. ST. GERTRUDE THE GREAT ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 4900 Rialto Road, West Chester, Ohio 45069 (513) 645-4212 [email protected] www.sgg.org www.SGGResources.org TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS: Sundays 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM High, 11:30 AM, 5:45 PM Most Reverend Daniel L. Dolan, Pastor Rev. Anthony Cekada Rev. Charles McGuire Rev. Vili Lehtoranta Rev. Stephen McKenna January 10, 2016 THE HOLY FAMILY SUNDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF THE EPIPHANY ¶ HOLY FAMILY SUNDAY Lumen Christi ¶ ALTER CHRISTUS Today is the feast of the Holy Family. The Sanctuary Lamp will burn before the $160 was received this month for the Sunday classes resume at 10:40 AM. Blessed Sacrament during the next fort- support and sanctification of priests. Pick up an Epiphany Home Blessing night for the following intention: God reward your generosity. kit and use it today. Vespers with Ben- Return to Faith of my children and Why did the child Jesus remain in Jeru- ediction will be at 4:45 PM. grandchildren salem? Because of His love of prayer and (Mrs. Joan Landry) communion with His Heavenly Father, How did Jesus advance in age, wisdom, and grace? He showed new effects of the and to show, even then, some rays of His wisdom and grace with which He was divinity, by which to make known that filled, as He advanced in years, and thus He had come for the glory of His Father, teaches us to progress the more in vir- and to procure our salvation. The glory tue, and fulfill the duties of our state in of God and the salvation of our souls life that we may attain perfection hereaf- should be our chief object in life. ter. ¶ UPCOMING EVENTS February 2nd: Candlemas. Blessing of ¶ NEXT SUNDAY: EPIPHANY II Candles, Procession and Mass at 5:30 PM, The Blessing of Expectant Mothers will AND HE WENT DOWN WITH THEM AND CAME TO followed by our Winter Soup Supper. NAZARETH AND WAS SUBJECT TO THEM… be available at the Communion Rail. Catechism classes will be at 10:40 AM. Tuesday, February 9th: Mardi Gras Our Lady of Prompt Succor, thou Vespers and Benediction will be at February 10th: Ash Wednesday, a day of 4:45 PM. Set Your Missal: Epiphany art after Jesus our only hope. O ashes and Holy Masses to start our Lent. II, with commemoration of St. Anthony Most Holy Virgin, whose merits February 12th: The first of our weekly Fri- the Abbot. Preface of the Trinity. have raised thee high above angel day Evenings of Recollection, with 5:45 PM choirs to the very throne of the Mass followed by supper and the Stations Why did Mary say: Son, why hast Thou Eternal and whose foot crushed the of the Cross. done so to us? These words were forced head of the infernal serpent, thou from her by pain at the absence of her art strong against the enemies of Why does the Gospel say according to Son, Whom she loved above all things, the custom of the feast? That we may and not by indignation, for He was our salvation. O Mother of God, understand, that like Mary and Joseph, blameless. Mary’s conduct should teach thou art our Mediatrix most kind we should be punctual in observing the parents to remember their duty of car- and loving. Hasten, then, to our ecclesiastical festivals and holy usages, ing for their children, and punish them help, and as thou didst once save and like true Catholics should observe when they do wrong. thy beloved city from ravaging them. Parents should require their chil- flames and our country from an al- dren at an early age to take part in pray- ¶ CALLING ALL DRIVERS! er, attend church and school, and see ien foe, do now have pity on our We are in need of more drivers to help that they conduct themselves quietly with Clergy Airport Transportation misery, and obtain for us the graces and reverently while there. Mary and Jo- (CAT). To join the CAT Club communi- we beg of thee. Deliver us from the seph took the holy Child Jesus with them ty, please use this Share Community wiles of Satan, assist us in the many to the temple. URL trials which beset our path in this (https://my.lotsahelpinghands.com valley of tears, and be to us truly ¶ YOUR PRAYERS /community/721298/request-to-join) Our Lady of Prompt Succor now Please pray for Jean Bischel, Les and sign up today! Women as well as and especially at the hour of our Pomerville, and all of our sick and shut in, and the bad backed priests who are men can help with this important death. Amen. (Continued on back page) apostolate. far from shut in. THE EPIPHANY HOLY FAMILY SUNDAY THE MYSTERY OF THE EPIPHANY feast