“ Far and Sure.” [R e g is t e r e d a s a N e w s p a p e r .] No. 177. Vol. VIÏ.J Price Twopence. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2N D , 1 8 9 4 . [C o p y r i g h t .] ioj. 6d. per Annum, Post Free. Feb. 10.— Bowdon : The Morgan Prize. Wilmslow : Haworth Cup. West Herts : Monthly Medal. Royal Epping Forest: “ Bogey” Competition. Hayling : Monthly Medal. Cumbrae : Monthly Medal. Weston-Super-Mare Ladies : Monthly Medal. Crookham : “ Bogey ” Competition. Seaton Carew : Monthly Handicap. Southport : Monthly M edal; Monthly Competition. Littlestone : Monthly Medal. Staines: Monthly Medal. Redhill and Reigate : Annual Meeting ; Turner Medal. Royal Isle oF Wight: Monthly Medal. Glamorganshire v. St. Fagans. Frith Park : Monthly Medal. Sutton ColdField : Monthly Medal. Oxford University v. Ascot (at Ascot). Feb. 11.— Royal Dublin : Monthly Medal (Final). Feb. 12.— Hayling : “ Bogey ” Competition. Chesterford Park : Monthly Medal. 1894. F E B R U A R Y . Cumbrae : Ladies’ Medal. Feb. 13.— Cambridge University: Linskill Cup (scratch); St. Feb. 2.— Cambridge University v. Stevenage, at Stevenage (six a Andrew’s Medal (15 and under) ; Pirie Memento (16 side), 12.45 P*m- and over); Extraordinary General Meeting, Lion Hotel, Royal Cornwall : Gentlemen ; Monthly Medal. 8.30 p.m. Whitley : Captain’s Prize (Final). Feb. 13 & 20.— Carnarvonshire : Subscription “ Bogey” Cup. Feb. 3.— Minchinhampton : Monthly Medal. Feb. 13 and Following days.— Hayling : The Liddell Cup. Sidcup : Monthly Medal (First Class). Feb. 14 & 16.— Pau : Ville de Pau Gold M edal; St. Andrews’ Cross. County Down : Captain’s Prize and Railway Cup. Feb. 15.— Cambridge University v. Royston, at Cambridge (eight a Bowdon : The Captain’s Cup. side), 1.30 p.m. London Scottish : Monthly Medal. Feb. 17.— Disley : Tonge Prize. Leicester : Monthly Medal. Cambridge University v. Nottinghamshire (eight a side), at Birkdale : Medal Competition. Cambridge. Royal Liverpool : Winter Optionals. Eltham : Monthly Medal. Manchester : Monthly Medal. Minchinhampton : “ Bogey ” Competition. Tooting Bee : Monthly Medal. Sidcup : Monthly Medal (Second Class). Brighton and Hove : Berners Gold Medal. County Down : Captain’s Prize and Club Handicap. FairField : Monthly Medal. Ranelagh : Monthly Medal. Glamorganshire : Medal Competition. Worlington : Monthly Medal. Great Yarmouth : Monthly Medal. Birkdale : Captain’s Prize. Crookham : Annual Meeting. Beckenham : Monthly Medal. Feb. 3 & 10.— Old Manchester : Club Challenge Cup. Formby : Optional Subscription Prize. Feb. 5.— Hunstanton : Monthly Medal. Seaford : Monthly Jiedal. Feb. 6.— Royal Cornwall Ladies : Monthly Medal. Harrogate : Monthly Medal. Carnarvonshire : Monthly Medal. Felixstowe : Monthly Challenge Cup. Feb. 7.— Lyme Regis : Monthly Medal. Rochester Ladies : Monthly Medal. Blackheath Ladies : Monthly Medal. Rochester : Monthly Medal. Feb. 9 & 10.— Royal West NorFolk : Postponed Christmas Meeting ; KnutsFord : Monthly Competition (Final). General Meeting 1.45. Mid-Surrey : Monthly Medal. Feb. 10.— Cambridge University v. North Beds, at Biggleswade Disley : Winter Silver Medal. (twelve a side). Wimbledon Ladies : Monthly Medal. County Down : Captain’s Prize. WakeField : Monthly Medal. Glamorganshire v. Abergavenny. St. Andrews, N.B. RUSACK’S HOTEL, THE MARINE (on Porthcawl : “ B ogey” Competition. the Links). The GolF Metropolis— Parties boarded. Special terms to OxFord University v. Guildford (at Guildford). Feb. 18.— Royal Dublin : Monthly Medal. Golfers and Families. W. R u s a c k , Proprietor and Manager. Tele­ grams :— Rusack, St. Andrews, N.B. Telephone No. 1101. Feb. 20.— Cambridge University : Barrow Medal (“ Bogey ’). 322 GOLF February 2, 1894. that A is as good as a, and B as good as b, C as good as c, and D THE LADIES’ GOLF UNION. as good as d, then iF these players are placed in proper order by the two captains, A and a being the best, the matches would be all level, and we should have a drawn game like this— Oil Friday, January 26th, a meeting oF the Ladies’ GolF Union was Holes. Holes held at the Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, W.C.. There were A ................................... O a. ............... O present— Mr. Laidlaw Purves, in the chair ; Miss Issette Pearson, hon. B ..................... ... O b. ............... O secretary ; Miss Blanche Martin, hon. treasurer ; Mrs. Cameron and C. ... .............. O c. ............... O Miss Lena Thomson (Wimbledon) ; Mrs. Lucas ( \shdown Forest) ; D .................... ... O d. ... O Mrs. Willock (Southdown and Brighton) ; Mrs. Davis (Minchinhamp- OO ton) ; Mrs. Mackern an I Mr. H. H. Turner (Blackheath) ; Miss Stringer (Littlestone) ; Mr. Smith-Turberville (Kenilworth); Mr. But suppose the captain oF the first team puts D at. the top he is very likely to score a victory iF matches alone count, though not iF Arthur Adams, and Mr. Wintle. holes alone count. The match might turn out like this, For instance— AFter the Chairman had read the minutes oF the last meeting, which Holes. H o les. were duly confirmed, the arrangements for the Forthcoming Ladies’ D ................... .............. O a% ............... 