PAX6 maintains β cell identity by repressing genes of alternative islet cell types Avital Swisa, … , Ruth Ashery-Padan, Yuval Dor J Clin Invest. 2017;127(1):230-243. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI88015. Research Article Endocrinology Genetics Type 2 diabetes is thought to involve a compromised β cell differentiation state, but the mechanisms underlying this dysfunction remain unclear. Here, we report a key role for the TF PAX6 in the maintenance of adult β cell identity and function. PAX6 was downregulated in β cells of diabetic db/db mice and in WT mice treated with an insulin receptor antagonist, revealing metabolic control of expression. Deletion of Pax6 in β cells of adult mice led to lethal hyperglycemia and ketosis that were attributed to loss of β cell function and expansion of α cells. Lineage-tracing, transcriptome, and chromatin analyses showed that PAX6 is a direct activator of β cell genes, thus maintaining mature β cell function and identity. In parallel, we found that PAX6 binds promoters and enhancers to repress alternative islet cell genes including ghrelin, glucagon, and somatostatin. Chromatin analysis and shRNA-mediated gene suppression experiments indicated a similar function of PAX6 in human β cells. We conclude that reduced expression of PAX6 in metabolically stressed β cells may contribute to β cell failure and α cell dysfunction in diabetes. Find the latest version: https://jci.me/88015/pdf RESEARCH ARTICLE The Journal of Clinical Investigation PAX6 maintains β cell identity by repressing genes of alternative islet cell types Avital Swisa,1 Dana Avrahami,1,2 Noa Eden,1 Jia Zhang,3 Eseye Feleke,2 Tehila Dahan,1 Yamit Cohen-Tayar,4 Miri Stolovich-Rain,1 Klaus H. Kaestner,3 Benjamin Glaser,2 Ruth Ashery-Padan,4 and Yuval Dor1 1Department of Developmental Biology and Cancer Research, The Institute for Medical Research Israel-Canada, The Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel. 2Endocrinology and Metabolism Service, Department of Internal Medicine, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel. 3Department of Genetics and Institute for Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. 4Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, Sackler Faculty of Medicine and Sagol School of Neuroscience, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel. Type 2 diabetes is thought to involve a compromised β cell differentiation state, but the mechanisms underlying this dysfunction remain unclear. Here, we report a key role for the TF PAX6 in the maintenance of adult β cell identity and function. PAX6 was downregulated in β cells of diabetic db/db mice and in WT mice treated with an insulin receptor antagonist, revealing metabolic control of expression. Deletion of Pax6 in β cells of adult mice led to lethal hyperglycemia and ketosis that were attributed to loss of β cell function and expansion of α cells. Lineage-tracing, transcriptome, and chromatin analyses showed that PAX6 is a direct activator of β cell genes, thus maintaining mature β cell function and identity. In parallel, we found that PAX6 binds promoters and enhancers to repress alternative islet cell genes including ghrelin, glucagon, and somatostatin. Chromatin analysis and shRNA-mediated gene suppression experiments indicated a similar function of PAX6 in human β cells. We conclude that reduced expression of PAX6 in metabolically stressed β cells may contribute to β cell failure and α cell dysfunction in diabetes. Introduction tiate and then redifferentiate into non–β cell fates was proposed as Mature pancreatic β cells are highly specialized for sensing blood a novel mechanism underlying reversible β cell failure in diabetes glucose levels and secreting insulin. Extensive efforts have result- (8, 10–13). Plasticity between α and β cell fates is supported by the ed in a detailed understanding of the transcriptional cascades remarkably similar epigenetic states of the 2 cell types (14). Oth- leading to differentiation of β cells from progenitor cells during er islet cell types also show such intraislet plasticity, and may, in embryonic development and their subsequent maturation (1–3). some instances, reprogram into functional β cells. For example, it More recently, it has emerged that, even after differentiation, was shown that near-total ablation of β cells in mice results in the the maintenance of adult β cell identity and function requires the spontaneous conversion of some δ cells (15) or α cells (16) to func- continuous activity of multiple transcription factors (TFs) (4–6). tional β cells, suggesting novel approaches for regenerative thera- Importantly, some of these factors are sensitive to metabolic py in diabetes. Thus, the molecular mechanisms that govern the insults. For example, oxidative stress reduces the activity of the maintenance of adult islet cell identity are of great interest, with