itugb and play, feast ooltit:frmt» of the arth, iJie dtUffi^U of jay body, X. iiiakc mtt»ic and lovtp - Cor atl act« of ptcannre are my rhuuU. •|iiii l'»m that vhkh you lind itt ttVie tuUiVvtitnl ot dcMrt:. ^3>TSfH:- Ca«t \\\t tnaf^tc CIT«\C, revel \n lhe sorcery Virl»icl% d'mpclft a\l power. But commit no sacr'tficcK. '> Repudiate harmfulnc<(s, Exploitation and Mlmiiihtifr. Raibcjir, venerate ail cr<'aturett •J^itf rcMpeci thum a« tiiuttl buj, different to you. itters 1 atributors ueering the Bible 4 Cover by Steve oJ Granville Street. We all love you. oug Ogiivy on wisdom 6 Other excellent -I low Shit up 7 kids; David Dargy, iris in Cyberspace 8 Shannon Owen, \ Martin Bush, Nicole Hills, Di iustralia's Foreign Policy 10 wk Cassidy, Tim Mansfield, Amy Lee, Doug Ogiivy, Ivis Christ 12 l^^^w ^^ '^u^^K Stefan Armbruster, \ Damien Cassidy, "^ • ardi Gras 13 Kate Williamson, Paul Bruynesteyn, oth Africa 14 1 ' ';^k Jacinta Toomey, Jane Curtis, Lynette Toomey, he Tardy Vengence of the People 16 Lindsay Colborne, Sharon Hennesy, ;ummer Festivals 18 If Mark Mclnnes, David Marr, Chris he Interview 19 Green, Joy Brown, Michael Carden, Toby Borgeesi, oma 20 < . '•.?•^ Ben Ross, Maxine, Rebecca Gordon, usic 22 Marcus Salisbury, 1 Andrew Dickinson, I Maya Stuart-Fox, onald and me 24 i %; w-^. 1 Maleha Newaz, . ' •. , *m Paul Woods, Brett Proeddie, Justin /lind Mechanic 26 /y ' ' reat Moments Brisbane Architecture 7 i • . • • •! • . .'',. • '• J ; • i . , , • what f^ereckon ubble Boy 30 As living organisms we all require certain things to ireaming the Net 32 ' survive. We are by our nature consumers, in a living world such as ours, many of the things v/e use in our levies 34 life are purchased and thus, to accurately consider some of the relationships that affect our lives it is ^uto Eroticism 35 useful to ponder what happens to the money we spend. The politics of a free market has made it vnimal Experimentation 36 inevitable that when you buy products you contribute substantially to multi-national wealth and to the processes by which 5% of the world's heap Travel 38 ' , population control 80% of the resources. Take Coke for example: =ree Education 40 - Amencan consumption of Coke per capita is 296 {two hundred and ninety six) cans a year 'estle is Evil 42 - Around forty 40,000 (forty thousand) cans of Col<e are consumed every second on this bod Co-op is Good 43 planet - Coca-Cola Company worldwide spends heatre reviews 45 $4,000,000,000.00 (four billion dollars) each year to promote its product ook reviews 46 - Harper's Index has revealed V.' V- that a Coca-Cola can costs twice as Iiot Boy 47 much as the beverage it contains. It is easy to become physically addicted oetry 48 to Col<e and it is too convenient ingest the bullshit notion that happi­ jterview with John Birmingham 51 ness can only be attained through consumption. Don't let Jhats on in Brizbane 51 multinational death products dictate your happiness. Jnion pages 52 Consume less, live more. Say no to the system that binds he Hounds 56 you to a perpetuation of exploitation of people for cheap :onteni> labour, waste and the degradation of the environment. /Ve, Empersedilors. are Ward Levingston, Kyla Reid, Greg Winslett and Find happiness as you ;andy Brown. Our publisher is Maya Stuart-Fox, and the University of first arrived: as a )uoensland Student Union. Our ihingy is the Lindsay Colbo'ne and our conscious, sensual being ypesetler is Adrianne Bond. A big hearty layout thanks to Jason and the nal<ed, alone and whole. jarrago kids. Yo, get lunky. Reject, unlearn, explore,explocle. Poor men... The poor men syndrome is an an­ guage and having films tailor- young. Whilst groups like QUAC noying trend I have noticed in­ made for your male gaze. It must (Queensland Aids Council) and creasing in popularity lately. Its be hard when on a global scale QUIVAA (Queensland Intravenous exponents use as their catch-cry you do one-third to one-quarter of AIDS Association) can gain an ex­ the world's work yet receive 90% the term "reverse sexism" and en­ emption from pornography laws joy hunting around for examples ofthe worid's income for it. It must be tough earning more forthe one for their educational material, a of discrimination against men in sneakier form of censorship can order to prove men's besieged sta­ job you do, than some women with take place. Their funding is threat­ tus. I recently had a lengthy con­ children do, working at two jobs. versation with a friend and mem­ Is it hard to sexually abuse, rape ened if they produce material