the Daily Sundial CAUFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY. NORTHRIDQE VOLUME 28, NUMBER 48 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1983 Recount probable for some close AS Senate races ByTOMMALLORY student elections. candklate for the School of Humanities, from the School of Social and Sen/or Staff Writer Both Nia and Chraghchian cam­ who lost by only five votes. Behavioral Sciences and one of the paigned as independents. Weiner said Nia's request for a leaders of Omnibus, sakl: There was a A recount for some of the close Nia was the only candidate to of­ recount would probably be granted great deal of impropriety at the polls, Associated Students Senate races is ficially request a recount Thursday, but when the electk>ns committee meets (including) one individual's permit to probable, said ElectkMis Director Jeff there are indications that other requests Friday. He said the recount would then register being (hole) punched and no Weiner Thursday. or protests may be filed before the be hekl Nov. 28. ballots being available, so he was unable Incumbent Sen. Saeid Nia of the Monday deadline. Some vKtorious Omnibus IV can­ to vote. I know of indivkiuals who^ School of Science and Mathematics AS Vice President Patricia Herbert dklates charged there had been "im­ cards were not punched, aUowing them asked for a recount after losing his race saki Raul Gonzalez, the Omnibus proprieties" in the elections but there to vote twice, and of people handing out to Pierre Chraghchian by five votes, candidate for the upper division who fell have been no formal complaints, ac­ ballots without checking ID." according to Weiner and Richard 31 votes short of vtetory, may also ask cording to WiUiams and AS President WilUams sakl: "It seems at every Williams II, dean of campus activities for a recount, along with Moises Mk;hael Ak:alay. electk>n we have some 0oU workers who and the administrator in charge of Carrillo, the incumbent Omnibus Lydia Hollie, the incumbent senator don't foUow the instructions." Fund-raiser daiice^ leaves mess in gym ByLORENEISLER StaffWrlter The chair of the physical education department sakl he is considering banning aU dances from the nuiin gym because it was left in poor condition following last week's "Dance for Diabetes." "We can't have dances in the building if this is the result," Dr. Sam Winningham said Wednesday, adding that he believes as a general policy that dances belong in the University Student Union. Winningham said there were broken chairs, empty whiskey bottles and half filled glasses of alcohol inskle many physical education classrooms and the gym, even though akx)hol was not permitted at the dance and the classrooms were not officially open for use by the group. The dance, sponsored by the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, raised between S3,S(X) to $4,(X)0 for the Amer^an Diabetes Association. Approximately I SOO people at­ tended, Joe Silverman, dance organizer, said. "The question is whether there was proper supervision" for the dance, Winningham said, referring to the security which was the fraternity's responsibility. The fraternity used campus polwe and 10 ZBT members to supervise the event, Silverman said. He said he "got permission to use a couple of rooms Winningham didn't know about" from one of the buikiing supervisors. Any akx>hol on the premises belonged to the band and celebrities highlighted at the dance, he added. While Winningham said there were several empty whiskey bottles scattered in classrooms, Silverman said he had "very strong doubts there was afi abundance of whiskey bottles." / All of the alcohol was backstage(and the security people were aware of it, Silverman said. Campus Police Lt. Marc Hissong said "there was plenty of evidence of bottles in the parking area" Saturday morning, including whiskey and beer bottles. Silverman said the custodial staff hired to clean up after the event did not clean one of the classrooms, which he said might have been part of the problem. However, the gym was "spotless" after the dance, he said. Richard WiUiams, assistant dean of student ac­ tivities, said the fraternity had agreed to pay $ 150 for cleaning charges prior to the dance.The fraternity "ac­ tually made a good faith effort" to keep ak:ohol out of the dance, WiUiams said. No charges will be brought against ZBT because there were so many people present it would be difficult to place the blame for alcoholic beverages on the sponsors, he said. New policy on sabbaticals adopted by faculty NEWS ByQEOROIATHEODOR sonnel committee, the school deaii and a The Senate wanted something in effect A laaky and dllapldatad calling la Sen/or Staff Writer newly-formed University Professional for the coming year, until a permanent making Ufa uncomfortabia for at Leave Committee. policy is established, said Faculty