Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, July 30, 2009 OUR 119th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 31-2009 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS WF BOE Approves Advertising At Fields; Hires Administrators By CHRISTINA M. HINKE in talks with the Boosters about com- Avenue when driving in one direc- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader ing up with a design that would not be tion, “but not the other.” WESTFIELD — Starting this com- too unsightly. He recommended “The sample banner did take into ing football season, onlookers in the Wednesday that the banners be con- consideration the residential neigh- bleachers at school sporting events sistent in size and shape, as well as borhood,” Superintendent of Schools will notice a new addition to the play- painted with the Westfield school Margaret Dolan said. ing field. Banner advertisements, sold colors – blue and white. Jane Clancy said that a sample ban- by the Westfield School Boosters “I don’t want to be bombarded with ner was hung at the varsity football Association, placed at the varsity advertising,” board member Ann Cary field “for awhile” and “you really baseball field next to Edison Interme- said, after inquiring if the banners at can’t tell [notice the banner] until diate School and the Kehler Stadium the field near Edison would be seen sitting in the bleachers.” football field, were approved as a from the street. “It is a strictly resi- Mr. Solomon touted the poor year-long pilot at a special meeting dential area.” economy as a strong reason to sup- Wednesday by the Westfield Board “I don’t think it will be noticeable port the initiative. “One hundred per- of Education. from the streets,” Mr. Solomon re- cent will go to support athletic pro- This initiative has been ongoing sponded, saying the banners would grams in schools,” he said. throughout the school year as board be behind Edison. He did say they Ed Tranchina, athletic supervisor member Richard Solomon had been might be seen briefly along Rahway for the district, will decide which sport(s) need the funding most. Vice-President of the board, Julia Walker, said although she “does not love the notion of hanging banners on our fields” that the Boosters had “been nothing but generous” and “I believe Evan Falk for The Westfield Leader we need to try it.” RUN FOR FUN...During perfect evening weather, more than 2,500 runners from throughout the state took part in the Eighth The board also announced Brian Annual Downtown Westfield 5K & Pizza Extravaganza on July 22. There was plenty of pizza to conclude the event. Auker as the district’s new chief tech- nology officer at a yearly salary of $108,000. The position was created during budget talks when the board Westfield Police Chief Reminds decided to merge two technology positions. Hal Johnson retired and Barbara Mammen, a supervisor of instructional technology, was laid off. Public to Be Mindful of Burglars This position was approved as a one- By MICHAEL J. POLLACK said; however, when they do occur, begin ringing doorbells after 10 p.m. year contract. Mr. Johnson’s salary Specially Written for The Westfield Leader they normally take place at night when “Sometimes, people see something, was $147,740 and Ms. Mammen’s WESTFIELD – Westfield Police the occupants are asleep. but they don’t call police because was $116,957. Chief John Parizeau implored the The Westfield Police Department they think they’re bothering us,” the Mr. Auker was the district technol- public to be vigilant after a string of is actively investigating these inci- chief said. “You’re not bothering us. ogy specialist for the New Brunswick cat burglaries has plagued the area. dents, and it is unknown at this time if Call us, and we will investigate.” Public Schools and has 18 years ex- Last week, The Westfield Leader re- the incidents are related. In a separate announcement, Mayor FUN AFTERNOON...The Bethel Baptist Church in Westfield held a block party perience in the technology field. ported that three such burglaries had Both Chief Parizeau and Mayor Skibitsky encouraged Westfield resi- and garage sale last Saturday in celebration of its 120th anniversary. Pictured, Colleen White has replaced Scott occurred in a month’s time. Andy Skibitsky reminded all resi- dents to log on to westfieldnj.gov to from left to right, are: Darlene McFadden, Erica Clark, Mayor Andy Skibitsky, White, who resigned in June after a The chief updated the council that dents to keep their doors and win- register for the Westfield Instant Alert Danyell Butler and Angela Jenkins. year of service, as director of student another burglary was attempted on dows to their houses locked when Plus, which sends