β cell TFs PDX1, NKX6.1, and MAFA, suggesting a pathogenic implications for the prevention of β cell failure as well as expan- mechanism for the development of diabetes (7). Perturbation of sion of β cell mass in diabetes. such factors by either genetic or environmental insults may result In this study, we focus on the role of the paired and home- in β cell death, or, alternatively, in loss of β cell identity. odomain TF PAX6 in adult β cells. PAX6 is crucial for the genera- Interestingly, the loss of β cell differentiation is often accom- tion of neuronal lineages in the CNS including the cortex and ret- panied by acquisition of alternative cellular identities (5, 8, 9), ina, as well as the differentiation of non-neuronal lineages of the reflecting the retention of some developmental plasticity in differ- eye (17–19). This TF acts in these situations as both a transcriptional entiated β cells. Typically, these alternative fates remain within the activator and repressor via complex gene regulatory networks that endocrine lineage. They may include, for example, a switch from are only partly resolved (20–23). In the pancreas, PAX6 is required expression of insulin to expression of glucagon or somatostatin, for normal islet development. In the absence of PAX6, the produc- indicating that β cell plasticity is largely confined to the islet pro- tion of α cells and β cells is greatly reduced; instead, there is a dra- gram. The potential of metabolically stressed β cells to dedifferen- matic increase in the expression of ghrelin, a gut hormone normally expressed only transiently in the fetal pancreas. Thus, during devel- opment of the pancreas, PAX6 acts to direct the differentiation of Related Commentary: p. 94 endocrine-committed progenitor cells to correct fates. The molecu- Conflict of interest: The authors have declared that no conflict of interest exists. lar targets of PAX6 in mediating these developmental decisions are Submitted: April 11, 2016; Accepted: October 13, 2016. only partly understood (24–26). Notably, mice and humans hetero- Reference information: J Clin Invest. 2017;127(1):230–243. doi:10.1172/JCI88015. zygous for PAX6 show defects in nervous system development as 230 jci.org Volume 127 Number 1 January 2017 The Journal of Clinical Investigation RESEARCH ARTICLE Figure 1. PAX6 expression in adult β cells from db/db mice and after treatment with an insulin receptor antagonist. (A) PAX6 protein levels in β cells from db/db mice and controls. Dissociated islet cells were costained for insulin and PAX6 and analyzed by flow cytometry. Graph shows the mean of PAX6 intensity in insulin+ cells isolated from 3 control and 5 db/db mice at 3 months of age. (B) Mean insulin intensity for the same samples as in A. (C) Representative plots of PAX6 versus insulin protein levels in the control and db/db mice depicted in A and B. PAX6 levels correlated with insulin levels in both control and db/db mice. db/db mice in panels A–C had, on average, glucose levels of 480 mg/dl. (D) Pax6 mRNA levels in 3-month-old control and db/db islets. n = 6 animals per group. (E) Negative correlation between Pax6 mRNA and blood glucose levels in db/db mice at different ages (4 weeks, 5–7 weeks, and 3 months, by Pearson’s correlation test, R = –0.9, P < 0.05). (F) mRNA levels of Pax6, Mafa, Nkx6.1, and Pdx1 in the same db/db (DB) mice as in E, averaged per blood glucose ranges (100–200, 200–400, and 400–600 mg/dl). n = 9, 7, 8, and 7 mice, respectively. (G) Pax6 mRNA levels of islets isolated from WT mice treated with the insulin receptor (IR) antagonist S961 for 4 days. Average blood glucose level was 434 mg/dl in the treated group. n = 3 per each group. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001, by 2-tailed Student’s t test. well as perturbed glucose homeostasis (27–29), underscoring the vator of key genes responsible for β cell identity and function; in importance of tight control over its expression level. In addition, a parallel, PAX6 binds promoters and enhancers of genes normally common variant in the PAX6 gene was associated with a reduction silenced in β cells to directly repress alternative islet cell programs. in both PAX6 expression and insulin secretion (30). We also provide evidence that these functions of PAX6 are con- In the adult pancreas, PAX6 is expressed in all hormone-pro- served in human β cells. The findings highlight the fragility of β ducing cells, suggesting a general role in terminally differentiated cell identity and establish PAX6 as a central determinant of adult endocrine cells (24, 25). In immortalized β cell lines, PAX6 was β cell differentiation state and function. We propose that downreg- shown to bind and activate the promoters of insulin and additional ulation of PAX6 in metabolically stressed β cells may contribute to β cell genes (26, 31).
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