InteraccionesInteracciones,, 2020,2020, VVol.ol. 6, N° 2,3, MaSeptember-December,yo-Agosto, e107 e171 ISSNISSN 2411-5940 2411-5940 (impreso) (print) // e-ISSNe-ISSN 2413-44652413-4465 (digit(digital)al) OPEN ACCESS 11 InteraInteraccionescciones RevistaRevista de AvancesAvances enen PsicologíaPsicología ISSNISSN 2411-59402411-5940 e-ISSNe-ISSN 2413-44652413-4465 InteraInteraccionescciones VolumenVolumen 6 6 NumberNúmero 3 2 September - December, 2020 RevistaRevista de AvancesAvances en PsicologíaPsicología CrossMark click for updates IISSNSSN 22411-5940411-5940 e-Ie-ISSNSSN 22413-4465413-4465 OPEN ACCESS INSTITUTO PERUANO DE www.www.revisrevistainteracciones.comtainteracciones.com wwww.ww.rrevistainteracciones.comevistainteracciones.com ORIENTACIÓN PSICOLÓGICA ARTÍCULOARTÍCULO OORIGINALRIGINAL AdaptationAutoesma of they ansiedad Beck Anxiety estado-r Inventoryasgo en in adult populationos univer sitof ariosBuenos de AiresLima AdaptaciónSelf-esteem del Inventarioand state-trait de Ansiedad anxiety in de Lima's Beck enuniversity población adults de Buenos Aires Nicolás Alejandro Vizioli 1 *, Alejandro Emilio Pagano 1 1 Universidad de Buenos Aires, Faculty of Psychology, Argentina. 1* * Correspondence:Alejandra [email protected] Zegarra i D 1 Received: Univ Julyer 02,sidad 2020 |San Revised: Ignacio September de Loy 08,ola, 2020 Perú. | Accepted: September 13, 2020 | Published Online: September 14, 2020. * Correspondencia: [email protected] CITE: Interacciones, 6 Vizioli,R ecibido:N. & Pagano, 26 de abril A. de (2020). 2020; Revisado: Adaptation 20 de ma ofy othe de 2020; Beck Acept Anxietyado: 10Inventory de junio de in 2020; population Publicado Online:of Buenos 13 de junioAires. de 2020. (3), e171.https://doi. org/10.24016/2020.v6n3.171 CITARLO COMO: ABSTRACTRodrich Zegarra, A. (2020). Autoes�ma y ansiedad estado-rasgo en adultos universitarios de Lima. Interacciones, 6(2), e107. h�ps�//doi.org/10.24016/2020.v6n2.107 Background: Currently, anxiety disorders are the most prevalent worldwide, reaching a rate of 5% in Argentina in 2017. The Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) is one of the instruments most used in research and clinic today. In its construction, one of the objectives was to evaluate anxiety symptoms that are not usually evident in depressive disorders, which is why it is a relevant test to make a differential diagnosis. The objective of this study was to adapt the BAI to adult popula- tion of Buenos Aires.Methods: A direct translation of the inventory and then an expert judgment to assess the content validity were carried out. The discrimination capacity of the items was analyzed, and the structural validity of the test were evaluated according to different models found in the literature. Also, the internal consistency of the instrument PALABRAS CLAVE was analyzed. Results:RESU TheME Nadaptation presents adequate content validity and the items have been shown to discrimi- Autoesnatetim a;adequately. AsIn trforoducción: the confirmatory Este estudio factor busc analyzes,ó determinar the mostla r elaciónparsimonious entre lasolution, autoes�ma which y laindicates ansiedad the en one-di - mensionality of the construct, was chosen, providing evidence of construct validity. The adaptation presents adequate Ansiedad Estado; adultos emergentes de universidades privadas de Lima. Método: De diseño transversal y correla- internal consistency.cional, Tentative se orien normativetó a determinar values el are grado offered. o fuerz Conclusion:a de asociación Evidence en oftr evalidity la autoes and�ma reliability la ansiedad has been Ansiedad Rasgo. found for the Argentineestado/r adaptationasgo en la adult of theez emerBAI. It gisen consideredte, para ello anse instrument aplicó el Inv ofen greattario clinicalde Autoes utility.�ma de Coopers- Keywords: BAI; Anxiety;mith (F ormaPopulation C) y el Cuesof Buenos�onario Aires; de Ansiedad Content Esvalidity;tado-Rasg Constructo (IDARE) validity; a 221 Internal universit consistency.arios de ambos sexos, con edades comprendidas entre 18 a 25 años.Resultados: En el contraste de las hipótesis, se obtuvo un coeficiente de correlación nega�va moderada y estadís�camente significa�va entre la RESUMEN autoes�ma y la ansiedad estado/rasgo, siendo el tamaño del efecto mediano en ambos casos. Con Introducción: En larespect actualidado a las los compar trastornosaciones de en ansiedad autoes�ma, son los ansiedad de mayor rasg prevalenciao y ansiedad a es niveltado mundial, según se llegandoxo y edad, a una tasa del 5% en Argentinano se hallar en onel difañoer 2017.encias. En Conclusión: ese sentido, A par�r el Inventario de los análisis de Ansiedad se concluy de eBeck que (BAI) exist ees una uno r elaciónde los instru - mentos más utilizadosinversa en y investigaciónsignifica�va en