that ber of the poor men whingeing and beat women? Is it hard to talk displeases the minister - and the brigade, who believes among over us, disregard us, not listen to large scale public health projects other things that men are now the what we say, trivialize us? So you that we need can only occur with discriminated-against ones; vic­ think you're a SNAG and are not governmental funding, tims, It seems, of the forward sure whether to open the door for The content of the material that •-•-^ march of women. a woman or not! Poor thing! Poor discriminated - against men!! QUAC and QUIVAA produce My friend performs similarly to oth­ should be tailored to the needs of ers taken with the poor men syn­ My friend from our illustrious whingeing club is starting to prove those it is trying to inform - and drome. Reverse sexism, he as­ not influenced by fears of what will serts, has tal<en hold to such an my argument for me. He obviously extent that hoards of incompetent expects me to give in, acquiesce. happen in next year's budget. How women are being hired to do jobs ,He becomes angry in the hope does this climate affect other gov- in place of competent men; that that will keep me from saying ernment-funded projects iike women are being hired, it seems, what I think. He tries lo talk over school education programmes solely because they are women. me, he stands over me. I fight for and theatre groups? Advocates of this theory can usu­ conversation space. He does not listen to what I am saying. He calls Part of the problem is the ability of AJ \/\v\ iA\ XNT^ ally point to one stand-out exam­ the right to mobilise ~ they are Li ple of an incompetent woman in a me irrational. He has no answer for job somewhere. This is the "evi­ any of my arguments; he is not heard in the mainstream media even aware of the issues Involved, (hell, they own it) and are well or­ dence." My friend gives in his ex­ Deor Sernper ample; a female security guard he and his only line is his paranoid ganised in their lobbying of politi­ knows who was, according to him, delusion of the discrimination he cal figures. For example, In a After being hit in this morning's traf­ hired because she was a woman is suffering at the hands of power- somewhat belated response to the fic, it seemed necessary lo add an­ and not because she was the best hungry feminist supremacists! safe sex guide issued with Decem­ other cautionary letter to the pile for person forthe job. This, apparently motorist-cyclist interactions. Perhaps For the record, I do not say that ber's Cleo, Senator John Herron some motorists will take notice and it is supposed to prove his point. men are not in some form discrimi­ (Liberal, Qtd) began in March to Never mind ail the incompetent never hurts to remind newly arrived nated against. That is inevitable in circulate a petition against the students that cycling in this town can men in jobs everywhere (the dou­ our system of inequality. What I do guide, and the Health Minister, Dr be hazardous to their health. Why is it ble standard rears its ugly head), say is that its a question of degree. Carmen Lawrence for endorsing It. necessary to remind motorists that the and never mind all the competent So think about the situation boys, After Lawrie Kavanagh published ton of metal they pilot so effortlessly women who v/ere passed over In and put the poor men whingeing can do awful carnage to a cyclist? the hiring of these men. Never club to an early death. It's wear­ this in the Courier Mail, the Sena­ mind the fact that women, (espe­ ing thin. tor reportedly received around In hindsight, I am very lucky to sus­ 2,000 requests for the petition in 2 tain merely bnjises and road rash. The cially those in male-dominated ar­ Rosemary Hunter eas such as security), are sub­ days. The figure is from the Cou­ young driver is lucky It was not a more jected to extra scrutiny and ex­ rier Mail, so give or take a couple serious mishap due to his lack of pected to fail. A woman has to per­ of zeros. Even so, it's stil! scary. judgement. What cyclists should bear form better In the same job as a When the Government decides in mind is that accidents such as this man because any mistal<es she what you should know about Conservatives run the line that are recorded on a driver's records makes are "evidence" of her in­ sex... they represent some silent major­ noted by their insurance premiums but competence which males such as Living in Queensland, it's easy to ity of 'normal Australians'.
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