3 Championship were discussed. The invitation oF the Litilestone GolF A .................... .............. I b. ................ 0 Club to hold the meeting on their links was accepted, and a vote oF B .................... ................. I c. 0 thanks for the invitation was recorded. The event will take place C.................... ................ I d. ............... 0 towards the end oF May, the exact dates to be announced shortly, The 3 3 question oF entrance-fees proved to be a somewhat difficult one to settle ; but, after careFul discussion, it was decided that ladies entering D, oF course, losing his match with a, but A , B , and C each being slightly better than their opponents, b, c, and d. By holes the match for the Championship from clubs subscribing to the Union should pay would still be halved, but iF matches counted the big letters would win an entrance-fee oF 5s. ; while ladies from non-subscribing clubs should by 3 to 1. Thus it appears that some compromise between the two pxy an entrance-Le oF ^ 1 is. ; these fees to be spent in prizes and systems is necessary, and I propose that each match should count two medals, and to be used for deFraying incidental expenses oF the meet­ points, in additioii to the 7iumber of holes up. The reasons for this pro­ posal are founded directly upon experience, viz., the examination oF a ing. The scale oF fees is moderate, and the guinea entrance-fee is large number oF matches as recorded in G o l f , and reFerences will be not imposed with any wish to prevent the members oF non-subscribing Found to the calculations in G o l f , Vol. V., page 409. clubs from entering for the Championship ; but it was felt that, as the chieF expenses and all the trouble oF arranging the Championship falls Tne match given at the beginning oF the illustration will now run as Follows :— upon the Union and its funds, it is right and just that ladies who through their clubs subscribe to the Union should have some advantage B a l l a t e r . A b o y n e . over non-subscribers in the matter oF an entrance-fee. Holes. Holes. Mr. Reid, 4 holes + 2 For match 6 Mr. Peterkin ... ... O It was then decided that any clubs joining the Union from the pre­ Mr. Cook, 2 holes+ 2 ,, 4 Mr. Caird ................ ... O sent time to the end oF May next should pay their entrance-fees and Mr. Williamson, ihole~t-2 ,, 3 Mr. A. Baxter ... ... O annual subscriptions according to the scale oF charges drawn up by the Mr. Miller ... ... ... o Mr. Nicol ... O council, and that they should be exempt From further charges till May, Mr. MacGregor ... ... o Mr. Sandison 54-2 for match 7 1895- Mr. Thain ... ... ... o Mr. J. Baxter io-F-2 „ 12 Miss Blanche Martin then proposed, and Miss Lena Thomson Mr. Simpson, 5 holes -f-2 for m’ch 7 Mr. Grant ............... ... 0 seconded, the Folkestone Ladies’ Club, which was unanimously elected. Mrs. H. C. Willock proposed, and Mrs. Davies seconded, 20 19 the Eltham and Barnes Ladies’ GolF Club, which was also duly elected. And Ballater win by 1 point, instead oF Aboyne winning by 3 holes. Mr. H. H. Turner’s proposal for a new method oF scoring in inter­ In the case oF St. Andrews y. Leven— St. Andrews score 44 holes, club matches was then read, as Follows :— plus 18 points for nine m atches=62; and Leven score 42 holes, plus 34 points for seventeen matches = 76 ; so that Leven win by 14 points, S c o r in g in C lu b M a t c h e s . handsomely, in fact, as everyone looking at the scores would probably consider they should do. The question oF scoring is raised by the unsatisFactory result oF such matches as the Following (see G olf for August the 4th, 1S93, PaCTe Mr. Laidlaw Purves, in a clear and concise speech, said that Mr. 362) Turner’s system commended itselF to him for several reasons. B a l l a t e r . A b o y n e . “ Jockeying ” is an ugly term, but it is undeniable that teams in inter­ Holes. Holes club matches are occasionally arra nged in a manner open to an accusa­ tion of “ jockeying,” especially in cases where a good player in the Mr. Reid Mr. Peterkin.., O 4 club had not come prominently beF ore the public, and could therefore Mr. Cook 2 Mr. Caird o take a place as a “ dark horse.” Mr. Turner’s method oF scoring Mr. Williamson 1 Mr. A. Baxter o would assist in reducing the evil results oF such “ jockeying,” iF it did Mr. Miller o Mr. J. Baxter.. 10 not entirely obviate the evil. Mr. Moltsw orth^had proposed a scheme Mr. M ‘Gregor o Mr. Nicol o Mr. Thain o Mr.
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