University of Nigeria Research Publications OKEKE, Ego Kate Author PG/M.Sc/Ph.D/05/39630 Poor Maintenance Culture and Administrative Effectiveness in Public Sector of Anambra State: Title A Case Study of Anaocha Local Government Social Sciences Faculty Faculty Public Administration Department Department July, 2007 Date Date Signature Signature PO013 MAlNrlTNANC13 CULrNJR13AND riDMNLSTIUTIVE EFFECTIVENESS IN 13UBLIC SECTOR OF ANAMl3lU SrTArl'E:A CASE STUDY OF ANAOCI-IA LOCAL GOVERNMENT Ir)El%lWMENrl'OF I'UBZLIC Ai?MINISrI'l~Ar~ION AND LAICAL GOVERNMENT, UNlVEliSlTY OF' NIGERIA, NSUKlCA ' UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, NSUKKA POOR MAINTENANCE CULTURE AND ADMINISTRATIVE EFFECTIVENESS IN PUBLIC SECTOR OF ANAMBRA STATE (A CASE STUDY OF ANAOCHA LOCAL GOVERNMENT) A RESEARCH PROJECT PRESENTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT. IN FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.Sc.) IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION WITH SPEClALIZATION IN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. OKlEKE EGO KATE PGIMSC-PH.D/05/39630 THE SUPERVISOR, PROP. F.C. OKOLI iXW.ARTMENT OF PUBLIC ADMINlSTM TION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT, UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA NSUKKA JULY, 2007 .. \ UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, NSUKKA POOR MAINTENANCE CULTURE AND ADMINISTRATIVE EFFECTIVENESS IN PUBLIC SECTOR OF ANAMBRA STATE (A CASE STUDY OF ANAOCHA LOCAL GOVERNMENT) A RESEARCH PROJECT PRESENTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT. IN FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.Sc.) IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION WITH SPECIALIZATION IN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. OKEKE EGO KATE PGIMSC-PH.D/05/39630 THE SUPERVISOR, PROF. F.C. OICOLI ' DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT, UNIVERSITY OF NIGEFUA NSUKIU JULY, 2007 TOPIC POOR MAINTENANCE CULTURE AND ADMINISTRATIVE. EFFECTIVENESS IN PUBLIC SECTOR OF ANAMBRA STATE ( A CASESTUDY OF ANAOCBA LOCAL GOVERNMENT) This project has been certified to have met the requirements of the Department of Public Ad~ninistrationa~~d Local Government, University of Nigeria, Nsukka in partial hllilltnent of ihe requirements for the award of ' Master of Science in public Ad~ninistralionwilh Specialization in financial ~rofp.Okoli Dr. KC. Onah' Sdpervisor hadof Department This project has been approved for the deparlment of Public Adminislralion and Local Governnicnl, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Prof'. F.C.Y~ Dr. R.C. O~ah Supervisor I lead ol'lleparlment ......................I r)emq I~acultyof tlic social science. This project is dedicated to Almighty God for His divine care, Protection, love and favour towards me. To my husband, Engr. Dave .C. Okeke, my children Chisom, Chibuikem and Mmesoma and my parents Late Mr. Augustine C. Ezeonu and Mrs. Cecilia Nonyelum. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The commencement and completion of this research projcct would have been impossible if 1101 for the grace and blessings of God towards me. To I-lini therefore be the glory, honour and power, forever and ever. Amcn. I must first of all place on record with i~ii~iiensegratitude, my i~idebtednessto my project supervisor, Prof F. C. Okoli, he is a f'ather to me and ~iientor. I-le is a devoted lecturer who despite his crowded sclicdulcs and programmes made out time to supervise and direct this researcli work thoroughly. I-le is ever ready to correct arid teach me what to do in evcry stagc of this research work. I-le has therefore been a constant source of 111y inspiration, challenge and motivation. I lack words to apprcciate the tremetidous, re~narkablcacademic and moral support granted to me by our able Head of' Dcpartmcnt a niother indced Dr. 1i.C. Onnli. She also exposed me more on qimlitativc research. Also Dr. C.N. Oguonu who has also been very good to me and always explaining things to me each time I need her help. I am really gratefill to thctii all. My sincere gratitude goes to Prof. N.N. Elekwa the iliimediate past lfead of Department who influenced my education career positively in various ways. The Good Lord will bless you. Also Dr. 1.N. Obasi, who thought nic the rudin~cnts of research writing during my undergradi~ate program in this department. Latc Mr. Ebonyi 07.01- who also made my career a succcss, lie c~ilighte~iedme more on the issue of' public sector. 1 bcnelited fiom his write ups (published and u~ipublislied)May your gentle soul rest in pcrl'ect peace. Amen Dr. C. Ofi~ebealso made an impact in increasing and widcning my scopc in rcsearch writing especially in the area of quantitative interpretation of' the data I collected. My good Lord will enlarge your scope. To all other Iccti~ress Dr. I-3.C. Nwankwo, Dr. F.O. Onah, Dr. Nnadozie, Dr. M.A.O. Obi, etc you have all contrib~~tedin making my academic pussuit a scali~cdgoal. I cannot say etiough thanks to you all. I owe a lot of thanks to my colleagues Dick Elizabeth, Rev. Sr. Ascencio Madukaji, Rev. Sr. Emmanuela, Nwafor .O. Augustine and Nnamani Desmond for all their support especially in exchanging ideas during discussions and for useful information given to me which helped in writing this research. Many thanks goes to the Head of