PRISONER By HARL VINCENT FEBRUARY * 20e ! Better start gargling with listerine, Mister you've got WHEN the sniffles, a Listerine Antiseptic reac chill, and your throat feels irri- back on throat surfaces to tated, it's a sign that germs are prob- lions of the secondary in ably at work in mouth and throat. germs that many author Sometimes they can be killed in help to complicate a cold a sufflcient numbers or kept under it so troublesome. control so that Nature can halt the Actual tests showed gen infection . throw off the cold. tions on mouth and throat If you have any symptoms of ranging to 96.7% even lf> trouble, start gargling with full after the Listerine Antisepti strength Listerine Antiseptic and Up to 80% one hour later. keep it up. Countless people say it's In view of this evidence, d a wonderful first aid and 8 years of think it is a wise precautio scientilic research back them up. Listerine Antiseptic systeri Tests during this period actually- during fall, winter, and sprinj showed fewer and milder colds for when colds are a constant rri Listerine Antiseptic users . fewer the health of the entire famj] sore throats, too. Lambert I'harmac-al Co.. SI. La NOTE HOW LISTERINE GARGLE REDUCED GE FOR COLDS I'he cwo drawings at left illustrate li range AND in germ reductions on mouth an surfaces in test cases before and after Listerine Antiseptic. Fifteen minutes <t SORE THROAT gling, germ reductions up u> 96.7* wer and even one hour after, germs were duced as much as 80%. £mS THENAMP GOT BILL A GOOD JOB! W My RAtSe DID/VT &3M£THRO(/&#, mart 1 £V€fffTffWG- SO HoR£i£SC If \71iA/XtN& AT HOME TO/} RADW /? 7>XAcr/CAL L AMD /'M GETr/MG ALO/V6- FAST 1 ti\ i Jf" I TrairiCdThese Men I WILL TRAIN YOU AT HOME /W uour soars time fora • - >*r~-\ GOOD JOB IN RADIO T "" e E* tr» ; " . \ — . E. 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TRUTH IS A PLAGUEI by D.vid Wri sht O'Brien 58 A liar is a hated man, but can he cause as much havoc as a whole city madly declaring the truth? THE THIRTEENTH MR. TUMPS by Richard O. Lewis 76 T. Wilton Tumps loved his wife. But so did the thirteenth Mr. Tumps . and all the Tumps between! SONS OF THE DELUGE by Netson S. Bond 86 Inexorably the Deluge roared down, forcing Duke Callion and Joey Cox to fulfil an ancient legend. FEATURES The Observatory 7 Monthly Merit Award . 133 Riddles of Science 57 Meet the Authors... 134 Stations in Space 122 Discussions 136 Forecast 130 Fantastic Adventures 137 Science Quiz 131 Correspondence Comer 141 Questions & Answers 132 Evolution Gone Mad 145 Front cover painting by C L. Hartman, depicting a scene from Adam Link's Vengeance Bade cover painting by H. M. Duffin Illustrations by Robert Fuqua, Rod Ruth, Julian S. Krupa, Joe Sewell d Vmo, Auoclott Edltori Herman R. tiollin. Art Db.ctoi We do not accept responsibility for the r whatever revision is necessary to meet requirements. PubHS&Bd monthlu by ZIFF-DAVIS PUBLISHING COM 008 Soutb Dear- " born Street. Chicago, 111. Now York OP iond clasu matter Oetober 6, ' 6 AMAZING STORIES <lASUPER STORY OF A SUPERMAN! IT'S NEW, DIFFERENT, IMAGINATIVE No writer has been better qualified to write about the story of superman than Stanley G. Wein- baum, America's greatest writer of science fic- tion. He was a master in the field of imaginative and scientific fantasy, with a loyal following of hundreds of thousands of devoted readers. In THE NEW ADAM, Weinbaum created the super novel . the greatest of all his works ... a novel that surpasses the best of science fiction. THE NEW ADAM is the story of a superman . of the coming of a man whom nature has placed yet another rung higher up the ladder of evolu- tion. How will he fit into a world populated, in his opinion, by creatures as far below him as the ape is below us? What will he achieve? What will he went? How will he find happiness? Would we be his enemies or his slaves? The gifted pen of Weinbaum answers these questions in this brilliant novel relating the life of Edmond Hall, The New Adam! 3 262 PAGES — 5W x 7 /i" — CLOTH BOUND — $2.00 Here is a BIG novel in every sense of the word! A story of tremendous meaning ... of amazing scope ... of fine entertainment! You will want THE NEW ADAM to read and read again; to treasure in your library for years to come! ORDER NOW ZIFF-DAVIS PUBLISHING CO.. Book Dept. A2 608 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois [ first Gentlemen: I enclose $2.00. Please send me a edition Place your order with copy of THE NEW ADAM immediately (postpaid). Send C.O.D. postage added.— (C.O.D. in U.S.A. only) any book dealer ... or | NAME ADDRESS .... SEND COUPON TODAY! ! CITY & STATE. ! THE r readers are receiving our H0 is th£ most famous character ever to 'TpHE way the new come out of Amazing Stories? Well, writers gladdens your editor's heart. Carl that's a question, but you'd be giving an Selwyn who authored his first in Amazing Stories excellent answer if you said: "Adam Link!" To last month with "The Strange Death of Richard your editor's mind this is one of the most amazing Sefton" is looking up in the voting. He'll be a things he has ever run across. The fact that a contender.
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