764-250nS £3.50 f'amt, GEM draw and GEM desktop giving a complete Mouse Icons environment (All other 27128-250nS £3.75 GEM packages will work on the 512k). Famous PRINTER LABELS packages that will work with the 512k board RAMs (Low power) for ATPL, WATFORD, etc., (On continuous fanfold backing sheet) include Wordstar, Dbase II, Lotus 123 and many Sideways ROM Boards 1,000 90 x 36mm (SiniJie Row) £5.00 others. The only requirement to upgrade any 1,000 90 x 36mm (Twm Row) £4.90 BBC Model B to this system is you must have 6264LP (SK) £2.70 twin 80 track disc drives. 1,000 90 x 49mm (Twin Row) £7.50 2 X 6264LP (16K) £5.30 1,000102 x 36mm (Twin Row) £6.25 £275 Carriage on 1,000 Labels £1.00 for Video Monitors By placing your monitor on one of our This new superb swivel bases, you gain the professional freedom to adjust the monitor viewing printer stand angle to suit your needs. By doing this, takes hardly you alleviate eye strain and reduce back more space than stress. Front adjustable without lifting the your printer. Due to the positioning monitor. of the paper feed for 12" Monitors £10 (carr. £2.50) and re-fold compartments ie. one above the for 14" Monitors £14 (carr. £2.50) other, the desk space required for your printer functions is effectively halved. Add1t1onal facilities include: Easy access to paper from both sides, used with both top and bottom feed paper and with its dial controlled paper _feed MEGABUFFER 256 system with adjustable deflector plates 1t Available NOW at a superbly realistic price, the ensures smooth paper flow and automatic KX-P1 081 perfectly balances features, quality of refolding. construction and Value for Money to produce the printer of tomorrow, here today, ready to £34 sweep the current generation of machines away. Ingenious innovation in terms of software control codes permits great flexibility when it comes to defining the print style. A nippy 120 cps of clear Draft text backs up the crisp 24 cps Near letter Quality text mode, with upto 40 .. superbly useful downloadable characters. A delightful range of assorted character widths is This new Megabuffer 256 from Watford is a full efficiently supported, with sizes ranging from a featured 256K Printer Buffer. It allows the broad 5 cpi to petite 17 cpi, EVEN in NLQ mode. computer to print 256,000 character in a short Some of the extensive support for serious use time thus freeing the computer very quickly. In includes specialised functions to perform short it makes light work of printing large justification, centering and even left and right documents, screen dumps, etc. It is extremely ranging. Proportional spacing permit even simple to connect. The features are: greater freedom when it comes to advanced We stock a range of monitors to suit all needs. e low Cost, High performance. use. Not only is the full Epson RX compatible Choice of a monitor is a matter of personal e Improves efficiency by making more efficient control code set implemented, but extra codes taste so we recommend that whenever use of computer and printer. have alsOJ been added to cater for the NLO possible, you ask for a demonstration at our e Compatible with any computer and printer options, etc. shop. All Monitors are supplied complete w1th that uses Centronics Parallel connections A full 96 ASCII character set is supported, connecting lead. including all BBCs, IBM PCs, etc. with an extended set of 32 international e Total compatibility w ith all software. characters and IBM special characters as well as e Cheaper phone bills when using your IBM block graphics characters. A 1K Print Buffer MICROVITEC 14" Modems. alleviates much of the wait time normally e Ideal for those doing large graphics screen associated with printing, whilst the bi­ e 1431- Medium resolution as used on the BBC television computer programme £175 dumps that are slow to print. directional logic seeking print head takes the e Multi-Copy facility allows you to print several quickest route to print as required. e 1451 -High resolution, suitable for word copies via Mega buffer without going through (Price inludes, FREE 11 4ft Printer Lelld, 11nd 11 processing in mode 0 £225 your computer.
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