customizable mes- personnel services/guidance K-12, at July 22; since that point, there has practical and report any suspicious or sages to a variety of communication an annual salary of $118,000. been no activity. unusual incidents or people to the devices such as a cell phone, home Sytko and Cole Look Ms. White was formerly the super- During the latest attempt, a neigh- police department immediately by phone, e-mail, pager and fax. visor of guidance for grades K-12 in bor watching television spotted the calling (908) 789-4000. The mayor said in instances such To Break Dems’ 9-0 Majority the Edison Township Public School intruder and called police. He could Chief Parizeau also reminded citi- as a train derailment, no-travel advi- district for the last three years. only say that the subject was a white zens to be alert if unusual subjects CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 By PAUL J. PEYTON first-time homeowner with her hus- The board also approved the an- male in his 20s. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader band this was the time to get in- nual food service contract. The per The three executed burglaries have WESTFIELD — Although the volved. “Now I understand what it is meal management fee is $0.2185. taken place at three separate loca- Atlanta Murders Claim Life Republican Party has not won an elec- like in paying these high property Board member David Finn asked if tions; the first occurred on the 500 tion for Union County government in taxes,” she said. the board could offer a mutli-year block of Westfield Avenue, and after, 15 years, Anthony Sytko of Garwood Mr. Sytko said, if he gets elected he contract to receive a discount on the burglars struck the 600 block of West Of WHS Graduate Winkler and Nicole Cole of Fanwood, candi- would like to bring the same “envi- rate paid to the service contractor. Broad Street and the 800 block of By MICHAEL J. POLLACK Ms. Winkler and Ms. Butler, who dates for the Union County Board of ronmental-friendly technology” he is Mr. Berman said school districts can Shadowlawn Drive. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader were shot fatally, lying in the dining Chosen Freeholders, said a number working on in Garwood to the county. only sign yearly contracts. “A cat burglary can be defined as WESTFIELD – College Park, Ga., room and kitchen when she arrived of issues this year may change that He is working on a “collective pur- According to the contract, the food when an occupied premise is unknow- police have arrested three men and home from work before 10 a.m. on trend. chasing agreement” with other towns service management company has ingly entered by an actor(s) to com- are seeking a fourth in connection to Sunday, July 19. With GOP gubernatorial candidate that would enable Garwood to install guaranteed the district that, “the re- mit a crime,” the chief said. These the murders of two women, one of Sgt. Atkins, by telephone, described Chris Christie heading the top of the solar panels on its municipal build- CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 types of burglaries are “unusual,” he whom grew up in Westfield. College Park to The Leader as a “bed- ticket this year with double-digit leads ings to reduce energy dependent on The execution-style murders took room community of metro Atlanta, in polls, Mr. Sytko, a first-term GOP coal and natural gas thus saving the place at the victims’ Atlanta-area next to the Hartsfield-Jackson At- council member in Garwood and son borough money in the end. apartment two weekends ago and lanta International Airport.” While of a retired fireman, said he believes Ms. Cole said bringing two-party WF Southside Streetscape claimed the lives of Karida Winkler, Sgt. Atkins said crime is “not a rare that, “We really are looking at a per- government back to county govern- 34, who had hailed from occurrence in the area, fect storm for Republicans this year.” ment would add another voice for the Westfield and moved to murder is.” He said the “I think what you are going to see public on the freeholders’ board. Project to Begin in Aug. Georgia five years ago, double homicide marked is very strong showings in towns (at “It’s really just about looking down By WAYNE BAKER the end of the evening. and Lanaetria Butler, 28, the only two murders to the municipal election level) that his- different avenues and trying to find Specially Written for The Westfield Leader In other business, work on the South a mother of five and one of take place in College Park torically have been maybe written off different solutions,” Ms. Cole said. WESTFIELD — The Downtown Avenue streetscape is slated to begin Ms.
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