ytr clínicae la aut enoes la�ma actualidad. y la ansiedad En su esconstruccióntado/rasgo enuno adult de losos emerobjetivosgentes fue de evaluar síntomas de ansiedadLima. que no suelen evidenciarse en trastornos depresivos, motivo por el cual resulta un test relevante para realizar un diagnóstico diferencial. El objetivo de este estudio fue adaptar el BAI a población adulta de Buenos Aires. Método: Se realizó una traducción directa del inventario y luego un juicio de expertos para evaluar la validez de contenido. Se analizó la capacidad de discriminación de los reactivos y se evaluó la validez estructural de los difer- entes modelos encontrados en la literatura. A su vez, se analizó la consistencia interna del instrumento. Resultados: La adaptación presenta adecuada validez de contenido y los reactivos han demostrado discriminar de forma adecuada. A Publicaciónsu vez,editada a partir por el Insdetut los oanálisis Peruano factoriales de Orientación confirmatorios Psicológica - IPOPS realizados se optó por la solución más parsimoniosa que indica Obra bajo licencia de Creave Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0) hp://dx.doi.org/10.24016/2020.v6n2.107 CC PublicationBY published by theInstituto Peruano de Orientación Psicológica - IPOPS https://doi.org/10.24016/2020.v6n3.171 CC Work under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0) BY Interacciones, 2020, Vol. 6, N° 3, September-December, e171 ISSN 2411-5940 (print) / e-ISSN 2413-4465 (digital) 2 la unidimensionalidad del constructo aportando evidencia de validez de constructo. A su vez, la adaptación presenta una adecuada consistencia interna. Se ofrecen valores normativos tentativos. Conclusión: Se han hallado evidencias de validez y confiablidad para la adaptación argentina del BAI. Se lo considera un instrumento de gran utilidad clínica. Palabras clave: BAI; Ansiedad; Población de Buenos Aires; Validez de Contenido; Validez de Constructo; Consistencia Interna. BACKGROUND For this reason, the general objective of this research was to Anxiety disorders are ranked as the most prevalent disorders carry out the conceptual, linguistic and metric adaptation of the worldwide (Ritchie & Roser, 2018). In Argentina, anxiety dis- Beck Anxiety Inventory in the general adult population of the orders constitute the group with the highest prevalence, fol- City of Buenos Aires and the Greater Buenos Aires. In this way, lowed by mood disorders (Stagnaro et al., 2017). The relation- the specific objectives proposed were a) to examine evidence ship between both disorders has been well documented in the of content validity; b) analyze the discrimination capacity of the research literature. Even the similarity of symptoms between items; c) obtain evidence of structural and construct validity; d) anxiety and depressive disorders can make investigation, diag- study the internal consistency of scores; e) establish normative nosis and treatment difficult (Mountjoy and Roth, 1982). This values. problem can be explained due to the cognitive biases shared by both pathologies, as well as their frequent comorbidity. In this METHODS sense, cognitive biases in judgment and interpretation of situa- Participants tions are common for both disorders, as well as predominantly The sampling was non-probabilistic and intentional. The sample negative affection (Mineka, Watson & Clark, 1998). consisted of 269 subjects, of which 49.4% resided in the Au- In relation to the comorbidity between anxiety and depressive tonomous City of Buenos Aires and 50.60% in the Province of disorders, it has been found that a large part of people with Buenos Aires. In relation to gender, 37.5% were male, 60.6% fe- anxiety disorders also experience depressive disorders, and vice male, and 1.9% preferred not to communicate it. Regarding the versa (Gorman, 1996). Even transdiagnostic treatments have age of the participants, there were cases between 18 and 76 been developed that allow working with both problems, as is years (M = 32.35, SD = 12.17). Regarding educational level, 1.5% the case with the unified protocol proposed by Barlow et al. presented complete primary school, 57.5% completed second- (2016). This protocol is characterized by addressing the com- ary school and 41% reported having completed university stud- mon mechanism underlying both disorders: emotional regula- ies. Finally, it was consulted whether they had been diagnosed tion. In this regard, it has been found that maladaptive emo- with any psychological problems, 86.2% reported not being di- tional regulation strategies can be common processes across agnosed, 7.1% mentioned being diagnosed with an anxiety dis- various psychological disorders (Aldao et al., 2010). order, 3.3% depression and the remaining
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