laaat two profaaaora In tlia Mualc The Faculty Senate voted Thursday Criteria used in determining the President Elizabeth Berry. Building paga 4 to change the policy on sabbatical leaves proposal by the committee include the "The problem is that we have to do to comply wilh the new faculty con­ quality of the proposal (as a contribution something right away," she said. "We tract. in aiding the applicant's area). Other want to know what the rules wiU be or SPORTS The new policy, which will be revised criteria are the department's evaluation Presklent Cleary will establish his own Tha Matador man'a baakatball after one year, will impose stricter and the number of years credited (rules) if we don't do something." taam opana Ita aaaaon tonight conditions for consideration of sab- towards sabbatical. The new contract mandates the agalnat Qrand Canyon In tha batkal requests. The committe was formed as a result changes in sabbatical policy.Under the Occldantal Tournamant paga 5 According to the policy, developed by of a mandate in the new contract. previous policy there was no committee the Personnel Planning and Review The application deadline for sab- and the only criteria used were years of EXPOSURE Committee, an applicant must submit a batk:als in the 1984-85 school year is service and age, Berry said. Under the R.E.M., an Athana, Qa., quartat, formal proposal for sabbatical to the Jan. 25, 1984 and the old policy new contract "those criteria are no la tha moat promlaing rock 'n' roll department chair. The proposal will cannot be used because it does not longer appropriate," the Personnel band of thia yaar paga El then go through the department per­ comply with the new faculty contract. Planning and Review Committee said. 2 Dally SuttdiSM; PHtiiiy, Novambor 18,1983 nawsbiieis calendaf Raleigh Tavern Hlatorlcal Society — A get- Chicano Qraduatlon Commlttaa - Party and together tonight at the home of Dr. Patterson, Newman Center to show fundraiser tonight, 8 p.m. to 1 a.m.. "Darby House, 19837 Septo, Chatsworth. Will be held from 5 to 8803 Darby St. Tickets are $3 at the door. Proceeds ABC film 'The Day After' 9:30 p.m. $3 for non-members, Members free. go to the annual Chicano Graduation-Alumni Open to faculty and students. Banquet and the Chicano Graduation ceremonies. The Newman Center will hold a community viewing of Biotogy Colloquium — Dr. Jim Morin, professor of Alpha Phi Fundralaing Party — The Alpha the movie, "The Day After," whwh will be shown on biology, UCLA will dicuss, "Bioluminescent Com­ Phiesta, a Mexican theme fundraising party, will be ABC on Sunday, Nov. 20. munications in Coastal Waters," today, 2 p.m., Santa held Saturday, Nov. 19, 8 p.m. at 17743 Merridy St. The movie, which airs at 8 p.m., portrays life in a small Clarita Room, USU. Sponsored by the Biology Food, dancing and raffles. Part of proceeds will go to town following a nuclear war. The movie depk;ts the Graduate Students Association. the Dan Schultz fund. Tickets are $3.50 presale, event from the viewpoints of several different people, Aaaoclatad Studanta — Former US Congressman $4.50 at the door. , ^ including doctors, farmers, soldiers, students and their and 1980 presidential candidate John Anderson will intamatlonal Soclaty, Northridge — Semi-annual families. speak today, 11:30 a.m., Santa Clarita Room, USU. multicultural gathering and potluck dinner Saturday, A discussion will foUow the movie, which will "be VITA — Applications for volunteer income tax Nov. 19, 8 to 10 p.m.. Tapestry Room, USU. ISN shown on a large-screen television. preparers will be accepted beginning today, 7 a.m.. members, faculty and friends are welcome. A Thanksgiving potluck dinner will precede the Sierra South 234A. Everyone welcome. For more Donations are requested. ~ * screening at S p.m. information call 885-4519. Raadara Theatre — Performances of "Canadian The Newman Center is toated at 17809 Halsted St. Fact and Fantaay Club — Dungeons and Dragons Gothic," Friday, Nov. 18, and Saturday, Nov. 19 at 8 For more information caU 886-1044. and other conflict simulation games at the meeting, p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 20 at 2 p.m. Speech/Drama today, 6 p.m., SS 234. 121, Little Theater. Free Admission. Soclaty of Htapanic Profaaaional Englnaara — —Young Communlat League — YCL bi-monthly THE DAILY SUNDnTCLASSIFIED Meeting today, 2 p.m., Engineering 128. Refresh­ meeting Sunday, Nov. 20, 7:30 p.m., 18411 Vln- ments will be served. cennes St., Apt. 28. Everyone welcome. SECTION BRINQS RESULTSI KCSN — The Internal Revenue Service visits Jack Panhellenic Council — The annual "Pick your Benny at 6:30 p.m. today on the "Theater of Your Favorite Turkey," contest Monday, Nov. 21 and Mind" program on KCSN-FM 88.5 Tuesday, Nov. 22 under the Sierra Towers, 7:30 a.m.
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