demonstrate, in practice A CONSECRATION FOR FAMILIES Western Catholics have concen- Oh, when will that blessed day O Jesus, our most loving Re- trated on the mystery of the Magi. come on which we shall do as the deemer, Who having come to en- The Latin Rite has adopted this Wise Men did, and, leaving every- lighten the world with Thy teach- blessing of the Orient, and official- thing, give ourselves to God? ing and example, wished to pass ly included it in the Roman Ritual I say, my brethren, that their the greater part of Thy life in hu- on December 6, 1890. But for faithfulness to their calling was mility and subjection to Mary and many years previous, diocesan rit- strong; they overcame every diffi- Joseph in the poor home of Naza- uals, notably in Germany, had con- culty and hindrance which stood in reth, thus sanctifying the family tained a blessing of Epiphany wa- their way, so as to follow the star. that was to be an example for all ter. This blessing is an especially And what sacrifices they had to Christian families, graciously re- rich one, including many of the make! They had to leave their ceive our family as it dedicates and Church’s prayers and exorcisms. country, their palaces, their fami- consecrates itself to Thee this day. The Epiphany Water is available in lies, and their kingdom, or in other Defend us, guard and establish the vestibule. words, they had to leave every- among us Thy holy fear, true peace thing which was most dear to ONE OF THE MANY and concord in Christian love; in them in this PRAYERS OF THE BLESSING order that by conforming ourselves world. O God, Who for man’s salva- to the divine pattern of Thy family To part tion dost dispense wondrous we may be able, all of us without from them mysteries with the efficacious exception, to at- they under- sign of water, hearken to our tain to eternal went the fa- prayer—pouring forth Thy bene- happiness. Mary, tigues of a diction † upon this element which dear Mother of long and we consecrate with manifold pu- Jesus and our troublesome journey, and all this rifications. Let this creature serve mother, by thy of a very cold season of the year: Thee in expelling demons and kindly interces- everything seemed to stand in the curing diseases. Whatsoever it sion make this way of their undertaking. How sprinkles in the homes of the our humble offering acceptable in much ridicule did they not have to faithful, be it cleansed the sight of Jesus and obtain for us put up with from their equals, and and delivered from His graces and blessings. even from the people? But no! harm. Let such homes O Saint Joseph, most holy Nothing daunts them from under- enjoy a spirit of guardian of Jesus and Mary, assist taking this important journey. You goodness and an air us by thy prayers in all our spiritu- see here plainly, my brethren, that of tranquility, freed al and temporal necessities; so that the merit of the true faith consists from baneful and we may be enabled to praise our in this: that we sacrifice all that hidden snares. By the sprinkling divine Savior Jesus, together with which we love best to obey the of this water may everything op- Mary and thee, for all eternity. voice of grace which calls to us. posed to the safety and repose of Amen. -St. John Vianney, the Curé of Ars, them that dwell therein be ban- Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be (3 († ished, so that they may possess times) 500 days indulgence 1859); the patron of priests. the well-being they seek in calling PRAYER FOR FAMILY upon Thy holy Name, and be pro- May Thy presence, most Sacred EPIPHANY WATER tected from all peril. Through our Heart of Jesus, ever bless our home Lord, Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who THE BLESSING of Epiph- and fill it with the virtues so per- liveth and reigneth with Thee in any water is of Orien- fectly practiced in Thy own Holy the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, tal inspiration. The Family at Nazareth. Protect us from forever and ever. R. Amen. Eastern Church has all dangers, bless our endeavors, long emphasized in its and keep always in our family the celebration of Epipha- spirit of love, peace, and happiness. ny the mystery of our Amen. Lord’s baptism in the Jordan, and by analogy our bap- Collection Report Friday, January 1st…………….................$4,825.00 tism. Albeit the mind of the West- Sunday, January 3rd…………...................$3,426.00 ern Church has not neglected this Second Collection…………………………$962.00 Thank you for your generosity.
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