service of the study Area Mr. E. Akogu, the Head f Personnel Management Mrs. N. Moneme, the Chief Administrative officer, Mr. C.C. Obi, Engr. C. Afam-Afugbue (Head of Department, works department), Mr. C. Okeke, the Accountant (Finance Director), all unit heads and staffs of various cadres and levels who contributed immensely towards my collection of vital and reliable information for this " research work. It will equally amount to ingratitude, if I fail to acknowledge Ijeoma Osuagwu, Eineka Ezeony, Uche F. Ezeonu, Blessing . N. Umeanuka, Chibuikem Okeke, Mmesoma Okeke, Chisom Madueme, Chikwado and Ngozi Ezeonu. Also Ngozi Adike and Chinenye Okeke, members of my family, friends and well wisher for their innumerable assistance towards the successful * completion of this programme. b I am grateful to members of staff of Nnamdi Azikiwe Library of the University of Nigeria, Nshkka, staff of university of Nigeria, Enugu campm Library, my study area respondents who assisted me in no small way in providing relevant materials for the work and responses. For the computer operators who constantly kept typing and correcting my works until it comes to this final stage of submission Ifeoma Onyekwuluje and Uchenna Ocheje. I remain indebted to you all . Once again, 1 thank God br His Mercies, love and care. Okeke Ego Kate Department of Public Administration And Local Government University of Nigeria, Nsuklta. ABSTRACT The success or failure of any administration in public sector is most often linked to the maintenance culture. Good maintenance culture enhances administrative effectiveness. The level of dilapidated buildings, deterioration and decay of both infrastructures and equipments in most of our local governments calls for urgent and concerted efforts at institutionalization of maintenance culture at this level of government. This research is on poor maintenance culture and administrative effectiveness in., public sector of Anambra state with emphasis on Anaocha Local Government Area. This research paper therefore established the fact that there is relationship between poor maintenance culture and administrative effectiveness. Good maintenance culture is sine-qua-no11 for administrative effectiveness. It: was observed that the oil boom era gave rise to "replacement and abandonment culture" while maintenance culture became a forgone issue. * * Several factors was identified as being responsible for poor maintenance culture. The consequences of poor maintenance have direct b effect on administrative effectiveness. ' These consequences were identified. It gives rise to dilapidated buildings, deteriorating, decay of infrastructures, leaking- roofs, abandonment of equipments like tractors, crane, bulldozer and grounded vehicles. The above was ascertained through questionnaire as primary source of data collection and observation by the researcher. Four hypotheses were postulates and was later tested using Analysis :of Covariance.. From the data collection, the researcher was able to confirm that there is poor maintenance culture in the study area, that poor maintenance culrure hinders administrative effectiveness; that as a result of poor maintenance culture, buildings were dilapidated, roofs leaking, infrastructures were found in poor states while vehicles were grounded. The researcher made some recommendation based on her findings. Some of these are; installation of strong internal control system, Re- orientation of Nigerian Public servants on the implications of poor maintenance culture, real concepts of public sector, provision of constant source of revenue from government to facilitate maintenance action, employment to be strictly on merit etc. These suggestions if adhered to religiously will greatly enhance the functionality of the Local Governments and at the same time enhance administrative effectiveness. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page 1 Approval page I .. Dedication 111 Acknowledgements viii Abstract X Table of contents xii CHAPTER ONE: Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study 1.2 Statement of the Problem 1.3 Objectives of the Study 1.4 Significance of the Study 1.5 Scope and Limitations of the study CHAPTER TWO: Literature ~eviewand Research Methodology 2.1 Literature Review 2.1.1 Concept of Maintenance 2.1.2 Concept of MaintenanceeCulture 2.1.3 * Reasons for Poor Maintenance Culture in Public Sector 2.1.4 Consequences of Poor Maintenance Culture in public . 2.1.5 Viable Options for Ensuring Maintenance Service in Public Sector with Reference to the Study Areas Concept of Public Sector Why Public Sector Summary of Literature Reviewed Hypothesis Operationalization of the key Concepts in the Hypothesis Research Methodology Theoretical Framework Research Design ivlcthod of Data Colleci Ion Method of Data Analyk.1~ CHAPTER THREE: The Study Area / General Information 3.1 Historical Background of Anaocha Local Government, Area. 3.2 Population of Local Government 3.3 Administration and Political Structure 3.4 Function of Local Government CI-IAPTER FOUR 4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis 4.2 Findings 4.3 Test of Hypotheses CHAPTER FIVE 5.1 ,Summary 5.2 Conclusion 5.3 Recommendation Bibliography Appendices CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION: .
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